Exemple #1
        print('Loading object models...')
        models = {}
        for obj_id in range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1):
            models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Directories with results for individual scenes
    scene_dirs = sorted([
        d for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(result_path, '*'))
        if os.path.isdir(d)

    for scene_dir in scene_dirs:
        scene_id = int(os.path.basename(scene_dir))

        # Load info and GT poses for the current scene
        scene_info = inout.load_info(dp['scene_info_mpath'].format(scene_id))
        scene_gt = inout.load_gt(dp['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))

        res_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(scene_dir, '*.yml')))
        errs = []
        im_id = -1
        depth_im = None
        for res_id, res_path in enumerate(res_paths):
            # t = time.time()

            # Parse image ID and object ID from the filename
            filename = os.path.basename(res_path).split('.')[0]
            im_id_prev = im_id
            im_id, obj_id = map(int, filename.split('_'))

            if res_id % 10 == 0:
    for scene_id in scene_ids_curr:
        obj_id_in_scene_array = list()

        if dataset =='doumanoglou' and scene_id == 3:
            obj_id_in_scene_array = [1, 2]

        if dataset == 'hinterstoisser' and scene_id == 2:
            obj_id_in_scene_array = [1, 2, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]  # for occ dataset

        for obj_id_in_scene in obj_id_in_scene_array:
            # Load scene info and gt poses
            print('#' * 20)
            print('\nreading detector template & info, obj: {}'.format(obj_id_in_scene))
            misc.ensure_dir(join(result_base_path, '{:02d}'.format(scene_id)))
            scene_info = inout.load_info(dp['scene_info_mpath'].format(scene_id))
            scene_gt = inout.load_gt(dp['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))
            model = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id_in_scene))

            # prepare renderer rather than rebuilding every time

            clip_near = 10  # [mm]
            clip_far = 10000  # [mm]
            ambient_weight = 0.8

            surf_color = None
            mode = 'rgb+depth'
            K = dp['cam']['K']
            shading = 'phong'
Exemple #3
readTemplFrom = './yaml/%s_templ.yaml'
readInfoFrom = './yaml/{}_info.yaml'
readModelFrom = './models/{0}/{0}.fly'
K_cam = None

detector = linemodLevelup_pybind.Detector()
poseRefine = linemodLevelup_pybind.poseRefine()
detector.readClasses(objIds, readTemplFrom)

infos = {}
models = {}
for id in objIds:
    model = inout.load_ply(readModelFrom.format(id))
    models[id] = model
    templateInfo = inout.load_info(readInfoFrom.format(id))
    infos[id] = templateInfo

def nms_norms(ts, scores, thresh):
    order = scores.argsort()[::-1]
    keep = []
    while order.size > 0:  # magic: order[[]] = []
        i = order[0]
        norms = np.linalg.norm(ts[i] - ts[order[1:]], axis=1)
        inds = np.where(norms > thresh)[0]
        order = order[inds + 1]
    return keep

Exemple #4
# vis_delta_mpath = vis_base + '{:' + str(dp['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) +\
#                   'd}_{:02d}_diff_below_delta={}.jpg'

print('Loading object models...')
models = {}
for obj_id in obj_ids:
    models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

# visib_to_below_delta_fracs = []
for data_id in data_ids:
    if do_vis:
            os.path.dirname(vis_mpath.format(dataset, delta, data_id, 0, 0)))

    # Load scene info and gts
    info = inout.load_info(dp[info_mpath_key].format(data_id))
    gts = inout.load_gt(dp[gt_mpath_key].format(data_id))

    im_ids = sorted(gts.keys())
    gt_stats = {}
    for im_id in im_ids:
        print('dataset: {}, scene/obj: {}, im: {}'.format(
            dataset, data_id, im_id))

        K = info[im_id]['cam_K']
        depth_path = dp[depth_mpath_key].format(data_id, im_id)
        depth_im = inout.load_depth(depth_path)
        depth_im *= dp['cam']['depth_scale']  # to [mm]
        im_size = (depth_im.shape[1], depth_im.shape[0])

        gt_stats[im_id] = []
Exemple #5
mode = 'test'

# template_saved_to = join(dp['base_path'], 'linemod', '%s.yaml')
# tempInfo_saved_to = join(dp['base_path'], 'linemod', '{:02d}_info.yaml')
template_saved_to = join(dp['base_path'], 'linemod_render', '%s.yaml')
tempInfo_saved_to = join(dp['base_path'], 'linemod_render', '{:02d}_info.yaml')
if mode == 'train':
    start_time = time.time()
    # im_ids = list(range(1, 1000, 10))  # obj's img
    im_ids = []
    visual = True

    for obj_id in obj_ids_curr:
        scene_info = inout.load_info(dp['obj_info_mpath'].format(obj_id))
        scene_gt = inout.load_gt(dp['obj_gt_mpath'].format(obj_id))

        im_ids_curr = sorted(scene_info.keys())

        if im_ids:
            im_ids_curr = set(im_ids_curr).intersection(im_ids)

        templateInfo = dict()
        for im_id in im_ids_curr:
            print('obj: {}, im: {}'.format(obj_id, im_id))

            # Load the images
            rgb = inout.load_im(dp['train_rgb_mpath'].format(obj_id, im_id))
            depth = inout.load_depth(dp['train_depth_mpath'].format(
                obj_id, im_id))
Exemple #6
    # Load object models
    if error_type in ['vsd', 'add', 'adi', 'cou']:
        print('Loading object models...')
        models = {}
        for obj_id in range(1, dp['obj_count'] + 1):
            models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Directories with results for individual scenes
    scene_dirs = sorted([d for d in glob.glob(os.path.join(result_path, '*'))
                         if os.path.isdir(d)])

    for scene_dir in scene_dirs:
        scene_id = int(os.path.basename(scene_dir))

        # Load info and GT poses for the current scene
        scene_info = inout.load_info(dp['scene_info_mpath'].format(scene_id))
        scene_gt = inout.load_gt(dp['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id))

        res_paths = sorted(glob.glob(os.path.join(scene_dir, '*.yml')))
        errs = []
        im_id = -1
        depth_im = None
        for res_id, res_path in enumerate(res_paths):
            # t = time.time()

            # Parse image ID and object ID from the filename
            filename = os.path.basename(res_path).split('.')[0]
            im_id_prev = im_id
            im_id, obj_id = map(int, filename.split('_'))

            if res_id % 10 == 0:
def load_scene(scene_id):
    Loads the specified scene.

    global ref_im_ind
    global scene_info
    global scene_gt

    # Load scene info
    scene_info_path = par['scene_info_mpath'].format(scene_id)
    print('Loading scene info: ' + scene_info_path)
    scene_info = inout.load_info(scene_info_path)
    ref_im_id = sorted(scene_info.keys())[ref_im_ind]
    scene_info_ref = scene_info[ref_im_id]
    R_w2c = scene_info_ref['cam_R_w2c']
    R_w2c_inv = np.linalg.inv(R_w2c)
    t_w2c = scene_info_ref['cam_t_w2c']

    # Load ground truth poses for the reference camera coordinate system
    scene_gt_path = par['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id)
    print('Loading GT poses: ' + scene_gt_path)
    scene_gt = inout.load_gt(scene_gt_path)
    scene_gt_ref = scene_gt[ref_im_id]

    # Load scene model

    # Load models of objects that are present in the scene
    for gt in scene_gt_ref:
        model_path = par['model_mpath'].format(gt['obj_id'])
        print('Loading model {}: {}'.format(gt['obj_id'], model_path))

    # Take poses from the reference camera coordinate system and transform them
    # to the world coordinate system (using the known camera-to-world trans.)
    objs = list(bpy.data.objects)
    objs_moved = [False for _ in objs]
    for gt in scene_gt_ref:
        for i, obj in enumerate(objs):
            obj_id = int(obj.name.split('obj_')[1].split('.')[0])

            if gt['obj_id'] == obj_id and not objs_moved[i]:
                print('Setting pose of model {}'.format(gt['obj_id']))
                #print(i, gt, obj_id, objs_moved[i], obj.location)

                R_m2w = R_w2c_inv.dot(gt['cam_R_m2c'])
                t_m2w = R_w2c_inv.dot(gt['cam_t_m2c']) - R_w2c_inv.dot(t_w2c)

                obj.rotation_euler = transform.euler_from_matrix(R_m2w, 'sxyz')
                obj.location = t_m2w.flatten().tolist()
                objs_moved[i] = True

    # Align view to the loaded elements
    for area in bpy.context.screen.areas:
        if area.type == 'VIEW_3D':
            ctx = bpy.context.copy()
            ctx['area'] = area
            ctx['region'] = area.regions[-1]
            bpy.ops.view3d.view_selected(ctx) # points view
            # bpy.ops.view3d.camera_to_view_selected(ctx) # points camera

    print("Scene loaded.")
Exemple #8
# vis_delta_mpath = vis_base + '{:' + str(dp['im_id_pad']).zfill(2) +\
#                   'd}_{:02d}_diff_below_delta={}.jpg'

print('Loading object models...')
models = {}
for obj_id in obj_ids:
    models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(dp['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

# visib_to_below_delta_fracs = []
for data_id in data_ids:
    if do_vis:
            vis_mpath.format(dataset, delta, data_id, 0, 0)))

    # Load scene info and gts
    info = inout.load_info(dp[info_mpath_key].format(data_id))
    gts = inout.load_gt(dp[gt_mpath_key].format(data_id))

    # Considered subset of images for the current scene
    if im_ids_sets is not None:
        im_ids = im_ids_sets[data_id]
        im_ids = sorted(gts.keys())

    gt_stats = {}
    for im_id in im_ids:
        print('dataset: {}, scene/obj: {}, im: {}'.format(dataset, data_id, im_id))

        K = info[im_id]['cam_K']
        depth_path = dp[depth_mpath_key].format(data_id, im_id)
        depth_im = inout.load_depth(depth_path)
Exemple #9
readTemplFrom = './yaml/%s_templ.yaml'
readInfoFrom = './yaml/{}_info.yaml'
readModelFrom = './models/{0}/{0}.fly'
K_cam = None

detector = linemodLevelup_pybind.Detector()
poseRefine = linemodLevelup_pybind.poseRefine()
detector.readClasses(objIds, readTemplFrom)

infos = {}
models = {}
for id in objIds:
    model = inout.load_ply(readModelFrom.format(id))
    models[id] = model
    templateInfo = inout.load_info(readInfoFrom.format(id))
    infos[id] = templateInfo

def nms_norms(ts, scores, thresh):
    order = scores.argsort()[::-1]
    keep = []
    while order.size > 0:  # magic: order[[]] = []
        i = order[0]
        norms = np.linalg.norm(ts[i]-ts[order[1:]], axis=1)
        inds = np.where(norms > thresh)[0]
        order = order[inds + 1]
    return keep