def parse(filename): ex = smps.load_mps(filename) def rhs(): if ex[8] == []: while True: yield 0.0 else: for c in ex[9][ex[8][0]]: yield c while True: yield 0.0 # Is it max or min objective? min_max = 1 num_vars = len(ex[3]) pobj = ObjectiveConstraint(ex[6]) r = list(itertools.islice(rhs(), len(ex[5]))) dobj = ObjectiveConstraint(r) pconstraints = [] dconstraints = [] assert (len(ex[7]) == len(ex[5])) for (mult, s, ri) in zip(ex[7], ex[5], r): pconstraints += [Constraint(mult, Sign(s), ri)] # Keeps the ranges of each variable bounds = dict([(i, RangeConstraint(i, 'UNCONSTRAINED', 0.0)) for i in range(num_vars)]) if ex[10] != []: bound = ex[10][0] for b in ex[11][bound].keys(): for i, v in enumerate(ex[11][bound][b]): if not bounds[i].bounded: bounds[i] = RangeConstraint(i, b, v) prangeconstraints = bounds.values( ) # [v if v.bounded else RangeConstraint(v.index, 'LO', 0.0) for v in bounds.values()] for (mult, s, r) in zip(ex[7].transpose(), [c.sign_flip() for c in prangeconstraints], ex[6].transpose()): dconstraints += [Constraint(mult, s, r)] drangeconstraints = [ RangeConstraint(i, c.sign.flip().bound(), 0.0) for (i, c) in enumerate(pconstraints) ] return (pconstraints, pobj, num_vars, min_max, prangeconstraints, dconstraints, dobj, len(pconstraints), 1 - min_max, drangeconstraints)
def load_mps_primitive(mip_model: MIPModel, path): """ Loads a MIP problem in MPS or COR format into the given mip_model, specified by either the absolute or relative path. This method only uses 1-dimensional variables to create the model. If the specified .mps file does not contain a 'BOUNDS' section, standard bounds x ∈ [0,inf) are set. Makes use of the library :py:`pysmps <>`. :param mip_model: The mip_model, in which the MIP problem should be loaded. :param path: The path to the .mps file. This can be either relative to the current working directory or absolute. :return: None """ name, objective_name, row_names, col_names, col_types, types, c, A, rhs_names, rhs, bnd_names, bnd = loader.load_mps( path) # model variables n = len(col_names) x = [] # Check if bounds were defined, as :func:`pysmps <>` does not check for missing bounds definition bounds_defined = bounds_set(path) lb_vec, ub_vec = [], [] if not bounds_defined: lb_vec, ub_vec = np.zeros(n), np.repeat(math.inf, n) else: bnd_name = bnd_names[0] lb_vec, ub_vec = bnd[bnd_name]["LO"], bnd[bnd_name]["UP"] for i in range(n): lb, ub = lb_vec[i], ub_vec[i] var_type = VarTypes.CONTINUOUS if col_types[i] == 'continuous' else ( VarTypes.BINARY if lb == 0 and ub == 1 else VarTypes.INTEGER) x += [ mip_model.add_variable(name="x{}".format(i), var_type=var_type, lb=lb, ub=ub) ] # objective function objective_function = sum([c_i * x_i for c_i, x_i in zip(c, x)]) mip_model.set_objective(objective_function) # constraints rhs_name = rhs_names[0] b = rhs[rhs_name] for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "E"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs == float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint) for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "G"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs >= float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint) for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "L"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs <= float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint)
def load_mps(mip_model: MIPModel, abs_path=None, rel_path=None): """ Loads a MIP problem in MPS or COR format into the given mip_model, specified by either the absolute or relative path. :param mip_model: The mip_model, in which the MIP problem should be loaded. :param abs_path: The absolute path to the .mps or .cor file. :param rel_path: The relative path to the .mps or .cor file starting in the examples/mps_files directory. :return: None """ if abs_path is None: mps_examples_dir = os.path.abspath( os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '../..', 'examples/mps_files')) print(mps_examples_dir) abs_path = os.path.join(mps_examples_dir, rel_path) print(abs_path) if not os.path.isfile(abs_path): raise Exception( "ILLEGAL FILEPATH: The specified file path does not point to an existing file." ) file_ext = os.path.splitext(abs_path)[1] if file_ext not in ['.mps', '.cor']: raise Exception( "ILLEGAL FILEEXTENSION: The specified file path does not point to an .mps or .cor file." ) name, objective_name, row_names, col_names, col_types, types, c, A, rhs_names, rhs, bnd_names, bnd = loader.load_mps( abs_path) # model variables n = len(c) x = [] bnd_name = bnd_names[0] lb_vec = bnd[bnd_name]["LO"] ub_vec = bnd[bnd_name]["UP"] for i in range(n): if i == 225: debug = 1 # TODO watch out: pysmps specifies lb <= x < ub lb = lb_vec[i] ub = ub_vec[i] var_type = VarTypes.CONTINUOUS if col_types[i] == 'continuous' else ( VarTypes.BINARY if lb == 0 and ub == 1 else VarTypes.INTEGER) x += [ mip_model.add_variable(name="x{}".format(i), var_type=var_type, lb=lb, ub=ub) ] # objective function objective_function = sum([c_i * x_i for c_i, x_i in zip(c, x)]) mip_model.set_objective(objective_function) # constraints rhs_name = rhs_names[0] b = rhs[rhs_name] for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "E"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs == float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint) row_index = 0 for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "G"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs >= float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint) row_index = 0 for row, row_index in [(A_row, row_index) for row_index, (A_row, type) in enumerate(zip(A, types)) if type == "L"]: curr_lhs = sum( [a_i * x_i for a_i, x_i in zip(row, x) if a_i > 0 or a_i < 0]) curr_constraint = curr_lhs <= float(b[row_index]) mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=curr_constraint) print(mip_model) print("Constraints: " + str(len(mip_model.lp_model.constraints))) print("Variables: " + str(len(mip_model.lp_model.vars)))
from pysmps import smps_loader as mps import numpy as np import scs import scipy.sparse import osqp import matplotlib.pyplot as plt lp = 'lps/afiro' print("---------------------------------------") print(lp) data = mps.load_mps(f'{lp}.mps') #plt.spy(data['A']) import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
"pilot4i", ]) infeasible_lps = [ "d6cube", "bgdbg1", "galenet", ] VERBOSE = True results_dict = {} for lp in infeasible_lps: print("---------------------------------------") print(lp) data = mps.load_mps(f'lps/{lp}.mps') if len(data["rhs_names"]) > 1: raise ValueError("more than one rhs") if len(data["bnd_names"]) > 1: raise ValueError("more than one bnd") A_mps = data["A"] c = data["c"] (m, n) = A_mps.shape types = np.array(data["types"]) if not data["rhs"]: # if RHS totally missing, assume zeros b_mps = np.zeros(m) else: b_mps = data["rhs"][data["rhs_names"][0]] if not data["bnd_names"]: # if BOUNDS totally missing don't set them
def load_mps_advanced(mip_model: MIPModel, path): """ Loads a MIP problem in MPS or COR format into the given mip_model, specified by either the absolute or relative path. This method uses multidimensional variables to create the model. If the specified .mps file does not contain a 'BOUNDS' section, standard bounds x ∈ [0,inf) are set. Makes use of the library :py:`pysmps <>`. :param mip_model: The mip_model, in which the MIP problem should be loaded. :param path: The path to the .mps file. This can be either relative to the current working directory or absolute. :return: None """ name, objective_name, row_names, col_names, col_types, types, c, A, rhs_names, rhs, bnd_names, bnd = loader.load_mps( path) # model variables cont_indices = [] int_indices = [] bin_indices = [] n = len(col_names) # Check if bounds were defined, as :func:`pysmps <>` does not check for missing bounds definition bounds_defined = bounds_set(path) lb_vec, ub_vec = [], [] if not bounds_defined: lb_vec, ub_vec = np.zeros(n), np.repeat(math.inf, n) else: bnd_name = bnd_names[0] lb_vec, ub_vec = bnd[bnd_name]["LO"], bnd[bnd_name]["UP"] for i in range(n): lb, ub = lb_vec[i], ub_vec[i] if col_types[i] == 'continuous': cont_indices += [i] else: if lb == 0 and ub == 1: bin_indices += [i] else: int_indices += [i] empty = { "cont": True if len(cont_indices) == 0 else False, "int": True if len(int_indices) == 0 else False, "bin": True if len(bin_indices) == 0 else False } x_cont = mip_model.add_variable( name="cont", var_type=VarTypes.CONTINUOUS, lb=HIPSArray([lb_vec[i] for i in cont_indices]), ub=HIPSArray([ub_vec[i] for i in cont_indices]), dim=len(cont_indices)) if not empty["cont"] else None x_int = mip_model.add_variable( name="int", var_type=VarTypes.INTEGER, lb=HIPSArray([lb_vec[i] for i in int_indices]), ub=HIPSArray([ub_vec[i] for i in int_indices]), dim=len(int_indices)) if not empty["int"] else None x_bin = mip_model.add_variable( name="bin", var_type=VarTypes.BINARY, dim=len(bin_indices)) if not empty["bin"] else None # objective function c_cont = HIPSArray(np.array([c[i] for i in cont_indices])) c_int = HIPSArray(np.array([c[i] for i in int_indices])) c_bin = HIPSArray(np.array([c[i] for i in bin_indices])) objective_function = sum([ c_cont * x_cont if not empty["cont"] else 0, c_int * x_int if not empty["int"] else 0, c_bin * x_bin if not empty["bin"] else 0 ]) mip_model.set_objective(objective=objective_function) # constraints rhs_name = rhs_names[0] b = rhs[rhs_name] A_E = np.array([A[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "E"]) if not A_E.shape[0] == 0: b_E = HIPSArray( np.array( [b[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "E"])) A_E_cont = HIPSArray( np.array([A_E[:, i] for i in cont_indices]).transpose()) A_E_int = HIPSArray( np.array([A_E[:, i] for i in int_indices]).transpose()) A_E_bin = HIPSArray( np.array([A_E[:, i] for i in bin_indices]).transpose()) lhs_E = sum([ A_E_cont * x_cont if not empty["cont"] else 0, A_E_int * x_int if not empty["int"] else 0, A_E_bin * x_bin if not empty["bin"] else 0 ]) constraint_E = lhs_E == b_E mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=constraint_E) A_G = np.array([A[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "G"]) if not A_G.shape[0] == 0: b_G = HIPSArray( np.array( [b[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "G"])) A_G_cont = HIPSArray( np.array([A_G[:, i] for i in cont_indices]).transpose()) A_G_int = HIPSArray( np.array([A_G[:, i] for i in int_indices]).transpose()) A_G_bin = HIPSArray( np.array([A_G[:, i] for i in bin_indices]).transpose()) lhs_G = sum([ A_G_cont * x_cont if not empty["cont"] else 0, A_G_int * x_int if not empty["int"] else 0, A_G_bin * x_bin if not empty["bin"] else 0 ]) constraint_G = lhs_G >= b_G mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=constraint_G) A_L = np.array([A[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "L"]) if not A_L.shape[0] == 0: b_L = HIPSArray( np.array( [b[i] for i, typestr in enumerate(types) if typestr == "L"])) A_L_cont = HIPSArray( np.array([A_L[:, i] for i in cont_indices]).transpose()) A_L_int = HIPSArray( np.array([A_L[:, i] for i in int_indices]).transpose()) A_L_bin = HIPSArray( np.array([A_L[:, i] for i in bin_indices]).transpose()) lhs_L = sum([ A_L_cont * x_cont if not empty["cont"] else 0, A_L_int * x_int if not empty["int"] else 0, A_L_bin * x_bin if not empty["bin"] else 0 ]) constraint_L = lhs_L <= b_L mip_model.add_constraint(constraint=constraint_L)