def changePasswordDialog(self, button=None): ''' Show dialog to change password @param button: Widget that was clicked to activate this handler. ''' s = _("Change Password") changepasswordDialog = gtk.Dialog(title="%s" % s, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) changepasswordDialog.vbox.set_border_width(5) header = gtk.Label() header.set_markup("<b><big>%s:</big></b>" % s) changepasswordDialog.vbox.pack_start(header) s = _("Old Password") oldpassword = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=False) changepasswordDialog.vbox.pack_start(oldpassword) s = _("Password") password1 = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=False) changepasswordDialog.vbox.pack_start(password1) s = _("Confirm Password") password2 = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=False) changepasswordDialog.vbox.pack_start(password2) okbutton = gtk.Button(_("Change")) cancelbutton = gtk.Button(_("Cancel")) changepasswordDialog.action_area.pack_start(okbutton) changepasswordDialog.action_area.pack_start(cancelbutton) okbutton.connect("clicked", self.changePassword, oldpassword, password1, password2, changepasswordDialog) cancelbutton.connect("clicked", lambda b: changepasswordDialog.destroy()) changepasswordDialog.show_all()
def showHostDialog(self, view): ''' Show host information dialog @param view: ''' title = _("Host Information") dialog = gtk.Dialog(title=title, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) dialog.vbox.set_border_width(5) header = gtk.Label() header.set_markup("<b><big>%s:</big></b>" % title) dialog.vbox.pack_start(header) s = _("Host") host = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True) dialog.vbox.pack_start(host) s = _("Game port") gport = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True) dialog.vbox.pack_start(gport) s = _("Web port") wport = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True) dialog.vbox.pack_start(wport) s = _("Location") location = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " % s, visibility=True) dialog.vbox.pack_start(location) okbutton = gtk.Button(_("Ok")) cancelbutton = gtk.Button(_("Cancel")) dialog.action_area.pack_start(okbutton) dialog.action_area.pack_start(cancelbutton) okbutton.connect("clicked", self.setHost, host, gport, wport, location, dialog, view) cancelbutton.connect("clicked", lambda b: dialog.destroy()) dialog.show_all()
def showCreateUserDialog_cb(self, button = None): ''' Show dialog to create new user @param button: Widget that was clicked to activate this handler. ''' s = _("Register New User") dialog = gtk.Dialog(title=s, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) dialog.vbox.set_border_width( 5 ) header = gtk.Label() header.set_markup("<b><big>%s:</big></b>" % s) dialog.vbox.pack_start(header) s = _("Username") username = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel( label="%s:" % s) dialog.vbox.pack_start( username ) s = _("Password") password1 = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " %s, visibility=False) dialog.vbox.pack_start( password1 ) s = _("Confirm Password") password2 = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel(label="%s: " %s, visibility=False) dialog.vbox.pack_start( password2 ) okbutton = gtk.Button(_("Create")) cancelbutton = gtk.Button(_("Cancel")) dialog.action_area.pack_start(okbutton) dialog.action_area.pack_start(cancelbutton) okbutton.connect("clicked", self.createNewUser_cb, username, password1, password2, dialog) cancelbutton.connect("clicked", lambda b: dialog.destroy() ) dialog.show_all()
def createGameWindow(self, button=None): ''' Show the dialog to create a new game @param button: Widget that was clicked to activate this handler. ''' s = _("Create New Game") self.gamedialog = gtk.Dialog(title="%s" % s, flags=gtk.DIALOG_MODAL) self.gamedialog.vbox.set_spacing(10) self.gamedialog.vbox.set_border_width(5) self.gamedialog.vbox.set_homogeneous(False) main = gtk.VBox(False, 5) header = gtk.Label() header.set_markup("<b><big>%s:</big></b>" % s) main.pack_start(header) s = _("Game Name") self.createGameEntry = gtkutil.EntryWithLabel( label="%s: " % s, maxLength=constants.MAX_NAME_LENGTH) main.pack_start(self.createGameEntry) s = _("Options") main.pack_start(gtk.Label("%s:" % s)) centerOption = gtk.CheckButton(_("Center square is double word score")) centerOption.set_active(True) rankedOption = gtk.CheckButton(_("Official Game")) rankedOption.set_active(True) showCountOption = gtk.CheckButton(_("Show letter distribution")) showCountOption.set_active(True) finalLetterOption = gtk.CheckButton(_("Final letter redistribution")) finalLetterOption.set_active(True) longWordBonus = gtk.CheckButton(_("Long word bonus")) longWordBonus.set_active(False) noRepeatOption = gtk.CheckButton(_("Disallow words already on board")) noRepeatOption.set_active(False) timeBox = gtk.HBox(False, 2) limitBox = gtk.HBox(False, 2) moveTimeBox = gtk.HBox(False, 2) limitOption = gtk.CheckButton(_('Optional Overtime Limit')) untimedOption = gtk.RadioButton(None, _('Untimed')) timedOption = gtk.RadioButton(untimedOption, _('Timed Game')) moveTimeOption = gtk.RadioButton(untimedOption, _('Timed Moves')) a = gtk.Adjustment(value=25, lower=1, upper=100, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=1) timeControl = gtk.SpinButton(a, climb_rate=1, digits=0) timeBox.pack_start(timedOption, False, False, 0) timeBox.pack_start(timeControl, False, False, 5) timedOption.set_active(False) timedOption.connect( "toggled", lambda w, a, b: [x.set_sensitive(w.get_active()) for x in (a, b)], timeControl, limitBox) timedOption.connect("toggled", lambda w, a: a.set_active(w.get_active()), limitOption) timeControl.set_sensitive(False) a = gtk.Adjustment(value=1, lower=1, upper=100, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=1) limitControl = gtk.SpinButton(a, climb_rate=1, digits=0) limitBox.pack_start(limitOption, False, False, 20) limitBox.pack_start(limitControl, False, False, 5) limitOption.connect("toggled", lambda w, a: a.set_sensitive(w.get_active()), limitControl) limitBox.set_sensitive(False) rankedOption, _('If this game is Official, the outcome will be marked in your statistics' )) limitOption, _('If you set the optional overtime limit, a player will be allowed to go over the normal game time, but the player will be penalized 10 points for every overtime minute' )) timedOption, _('Select this option if you wish to limit the overall time each player has for the entire game' )) moveTimeOption, _('Select this option if you wish to limit the time a player has for each move' )) showCountOption, _('Select this option if you wish to show a count of the letters remaining in the bag during the game' )) finalLetterOption, _('Select this option if you wish for player who put the final tile to get points from the remaining players letters' )) longWordBonus, _('Select this option if you wish to reward long words with more points' )) noRepeatOption, _('Select this option if you wish to disallow repeating words')) a = gtk.Adjustment(value=3, lower=0, upper=100, step_incr=1, page_incr=1, page_size=1) moveTimeControl = gtk.SpinButton(a, climb_rate=.1, digits=1) moveTimeBox.pack_start(moveTimeOption, False, False, 0) moveTimeBox.pack_start(moveTimeControl, False, False, 5) moveTimeOption.connect("toggled", lambda w, a: a.set_sensitive(w.get_active()), moveTimeControl) moveTimeControl.set_sensitive(False) box = gtk.VBox(False, 5) box.pack_start(untimedOption, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(timeBox, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(limitBox, False, False, 0) box.pack_start(moveTimeBox, False, False, 0) exp = gtk.Expander(_('Timing Options')) exp.add(box) exp.set_spacing(10) main.pack_start(centerOption, False, False, 3) main.pack_start(rankedOption, False, False, 3) main.pack_start(showCountOption, False, False, 3) main.pack_start(finalLetterOption, False, False, 3) main.pack_start(longWordBonus, False, False, 3) main.pack_start(noRepeatOption, False, False, 3) box = gtk.HBox(False, 3) box.pack_start(gtk.Label(_('Rules:')), False, False, 3) model = gtk.ListStore(str, str) l = manager.LocaleManager() locales = l.getAvailableLocales() for locale in locales: model.append([_(l.getLocaleDescription(locale)), locale]) model.append([_('Swedish'), 'sv']) cell = gtk.CellRendererText() combo = gtk.ComboBox(model) combo.pack_start(cell) combo.add_attribute(cell, 'text', 0) cur = None for locale in locales: if l.locale == locale: cur = locale if cur is not None: i = model.get_iter_first() while i: if model.get_value(i, 1) == cur: combo.set_active_iter(i) break i = model.iter_next(i) else: combo.set_active(0) box.pack_start(combo, False, False, 0) main.pack_start(box, False, False, 3) okbutton = gtk.Button(_("Create")) cancelbutton = gtk.Button(_("Cancel")) self.gamedialog.vbox.pack_start(main, False, False, 0) self.gamedialog.vbox.pack_start(exp, False, False, 0) self.gamedialog.action_area.pack_start(okbutton) self.gamedialog.action_area.pack_start(cancelbutton) okbutton.connect("clicked", self.createGame, centerOption, rankedOption, showCountOption, finalLetterOption, longWordBonus, noRepeatOption, combo, timedOption, timeControl, limitOption, limitControl, moveTimeOption, moveTimeControl) cancelbutton.connect("clicked", lambda b: self.gamedialog.destroy()) self.gamedialog.show_all()