Exemple #1
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None, compact=True):
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4

    eri = mydf.get_eri(kpts)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if eri.dtype == numpy.float64:
        return ao2mo.general(eri, mo_coeffs, compact=compact)
        mokl, klslice = ao2mo.incore._conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3],
        if mokl.dtype == numpy.float64:
            mokl = mokl + 0j
        nao = mo_coeffs[0].shape[0]
        nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
        nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
        nmok = mo_coeffs[2].shape[1]
        nmol = mo_coeffs[3].shape[1]
        moi = numpy.asarray(mo_coeffs[0], order='F')
        moj = numpy.asarray(mo_coeffs[1], order='F')
        tao = [0]
        ao_loc = None
        pqkl = _ao2mo.r_e2(eri.reshape(-1,nao**2), mokl, klslice, tao, ao_loc, aosym='s1')
        pqkl = pqkl.reshape(nao,nao,nmok*nmol)
        pjkl = numpy.empty((nao,nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nao):
            lib.dot(moj.T, pqkl[i], 1, pjkl[i], 0)
        pqkl = None
        eri_mo = lib.dot(moi.T.conj(), pjkl.reshape(nao,-1))
        return eri_mo.reshape(nmoi*nmoj,-1)
Exemple #2
 def get_eri(self):
     nao = self.mol.nao_nr()
     nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
     ao_eri = numpy.zeros((nao_pair,nao_pair))
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         lib.dot(eri1.T, eri1, 1, ao_eri, 1)
     return ao2mo.restore(8, ao_eri, nao)
Exemple #3
def get_j_kpts(mf, cell, dm_kpts, kpts, kpt_band=None):
    coords = gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell)
    nkpts = len(kpts)
    ngs = len(coords)
    dm_kpts = np.asarray(dm_kpts)
    nao = dm_kpts.shape[-1]

    ni = numint._KNumInt(kpts)
    aoR_kpts = ni.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
    if kpt_band is not None:
        aoR_kband = numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpt_band)

    dms = dm_kpts.reshape(-1,nkpts,nao,nao)
    nset = dms.shape[0]

    vjR = [get_vjR(cell, dms[i], aoR_kpts) for i in range(nset)]
    if kpt_band is not None:
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_kband)
                   for i in range(nset)]
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # One set of dm_kpts for KRHF
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
        vj_kpts = []
        for i in range(nset):
            vj = [cell.vol/ngs * lib.dot(aoR_k.T.conj()*vjR[i], aoR_k)
                  for aoR_k in aoR_kpts]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts).reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Exemple #4
 def h_op(x):
     x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
     norb = x.shape[0]
     #:hx = numpy.einsum('qp,xjj,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qp,xqq,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xkk,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xpp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjq,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xjp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xjp,xpq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xkp,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip)
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xjj,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xkj,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
     #:return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx)
     #:hx = numpy.einsum('iq,qp->pi', g0, x)
     hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T).conj()
     #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qi,xiq,xip->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
     hx+= numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', dip, numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, dip)) * 2
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xiq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
     hx-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xip->pi', dip,
                       lib.dot(dip.reshape(-1,norb), x).reshape(3,norb,norb)) * 2
     #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xip,xpq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
     hx-= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', dip, numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, dip)) * 2
     return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx-hx.conj().T)
Exemple #5
def gamma1_intermediates(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2):
    nocc, nvir = t1.shape
    doo =-numpy.einsum('ja,ia->ij', l1, t1)
    dvv = numpy.einsum('ia,ib->ab', l1, t1)
    dvo = l1.T
    xtv = numpy.einsum('ie,me->im', t1, l1)
    dov = t1 - numpy.einsum('im,ma->ia', xtv, t1)
    #:doo -= numpy.einsum('jkab,ikab->ij', l2, theta)
    #:dvv += numpy.einsum('jica,jicb->ab', l2, theta)
    #:xt1  = numpy.einsum('mnef,inef->mi', l2, make_theta(t2))
    #:xt2  = numpy.einsum('mnaf,mnef->ea', l2, make_theta(t2))
    #:dov += numpy.einsum('imae,me->ia', make_theta(t2), l1)
    #:dov -= numpy.einsum('ma,ie,me->ia', t1, t1, l1)
    #:dov -= numpy.einsum('mi,ma->ia', xt1, t1)
    #:dov -= numpy.einsum('ie,ae->ia', t1, xt2)
    max_memory = mycc.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    unit = nocc*nvir**2
    blksize = max(ccsd.BLKMIN, int(max_memory*.95e6/8/unit))
    for p0, p1 in prange(0, nocc, blksize):
        theta = make_theta(t2[p0:p1])
        doo[p0:p1] -= lib.dot(theta.reshape(p1-p0,-1), l2.reshape(nocc,-1).T)
        dov[p0:p1] += numpy.einsum('imae,me->ia', theta, l1)
        xt1 = lib.dot(l2.reshape(nocc,-1), theta.reshape(p1-p0,-1).T)
        dov[p0:p1] -= numpy.einsum('mi,ma->ia', xt1, t1)
        xt2 = lib.dot(theta.reshape(-1,nvir).T, l2[p0:p1].reshape(-1,nvir))
        dov -= numpy.einsum('ie,ae->ia', t1, xt2)
        dvv += lib.dot(l2[p0:p1].reshape(-1,nvir).T, theta.reshape(-1,nvir))
    return doo, dov, dvo, dvv
Exemple #6
def _nao_sub(mol, pre_occ, pre_nao, s=None):
    if s is None:
        s = mol.intor_symmetric("cint1e_ovlp_sph")
    core_lst, val_lst, rydbg_lst = _core_val_ryd_list(mol)
    nbf = mol.nao_nr()
    cnao = numpy.empty((nbf, nbf))

    if core_lst:
        c = pre_nao[:, core_lst].copy()
        s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.T, s, c))
        cnao[:, core_lst] = c1 = lib.dot(c, orth.lowdin(s1))
        c = pre_nao[:, val_lst].copy()
        c -= reduce(lib.dot, (c1, c1.T, s, c))
        c = pre_nao[:, val_lst]

    if val_lst:
        s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.T, s, c))
        wt = pre_occ[val_lst]
        cnao[:, val_lst] = lib.dot(c, orth.weight_orth(s1, wt))

    if rydbg_lst:
        cvlst = core_lst + val_lst
        c1 = cnao[:, cvlst].copy()
        c = pre_nao[:, rydbg_lst].copy()
        c -= reduce(lib.dot, (c1, c1.T, s, c))
        s1 = reduce(lib.dot, (c.T, s, c))
        cnao[:, rydbg_lst] = lib.dot(c, orth.lowdin(s1))
    snorm = numpy.linalg.norm(reduce(lib.dot, (cnao.T, s, cnao)) - numpy.eye(nbf))
    if snorm > 1e-9:
        logger.warn(mol, "Weak orthogonality for localized orbitals %s", snorm)
    return cnao
Exemple #7
 def cost_function(self, u=None):
     if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1])
     mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
     dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff)
     r2 = self.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_r2')
     r2 = numpy.einsum('pi,pi->', mo_coeff, lib.dot(r2, mo_coeff))
     val = r2 - numpy.einsum('xii,xii->', dip, dip) * 2
     return val
Exemple #8
 def add_k_(vk, dm, pqk, coulG, buf=None):
     nG = pqk.shape[-1]
     pqk *= numpy.sqrt(coulG)
     ipk = lib.dot(dm, pqk.reshape(nao,-1)).reshape(nao,nao,-1)
     pik = numpy.ndarray((nao,nao,nG), buffer=buf)
     pik[:] = ipk.transpose(1,0,2)
     vk += lib.dot(pqk.reshape(nao,-1), pik.reshape(nao,-1).T)
     return vk
Exemple #9
def transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(ci, norb, nelec, u):
    '''Transform CI coefficients to the representation in new one-particle basis.
    Solving CI problem for Hamiltonian h1, h2 defined in old basis,
    CI_old = fci.kernel(h1, h2, ...)
    Given orbital rotation u, the CI problem can be either solved by
    transforming the Hamiltonian, or transforming the coefficients.
    CI_new = fci.kernel(u^T*h1*u, ...) = transform_ci_for_orbital_rotation(CI_old, u)

        u : 2D array or a list of 2D array
            the orbital rotation to transform the old one-particle basis to new
            one-particle basis
    neleca, nelecb = _unpack(nelec)
    strsa = numpy.asarray(cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), neleca))
    strsb = numpy.asarray(cistring.gen_strings4orblist(range(norb), nelecb))
    one_particle_strs = numpy.asarray([1<<i for i in range(norb)])
    na = len(strsa)
    nb = len(strsb)

    if isinstance(u, numpy.ndarray) and u.ndim == 2:
        ua = ub = u
        ua, ub = u

    # Unitary transformation array trans_ci is the overlap between two sets of CI basis.
    occ_masks = (strsa[:,None] & one_particle_strs) != 0
    trans_ci_a = numpy.zeros((na,na))
    #for i in range(na): # for old basis
    #    for j in range(na):
    #        uij = u[occ_masks[i]][:,occ_masks[j]]
    #        trans_ci_a[i,j] = numpy.linalg.det(uij)
    occ_idx_all_strs = numpy.where(occ_masks)[1]
    for i in range(na):
        ui = ua[occ_masks[i]].T.copy()
        minors = numpy.take(ui, occ_idx_all_strs, axis=0).reshape(na,neleca,neleca)
        trans_ci_a[i,:] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

    if neleca == nelecb and numpy.allclose(ua, ub):
        trans_ci_b = trans_ci_a
        occ_masks = (strsb[:,None] & one_particle_strs) != 0
        trans_ci_b = numpy.zeros((nb,nb))
        #for i in range(nb):
        #    for j in range(nb):
        #        uij = u[occ_masks[i]][:,occ_masks[j]]
        #        trans_ci_b[i,j] = numpy.linalg.det(uij)
        occ_idx_all_strs = numpy.where(occ_masks)[1]
        for i in range(nb):
            ui = ub[occ_masks[i]].T.copy()
            minors = numpy.take(ui, occ_idx_all_strs, axis=0).reshape(nb,nelecb,nelecb)
            trans_ci_b[i,:] = numpy.linalg.det(minors)

    # Transform old basis to new basis for all alpha-electron excitations
    ci = lib.dot(trans_ci_a.T, ci.reshape(na,nb))
    # Transform old basis to new basis for all beta-electron excitations
    ci = lib.dot(ci.reshape(na,nb), trans_ci_b)
    return ci
Exemple #10
 def h_op(x):
     x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
     norb = x.shape[0]
     hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T)
     hx+= numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', pop, numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, pop)) * 2
     hx-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xip->pi', pop,
                       lib.dot(pop.reshape(-1,norb), x).reshape(-1,norb,norb)) * 2
     hx-= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', pop, numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, pop)) * 2
     return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx-hx.T)
Exemple #11
def gamma1_intermediates(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2):
    nocc, nvir = t1.shape
    goo = -numpy.einsum('ja,ia->ij', l1, t1)
    gvv = numpy.einsum('ia,ib->ab', l1, t1)
    #:goo -= numpy.einsum('jkab,ikab->ij', l2, theta)
    #:gvv += numpy.einsum('jica,jicb->ab', l2, theta)
    theta = make_theta(t2)
    goo -= lib.dot(theta.reshape(nocc,-1), l2.reshape(nocc,-1).T)
    gvv += lib.dot(l2.reshape(-1,nvir).T, theta.reshape(-1,nvir))
    return goo, gvv
Exemple #12
 def short_range_k(dm, Lpq, j3c):
     Lpq = Lpq.reshape(-1,nao)
     j3c = j3c.reshape(-1,nao)
     iLp = lib.dot(dm, Lpq.T).reshape(-1,nao)
     vk  = lib.dot(j3c.T, iLp)
     if hermi:
         vk = vk + vk.T
         iLp = lib.dot(dm.T, Lpq.T).reshape(-1,nao)
         vk += lib.dot(iLp.T, j3c)
     return vk
Exemple #13
 def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
     if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
         moi = moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoi.T), order='C')
         moi = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T), order='C')
         moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aoj.T), order='C')
     mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(nmoi):
         mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.mesh)
     mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
     return mo_pairs_G
Exemple #14
 def shift_grids(r):
     r_frac = lib.dot(r - origin, b.T)
     # Grids on the boundary (r_frac == +/-0.5) of the new cell may lead to
     # unbalanced contributions to the dipole moment. Exclude them from the
     # dipole and quadrupole
     r_frac[r_frac== 0.5] = 0
     r_frac[r_frac==-0.5] = 0
     r_frac[r_frac > 0.5] -= 1
     r_frac[r_frac <-0.5] += 1
     r = lib.dot(r_frac, a)
     return r
Exemple #15
 def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
     if id(aoiR) == id(aojR) and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
         moiR = mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoiR.T), order='C')
         moiR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoiR.T), order='C')
         mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aojR.T), order='C')
     mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
     for i in range(nmoi):
         mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moiR[i].conj() * mojR, mydf.gs)
     mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngs).T
     return mo_pairs_G
Exemple #16
def get_j_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)), kpt_band=None):
    """Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or a list of (nkpts,nao,nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point.  If a list of k-point DMs, eg,
            UHF alpha and beta DM, the alpha and beta DMs are contracted
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        kpt_band : (3,) ndarray
            An arbitrary "band" k-point at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    gs = mydf.gs

    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order="C")
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, gs=gs)
    ngs = len(coulG)

    vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngs))
    for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts):
        for i in range(nset):
            rhoR[i] += numint.eval_rho(cell, aoR, dms[i, k])
    for i in range(nset):
        rhoR[i] *= 1.0 / nkpts
        rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], gs)
        vG = coulG * rhoG
        vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, gs).real

    if kpt_band is not None:
        for k, aoR_kband in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts, kpt_band):
        vj_kpts = [cell.vol / ngs * lib.dot(aoR_kband.T.conj() * vR[i], aoR_kband) for i in range(nset)]
        if dm_kpts.ndim == 3:  # One set of dm_kpts for KRHF
            vj_kpts = vj_kpts[0]
        return lib.asarray(vj_kpts)
        vj_kpts = []
        weight = cell.vol / ngs
        for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts):
            for i in range(nset):
                vj_kpts.append(weight * lib.dot(aoR.T.conj() * vR[i], aoR))
        vj_kpts = lib.asarray(vj_kpts).reshape(nkpts, nset, nao, nao)
        return vj_kpts.transpose(1, 0, 2, 3).reshape(dm_kpts.shape)
Exemple #17
def general(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=None,
            compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_ao2mo_general_compact', True)):
    '''General MO integral transformation'''
    from pyscf.pbc.df.df_ao2mo import warn_pbc2d_eri
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
        mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
    mo_coeffs = [numpy.asarray(mo, order='F') for mo in mo_coeffs]
    if not _iskconserv(cell, kptijkl):
        lib.logger.warn(cell, 'fft_ao2mo: momentum conservation not found in '
                        'the given k-points %s', kptijkl)
        return numpy.zeros([mo.shape[1] for mo in mo_coeffs])

    allreal = not any(numpy.iscomplexobj(mo) for mo in mo_coeffs)
    q = kptj - kpti
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, mesh=mydf.mesh)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    max_memory = mydf.max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]

    if gamma_point(kptijkl) and allreal:
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpti)[0]
        if ((iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]) and
             iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
             iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[3]))):
            moiT = mojT = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,ao.T), order='C')
            ao = None
            max_memory = max_memory - moiT.nbytes*1e-6
            eri = _contract_compact(mydf, (moiT,mojT), coulG, max_memory=max_memory)
            if not compact:
                nmo = moiT.shape[0]
                eri = ao2mo.restore(1, eri, nmo).reshape(nmo**2,nmo**2)
            mos = [numpy.asarray(lib.dot(c.T, ao.T), order='C') for c in mo_coeffs]
            ao = None
            fac = numpy.array(1.)
            max_memory = max_memory - sum([x.nbytes for x in mos])*1e-6
            eri = _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, fac, max_memory=max_memory).real
        return eri

        aos = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kptijkl)
        mos = [numpy.asarray(lib.dot(c.T, aos[i].T), order='C')
               for i,c in enumerate(mo_coeffs)]
        aos = None
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        max_memory = max_memory - sum([x.nbytes for x in mos])*1e-6
        eri = _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, fac, max_memory=max_memory)
        return eri
Exemple #18
def gamma1_intermediates(mycc, t1, t2, l1, l2, max_memory=2000):
    nocc, nvir = t1.shape
    goo = -numpy.einsum('ja,ia->ij', l1, t1)
    gvv = numpy.einsum('ia,ib->ab', l1, t1)
    #:goo -= numpy.einsum('jkab,ikab->ij', l2, theta)
    #:gvv += numpy.einsum('jica,jicb->ab', l2, theta)
    max_memory = max_memory - lib.current_memory()[0]
    unit = nocc*nvir**2
    blksize = max(ccsd.BLKMIN, int(max_memory*.95e6/8/unit))
    for p0, p1 in prange(0, nocc, blksize):
        theta = make_theta(t2[p0:p1])
        goo[p0:p1] -= lib.dot(theta.reshape(p1-p0,-1), l2.reshape(nocc,-1).T)
        gvv += lib.dot(l2[p0:p1].reshape(-1,nvir).T, theta.reshape(-1,nvir))
    return goo, gvv
Exemple #19
    def make_kpt(kpt):  # kpt = kptj - kpti
        # search for all possible ki and kj that has ki-kj+kpt=0
        kk_match = numpy.einsum('ijx->ij', abs(kk_table + kpt)) < 1e-9
        kpti_idx, kptj_idx = numpy.where(kk_todo & kk_match)
        nkptj = len(kptj_idx)
        log.debug1('kpt = %s', kpt)
        log.debug1('kpti_idx = %s', kpti_idx)
        log.debug1('kptj_idx = %s', kptj_idx)
        kk_todo[kpti_idx,kptj_idx] = False
        if swap_2e and abs(kpt).sum() > 1e-9:
            kk_todo[kptj_idx,kpti_idx] = False

        mydf.exxdiv = exxdiv
        vkcoulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kpt, True, mydf, mydf.gs) / cell.vol
        # <r|-G+k_rs|s> = conj(<s|G-k_rs|r>) = conj(<s|G+k_sr|r>)
        for k, pqkR, pqkI, p0, p1 \
                in mydf.ft_loop(cell, mydf.gs, kpt, kpts[kptj_idx],
            ki = kpti_idx[k]
            kj = kptj_idx[k]
            coulG = numpy.sqrt(vkcoulG[p0:p1])

# case 1: k_pq = (pi|iq)
            pqkR *= coulG
            pqkI *= coulG
            rsk =(pqkR.reshape(nao,nao,-1).transpose(1,0,2) -
            qpk = rsk.conj()
            for i in range(nset):
                qsk = lib.dot(dms[i,kj], rsk.reshape(nao,-1)).reshape(nao,nao,-1)
                #:vk_kpts[i,ki] += numpy.einsum('qpk,qsk->ps', qpk, qsk)
                vk_kpts[i,ki] += lib.dot(qpk.transpose(1,0,2).reshape(nao,-1),
                qsk = None
            rsk = qpk = None

# case 2: k_pq = (iq|pi)
            if swap_2e and abs(kpt).sum() > 1e-9:
                srk = pqkR - pqkI*1j
                pqk = srk.reshape(nao,nao,-1).conj()
                for i in range(nset):
                    prk = lib.dot(dms[i,ki].T, srk.reshape(nao,-1)).reshape(nao,nao,-1)
                    #:vk_kpts[i,kj] += numpy.einsum('prk,pqk->rq', prk, pqk)
                    vk_kpts[i,kj] += lib.dot(prk.transpose(1,0,2).reshape(nao,-1),
                    prk = None
                srk = pqk = None

        pqkR = pqkI = coulG = None
        return None
Exemple #20
def _fftn_blas(f, mesh):
    Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0])
    Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1])
    Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2])
    expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j * np.pi * np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx))
    expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j * np.pi * np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy))
    expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j * np.pi * np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz))
    g0 = g = lib.transpose(f.reshape(-1,
                                     mesh[1] * mesh[2])).astype(np.complex128)
    g1 = np.empty_like(g0)
    g = lib.dot(g.reshape(-1, mesh[0]), expRGx, c=g1.reshape(-1, mesh[0]))
    g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[1], -1).T, expRGy, c=g0.reshape(-1, mesh[1]))
    g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[2], -1).T, expRGz, c=g1.reshape(-1, mesh[2]))
    return g.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Exemple #21
        def pw_contract(istep, sh_range, j3cR, j3cI):
            bstart, bend, ncol = sh_range
            if aosym == 's2':
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, bend)
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, cell.nbas)

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
                dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell,
                nG = p1 - p0
                for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                    aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG, ncol)
                    pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                    pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol, nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                    pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                    pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                        lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
                        lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, 1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)

            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k])
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j)
                if j2ctag == 'CD':
                    v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c,
                    feri['j3c/%d/%d' % (ji, istep)] = v
                    feri['j3c/%d/%d' % (ji, istep)] = lib.dot(j2c, v)

                # low-dimension systems
                if j2c_negative is not None:
                    feri['j3c-/%d/%d' % (ji, istep)] = lib.dot(j2c_negative, v)
Exemple #22
def _ifftn_blas(g, mesh):
    Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0])
    Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1])
    Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2])
    expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx))
    expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy))
    expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz))
    out = np.empty(g.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty(mesh, dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, gi in enumerate(g):
        buf[:] = gi.reshape(mesh)
        f = lib.dot(buf.reshape(mesh[0],-1).T, expRGx, 1./mesh[0], c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[0]))
        f = lib.dot(f.reshape(mesh[1],-1).T, expRGy, 1./mesh[1], c=buf.reshape(-1,mesh[1]))
        f = lib.dot(f.reshape(mesh[2],-1).T, expRGz, 1./mesh[2], c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[2]))
    return out.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Exemple #23
def _fftn_blas(f, mesh):
    Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0])
    Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1])
    Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2])
    expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx))
    expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy))
    expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz))
    out = np.empty(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty(mesh, dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, fi in enumerate(f):
        buf[:] = fi.reshape(mesh)
        g = lib.dot(buf.reshape(mesh[0],-1).T, expRGx, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[0]))
        g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[1],-1).T, expRGy, c=buf.reshape(-1,mesh[1]))
        g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[2],-1).T, expRGz, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[2]))
    return out.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Exemple #24
 def h_op(x):
     x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
     norb = x.shape[0]
     hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T).conj() * 2
     pop2 = numpy.einsum('xii->xi', pop)**2
     pop3 = numpy.einsum('xii->xi', pop)**3
     tmp = numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, pop) * pop2
     hx += numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', pop, tmp) * 12
     hx -= numpy.einsum(
         'xp,xip->pi', pop3,
         lib.dot(pop.reshape(-1, norb), x).reshape(-1, norb,
                                                   norb)) * 4
     tmp = numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, pop) * pop2
     hx -= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', pop, tmp) * 12
     return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx - hx.conj().T)
Exemple #25
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs):
     from pyscf.ao2mo import _ao2mo
     nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[1] for x in mo_coeffs]
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nmoi * nmoj, nmok * nmol))
     moij = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1])),
     ijshape = (0, nmoi, nmoi, nmoi + nmoj)
     mokl = numpy.asarray(numpy.hstack((mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3])),
     klshape = (0, nmok, nmok, nmok + nmol)
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         buf1 = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, moij, ijshape, 's2', 's1')
         buf2 = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, mokl, klshape, 's2', 's1')
         lib.dot(buf1.T, buf2, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
Exemple #26
def _ifftn_blas(g, mesh):
    Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0])
    Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1])
    Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2])
    expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx))
    expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy))
    expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', 2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz))
    out = np.empty(g.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty(mesh, dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, gi in enumerate(g):
        buf[:] = gi.reshape(mesh)
        f = lib.dot(buf.reshape(mesh[0],-1).T, expRGx, 1./mesh[0], c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[0]))
        f = lib.dot(f.reshape(mesh[1],-1).T, expRGy, 1./mesh[1], c=buf.reshape(-1,mesh[1]))
        f = lib.dot(f.reshape(mesh[2],-1).T, expRGz, 1./mesh[2], c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[2]))
    return out.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Exemple #27
def _fftn_blas(f, mesh):
    Gx = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[0])
    Gy = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[1])
    Gz = np.fft.fftfreq(mesh[2])
    expRGx = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[0]), Gx))
    expRGy = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[1]), Gy))
    expRGz = np.exp(np.einsum('x,k->xk', -2j*np.pi*np.arange(mesh[2]), Gz))
    out = np.empty(f.shape, dtype=np.complex128)
    buf = np.empty(mesh, dtype=np.complex128)
    for i, fi in enumerate(f):
        buf[:] = fi.reshape(mesh)
        g = lib.dot(buf.reshape(mesh[0],-1).T, expRGx, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[0]))
        g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[1],-1).T, expRGy, c=buf.reshape(-1,mesh[1]))
        g = lib.dot(g.reshape(mesh[2],-1).T, expRGz, c=out[i].reshape(-1,mesh[2]))
    return out.reshape(-1, *mesh)
Exemple #28
def get_eri(mydf, kpts=None, compact=False):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kptijkl = numpy.zeros((4,3))
    elif numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
        kptijkl = numpy.vstack([kpts]*4)
        kptijkl = numpy.reshape(kpts, (4,3))

    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    nao_pair = nao * (nao+1) // 2
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, kptj-kpti, gs=mydf.gs)
    ngs = len(coulG)

# gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < 1e-9:
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], compact)
        ao_pairs_G *= numpy.sqrt(coulG).reshape(-1,1)
        aoijR = ao_pairs_G.real.copy()
        aoijI = ao_pairs_G.imag.copy()
        ao_pairs_G = None
        eri = lib.dot(aoijR.T, aoijR, cell.vol/ngs**2)
        eri = lib.dot(aoijI.T, aoijI, cell.vol/ngs**2, eri, 1)
        return eri

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
# complex integrals, N^4 elements
    elif (abs(kpti-kptl).sum() < 1e-9) and (abs(kptj-kptk).sum() < 1e-9):
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], False)
        ao_pairs_G *= numpy.sqrt(coulG).reshape(-1,1)
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.T.reshape(nao,nao,-1).transpose(1,0,2).conj()
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_invG.reshape(-1,ngs)
        return lib.dot(ao_pairs_G.T, ao_pairs_invG.T, cell.vol/ngs**2)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], False)
# ao_pairs_invG = rho_rs(-G+k_rs) = conj(rho_sr(G+k_sr)).swap(r,s)
        ao_pairs_invG = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, -kptijkl[2:], False).conj()
        ao_pairs_G *= coulG.reshape(-1,1)
        return lib.dot(ao_pairs_G.T, ao_pairs_invG, cell.vol/ngs**2)
Exemple #29
 def test_dot_ao_ao(self):
     non0tab = dft.numint.make_mask(mol, mf.grids.coords)
     ao = dft.numint.eval_ao(mol, mf.grids.coords, deriv=1)
     res0 = lib.dot(ao[0].T, ao[1])
     res1 = dft.numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao[0], ao[1], nao,
                                  mf.grids.weights.size, non0tab)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res0, res1))
Exemple #30
 def test_dot_ao_ao(self):
     non0tab = dft.numint.make_mask(mol, mf.grids.coords)
     ao = dft.numint.eval_ao(mol, mf.grids.coords, deriv=1)
     res0 = lib.dot(ao[0].T, ao[1])
     res1 = dft.numint._dot_ao_ao(mol, ao[0], ao[1], non0tab,
                                  shls_slice=(0,mol.nbas), ao_loc=ao_loc)
     self.assertTrue(numpy.allclose(res0, res1))
Exemple #31
    def make_natorbs(self, rdm1_mo=None, relaxed=False):
        Calculate natural orbitals.
        Note: the most occupied orbitals come first (left)
              and the least occupied orbitals last (right).

            rdm1_mo : 1-RDM in MO basis
                      the function calculates a density matrix if none is provided
            relaxed : calculated relaxed or unrelaxed density matrix

            natural occupation numbers, natural orbitals
        if rdm1_mo is None:
            dm = self.make_rdm1(relaxed=relaxed, ao_repr=False)
        elif isinstance(rdm1_mo, np.ndarray):
            dm = rdm1_mo
            raise TypeError('rdm1_mo must be a 2-D array')

        eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(dm)
        natocc = np.flip(eigval)
        natorb = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, np.fliplr(eigvec))
        return natocc, natorb
Exemple #32
def get_nuc(mydf, kpts):
    mydf = _sync_mydf(mydf)
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))
    if abs(kpts_lst).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point
        dtype = numpy.float64
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    mesh = mydf.mesh
    charge = -cell.atom_charges()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(mesh)
    SI = cell.get_SI(Gv)
    rhoG = numpy.dot(charge, SI)

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh, Gv=Gv)
    vneG = rhoG * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, mydf.mesh).real

    vne = [0] * len(kpts_lst)
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.mpi_aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_lst):
        ao_ks = ao_ks_etc[0]
        for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
            vne[k] += lib.dot(ao.T.conj() * vneR[p0:p1], ao)
        ao = ao_ks = None
    vne = mpi.reduce(lib.asarray(vne))

    if rank == 0:
        if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3, ):
            vne = vne[0]
        return vne
Exemple #33
 def get_grad(self, u=None):
     if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1])
     mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
     pop = atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method)
     g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', pop, pop)
     g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0 - g0.T) * 2
     return g
Exemple #34
 def get_grad(self, u=None):
     if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1])
     mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
     dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff)
     g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', dip, dip)
     g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0 - g0.T) * 2
     return g
Exemple #35
    def gen_g_hop(self, u):
        mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
        pop = atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method)
        g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', pop, pop)
        g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0 - g0.T) * 2

        h_diag = numpy.einsum('xii,xpp->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        g_diag = g0.diagonal()
        h_diag -= g_diag + g_diag.reshape(-1, 1)
        h_diag += numpy.einsum('xip,xip->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        h_diag += numpy.einsum('xip,xpi->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag) * 2

        g0 = g0 + g0.T

        def h_op(x):
            x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
            norb = x.shape[0]
            hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T)
            hx += numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', pop,
                               numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, pop)) * 2
            hx -= numpy.einsum(
                'xpp,xip->pi', pop,
                lib.dot(pop.reshape(-1, norb), x).reshape(-1, norb, norb)) * 2
            hx -= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', pop,
                               numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, pop)) * 2
            return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx - hx.T)

        return g, h_op, h_diag
Exemple #36
    def gen_g_hop(self, u):
        mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
        pop = atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method)
        g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', pop, pop)
        g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.T) * 2

        h_diag = numpy.einsum('xii,xpp->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        g_diag = g0.diagonal()
        h_diag-= g_diag + g_diag.reshape(-1,1)
        h_diag+= numpy.einsum('xip,xip->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        h_diag+= numpy.einsum('xip,xpi->pi', pop, pop) * 2
        h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag) * 2

        g0 = g0 + g0.T
        def h_op(x):
            x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
            norb = x.shape[0]
            hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T)
            hx+= numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', pop, numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, pop)) * 2
            hx-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xip->pi', pop,
                              lib.dot(pop.reshape(-1,norb), x).reshape(-1,norb,norb)) * 2
            hx-= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', pop, numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, pop)) * 2
            return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx-hx.T)

        return g, h_op, h_diag
Exemple #37
def get_nuc(mydf, kpts=None):
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))

    gs = mydf.gs
    charge = -cell.atom_charges()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(gs)
    SI = cell.get_SI(Gv)
    rhoG = numpy.dot(charge, SI)

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, gs=gs, Gv=Gv)
    vneG = rhoG * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, mydf.gs).real

    vne = [
        lib.dot(aoR.T.conj() * vneR, aoR)
        for k, aoR in mydf.aoR_loop(gs, kpts_lst)

    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3, ):
        vne = vne[0]
    return numpy.asarray(vne)
Exemple #38
def make_rdm12e(fcivec, nsite, nelec):
    '''1-electron and 2-electron density matrices
    dm_pq = <|p^+ q|>
    dm_{pqrs} = <|p^+ r^+ q s|>  (note 2pdm is ordered in chemist notation)
    neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
    link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), neleca)
    link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), nelecb)
    na = cistring.num_strings(nsite, neleca)
    nb = cistring.num_strings(nsite, nelecb)

    ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na,nb,-1)
    rdm1 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite))
    rdm2 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite,nsite,nsite))
    for str0 in range(na):
        t1 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite,nb)+ci0.shape[2:])
        for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
            t1[i,a,:] += sign * ci0[str1,:]

        for k, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
            for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
                t1[i,a,k] += sign * ci0[str0,str1]

        rdm1 += numpy.einsum('mp,ijmp->ij', ci0[str0], t1)
        # i^+ j|0> => <0|j^+ i, so swap i and j
        #:rdm2 += numpy.einsum('ijmp,klmp->jikl', t1, t1)
        tmp = lib.dot(t1.reshape(nsite**2,-1), t1.reshape(nsite**2,-1).T)
        rdm2 += tmp.reshape((nsite,)*4).transpose(1,0,2,3)
    rdm1, rdm2 = rdm.reorder_rdm(rdm1, rdm2, True)
    return rdm1, rdm2
Exemple #39
def make_rdm12e(fcivec, nsite, nelec):
    '''1-electron and 2-electron density matrices
    dm_pq = <|p^+ q|>
    dm_{pqrs} = <|p^+ r^+ q s|>  (note 2pdm is ordered in chemist notation)
    neleca, nelecb = _unpack_nelec(nelec)
    link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), neleca)
    link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), nelecb)
    na = cistring.num_strings(nsite, neleca)
    nb = cistring.num_strings(nsite, nelecb)

    ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na, nb, -1)
    rdm1 = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite))
    rdm2 = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite, nsite, nsite))
    for str0 in range(na):
        t1 = numpy.zeros((nsite, nsite, nb) + ci0.shape[2:])
        for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
            t1[i, a, :] += sign * ci0[str1, :]

        for k, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
            for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
                t1[i, a, k] += sign * ci0[str0, str1]

        rdm1 += numpy.einsum('mp,ijmp->ij', ci0[str0], t1)
        # i^+ j|0> => <0|j^+ i, so swap i and j
        #:rdm2 += numpy.einsum('ijmp,klmp->jikl', t1, t1)
        tmp = lib.dot(t1.reshape(nsite**2, -1), t1.reshape(nsite**2, -1).T)
        rdm2 += tmp.reshape((nsite, ) * 4).transpose(1, 0, 2, 3)
    rdm1, rdm2 = rdm.reorder_rdm(rdm1, rdm2, True)
    return rdm1, rdm2
Exemple #40
def make_rdm12e(fcivec, nsite, nelec):
    if isinstance(nelec, (int, numpy.number)):
        nelecb = nelec//2
        neleca = nelec - nelecb
        neleca, nelecb = nelec
    link_indexa = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), neleca)
    link_indexb = cistring.gen_linkstr_index(range(nsite), nelecb)
    na = cistring.num_strings(nsite, neleca)
    nb = cistring.num_strings(nsite, nelecb)

    ci0 = fcivec.reshape(na,nb,-1)
    rdm1 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite))
    rdm2 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite,nsite,nsite))
    for str0 in range(na):
        t1 = numpy.zeros((nsite,nsite,nb)+ci0.shape[2:])
        for a, i, str1, sign in link_indexa[str0]:
            t1[i,a,:] += sign * ci0[str1,:]

        for k, tab in enumerate(link_indexb):
            for a, i, str1, sign in tab:
                t1[i,a,k] += sign * ci0[str0,str1]

        rdm1 += numpy.einsum('mp,ijmp->ij', ci0[str0], t1)
        # i^+ j|0> => <0|j^+ i, so swap i and j
        #:rdm2 += numpy.einsum('ijmp,klmp->jikl', t1, t1)
        tmp = lib.dot(t1.reshape(nsite**2,-1), t1.reshape(nsite**2,-1).T)
        rdm2 += tmp.reshape((nsite,)*4).transpose(1,0,2,3)
    rdm1, rdm2 = pyscf.fci.rdm.reorder_rdm(rdm1, rdm2, True)
    return rdm1, rdm2
Exemple #41
def madd_admn_mnbc(a, b, c, fac=1):
    m0, m1, m2, m3 = a.shape
    n0, n1, n2, n3 = b.shape
    assert(c.shape == (m0,n2,n3,m1) and m2 == n0 and m3 == n1)
    tmp = lib.dot(a.reshape(m0*m1,m2*m3), b.reshape(n0*n1,n2*n3), fac)
    c += tmp.reshape(m0,m1,n2,n3).transpose(0,2,3,1)
    return c
Exemple #42
 def get_grad(self, u=None):
     if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1])
     mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
     dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff)
     g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', dip, dip)
     g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0-g0.conj().T) * 2
     return g
Exemple #43
def _contract_plain(mydf, mos, coulG, phase, max_memory):
    cell = mydf.cell
    moiT, mojT, mokT, molT = mos
    nmoi, nmoj, nmok, nmol = [x.shape[0] for x in mos]
    ngrids = moiT.shape[1]
    wcoulG = coulG * (cell.vol/ngrids)
    dtype = numpy.result_type(phase, *mos)
    eri = numpy.empty((nmoi*nmoj,nmok*nmol), dtype=dtype)

    blksize = int(min(max(nmoi,nmok), (max_memory*1e6/16 - eri.size)/2/ngrids/max(nmoj,nmol)+1))
    assert blksize > 0
    buf0 = numpy.empty((blksize,max(nmoj,nmol),ngrids), dtype=dtype)
    buf1 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0)
    buf2 = numpy.ndarray((blksize,nmol,ngrids), dtype=dtype, buffer=buf0)
    for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, nmoi, blksize):
        mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', moiT[p0:p1].conj()*phase,
                                mojT, out=buf1[:p1-p0])
        mo_pairs_G = tools.fft(mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids), mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs = None
        mo_pairs_G*= wcoulG
        v = tools.ifft(mo_pairs_G, mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs_G = None
        v *= phase.conj()
        if dtype == numpy.double:
            v = numpy.asarray(v.real, order='C')
        for q0, q1 in lib.prange(0, nmok, blksize):
            mo_pairs = numpy.einsum('ig,jg->ijg', mokT[q0:q1].conj(),
                                    molT, out=buf2[:q1-q0])
            eri[p0*nmoj:p1*nmoj,q0*nmol:q1*nmol] = lib.dot(v, mo_pairs.reshape(-1,ngrids).T)
        v = None
    return eri
Exemple #44
    def make_natorbs(self, rdm1_mo=None, relaxed=False):
        Calculate natural orbitals.
        Note: the most occupied orbitals come first (left)
              and the least occupied orbitals last (right).

            rdm1_mo : 1-RDM in MO basis
                      the function calculates a density matrix if none is provided
            relaxed : calculated relaxed or unrelaxed density matrix

            natural occupation numbers, natural orbitals
        if rdm1_mo is None:
            dm = self.make_rdm1(ao_repr=False, relaxed=relaxed)
        elif isinstance(rdm1_mo, np.ndarray):
            dm = rdm1_mo
            raise TypeError('rdm1_mo must be a 3-D array')

        # Transform the beta component to the alpha basis and sum both together.
        SAO = self.mol.intor_symmetric('int1e_ovlp')
        Sab = lib.einsum('xp,xy,yq->pq', self.mo_coeff[0, :, :], SAO,
                         self.mo_coeff[1, :, :])
        rdm1_abas = dm[0, :, :] + lib.einsum('pr,rs,qs->pq', Sab, dm[1, :, :],

        # Diagonalize the spin-traced 1-RDM in alpha basis to get the natural orbitals.
        eigval, eigvec = np.linalg.eigh(rdm1_abas)
        natocc = np.flip(eigval)
        natorb = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff[0, :, :], np.fliplr(eigvec))
        return natocc, natorb
Exemple #45
def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=numpy.zeros((2, 3)), compact=False):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G : (ngs, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFT of the real-space MO pairs.
    if kpts is None: kpts = mydf.kpts
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = pdft.gen_grid.gen_uniform_grids(cell, mydf.gs)
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    ngs = len(coords)

    def trans(aoiR, aojR, fac=1):
        if id(aoiR) == id(aojR) and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(
                mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moiR = mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoiR.T),
            moiR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoiR.T), order='C')
            mojR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aojR.T), order='C')
        mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi, nmoj, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nmoi):
            mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moiR[i].conj() * mojR, mydf.gs)
        mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1, ngs).T
        return mo_pairs_G

    if abs(kpts).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma point, real
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        if compact and ao2mo.incore.iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moR = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoR.T), order='C')
            npair = nmoi * (nmoi + 1) // 2
            mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair, ngs), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            ij = 0
            for i in range(nmoi):
                mo_pairs_G[ij:ij + i + 1] = tools.fft(
                    moR[i].conj() * moR[:i + 1], mydf.gs)
                ij += i + 1
            mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T
            mo_pairs_G = trans(aoR, aoR)

    elif abs(kpts[0] - kpts[1]).sum() < 1e-9:
        aoR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoR, aoR)

        aoiR, aojR = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
        q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoiR, aojR, fac)

    return mo_pairs_G
Exemple #46
    def gen_g_hop(self, u):
        mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
        dip = dipole_integral(self.mol, mo_coeff)
        g0 = numpy.einsum('xii,xip->pi', dip, dip)
        g = -self.pack_uniq_var(g0 - g0.T) * 2

        h_diag = numpy.einsum('xii,xpp->pi', dip, dip) * 2
        h_diag -= g0.diagonal() + g0.diagonal().reshape(-1, 1)
        h_diag += numpy.einsum('xip,xip->pi', dip, dip) * 2
        h_diag += numpy.einsum('xip,xpi->pi', dip, dip) * 2
        h_diag = -self.pack_uniq_var(h_diag) * 2

        #:nmo = mo_coeff.shape[1]
        #:h = numpy.einsum('xjj,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h+= numpy.einsum('xqq,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h+= numpy.einsum('xjq,xjp,jk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h+= numpy.einsum('xjp,xkp,pq->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h-= numpy.einsum('xjj,xkp,jq->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h-= numpy.einsum('xpp,xjq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))
        #:h-= numpy.einsum('xjp,xpq,pk->pjqk', dip, dip, numpy.eye(nmo))*2
        #:h = h - h.transpose(0,1,3,2)
        #:h = h - h.transpose(1,0,2,3)
        #:h = h + h.transpose(2,3,0,1)
        #:h *= -.5
        #:idx = numpy.tril_indices(nmo, -1)
        #:h = h[idx][:,idx[0],idx[1]]

        g0 = g0 + g0.T

        def h_op(x):
            x = self.unpack_uniq_var(x)
            norb = x.shape[0]
            #:hx = numpy.einsum('qp,xjj,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qp,xqq,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xkk,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('jk,xpp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjq,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xjp,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xjp,xpq->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qj,xjp,xjq->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('pk,xkp,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip)
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xjj,xkp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('jk,xkj,xjp->pj', x, dip, dip) * 2
            #:return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx)
            #:hx = numpy.einsum('iq,qp->pi', g0, x)
            hx = lib.dot(x.T, g0.T)
            #:hx+= numpy.einsum('qi,xiq,xip->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
            hx += numpy.einsum('xip,xi->pi', dip,
                               numpy.einsum('qi,xiq->xi', x, dip)) * 2
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xpp,xiq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
            hx -= numpy.einsum(
                'xpp,xip->pi', dip,
                lib.dot(dip.reshape(-1, norb), x).reshape(3, norb, norb)) * 2
            #:hx-= numpy.einsum('qp,xip,xpq->pi', x, dip, dip) * 2
            hx -= numpy.einsum('xip,xp->pi', dip,
                               numpy.einsum('qp,xpq->xp', x, dip)) * 2
            return -self.pack_uniq_var(hx - hx.T)

        return g, h_op, h_diag
Exemple #47
def get_nuc(mydf, kpts):
    mydf = _sync_mydf(mydf)
    cell = mydf.cell
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1,3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1,3))
    if abs(kpts_lst).sum() < 1e-9:  # gamma_point
        dtype = numpy.float64
        dtype = numpy.complex128

    gs = mydf.gs
    charge = -cell.atom_charges()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(gs)
    SI = cell.get_SI(Gv)
    rhoG = numpy.dot(charge, SI)

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, gs=gs, Gv=Gv)
    vneG = rhoG * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, mydf.gs).real

    vne = [lib.dot(aoR.T.conj()*vneR, aoR)
           for k, aoR in mydf.mpi_aoR_loop(gs, kpts_lst)]
    vne = mpi.gather(lib.asarray(vne, dtype=dtype))

    if rank == 0:
        if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3,):
            vne = vne[0]
        return vne
Exemple #48
def get_nuc(mydf, kpts=None):
    if kpts is None:
        kpts_lst = numpy.zeros((1, 3))
        kpts_lst = numpy.reshape(kpts, (-1, 3))

    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    charge = -cell.atom_charges()
    Gv = cell.get_Gv(mesh)
    SI = cell.get_SI(Gv)
    rhoG = numpy.dot(charge, SI)

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh, Gv=Gv)
    vneG = rhoG * coulG
    vneR = tools.ifft(vneG, mesh).real

    vne = [0] * len(kpts_lst)
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_lst):
        ao_ks = ao_ks_etc[0]
        for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
            vne[k] += lib.dot(ao.T.conj() * vneR[p0:p1], ao)
        ao = ao_ks = None

    if kpts is None or numpy.shape(kpts) == (3, ):
        vne = vne[0]
    return numpy.asarray(vne)
Exemple #49
        def pw_contract(istep, sh_range, j3cR, j3cI):
            bstart, bend, ncol = sh_range
            if aosym == 's2':
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, bend)
                shls_slice = (bstart, bend, 0, cell.nbas)

            for p0, p1 in lib.prange(0, ngrids, Gblksize):
                dat = ft_ao._ft_aopair_kpts(cell, Gv[p0:p1], shls_slice, aosym,
                                            b, gxyz[p0:p1], Gvbase, kpt,
                                            adapted_kptjs, out=buf)

                if (cell.dimension == 1 or cell.dimension == 2) and is_zero(kpt):
                    G0idx, SI_on_z = pbcgto.cell._SI_for_uniform_model_charge(cell, Gv[p0:p1])
                    if SI_on_z.size > 0:
                        for k, aoao in enumerate(dat):
                            aoao[G0idx] -= numpy.einsum('g,i->gi', SI_on_z, ovlp[k])
                            aux = fuse(ft_ao.ft_ao(fused_cell, Gv[p0:p1][G0idx]).T)
                            vG_mod = numpy.einsum('ig,g,g->i', aux.conj(),
                                                  wcoulG[p0:p1][G0idx], SI_on_z)
                            if gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                                j3cR[k][:naux] -= vG_mod[:,None].real * ovlp[k]
                                tmp = vG_mod[:,None] * ovlp[k]
                                j3cR[k][:naux] -= tmp.real
                                j3cI[k][:naux] -= tmp.imag
                            tmp = aux = vG_mod

                nG = p1 - p0
                for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                    aoao = dat[k].reshape(nG,ncol)
                    pqkR = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkRbuf)
                    pqkI = numpy.ndarray((ncol,nG), buffer=pqkIbuf)
                    pqkR[:] = aoao.real.T
                    pqkI[:] = aoao.imag.T

                    lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cR[k][naux:], 1)
                    if not (is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k])):
                        lib.dot(kLR[p0:p1].T, pqkI.T, -1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)
                        lib.dot(kLI[p0:p1].T, pqkR.T,  1, j3cI[k][naux:], 1)

            for k, ji in enumerate(adapted_ji_idx):
                if is_zero(kpt) and gamma_point(adapted_kptjs[k]):
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k])
                    v = fuse(j3cR[k] + j3cI[k] * 1j)
                if j2ctag == 'CD':
                    v = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(j2c, v, lower=True, overwrite_b=True)
                    v = lib.dot(j2c, v)
                feri['j3c/%d/%d'%(ji,istep)] = v
Exemple #50
def get_mo_pairs_G(mydf, mo_coeffs, kpts=numpy.zeros((2,3)), q=None,
                   compact=getattr(__config__, 'pbc_df_mo_pairs_compact', False)):
    '''Calculate forward (G|ij) FFT of all MO pairs.

        mo_coeff: length-2 list of (nao,nmo) ndarrays
            The two sets of MO coefficients to use in calculating the
            product |ij).

        mo_pairs_G : (ngrids, nmoi*nmoj) ndarray
            The FFT of the real-space MO pairs.
    if kpts is None: kpts = numpy.zeros((2,3))
    cell = mydf.cell
    kpts = numpy.asarray(kpts)
    coords = cell.gen_uniform_grids(mydf.mesh)
    nmoi = mo_coeffs[0].shape[1]
    nmoj = mo_coeffs[1].shape[1]
    ngrids = len(coords)

    def trans(aoi, aoj, fac=1):
        if id(aoi) == id(aoj) and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            moi = moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T,aoi.T), order='C')
            moi = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, aoi.T), order='C')
            moj = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[1].T, aoj.T), order='C')
        mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((nmoi,nmoj,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
        for i in range(nmoi):
            mo_pairs_G[i] = tools.fft(fac * moi[i].conj() * moj, mydf.mesh)
        mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.reshape(-1,ngrids).T
        return mo_pairs_G

    if gamma_point(kpts):  # gamma point, real
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        if compact and iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1]):
            mo = numpy.asarray(lib.dot(mo_coeffs[0].T, ao.T), order='C')
            npair = nmoi*(nmoi+1)//2
            mo_pairs_G = numpy.empty((npair,ngrids), dtype=numpy.complex128)
            ij = 0
            for i in range(nmoi):
                mo_pairs_G[ij:ij+i+1] = tools.fft(mo[i].conj() * mo[:i+1], mydf.mesh)
                ij += i + 1
            mo_pairs_G = mo_pairs_G.T
            mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

    elif is_zero(kpts[0]-kpts[1]):
        ao = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts[:1])[0]
        mo_pairs_G = trans(ao, ao)

        if q is None:
            q = kpts[1] - kpts[0]
        aoi, aoj = mydf._numint.eval_ao(cell, coords, kpts)
        fac = numpy.exp(-1j * numpy.dot(coords, q))
        mo_pairs_G = trans(aoi, aoj, fac)

    return mo_pairs_G
Exemple #51
def get_eri(mydf, kpts=None, compact=False):
    cell = mydf.cell
    kptijkl = _format_kpts(kpts)
    kpti, kptj, kptk, kptl = kptijkl
    nao = cell.nao_nr()
    nao_pair = nao * (nao + 1) // 2
    q = kptj - kpti
    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, q, gs=mydf.gs)
    ngs = len(coulG)

    # gamma point, the integral is real and with s4 symmetry
    if abs(kptijkl).sum() < 1e-9:
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], q, compact=compact)
        ao_pairs_G *= numpy.sqrt(coulG).reshape(-1, 1)
        aoijR = ao_pairs_G.real.copy()
        aoijI = ao_pairs_G.imag.copy()
        ao_pairs_G = None
        eri = lib.dot(aoijR.T, aoijR, cell.vol / ngs**2)
        eri = lib.dot(aoijI.T, aoijI, cell.vol / ngs**2, eri, 1)
        return eri

# (kpt) i == j == k == l != 0
# (kpt) i == l && j == k && i != j && j != k  =>
# complex integrals, N^4 elements
    elif (abs(kpti - kptl).sum() < 1e-9) and (abs(kptj - kptk).sum() < 1e-9):
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], q, compact=False)
        ao_pairs_G *= numpy.sqrt(coulG).reshape(-1, 1)
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_G.T.reshape(nao, nao, -1).transpose(1, 0,
        ao_pairs_invG = ao_pairs_invG.reshape(-1, ngs)
        return lib.dot(ao_pairs_G.T, ao_pairs_invG.T, cell.vol / ngs**2)

# aosym = s1, complex integrals
        ao_pairs_G = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, kptijkl[:2], q, compact=False)
        # ao_pairs_invG = rho_rs(-G+k_rs) = conj(rho_sr(G+k_sr)).swap(r,s)
        ao_pairs_invG = get_ao_pairs_G(mydf, -kptijkl[2:], q,
        ao_pairs_G *= coulG.reshape(-1, 1)
        return lib.dot(ao_pairs_G.T, ao_pairs_invG, cell.vol / ngs**2)
Exemple #52
def _Lij_to_Lmn(Lij, basis, ki, kj):
    if len(basis.shape) == 3:
        basis = basis[np.newaxis, ...]
    if len(Lij.shape) == 3:
        Lij = Lij[np.newaxis, ...]
    spin, ncells, nlo, nemb = basis.shape
    nL = Lij.shape[-3]

    Lmn = np.zeros((spin, nL, nemb, nemb), dtype=np.complex128)
    Li_n = np.empty((nL * nlo, nemb), dtype=np.complex128)
    Ln_m = np.empty((nL * nemb, nemb), dtype=np.complex128)
    for s in range(spin):
        lib.dot(Lij[s].reshape((nL * nlo, nlo)), basis[s, kj], c=Li_n)
        lib.dot(np.ascontiguousarray(np.swapaxes(Li_n.reshape((nL, nlo, nemb)), 1, 2).reshape((nL*nemb, nlo))), \
                basis[s, ki].conj(), c=Ln_m)
        Lmn[s] = np.swapaxes(Ln_m.reshape((nL, nemb, nemb)), 1, 2)
    return Lmn
Exemple #53
def get_j_kpts(mydf, dm_kpts, hermi=1, kpts=np.zeros((1, 3)), kpts_band=None):
    '''Get the Coulomb (J) AO matrix at sampled k-points.

        dm_kpts : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray or a list of (nkpts,nao,nao) ndarray
            Density matrix at each k-point.  If a list of k-point DMs, eg,
            UHF alpha and beta DM, the alpha and beta DMs are contracted
        kpts : (nkpts, 3) ndarray

        kpts_band : (3,) ndarray or (*,3) ndarray
            A list of arbitrary "band" k-points at which to evalute the matrix.

        vj : (nkpts, nao, nao) ndarray
        or list of vj if the input dm_kpts is a list of DMs
    cell = mydf.cell
    mesh = mydf.mesh
    low_dim_ft_type = mydf.low_dim_ft_type

    dm_kpts = lib.asarray(dm_kpts, order='C')
    dms = _format_dms(dm_kpts, kpts)
    nset, nkpts, nao = dms.shape[:3]

    coulG = tools.get_coulG(cell, mesh=mesh, low_dim_ft_type=low_dim_ft_type)
    ngrids = len(coulG)

    vR = rhoR = np.zeros((nset, ngrids))
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts):
        ao_ks = ao_ks_etc[0]
        for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
            for i in range(nset):
                rhoR[i, p0:p1] += numint.eval_rho(cell, ao, dms[i, k])
        ao = ao_ks = None

    for i in range(nset):
        rhoR[i] *= 1. / nkpts
        rhoG = tools.fft(rhoR[i], mesh)
        vG = coulG * rhoG
        vR[i] = tools.ifft(vG, mesh).real

    kpts_band, input_band = _format_kpts_band(kpts_band, kpts), kpts_band
    nband = len(kpts_band)
    weight = cell.vol / ngrids
    vR *= weight
    if gamma_point(kpts_band):
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao))
        vj_kpts = np.zeros((nset, nband, nao, nao), dtype=np.complex128)
    for ao_ks_etc, p0, p1 in mydf.aoR_loop(mydf.grids, kpts_band):
        ao_ks = ao_ks_etc[0]
        for k, ao in enumerate(ao_ks):
            for i in range(nset):
                vj_kpts[i, k] += lib.dot(ao.T.conj() * vR[i, p0:p1], ao)

    return _format_jks(vj_kpts, dm_kpts, input_band, kpts)
Exemple #54
 def cost_function(self, u=None):
     if u is None: u = numpy.eye(self.mo_coeff.shape[1])
     mo_coeff = lib.dot(self.mo_coeff, u)
     pop = self.atomic_pops(self.mol, mo_coeff, self.pop_method)
     if self.exponent == 2:
         return numpy.einsum('xii,xii->', pop, pop)
         pop2 = numpy.einsum('xii->xi', pop)**2
         return numpy.einsum('xi,xi', pop2, pop2)
Exemple #55
 def ao2mo(self, mo_coeffs,
           compact=getattr(__config__, 'df_df_DF_ao2mo_compact', True)):
     if isinstance(mo_coeffs, numpy.ndarray) and mo_coeffs.ndim == 2:
         mo_coeffs = (mo_coeffs,) * 4
     ijmosym, nij_pair, moij, ijslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[1], compact)
     klmosym, nkl_pair, mokl, klslice = _conc_mos(mo_coeffs[2], mo_coeffs[3], compact)
     mo_eri = numpy.zeros((nij_pair,nkl_pair))
     sym = (iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[0], mo_coeffs[2]) and
            iden_coeffs(mo_coeffs[1], mo_coeffs[3]))
     Lij = Lkl = None
     for eri1 in self.loop():
         Lij = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, moij, ijslice, aosym='s2', mosym=ijmosym, out=Lij)
         if sym:
             Lkl = Lij
             Lkl = _ao2mo.nr_e2(eri1, mokl, klslice, aosym='s2', mosym=klmosym, out=Lkl)
         lib.dot(Lij.T, Lkl, 1, mo_eri, 1)
     return mo_eri
def get_eri_2c2e(mydf):
    from pyscf.gto.ft_ao import ft_ao
    eriR = 0
    kptijkl = numpy.zeros((4, 3))
    q = numpy.zeros(3)
    coulG = mydf.weighted_coulG(q, False, mydf.mesh)
    Gv, Gvbase, kws = cell.get_Gv_weights(mydf.mesh)
    ao = ft_ao(cell, Gv)
    return lib.dot(ao.T * coulG, ao.conj())