Exemple #1
def _h_core(mol: gto.Mole, mm_mol: Union[None, gto.Mole]) -> Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray, \
                                                                   np.ndarray, Union[None, np.ndarray]]:
        this function returns the components of the core hamiltonian
        # kinetic integrals
        kin = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_kin')
        # coordinates and charges of nuclei
        coords = mol.atom_coords()
        charges = mol.atom_charges()
        # individual atomic potentials
        sub_nuc = np.zeros([mol.natm, mol.nao_nr(), mol.nao_nr()], dtype=np.float64)
        for k in range(mol.natm):
            with mol.with_rinv_origin(coords[k]):
                sub_nuc[k] = -1. * mol.intor('int1e_rinv') * charges[k]
        # total nuclear potential
        nuc = np.sum(sub_nuc, axis=0)
        # possible mm potential
        if mm_mol is not None:
            mm_pot = _mm_pot(mol, mm_mol)
            mm_pot = None
        return kin, nuc, sub_nuc, mm_pot
Exemple #2
def prop_tot(mol: gto.Mole, mf: Union[scf.hf.SCF, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT], \
             mo_coeff: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], mo_occ: Tuple[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], \
             ref: str, pop: str, prop_type: str, part: str, multiproc: bool, \
             **kwargs: Any) -> Dict[str, Union[np.ndarray, List[np.ndarray]]]:
        this function returns atom-decomposed mean-field properties
        # declare nested kernel functions in global scope
        global prop_atom
        global prop_eda
        global prop_bonds

        # dft logical
        dft_calc = isinstance(mf, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT)

        # ao dipole integrals with specified gauge origin
        if prop_type == 'dipole':
            with mol.with_common_origin(kwargs['dipole_origin']):
                ao_dip = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r', comp=3)
            ao_dip = None

        # compute total 1-RDM (AO basis)
        rdm1_tot = np.array([make_rdm1(mo_coeff[0], mo_occ[0]), make_rdm1(mo_coeff[1], mo_occ[1])])

        # mol object projected into minao basis
        if pop == 'iao':
            pmol = lo.iao.reference_mol(mol)
            pmol = mol

        # effective atomic charges
        if 'weights' in kwargs:
            weights = kwargs['weights']
            charge_atom = pmol.atom_charges() - np.sum(weights[0] + weights[1], axis=0)
            charge_atom = 0.

        # possible mm region
        mm_mol = getattr(mf, 'mm_mol', None)

        # cosmo/pcm solvent model
        if getattr(mf, 'with_solvent', None):
            e_solvent = _solvent(mol, np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), mf.with_solvent)
            e_solvent = None

        # nuclear repulsion property
        if prop_type == 'energy':
            prop_nuc_rep = _e_nuc(pmol, mm_mol)
        elif prop_type == 'dipole':
            prop_nuc_rep = _dip_nuc(pmol)

        # core hamiltonian
        kin, nuc, sub_nuc, mm_pot = _h_core(mol, mm_mol)
        # fock potential
        vj, vk = mf.get_jk(mol=mol, dm=rdm1_tot)

        # calculate xc energy density
        if dft_calc:
            # xc-type and ao_deriv
            xc_type, ao_deriv = _xc_ao_deriv(mf.xc)
            # update exchange operator wrt range-separated parameter and exact exchange components
            vk = _vk_dft(mol, mf, mf.xc, rdm1_tot, vk)
            # ao function values on given grid
            ao_value = _ao_val(mol, mf.grids.coords, ao_deriv)
            # grid weights
            grid_weights = mf.grids.weights
            # compute all intermediates
            c0_tot, c1_tot, rho_tot = _make_rho(ao_value, rdm1_tot, ref, xc_type)
            # evaluate xc energy density
            eps_xc = dft.libxc.eval_xc(mf.xc, rho_tot, spin=0 if isinstance(rho_tot, np.ndarray) else -1)[0]
            # nlc (vv10)
            if mf.nlc.upper() == 'VV10':
                nlc_pars = dft.libxc.nlc_coeff(mf.xc)
                ao_value_nlc = _ao_val(mol, mf.nlcgrids.coords, 1)
                grid_weights_nlc = mf.nlcgrids.weights
                c0_vv10, c1_vv10, rho_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), ref, 'GGA')
                eps_xc_nlc = numint._vv10nlc(rho_vv10, mf.nlcgrids.coords, rho_vv10, \
                                             grid_weights_nlc, mf.nlcgrids.coords, nlc_pars)[0]
                eps_xc_nlc = None
            xc_type = ''
            grid_weights = grid_weights_nlc = None
            ao_value = ao_value_nlc = None
            eps_xc = eps_xc_nlc = None
            c0_tot = c1_tot = None
            c0_vv10 = c1_vv10 = None

        # dimensions
        alpha = mol.alpha
        beta = mol.beta
        if part == 'eda':
            ao_labels = mol.ao_labels(fmt=None)

        def prop_atom(atom_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns atom-wise energy/dipole contributions
                # init results
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {'el': np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)}
                # atom-specific rdm1
                rdm1_atom = np.zeros_like(rdm1_tot)
                # loop over spins
                for i, spin_mo in enumerate((alpha, beta)):
                    # loop over spin-orbitals
                    for m, j in enumerate(spin_mo):
                        # get orbital(s)
                        orb = mo_coeff[i][:, j].reshape(mo_coeff[i].shape[0], -1)
                        # orbital-specific rdm1
                        rdm1_orb = make_rdm1(orb, mo_occ[i][j])
                        # weighted contribution to rdm1_atom
                        rdm1_atom[i] += rdm1_orb * weights[i][m][atom_idx]
                    # coulumb & exchange energy associated with given atom
                    if prop_type == 'energy':
                        res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0), rdm1_atom[i], scaling = .5)
                        res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[i], rdm1_atom[i], scaling = .5)
                # common energy contributions associated with given atom
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                    res['nuc_att_glob'] += _trace(sub_nuc[atom_idx], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    res['nuc_att_loc'] += _trace(nuc, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                    if e_solvent is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += e_solvent[atom_idx]
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # atom-specific rho
                        _, _, rho_atom = _make_rho(ao_value, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), ref, xc_type)
                        # energy from individual atoms
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_atom)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            _, _, rho_atom_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0), ref, 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_atom_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] -= _trace(ao_dip, np.sum(rdm1_atom, axis=0))
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        def prop_eda(atom_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns EDA energy/dipole contributions
                # init results
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {'el': np.zeros(3, dtype=np.float64)}
                # get AOs on atom k
                select = np.where([atom[0] == atom_idx for atom in ao_labels])[0]
                # common energy contributions associated with given atom
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    # loop over spins
                    for i, _ in enumerate((alpha, beta)):
                        res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0)[select], rdm1_tot[i][select], scaling = .5)
                        res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[i][select], rdm1_tot[i][select], scaling = .5)
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                    res['nuc_att_glob'] += _trace(sub_nuc[atom_idx], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0), scaling = .5)
                    res['nuc_att_loc'] += _trace(nuc[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select], scaling = .5)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot[select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                    if e_solvent is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += e_solvent[atom_idx]
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # atom-specific rho
                        rho_atom = _make_rho_interm2(c0_tot[:, select], \
                                                     c1_tot if c1_tot is None else c1_tot[:, :, select], \
                                                     ao_value[:, :, select], xc_type)
                        # energy from individual atoms
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_atom)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            rho_atom_vv10 = _make_rho_interm2(c0_vv10[:, select], \
                                                              c1_vv10 if c1_vv10 is None else c1_vv10[:, :, select], \
                                                              ao_value_nlc[:, :, select], 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_atom_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] -= _trace(ao_dip[:, select], np.sum(rdm1_tot, axis=0)[select])
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        def prop_bonds(spin_idx: int, orb_idx: int) -> Dict[str, Any]:
                this function returns bond-wise energy/dipole contributions
                # init res
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res = {comp_key: 0. for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
                    res = {}
                # get orbital(s)
                orb = mo_coeff[spin_idx][:, orb_idx].reshape(mo_coeff[spin_idx].shape[0], -1)
                # orbital-specific rdm1
                rdm1_orb = make_rdm1(orb, mo_occ[spin_idx][orb_idx])
                # total energy or dipole moment associated with given spin-orbital
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    res['coul'] += _trace(np.sum(vj, axis=0), rdm1_orb, scaling = .5)
                    res['exch'] -= _trace(vk[spin_idx], rdm1_orb, scaling = .5)
                    res['kin'] += _trace(kin, rdm1_orb)
                    res['nuc_att'] += _trace(nuc, rdm1_orb)
                    if mm_pot is not None:
                        res['solvent'] += _trace(mm_pot, rdm1_orb)
                    # additional xc energy contribution
                    if dft_calc:
                        # orbital-specific rho
                        _, _, rho_orb = _make_rho(ao_value, rdm1_orb, ref, xc_type)
                        # xc energy from individual orbitals
                        res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc, grid_weights, rho_orb)
                        # nlc (vv10)
                        if eps_xc_nlc is not None:
                            _, _, rho_orb_vv10 = _make_rho(ao_value_nlc, rdm1_orb, ref, 'GGA')
                            res['xc'] += _e_xc(eps_xc_nlc, grid_weights_nlc, rho_orb_vv10)
                elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                    res['el'] = -_trace(ao_dip, rdm1_orb)
                # sum up electronic contributions
                if prop_type == 'energy':
                    for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[:-2]:
                        res['el'] += res[comp_key]
                return res

        # perform decomposition
        if part in ['atoms', 'eda']:
            # init atom-specific energy or dipole arrays
            if prop_type == 'energy':
                prop = {comp_key: np.zeros(pmol.natm, dtype=np.float64) for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                prop = {comp_key: np.zeros([pmol.natm, 3], dtype=np.float64) for comp_key in COMP_KEYS[-2:]}
            # domain
            domain = np.arange(pmol.natm)
            # execute kernel
            if multiproc:
                n_threads = min(domain.size, lib.num_threads())
                with mp.Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
                    res = pool.map(prop_atom if part == 'atoms' else prop_eda, domain) # type:ignore
                res = list(map(prop_atom if part == 'atoms' else prop_eda, domain)) # type:ignore
            # collect results
            for k, r in enumerate(res):
                for key, val in r.items():
                    prop[key][k] = val
            prop['struct'] = prop_nuc_rep
        else: # bonds
            # get rep_idx
            rep_idx = kwargs['rep_idx']
            # init orbital-specific energy or dipole array
            if prop_type == 'energy':
                prop = {comp_key: [np.zeros(len(rep_idx[0]), dtype=np.float64), np.zeros(len(rep_idx[1]), dtype=np.float64)] for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            elif prop_type == 'dipole':
                prop = {comp_key: [np.zeros([len(rep_idx[0]), 3], dtype=np.float64), np.zeros([len(rep_idx[1]), 3], dtype=np.float64)] for comp_key in COMP_KEYS}
            # domain
            domain = np.array([(i, j) for i, _ in enumerate((mol.alpha, mol.beta)) for j in rep_idx[i]])
            # execute kernel
            if multiproc:
                n_threads = min(domain.size, lib.num_threads())
                with mp.Pool(processes=n_threads) as pool:
                    res = pool.starmap(prop_bonds, domain) # type:ignore
                res = list(starmap(prop_bonds, domain)) # type:ignore
            # collect results
            for k, r in enumerate(res):
                for key, val in r.items():
                    prop[key][0 if k < len(rep_idx[0]) else 1][k % len(rep_idx[0])] = val
            prop['struct'] = prop_nuc_rep
        return {**prop, 'charge_atom': charge_atom}
Exemple #3
def main(mol: gto.Mole, decomp: DecompCls, \
         mf: Union[None, scf.hf.SCF, dft.rks.KohnShamDFT], \
         dipole_origin: Union[List[float], np.ndarray] = [0.] * 3) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        main decodense program
    # sanity check
    sanity_check(mol, decomp)

    # init time
    time = MPI.Wtime()

    # mf calculation
    mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref = format_mf(mf)

    # molecular dimensions
    mol.alpha, mol.beta = dim(mol, mo_occ)
    # overlap matrix
    s = mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')

    # compute localized molecular orbitals
    if decomp.loc != '':
        mo_coeff = loc_orbs(mol, mo_coeff, s, ref, decomp.loc)

    # inter-atomic distance array
    dist = gto.mole.inter_distance(mol) * lib.param.BOHR

    # decompose property
    if decomp.part in ['atoms', 'eda']:
        weights = assign_rdm1s(mol, s, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                               decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, decomp.verbose)[0]
        decomp.res = prop_tot(mol, mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                              decomp.prop, decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, \
                              weights = weights, dipole_origin = dipole_origin)
    elif decomp.part == 'bonds':
        rep_idx, centres = assign_rdm1s(mol, s, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                                        decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, decomp.verbose, \
                                        thres = decomp.thres)
        decomp.res = prop_tot(mol, mf, mo_coeff, mo_occ, ref, decomp.pop, \
                              decomp.prop, decomp.part, decomp.multiproc, \
                              rep_idx = rep_idx, dipole_origin = dipole_origin)

    # write cube files
    if decomp.cube:
        write_cube(mol, decomp.part, mo_coeff, mo_occ, \
                   weights if decomp.part == 'atoms' else None, \
                   rep_idx if decomp.part == 'bonds' else None)

    # determine spin
    decomp.res['ss'], decomp.res['s'] = scf.uhf.spin_square((mo_coeff[0][:, mol.alpha], \
                                                             mo_coeff[1][:, mol.beta]), s)

    # collect time
    decomp.res['time'] = MPI.Wtime() - time

    # collect centres & dist
    if decomp.part == 'bonds':
        decomp.res['centres'] = centres
        decomp.res['dist'] = dist

    return decomp.res