Exemple #1
#lhc = sixtracktools.SixInput('.')
#line, rest, iconv = lhc.expand_struct()

elements = sim.Elements()
lhc = sixtracktools.SixInput('.')
line, rest, iconv = lhc.expand_struct(convert=elements.gen_builder())

cljob = sim.TrackJobCL(particles, elements, device="0.0", dump_element=nturns)
out = cljob.dump_element

refline, rest, iconv = lhc.expand_struct(convert=pysixtrack.element_types)
refline = pysixtrack.Line(elements=[l[2] for l in refline])

prun = pysixtrack.Particles(p0c=7000e9, x=x0)
refout = refline.track_elem_by_elem(prun)

refx = np.array([p.x for p in refout])
refzeta = np.array([p.zeta for p in refout])

plot(out.x - refx)
plot(out.zeta - refzeta)

nturn = 128
particles = sim.Particles(nparticles=npart)
Exemple #2
    bb.Ddelta_sub = ptemp.delta - ptempin.delta

# Check that the closed orbit is not kicked
for bb, ibb in zip(listBB6D, ind_BB6D):

    ptemp = closed_orbit[ibb].copy()
    ptempin = ptemp.copy()


    print('Again kick', ptemp.x - ptempin.x)

with open('line.pkl', 'wb') as fid:
    pickle.dump(line, fid)

lineobj = pysixtrack.Line(elements=[elem for label, elem_type, elem in line])
with open('lineobj.pkl', 'wb') as fid:
    pickle.dump(lineobj, fid)

# Compare tracking results
sixdump = sixdump_all[1::2]  # Particle with deviation from CO
# sixdump = sixdump_all[::2] # Particle on CO

p_in_st = pysixtrack.Particles(**sixdump[0].get_minimal_beam())
p_out_st = pysixtrack.Particles(**sixdump[1].get_minimal_beam())

p_in_pyst = p_in_st.copy()
p_out_pyst = p_in_pyst.copy()

if listBB6D:
Exemple #3
        order = np.random.randint(0, 10)
        in_knl = np.random.uniform(0.0, 100.0, order + 1)
        in_ksl = np.random.uniform(0.0, 100.0, order + 1)

        bal_length = 2 * order + 2
        in_bal = np.zeros(bal_length)
        for ii in range(0, len(in_ksl)):
            in_bal[2 * ii] = in_knl[ii] / factorial(ii, exact=True)
            in_bal[2 * ii + 1] = in_ksl[ii] / factorial(ii, exact=True)

        pyst_line.append(pyst.elements.Multipole(knl=in_knl, ksl=in_ksl))

    temp = pyst.Line(pyst_line)
    st_line = st.Elements()

    assert st_line.cbuffer.n_objects == num_tests
    assert len(in_knl_data) == num_tests
    assert len(in_ksl_data) == num_tests
    assert len(in_bal_data) == num_tests

    for ii in range(0, num_tests):
        assert pyst_line[ii].order == st_line.get(ii).order
        assert np.allclose(in_knl_data[ii], st_line.get(ii).knl, rtol=1e-15)
        assert np.allclose(in_ksl_data[ii], st_line.get(ii).ksl, rtol=1e-15)
        assert np.allclose(in_bal_data[ii], st_line.get(ii).bal, rtol=1e-15)

    for ii in range(0, num_tests):
Exemple #4
def test_line():
    rfmultipole = elements.RFMultipole(frequency=100,
                                       knl=[0.1, 0.2],
                                       ksl=[0.3, 0.4])
    zero_drift = elements.Drift(0)
    line = pysixtrack.Line(
        elements=[zero_drift, rfmultipole, zero_drift],
        element_names=["zero_drift", "rfmultipole", "zero_drift"],
    length = 1.4
    drift_exact = elements.DriftExact(length)
    multipole = elements.Multipole(knl=[0.1])
    aperture = elements.LimitEllipse(a=0.08, b=0.02)

    n_elements = 3
    position = 1
    drift_exact_name = "exact drift"
    line.insert_element(position, drift_exact, drift_exact_name)
    n_elements += 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements
    assert line.find_element_ids(drift_exact_name)[0] == position
    assert line.get_length() == length

    multipole_name = "multipole"
    line.insert_element(position, multipole, multipole_name)
    n_elements += 1
    line.insert_element(position + 1, aperture, "multipole_aperture")
    n_elements += 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    line._add_offset_error_to(multipole_name, dx=0, dy=0)
    n_elements += 2
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    line._add_offset_error_to(multipole_name, dx=0.2, dy=-0.003)
    n_elements += 2
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    line._add_tilt_error_to(multipole_name, angle=0)
    n_elements += 2
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    line._add_tilt_error_to(multipole_name, angle=0.1)
    n_elements += 2
    assert len(line) == n_elements

                                 knl=[0, 0.1],
                                 ksl=[-0.03, 0.01])
    # line._add_multipole_error_to(drift_exact,knl=[0,0.1],ksl=[-0.03,0.01])

    line_dict = line.to_dict()
    line = pysixtrack.Line.from_dict(line_dict)
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    n_elements *= 2
    assert len(line) == n_elements
    assert line.get_length() == 2 * length

    s_elements_d = line.get_s_elements("downstream")
    s_elements_u = line.get_s_elements("upstream")
    assert max(np.array(s_elements_d) - np.array(s_elements_u)) == length

    line.insert_element(1, elements.Multipole(), "inactive_multipole")
    n_elements += 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements
    assert len(line.remove_inactive_multipoles()) == n_elements - 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements
    n_elements -= 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    assert len(line.merge_consecutive_drifts()) == n_elements - 1
    n_elements -= 1
    assert len(line) == n_elements

    assert len(line.get_elements_of_type(elements.Drift)) == 2

    drifts = line.get_elements_of_type(elements.Drift)[0]
    n_zerolength_drifts = len([d for d in drifts if d.length == 0])
    assert (len(line.remove_zero_length_drifts()) == n_elements -
    n_elements -= n_zerolength_drifts
    assert len(line) == n_elements
from pyoptics import madlang, optics
import pysixtrack

# see sps/madx/a001_track_thin.madx
mad = madlang.open("madx/SPS_Q20_thin.seq")
mad.acta_31637.volt = 4.5
mad.acta_31637.lag = 0.5

elems, rest, iconv = mad.sps.expand_struct(pysixtrack.element_types)

pbench = optics.open("madx/track.obs0001.p0001")
sps = pysixtrack.Line(elements=[e[2] for e in elems])

def get_part(pbench, ii):
    pstart = [pbench[n][ii] for n in "x px y py t pt".split()]
    pstart = dict(zip("x px y py tau ptau".split(), pstart))
    prun = pysixtrack.Particles(energy0=pbench.e[ii] * 1e9, **pstart)
    return prun

def compare(prun, pbench):
    out = []
    for att in "x px y py tau ptau".split():
        vrun = getattr(prun, att)
        vbench = getattr(pbench, att)
        diff = vrun - vbench
        print(f"{att:<5} {vrun:22.13e} {vbench:22.13e} {diff:22.13g}")
    print(f"max {max(out):21.12e}")
    return max(out)