def save_scene(scene_id):
    Saves the specified scene.
    global scene_info
    global scene_gt

    # Collect poses expressed in the world coordinate system
    ref_obj_poses = []
    for obj in
        if is_obj(
            obj_id ='obj_')[1].split('.')[0] # Get object ID
            e, t = get_pose(
            R = transform.euler_matrix(e[0], e[1], e[2], axes='sxyz')[:3, :3]
                'obj_id': int(obj_id),
                'cam_R_m2w': R,
                'cam_t_m2w': np.array(t).reshape((3, 1))

    # Load models of objects present in the scene
    obj_ids = set([p['obj_id'] for p in ref_obj_poses])
    models = {}
    for obj_id in obj_ids:
        models[obj_id] = inout.load_ply(par['model_mpath'].format(obj_id))

    # Transform the poses to the camera coordinate systems using the known
    # camera-to-world transformations
    for im_id in scene_gt.keys():
        scene_gt[im_id] = []
        K = scene_info[im_id]['cam_K']
        R_w2c = scene_info[im_id]['cam_R_w2c']
        t_w2c = scene_info[im_id]['cam_t_w2c']
        for pose in ref_obj_poses:
            R_m2c_new =['cam_R_m2w'])
            t_m2c_new =['cam_t_m2w']) + t_w2c

            # Get 2D bounding box of the projection of the object model at
            # the refined ground truth pose
            pts_im = misc.project_pts(models[int(obj_id)]['pts'], K,
                                      R_m2c_new, t_m2c_new)
            pts_im = np.round(pts_im).astype(
            ys, xs = pts_im[:, 1], pts_im[:, 0]
            obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, par['test_im_size'])

                'obj_id': int(obj_id),
                'obj_bb': obj_bb,
                'cam_R_m2c': R_m2c_new,
                'cam_t_m2c': t_m2c_new

    # Save the updated ground truth poses
    scene_gt_path = par['scene_gt_mpath'].format(scene_id)
    print('Saving GT poses: ' + scene_gt_path)
    inout.save_gt(scene_gt_path, scene_gt)
Exemple #2
    def render_many(self, obj_ids, W, H, K, Rs, ts, near, far, random_light=True, phong={'ambient':0.4,'diffuse':0.8, 'specular':0.3}):
        assert W <= Renderer.MAX_FBO_WIDTH and H <= Renderer.MAX_FBO_HEIGHT

        glViewport(0, 0, W, H)

        if random_light:
            self.set_light_pose( 1000.*np.random.random(3) )
            self.set_ambient_light(phong['ambient'] + 0.1*(2*np.random.rand()-1))
            self.set_diffuse_light(phong['diffuse'] + 0.1*(2*np.random.rand()-1))
            self.set_specular_light(phong['specular'] + 0.1*(2*np.random.rand()-1))
            # self.set_ambient_light(phong['ambient'])
            # self.set_diffuse_light(0.7)
            # self.set_specular_light(0.3)
            self.set_light_pose( np.array([400., 400., 400]) )

        bbs = []
        for i in xrange(len(obj_ids)):
            o = obj_ids[i]
            R = Rs[i]
            t = ts[i]
            camera = gu.Camera()
            camera.realCamera(W, H, K, R, t, near, far)

            glDrawElementsIndirect(GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ctypes.c_void_p(o*4*5))

            glViewport(0, 0, W, H)
            glDrawElementsIndirect(GL_TRIANGLES, GL_UNSIGNED_INT, ctypes.c_void_p(o*4*5))

            glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer(, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1)
            depth_flipped = glReadPixels(0, 0, W, H, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT).reshape(H,W)
            depth = np.flipud(depth_flipped).copy()

            ys, xs = np.nonzero(depth > 0)
            obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, (W,H))

        glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer(, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0)
        bgr_flipped = np.frombuffer( glReadPixels(0, 0, W, H, GL_BGR, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE), dtype=np.uint8 ).reshape(H,W,3)
        bgr = np.flipud(bgr_flipped).copy()

        glNamedFramebufferReadBuffer(, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT1)
        depth_flipped = glReadPixels(0, 0, W, H, GL_RED, GL_FLOAT).reshape(H,W)
        depth = np.flipud(depth_flipped).copy()

        return bgr, depth, bbs
                                  clip_near, clip_far, texture=model_texture,
                                  ambient_weight=ambient_weight, shading=shading,

            # The OpenCV function was used for rendering of the training images
            # provided for the SIXD Challenge 2017.
            rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
            #rgb = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'][::-1], 'bicubic')

            # Save the rendered images
            inout.save_im(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), rgb)
            inout.save_depth(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), depth)

            # Get 2D bounding box of the object model at the ground truth pose
            ys, xs = np.nonzero(depth > 0)
            obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, par['cam']['im_size'])

            obj_info[im_id] = {
                'cam_K': par['cam']['K'].flatten().tolist(),
                'view_level': int(views_level[view_id]),
                #'sphere_radius': float(radius)

            obj_gt[im_id] = [{
                'cam_R_m2c': view['R'].flatten().tolist(),
                'cam_t_m2c': view['t'].flatten().tolist(),
                'obj_bb': [int(x) for x in obj_bb],
                'obj_id': int(obj_id)

            im_id += 1
Exemple #4
            # Bounding box of the object mask
            # bbox_all = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
            # if px_count_all > 0:
            #     ys, xs = obj_mask_gt.nonzero()
            #     bbox_all = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, im_size)

            # Bounding box of the object projection
            bbox_obj = misc.calc_pose_2d_bbox(models[gt['obj_id']], im_size, K,
                                              gt['cam_R_m2c'], gt['cam_t_m2c'])

            # Bounding box of the visible surface part
            bbox_visib = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
            if px_count_visib > 0:
                ys, xs = visib_gt.nonzero()
                bbox_visib = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, im_size)

                'px_count_all': int(px_count_all),
                'px_count_visib': int(px_count_visib),
                'px_count_valid': int(px_count_valid),
                'visib_fract': float(visib_fract),
                'bbox_obj': [int(e) for e in bbox_obj],
                'bbox_visib': [int(e) for e in bbox_visib]

            # mask_below_delta_sum = float(mask_below_delta.sum())
            # if mask_below_delta_sum > 0:
            #     visib_to_below_delta_fracs.append({
            #         'data_id': data_id,
            #         'im_id': im_id,
Exemple #5
            # Bounding box of the object mask
            # bbox_all = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
            # if px_count_all > 0:
            #     ys, xs = obj_mask_gt.nonzero()
            #     bbox_all = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, im_size)

            # Bounding box of the object projection
            bbox_obj = misc.calc_pose_2d_bbox(models[gt['obj_id']], im_size,
                                              K, gt['cam_R_m2c'], gt['cam_t_m2c'])

            # Bounding box of the visible surface part
            bbox_visib = [-1, -1, -1, -1]
            if px_count_visib > 0:
                ys, xs = visib_gt.nonzero()
                bbox_visib = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, im_size)

                'px_count_all': int(px_count_all),
                'px_count_visib': int(px_count_visib),
                'px_count_valid': int(px_count_valid),
                'visib_fract': float(visib_fract),
                'bbox_obj': [int(e) for e in bbox_obj],
                'bbox_visib': [int(e) for e in bbox_visib]

            # mask_below_delta_sum = float(mask_below_delta.sum())
            # if mask_below_delta_sum > 0:
            #     visib_to_below_delta_fracs.append({
            #         'data_id': data_id,
            #         'im_id': im_id,
Exemple #6
                                      clip_near, clip_far, texture=model_texture,
                                      ambient_weight=ambient_weight, shading=shading,

                # The OpenCV function was used for rendering of the training images
                # provided for the SIXD Challenge 2017.
                rgb = cv2.resize(rgb, p['cam']['im_size'], interpolation=cv2.INTER_AREA)
                # rgb = scipy.misc.imresize(rgb, par['cam']['im_size'][::-1], 'bicubic')

                # Save the rendered images
                inout.save_im(out_rgb_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), rgb)
                inout.save_depth(out_depth_mpath.format(obj_id, im_id), depth)

                # Get 2D bounding box of the object model at the ground truth pose
                ys, xs = np.nonzero(depth > 0)
                obj_bb = misc.calc_2d_bbox(xs, ys, p['cam']['im_size'])

                obj_info[im_id] = {
                    'cam_K': p['cam']['K'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'view_level': int(views_level[view_id]),
                    # 'sphere_radius': float(radius)

                obj_gt[im_id] = [{
                    'cam_R_m2c': view['R'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'cam_t_m2c': view['t'].flatten().tolist(),
                    'obj_bb': [int(x) for x in obj_bb],
                    'obj_id': int(obj_id)

                im_id += 1