def RenderHTML(self, parent, profile, itemState): """Overrides :py:meth:`BodyElement.RenderHTML`, the result is always a Div with class set to "itemBody". Unlike other such method *parent* may by None, in which case a new parentless Div is created.""" if parent: htmlDiv = parent.ChildElement(html.Div) else: htmlDiv = html.Div(None) htmlDiv.styleClass = "itemBody" self.RenderHTMLChildren(htmlDiv, profile, itemState)
def RenderHTML(self, itemState, htmlParent=None): """Renders this item in html, adding nodes to *htmlParent*. The state of the item (e.g., the values of any controls and template variables), is taken from *itemState*, a :py:class:`variables.ItemSessionState` instance. The result is the top-level div containing the item added to the htmlParent. If htmlParent is None then a parentless div is created. If the item has no itemBody then an empty Div is returned.""" if self.ItemBody: htmlDiv = self.ItemBody.RenderHTML(htmlParent, content.HTMLProfile, itemState) else: if htmlParent: htmlDiv = htmlParent.ChildElement(html.Div) else: htmlDiv = html.Div(None) return htmlDiv