pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() vmaps[period] = v # closing pdf file pdf.close() # merging pages of pdf with similar period pagenbs = list(range(len(param_lists))) def key(pagenb): period = param_lists[pagenb][0] return period pagesgroups = psutils.groupbykey(pagenbs, key=key) print("\nMerging pages of pdf...") psutils.combine_pdf_pages(pdfname, pagesgroups, verbose=True) #Export pickle Louis print('Export to pickle') usersuffix = input("\nEnter suffix to append: [none]\n").strip() try: os.makedirs(TOMO_DIR) except: pass basename = os.path.basename(pickle_file).replace('FTAN', '2-pass-tomography') outprefix = os.path.join(TOMO_DIR, os.path.splitext(basename)[0])
# - 2nd panel = map of interstation paths and path densities # - 3rd panel = resolution map # # See doc of VelocityMap.plot(), VelocityMap.plot_velocity(), # VelocityMap.plot_pathdensity(), VelocityMap.plot_resolution() # for a detailed description of the input arguments. title = ("Period = {0} s, grid {1} x {1} deg, min SNR = {2}, corr. length " "= {3} km, alpha = {4}, beta = {5}, lambda = {6} ({7} paths)") title = title.format(period, grid_step, minspectSNR, corr_length, alpha, beta, lambda_, len(v.paths)) fig = v.plot(title=title, showplot=False) # exporting plot to pdf pdf.savefig(fig) plt.close() # closing pdf file pdf.close() # merging pages of pdf with similar period pagenbs = range(len(param_lists)) def key(pagenb): period = param_lists[pagenb][0] return period pagesgroups = psutils.groupbykey(pagenbs, key=key) print "\nMerging pages of pdf..." psutils.combine_pdf_pages(pdfname, pagesgroups, verbose=True)