Exemple #1
def greg_to_mjd(greg):
    Convert gregorian date into MJD.

    greg : string
        Gregorian date (format: YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS)

    mjd : float
        Date in the format MJD.

    >>> greg = '19881103_000000'
    >>> mjd = greg_to_mjd(greg)
    >>> print('GREG={} ->'.format(greg), 'MJD={}'.format(round(mjd, 2)))
    GREG=19881103_000000 -> MJD=47468.0
    year = int(greg[:4])
    month = int(greg[4:6])
    day = int(greg[6:8])
    hour = int(greg[9:11])
    minute = int(greg[11:13])
    second = int(greg[13:15])

    fracday, status = slalib.sla_dtf2d(hour, minute, second)
    mjd, status = slalib.sla_cldj(year, month, day)
    mjd += fracday

    return mjd
Exemple #2
def _test_gcal2jd_with_sla_cldj():
    """Compare gcal2jd with slalib.sla_cldj."""
    import random
        from pyslalib import slalib
    except ImportError:
        print("SLALIB (PySLALIB not available).")
        return 1
    n = 1000
    mday = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

    # sla_cldj needs year > -4699 i.e., 4700 BC.
    year = [random.randint(-4699, 2200) for i in range(n)]
    month = [random.randint(1, 12) for i in range(n)]
    day = [random.randint(1, 31) for i in range(n)]
    for i in range(n):
        x = 0
        if is_leap(year[i]) and month[i] == 2:
            x = 1
        if day[i] > mday[month[i]] + x:
            day[i] = mday[month[i]]

    jd_jdc = [gcal2jd(y, m, d)[1]
              for y, m, d in zip(year, month, day)]
    jd_sla = [slalib.sla_cldj(y, m, d)[0]
              for y, m, d in zip(year, month, day)]
    diff = [abs(i - j) for i, j in zip(jd_sla, jd_jdc)]
    assert max(diff) <= 1e-8
    assert min(diff) <= 1e-8
Exemple #3
    def radvel(self, sdate, time, radeg, decdeg):
        # decode the date, convert to MJD
        ss = sdate.split('-')
        year = int(ss[0])
        mont = int(ss[1])
        day = int(ss[2])
        mjdv = s.sla_cldj(year, mont, day)
        mjd0 = mjdv[0]
        rstat = mjdv[1]

        uttime, tf1 = self.sex2deg(time)  # time in hours

        #radeg,tf1 = sex2deg(rastring)
        #if tf1 == 0 : radeg = radeg*15.0

        #decdeg,tf1 = sex2deg(decstring)
        # print '<br>RA=%8.4f deg, DEC=%8.4f deg' % (radeg,decdeg)

        mjdt = mjd0 + uttime / 24.0

        # print 'Using ', sdate, mjdt, uttime, radeg,decdeg

        rr = self.rvel(mjdt, radeg, decdeg)
        #  ((mjdd, last*12.0/math.pi, Rgeo, totalhelio,totalbary, totallsrk,totalgal))

        return rr
Exemple #4
def _test_gcal2jd_with_sla_cldj():
    """Compare gcal2jd with slalib.sla_cldj."""
    import random
        from pyslalib import slalib
    except ImportError:
        print("SLALIB (PySLALIB not available).")
        return 1
    n = 1000
    mday = [0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31]

    # sla_cldj needs year > -4699 i.e., 4700 BC.
    year = [random.randint(-4699, 2200) for i in range(n)]
    month = [random.randint(1, 12) for i in range(n)]
    day = [random.randint(1, 31) for i in range(n)]
    for i in range(n):
        x = 0
        if is_leap(year[i]) and month[i] == 2:
            x = 1
        if day[i] > mday[month[i]] + x:
            day[i] = mday[month[i]]

    jd_jdc = [gcal2jd(y, m, d)[1]
              for y, m, d in zip(year, month, day)]
    jd_sla = [slalib.sla_cldj(y, m, d)[0]
              for y, m, d in zip(year, month, day)]
    diff = [abs(i - j) for i, j in zip(jd_sla, jd_jdc)]
    assert max(diff) <= 1e-8
    assert min(diff) <= 1e-8
Exemple #5
def current_MJD():
        Return the current MJD accurate to ~1 sec.
    YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, isdst = time.gmtime()
    mjd_f, J = s.sla_dtf2d(hh, mm, ss)
    mjd_i, J = s.sla_cldj(YY, MM, DD)
    return mjd_i + mjd_f
Exemple #6
def current_MJD():
        Return the current MJD accurate to ~1 sec.
    YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, isdst = time.gmtime()
    mjd_f, J = s.sla_dtf2d(hh, mm, ss)
    mjd_i, J = s.sla_cldj(YY, MM, DD)
    return  mjd_i + mjd_f
Exemple #7
def DATEOBS_to_MJD(dateobs):
    """Convert DATE-OBS string from PSRFITS primary HDU to a MJD.
        Returns a 2-tuple:
            (integer part of MJD, fractional part of MJD)
    # Parse string using regular expression defined at top of file
    m = date_obs_re.match(dateobs)
    mjd_fracday = (float(m.group("hour")) + (float(m.group("min")) + \
                    (float(m.group("sec")) / 60.0)) / 60.0) / 24.0
    mjd_day, err = slalib.sla_cldj(float(m.group("year")), \
                        float(m.group("month")), float(m.group("day")))
    return mjd_day, mjd_fracday
def datetime_to_mjd_utc(d):
    """Function to calculate MJD for a given UTC"""

    (mjd, status) = slalib.sla_cldj(d.year, d.month, d.day)
    if status != 0:
        return None
    (fday, status ) = slalib.sla_dtf2d(d.hour, d.minute, d.second+(d.microsecond/1e6))
    if status != 0:
        return None
    mjd_utc = mjd + fday
    return mjd_utc
def datetime2mjd_utc(d):
# Compute MJD for UTC
    (mjd, status) = S.sla_cldj(d.year, d.month, d.day)
    if status != 0:
    	return None
    (fday, status ) = S.sla_dtf2d(d.hour, d.minute, d.second+(d.microsecond/1e6))
    if status != 0:
    	return None
    mjd_utc = mjd + fday

    return mjd_utc
Exemple #10
def datetime2mjd_utc(d):
    """Converts a passed datetime object in UTC to the equivalent Modified Julian
    Date (MJD), which is returned"""
    # Compute MJD for UTC
    (mjd, status) = S.sla_cldj(d.year, d.month, d.day)
    if status != 0:
        return None
    (fday, status) = S.sla_dtf2d(d.hour, d.minute,
                                 d.second + (d.microsecond / 1e6))
    if status != 0:
        return None
    mjd_utc = mjd + fday

    return mjd_utc
Exemple #11
def epochToMJD(t=None):
        Return the current MJD accurate to ~1 sec if no argument
        otherwise convert argument from unix epoch to MJD
    from pyslalib import slalib as s
    if t is None:
        YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, isdst = time.gmtime()
        YY, MM, DD, hh, mm, ss, wday, yday, isdst = time.gmtime(t)
    mjd_f, J = s.sla_dtf2d(hh, mm, ss)
    mjd_i, J = s.sla_cldj(YY, MM, DD)
    return  mjd_i + mjd_f
def calc_hjd(date_obs,ra,dec,debug=False):
    """Function to convert a timestamp in %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S UTC format
    to Heliocentric Julian Date for a given RA, Dec of target"""
    # Convert RA, Dec to radians:
    c = SkyCoord(ra,dec,unit=(u.hourangle,u.deg))
    if debug==True: print 'RA '+ra+' -> decimal radians '+str(c.ra.radian)
    if debug==True: print 'Dec '+dec+' -> decimal radians '+str(c.dec.radian)
    # Convert the timestamp into a DateTime object:
    if 'T' in date_obs: 
            dt = datetime.strptime(date_obs,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
        except ValueError:
            dt = datetime.strptime(date_obs,"%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%f")
            dt = datetime.strptime(date_obs,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
        except ValueError:
            dt = datetime.strptime(date_obs,"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f")
    # Calculate the MJD (UTC) timestamp:
    mjd_utc = datetime_to_mjd_utc(dt)
    if debug==True: print 'MJD_UTC = '+str(mjd_utc)
    # Correct the MJD to TT:
    mjd_tt = mjd_utc_to_mjd_tt(mjd_utc)
    if debug==True: print 'MJD_TT = '+str(mjd_tt)
    # Calculating MJD of 1st January that year:
    (mjd_jan1,iexec) = slalib.sla_cldj(dt.year,1,1)
    if debug==True: print 'MJD of Jan 1, '+str(dt.year)+' = '+str(mjd_jan1)
    # Calculating the MJD difference between the DateObs and Jan 1 of the same year:
    tdiff = mjd_tt - mjd_jan1
    if debug==True: print 'Time difference from Jan 1 - dateobs, '+str(dt.year)+' = '+str(tdiff)
    # Calculating the RV and time corrections to the Sun:
    (rv,tcorr) = slalib.sla_ecor(c.ra.radian,c.dec.radian,\
    if debug==True: print 'Time correction to the Sun = '+str(tcorr)
    # Calculating the HJD:
    hjd = mjd_tt + tcorr/86400.0 + 2400000.5
    if debug==True: print 'HJD = '+str(hjd)
    return hjd
Exemple #13
    def radvellist(self, sdate, rastring, decstring):

        # decode the date, convert to MJD
        ss = sdate.split('-')
        year = int(ss[0])
        mont = int(ss[1])
        day = int(ss[2])
        mjdv = s.sla_cldj(year, mont, day)
        mjd0 = mjdv[0]
        rstat = mjdv[1]

        raval = s.sla_dafin(rastring, 1)  # convert to radians
        dcval = s.sla_dafin(decstring, 1)

        rarad = raval[1] * 15.
        dcrad = dcval[1]

        # degrees
        radeg = rarad * 180.0 / math.pi
        decdeg = dcrad * 180.0 / math.pi

        # print ""
        # print ' %3s %7s %7s %7s %13s %13s %13s' %  \
        #      ('UTHr', 'LST', 'Geo', 'Helio', 'Barycentric', 'LSRK', 'Galacto')

        # loop through 25 hours
        for i in range(0, 25):
            hour = i
            dfrac = hour / 24.0
            mjd1 = mjd0 + dfrac

            rr = self.rvel(mjd1, radeg, decdeg)
            #  ((mjdd, last*12.0/math.pi, Rgeo, totalhelio,totalbary, totallsrk,totalgal))

            print(' %3d %7.3f %7.3f %7.3f %13.3f %13.3f %13.3f' % \
Exemple #14
 def all_sky_shot(self, number, magnitude, az_star, el_star, data_name, status):
     thr = 80 #threshold of brightness
     if os.path.exists("/home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)):
     #status = {"Command_Az":0,"Command_El":0,"Current_Az":0,"Current_El":0,"OutTemp":0,"Press":0,"OutHumi":0}
     date = datetime.datetime.today()
     month = str("{0:02d}".format(date.month))
     day = str("{0:02d}".format(date.day))
     hour = str("{0:02d}".format(date.hour))
     minute = str("{0:02d}".format(date.minute))
     second = str("{0:02d}".format(date.second))
     name = str(date.year)+month+day+hour+minute+second
     ret = slalib.sla_cldj(date.year, date.month, date.day)
     mjd = ret[0]
     secofday = date.hour*60*60 + date.minute*60 + date.second + date.microsecond*0.000001
     #load array
     path = os.getcwd()
     com = "mv "+str(path)+"/"+str(name)+".png /home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)+"/"+str(name)+".png"
     ret = commands.getoutput(com)
     in_image = Image.open("/home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)+"/"+name+".png")
     image = np.array(ImageOps.grayscale(in_image))
     ori_image = np.array(image)
     width = len(image[0])
     height = len(image)
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             if image[i][j] < thr:
                 image[i][j] = 0
     #calc dimention
     p_array = np.zeros(256)
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             p_array[image[i][j]] += 1
     #find color
     num = 1
     nmax = 1
     for i in range(255):
         if nmax < p_array[i+1]:
             nmax = p_array[i+1]
             num = i+1
     #find star
     x = 0
     y = 0
     n = 0
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             if image[i][j] == num:
                 x += j
                 y += i
                 n += 1
     if n == 0:
         print("CAN'T FIND STAR") #black photograph
     x = x/n
     y = y/n
     #find center
     xx = 0.
     yy = 0.
     f = 0.
     for i in range(21):
         for j in range(21):
             xx += (x+j-10.)*image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
             yy += (y+i-10.)*image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
             f += image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
     if f == 0.: #two or more stars
     xx = xx/f
     yy = yy/f
     self.save_status(xx, yy, number, magnitude, az_star, el_star, mjd, data_name, secofday, status)
Exemple #15
 def onepoint_shot(self, ra, dec, az_star, el_star, data_name, status):
     thr = 80 #threshold of brightness <=?
     if os.path.exists("/home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)):
     name = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S')
     ret = slalib.sla_cldj(date.year, date.month, date.day)
     mjd = ret[0]
     secofday = date.hour*60*60 + date.minute*60 + date.second + date.microsecond*0.000001
     #load array
     path = os.getcwd()
     com = "mv "+str(path)+"/"+str(name)+".png /home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)+"/"+str(name)+".png"
     ret = commands.getoutput(com)
     in_image = Image.open("/home/amigos/NECST/soft/data/"+str(data_name)+"/"+name+".png")
     image = np.array(ImageOps.grayscale(in_image))
     ori_image = np.array(image)
     width = len(image[0])
     height = len(image)
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             if image[i][j] < thr:
                 image[i][j] = 0
     #calc dimention
     p_array = np.zeros(256)
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             p_array[image[i][j]] += 1
     #find color
     num = 1
     nmax = 1
     for i in range(255):
         if nmax < p_array[i+1]:
             nmax = p_array[i+1]
             num = i+1
     #find star
     x = 0
     y = 0
     n = 0
     for i in range(height):
         for j in range(width):
             if image[i][j] == num:
                 x += j
                 y += i
                 n += 1
     if n == 0:
         print("CAN'T FIND STAR") #black photograph
         return 1
     x = x/n
     y = y/n
     #find center
     xx = 0.
     yy = 0.
     f = 0.
     for i in range(21):
         for j in range(21):
             xx += (x+j-10.)*image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
             yy += (y+i-10.)*image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
             f += image[y+i-10.][x+j-10.]
     if f == 0.: #two or more stars
         return 1
     xx = xx/f
     yy = yy/f
     self.save_track_status(xx, yy, ra, az_star, el_star, mjd, data_name, secofday, status)
Exemple #16
    def create_table(self):
        #create target_list

        f = open(self.pointing_list)
        line = f.readline()
        target_list = []
        tv = time.time()
        mjd2 = tv / 24. / 3600. + 40587.0  # 40587.0 = MJD0

        #calculate mjd(now) and mjd(2000)
        date = datetime.datetime.today()
        ret = slalib.sla_cldj(date.year, date.month, date.day)
        mjd = ret[0]
        ret = slalib.sla_cldj(2000, 1, 1)
        mjd2000 = ret[0]

        while line:
            list = []
            line = line.replace(";", " ")
            line = line.split()


            ra = float(line[1]) * (360. / 24.) + float(
                line[2]) * (360. / 24.) / 60. + float(
                    line[3]) * (360. / 24.) / 3600. + float(line[4]) * (
                        360. / 24.) / 3600. * (mjd - mjd2000) / 36525.
            if line[5] == "+":
                dec = float(line[6]) + float(line[7]) / 60. + float(
                    line[8]) / 3600. + float(
                        line[9]) / 3600. * (mjd - mjd2000) / 36525.
                dec = -(float(line[6]) + float(line[7]) / 60. +
                        float(line[8]) / 3600.) + float(
                            line[9]) / 3600. * (mjd - mjd2000) / 36525.
            list.append(line[21])  #magnitude

            ret = self.calc_star_azel(ra, dec, mjd2)
            list.append(ret[0])  #az
            #list = [number, ra, dec, magnitude, az]

            print(str(ra) + "  " + str(dec))

            if ret[1] >= 30 and ret[1] <= 80:
                num = len(target_list)
                if num == 0:
                elif num == 1:
                    if target_list[0][4] < list[4]:
                        target_list.insert(0, list)
                    for i in range(num):
                        if target_list[i][4] > list[4]:
                            target_list.insert(i, list)
                        if i == num - 1:
                            target_list.insert(num, list)

            line = f.readline()

        return target_list
Exemple #17
 def create_table(self):
     #create target_list
     f = open(self.pointing_list)
     line = f.readline()
     target_list = []
     tv = time.time()
     mjd2 = tv/24./3600. + 40587.0 # 40587.0 = MJD0
     #calculate mjd(now) and mjd(2000)
     date = datetime.datetime.today()
     ret = slalib.sla_cldj(date.year, date.month, date.day)
     mjd = ret[0]
     ret = slalib.sla_cldj(2000, 1, 1)
     mjd2000 = ret[0]
     while line:
         list = []
         line = line.replace(";", " ")
         line = line.split()
         ra = float(line[1])*(360./24.)+float(line[2])*(360./24.)/60.+float(line[3])*(360./24.)/3600.+float(line[4])*(360./24.)/3600.*(mjd - mjd2000)/36525.
         if line[5] == "+":
             dec = float(line[6])+float(line[7])/60.+float(line[8])/3600.+float(line[9])/3600.*(mjd - mjd2000)/36525.
             dec = -(float(line[6])+float(line[7])/60.+float(line[8])/3600.)+float(line[9])/3600.*(mjd - mjd2000)/36525.
         list.append(line[21]) #magnitude
         ret = self.calc_star_azel(ra, dec, mjd2)
         list.append(ret[0]) #az
         #list = [number, ra, dec, magnitude, az]
         print(str(ra)+"  "+str(dec))
         if ret[1] >= 30 and ret[1] <= 80:
             num = len(target_list)
             if num == 0:
             elif num == 1:
                 if target_list[0][4] < list[4]:
                     target_list.insert(0, list)
                 for i in range(num):
                     if target_list[i][4] > list[4]:
                         target_list.insert(i, list)
                     if i == num-1:
                         target_list.insert(num, list)
         line = f.readline()
     return target_list
Exemple #18
    def _convert_coordinates(self, lat, long, ra_ref, dec_ref, date, time):
        """ Accurate conversion from equatorial coordiantes (RA, DEC) to Spherical (TH,PH) coordinates.
        The code uses the pyslalib library for a number of functions from the SLALIB Fortran library converted to Python.
        :param lat: latitude (decimal degrees)
        :param long: longitude (decimal degrees)
        :param ra_ref: RA(J2000) (decimal hours)
        :param dec_ref: Dec(J2000) (decimal degrees)
        :param date: vector date [iyear, imonth, iday]
        :param time: vector time [ihour imin isec]
        :return: [theta, pi]: Theta and Phi angles (degrees)

        const_2pi = 2.0 * math.pi
        d2r = math.pi / 180
        r2d = 180 / math.pi

        # Conversion factor seconds of time to days
        const_st2day = 1.0/(24 * 3600)

        # Specify latitude and longitude (radians)
        lat *= d2r
        long *= d2r

        # Specify catalogued position (J2000 coordinates, radians)
        ra_ref = ra_ref * 15 * d2r
        dec_ref *= d2r

        # Specify current time and date %
        isec   = time[2]
        imin   = time[1]
        ihour  = time[0]
        iday   = date[2]
        imonth = date[1]
        iyear  = date[0]

        # Convert current UTC to Modified Julian date
        djm, j1   = slalib.sla_cldj(iyear, imonth, iday)
        fdutc, j2 = slalib.sla_dtf2d(ihour, imin, isec)
        djutc     = djm + fdutc

        # Calculate Greenwich Mean Sidereal Time from MJD
        gmst1 = slalib.sla_gmst(djutc)

        # Add longitude and Equation of Equinoxes for Local Apparent ST
        djtt = djutc + slalib.sla_dtt(djutc)*const_st2day
        last = gmst1 + long + slalib.sla_eqeqx(djtt)
        if last < 0.0:
            last += const_2pi

        # Convert catalogued position to apparent RA, Dec at current date
        pr = 0.e0
        pd = 0.e0
        px = 0.e0
        rv = 0.e0
        eq = 2000.0e0
        [raobs, decobs] = slalib.sla_map(ra_ref, dec_ref, pr, pd, px, rv, eq, djutc)

        # Get Hour Angle and Declination
        ha = last - raobs
        if ha < -math.pi:
            ha += const_2pi

        if ha > math.pi:
            ha -= const_2pi
        dec = decobs

        # Convert to Azimuth and Elevation
        azim, elev = slalib.sla_de2h(ha, dec, lat)

        theta = (90 - elev * r2d).real
        phi = (azim * r2d).real

        return [theta, phi]