Exemple #1
def mulliken_meta(cell,
    '''A modified Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.

    Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma
    point density matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    if s is None:
        s = khf.get_ovlp(cell)
    log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
    log.note('Analyze output for *gamma point*.')
    log.info('    To include the contributions from k-points, transform to a '
             'supercell then run the population analysis on the supercell\n'
             '        from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma\n'
             '        k2gamma.k2gamma(mf).mulliken_meta()')
    log.note("KUHF mulliken_meta")
    dm_ao_gamma = dm_ao_kpts[:, 0, :, :].real
    s_gamma = s[0, :, :].real
    c = orth.restore_ao_character(cell, pre_orth_method)
    orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(cell, 'meta_lowdin', pre_orth_ao=c, s=s_gamma)
    c_inv = np.dot(orth_coeff.T, s_gamma)
    dm_a = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[0], c_inv.T.conj()))
    dm_b = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[1], c_inv.T.conj()))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken pop alpha/beta on meta-lowdin orthogonal AOs **')
    return mol_uhf.mulliken_pop(cell, (dm_a, dm_b),
                                np.eye(orth_coeff.shape[0]), log)
Exemple #2
def mulliken_meta(cell,
    '''Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.

    Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma
    point density matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    if s is None:
        s = khf.get_ovlp(cell)
    log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
    log.note('Analyze output for the gamma point')
    log.note("KUHF mulliken_meta")
    dm_ao_gamma = dm_ao_kpts[:, 0, :, :].real
    s_gamma = s[0, :, :].real
    c = orth.restore_ao_character(cell, pre_orth_method)
    orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(cell, 'meta_lowdin', pre_orth_ao=c, s=s_gamma)
    c_inv = np.dot(orth_coeff.T, s_gamma)
    dm_a = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[0], c_inv.T.conj()))
    dm_b = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[1], c_inv.T.conj()))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken pop alpha/beta on meta-lowdin orthogonal AOs **')
    return mol_uhf.mulliken_pop(cell, (dm_a, dm_b),
                                np.eye(orth_coeff.shape[0]), log)
Exemple #3
def mulliken_meta(cell, dm_ao_kpts, verbose=logger.DEBUG,
                  pre_orth_method=PRE_ORTH_METHOD, s=None):
    '''A modified Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.

    Note this function only computes the Mulliken population for the gamma
    point density matrix.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    if s is None:
        s = khf.get_ovlp(cell)
    log = logger.new_logger(cell, verbose)
    log.note('Analyze output for *gamma point*.')
    log.info('    To include the contributions from k-points, transform to a '
             'supercell then run the population analysis on the supercell\n'
             '        from pyscf.pbc.tools import k2gamma\n'
             '        k2gamma.k2gamma(mf).mulliken_meta()')
    log.note("KUHF mulliken_meta")
    dm_ao_gamma = dm_ao_kpts[:,0,:,:].real
    s_gamma = s[0,:,:].real
    c = orth.restore_ao_character(cell, pre_orth_method)
    orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(cell, 'meta_lowdin', pre_orth_ao=c, s=s_gamma)
    c_inv = np.dot(orth_coeff.T, s_gamma)
    dm_a = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[0], c_inv.T.conj()))
    dm_b = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[1], c_inv.T.conj()))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken pop alpha/beta on meta-lowdin orthogonal AOs **')
    return mol_uhf.mulliken_pop(cell, (dm_a,dm_b), np.eye(orth_coeff.shape[0]), log)
Exemple #4
def mulliken_pop(mol, dm, s=None, verbose=logger.DEBUG):
    '''Mulliken population analysis
    nao = mol.nao_nr()
    dma = dm[:nao,:nao]
    dmb = dm[nao:,nao:]
    if s is not None:
        assert(s.size == nao**2 or numpy.allclose(s[:nao,:nao], s[nao:,nao:]))
        s = s[:nao,:nao]
    return uhf.mulliken_pop(mol, (dma,dmb), s, verbose)
Exemple #5
def mulliken_meta(mol,
    '''Mulliken population analysis, based on meta-Lowdin AOs.
    from pyscf.lo import orth
    if s is None:
        s = hf.get_ovlp(mol)
    log = logger.new_logger(mf, verbose)
    log.note('Analyze output for the gamma point')
    log.note("KUHF mulliken_meta")
    dm_ao_gamma = dm_ao[:, 0, :, :].real.copy()
    s_gamma = s[0, :, :].real.copy()
    c = orth.pre_orth_ao(mol, pre_orth_method)
    orth_coeff = orth.orth_ao(mol, 'meta_lowdin', pre_orth_ao=c, s=s_gamma)
    c_inv = np.dot(orth_coeff.T, s_gamma)
    dm_a = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[0], c_inv.T.conj()))
    dm_b = reduce(np.dot, (c_inv, dm_ao_gamma[1], c_inv.T.conj()))

    log.note(' ** Mulliken pop alpha/beta on meta-lowdin orthogonal AOs **')
    return uhf.mulliken_pop(mol, (dm_a, dm_b), np.eye(orth_coeff.shape[0]),