Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, logData=None, logColor=Colors.Foreground.Green):
        * logData -- The LogData object
        * logColor -- The color to use for the Logger

        # Create a logger just for the options loading
        if logData is None:
            logData = LogData()
        self.__log = logData.get("PluginTester", color=logColor)

        # Parse the siri proxy configuration options object
        options = Options(logData)
        options.parse(argv, Files.ConfigFile)

        # Set the callback for the iPhone, and Server connections
        Server.Callback = self.iPhoneCallback
        Server.Callback = self.serverCallback

        # Create the connection manager, and connect the iPhone and
        # Server connections to it
        connectionManager = ConnectionManager(logData)

        # Grab an instance to the plugin manager
        self.__pluginManager = PluginManager(connectionManager, logData)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name, direction, logger,
        * name -- The name of this Connection
        * direction -- The direction of the data coming into this Connection
        * logger -- The logger for this Connection
        * logColor -- The log color for this Connection

        self.__direction = direction
        # Connect this connection to the connection manager
        self.__connectionManager = ConnectionManager(logger)

        # Grab an instance to the plugin manager
        self.__pluginManager = PluginManager(self.__connectionManager, logger)

        # If no logger is given, be sure to create it
        if logger is None:
            logger = LogData(name)
        self.log = logger.get(name, color=logColor)
        self.__logger = logger

        self.__compStream = zlib.compressobj()
        self.__zipStream = zlib.decompressobj()
        self.__processedHeaders = False
        self.__consumedAce = False

        self.__inputBuffer = ""
        self.__outputBuffer = ""
        self.__unzippedInput = ""
        self.__unzippedOutput = ""

        self.ssled = False
        self.__lastRefId = None
        self.__blockRestOfSession = False
        self.otherConnection = None

        # Starts in line mode
        self.__mode = Modes.Line