def ex1_b2_r2():
    domain = Domain.make(["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], [(0, 1), (0, 1)])
    a, b, x, y = domain.get_symbols(domain.variables)
    support = (a | b) & (~a | ~b) & (x >= 0.0) & (x <= y) & (y <= 1.0)
    weight = Ite(a, Real(0.6), Real(0.4)) * Ite(b, Real(0.8), Real(0.2))\
        * (Ite(x >= Real(0.5), Real(0.5) * x + Real(0.1) * y, Real(0.1) * x + Real(0.7) * y))
    return Density(domain, support, weight, [x <= y / 2])
Exemple #2
def triangle(nvars, rand_gen):
    # alpha = rand_gen.uniform(0.05, 0.25)
    alpha = rand_gen.uniform(0.2, 0.25)
    remain = nvars % 3
    n_tris = int(nvars / 3)

    variables = [Symbol(f"x{i}", REAL) for i in range(1, nvars + 1)]

    lbounds = [LE(Real(0), x) for x in variables]
    ubounds = [LE(x, Real(1)) for x in variables]

    clauses = []
    potentials = []

    for i in range(n_tris):
        x, y, z = variables[3 * i], variables[3 * i + 1], variables[3 * i + 2]
        xc = None if 3 * i + 3 >= nvars else variables[3 * i + 3]
        # x_i
        clauses.append(Or(LE(x, Real(alpha)), LE(Real(1 - alpha), x)))
        # x_i -- y_i
            Or(LE(y, Plus(x, Real(-alpha))), LE(Plus(x, Real(alpha)), y)))
        # x_i -- z_i
        clauses.append(Or(LE(Real(1 - alpha), x), LE(Real(1 - alpha), z)))
        clauses.append(Or(LE(x, Real(alpha)), LE(z, Real(alpha))))
        # z_i -- y_i
        clauses.append(LE(z, y))
        # x_i -- x_i+1
        if xc:
            clauses.append(Or(LE(x, Real(alpha)), LE(Real(1 - alpha), xc)))
            clauses.append(Or(LE(Real(1 - alpha), x), LE(xc, Real(alpha))))

        pot_yz = Ite(LE(z, y), Times([z, y, Real(100)]), Real(1))
        pot_xy = Ite(LE(y, Plus(x, Real(-alpha))),
                     Times(Real(100), Plus(x, y)), Real(1))

    if remain == 1:
        x = variables[3 * n_tris]
        clauses.append(Or(LE(x, Real(alpha)), LE(Real(1 - alpha), x)))
    if remain == 2:
        x, y = variables[3 * n_tris], variables[nvars - 1]
        # x_n
        clauses.append(Or(LE(x, Real(alpha)), LE(Real(1 - alpha), x)))
        # x -- y
            Or(LE(y, Plus(x, Real(-alpha))), LE(Plus(x, Real(alpha)), y)))
            Ite(LE(y, Plus(x, Real(-alpha))), Times(Real(100), Plus(x, y)),

    domain = Domain.make(
        [],  # no booleans
        [x.symbol_name() for x in variables],
        [(0, 1) for _ in range(len(variables))])
    support = And(lbounds + ubounds + clauses)
    weight = Times(potentials) if len(potentials) > 1 else potentials[0]

    return Density(domain, support, weight, []), alpha
Exemple #3
def sym_exec_rsicv_add(rs1, rs2, rd, regs):
    rs1_val = Ite(Equals(rs1, BitVecVal(0, 5)), BitVecVal(0, 32),
                  Select(regs, rs1))
    rs2_val = Ite(Equals(rs2, BitVecVal(0, 5)), BitVecVal(0, 32),
                  Select(regs, rs2))
    res = BVAdd(rs1_val, rs2_val)
    regs_n = Store(regs, rd, res)
    return Ite(Equals(rd, BitVecVal(0, 5)), regs, regs_n)
Exemple #4
    def test_ite(self):
        x = Symbol("x")
        p, q = Symbol("p", INT), Symbol("q", INT)

        f = Ite(x, p, q)

        self.assertEqual(f.to_smtlib(daggify=False), "(ite x p q)")
                         "(let ((.def_0 (ite x p q))) .def_0)")
Exemple #5
    def test_ite(self):
        x = Symbol("x")
        p, q = Symbol("p", INT), Symbol("q", INT)

        f = Ite(x, p, q)

                         "(ite x p q)")
                         "(let ((.def_0 (ite x p q))) .def_0)")
def ex_jonathan():
    domain = Domain.make(["f0", "d0"], ["r0"], [(10, 45)])
    f0, d0 = domain.get_bool_symbols()
    r0, = domain.get_real_symbols()
    support = ((f0 & (((d0 | ~d0) & ~(r0 <= 35)) | ((r0 <= 35) & (~d0))))
               | (~f0 & (d0 & (r0 <= 35)))) & domain.get_bounds()

    weight_function = Ite(f0, Real(0.0001), Real(0.00001)) * \
                      Ite(d0, (r0/10)-1, 8-(r0/10)) * \
                      Ite(r0 <= 35, -0.001*(r0-27)*(r0-27)+0.3, -0.001*(r0-27)*(r0-27)+0.3)
    return Density(domain, support, weight_function, queries=[d0])
def test_volume():
    domain = Domain.make(["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], [(0, 1), (0, 1)])
    a, b, x, y = domain.get_symbols(domain.variables)
    support = (a | b) & (~a | ~b) & (x >= 0.0) & (x <= y) & (y <= 1.0)
    weight = Ite(a, Real(0.6), Real(0.4)) * Ite(b, Real(0.8), Real(0.2))\
             * (Ite(x >= Real(0.5), Real(0.5) * x + Real(0.1) * y, Real(0.1) * x + Real(0.7) * y))
    engine = AdaptiveRejection(domain, support, weight, SAMPLE_COUNT)
    computed_volume = engine.compute_volume()
    correction_volume_rej = RejectionEngine(domain, support, weight,
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(correction_volume_rej,
    def test_misc(self):
        bool_list = [
            And(self.x, self.y),
            Or(self.x, self.y),
            Equals(self.p, self.q),
            GE(self.p, self.q),
            LE(self.p, self.q),
            GT(self.p, self.q),
            LT(self.p, self.q),
            Ite(self.x, self.y, self.x)

        real_list = [
            Plus(self.r, self.s),
            Plus(self.r, Real(2)),
            Minus(self.s, self.r),
            Times(self.r, Real(1)),
            Div(self.r, Real(1)),
            Ite(self.x, self.r, self.s),

        int_list = [
            Plus(self.p, self.q),
            Plus(self.p, Int(2)),
            Minus(self.p, self.q),
            Times(self.p, Int(1)),
            Ite(self.x, self.p, self.q),

        for f in bool_list:
            t =
            self.assertEqual(t, BOOL, f)

        for f in real_list:
            t =
            self.assertEqual(t, REAL, f)

        for f in int_list:
            t =
            self.assertEqual(t, INT, f)
def sanity_b1_r0():
    domain = Domain.make(["a"])
    a, = domain.get_symbols()
    support = TRUE()
    weight = Ite(a, Real(0.3), Real(0.7))
    queries = [a, ~a]
    return Density(domain, support, weight, queries)
Exemple #10
 def generate_weights_ijcai17(self, pos_only=True):
     subformulas = []
     for a in self.bools:
         pos = self._random_polynomial()
         neg = Real(1) if pos_only else self._random_polynomial()
         subformulas.append(Ite(a, pos, neg))
     return Times(subformulas)
Exemple #11
    def generate_cond_problem(self, n_real_cond, n_bool_cond):
        lra_conditions = [
            self._random_inequality() for _ in range(n_real_cond)
        bool_conditions = [
            self._random_boolean_formula(1) for _ in range(n_bool_cond)

        conditions = lra_conditions + bool_conditions
        n_cond = n_real_cond + n_bool_cond
        n_leaves = n_cond + 1
        polynomials = [self._random_polynomial() for _ in range(n_leaves)]
        w_nodes = conditions + polynomials
        #subdomains = [self.generate_support_cond() for _ in range(n_leaves)]
        #chi_nodes = conditions + subdomains

        support = And([
            Implies(cond, self.generate_support_cond()) for cond in conditions

        i = n_cond - 1
        while i >= 0:
            w_nodes[i] = Ite(w_nodes[i], w_nodes[2 * i + 1],
                             w_nodes[2 * i + 2])
            #chi_nodes[i] = Ite(chi_nodes[i], chi_nodes[2*i+1], chi_nodes[2*i+2])
            i -= 1

        #return w_nodes[0], chi_nodes[0]
        return w_nodes[0], support
Exemple #12
    def Mux(in0, in1, sel, out):
        # if Modules.functional
        # INVAR: out' = Ite(sel = 0, in0, in1)
        # else
        # INVAR: ((sel = 0) -> (out = in0)) & ((sel = 1) -> (out = in1))
        vars_ = [in0, in1, sel, out]
        comment = "Mux (in0, in1, sel, out) = (%s, %s, %s, %s)" % (tuple(
            [x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
        Logger.log(comment, 3)

        if sel.symbol_type() == BOOL:
            sel0 = Not(sel)
            sel1 = sel
            sel0 = EqualsOrIff(sel, BV(0, 1))
            sel1 = EqualsOrIff(sel, BV(1, 1))

        if Modules.functional:
            invar = And(EqualsOrIff(out, Ite(sel0, in0, in1)))
            invar = And(Implies(sel0, EqualsOrIff(in0, out)),
                        Implies(sel1, EqualsOrIff(in1, out)))

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
        return ts
Exemple #13
def mem_access(addr, locations, width_idx, idx=0):
    first_loc = min(2**width_idx, len(locations)) - 1
    ite_chain = locations[first_loc]
    for i in reversed(range(0, first_loc)):
        location = BV(i, width_idx)
        ite_chain = Ite(EqualsOrIff(addr, location), locations[i], ite_chain)
    return ite_chain
Exemple #14
 def sum_m(tau):
     return Plus([Int(0)] + [
             Ite(Equals(delta_chi_eq_i[e][i], Int(1)), Int(LAMBDA(i)[0]),
                     Equals(delta_chi_eq_i[len(logical_edges) +
                                           r][i], Int(1)),
                     Ite(Equals(delta_e_in_r[e][r], Int(1)),
                         Int(LAMBDA(i)[0]), Int(0)), Int(0))
                 for r in range(len(logical_edges))
             ])) for i in range(JUMPTABLE_MAX)
         for e in range(len(logical_edges))
         if logical_edges[e].source() in tc.get_in_neighbors(tau)
Exemple #15
def IteExtend(b, t0,t1):
  orig_width_t0 = t0.get_type().width
  orig_width_t1 = t1.get_type().width
  orig_width = max(orig_width_t0,orig_width_t1)
  t0e = BVZExt(t0, max(orig_width-orig_width_t0, 0))
  t1e = BVZExt(t1, max(orig_width-orig_width_t1, 0))
  return Ite(b, t0e, t1e)
Exemple #16
 def test_z3_conversion_ite(self):
     with Solver(name='z3') as solver:
         x = Symbol('x')
         y = Symbol('y')
         f = Ite(x, y, FALSE())
Exemple #17
    def Bop(bvop, bop, in0, in1, out):
        # INVAR: (in0 <op> in1) = out
        vars_ = [in0, in1, out]
        comment = (bvop.__name__ + " (in0, in1, out) = (%s, %s, %s)") % (tuple(
            [x.symbol_name() for x in vars_]))
        Logger.log(comment, 3)

        in0B = in0.symbol_type() == BOOL
        in1B = in1.symbol_type() == BOOL
        outB = out.symbol_type() == BOOL

        bools = (1 if in0B else 0) + (1 if in1B else 0) + (1 if outB else 0)

        if bop == None:
            if in0B:
                in0 = Ite(in0, BV(1, 1), BV(0, 1))
            if in1B:
                in1 = Ite(in1, BV(1, 1), BV(0, 1))
            if outB:
                out = Ite(out, BV(1, 1), BV(0, 1))

            invar = EqualsOrIff(bvop(in0, in1), out)

            if bools == 3:
                invar = EqualsOrIff(bop(in0, in1), out)
            elif bools == 0:
                invar = EqualsOrIff(bvop(in0, in1), out)
            elif bools == 1:
                if in0B:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(bvop(B2BV(in0), in1), out)
                if in1B:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(bvop(in0, B2BV(in1)), out)
                if outB:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(BV2B(bvop(in0, in1)), out)
                if not in0B:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(bop(BV2B(in0), in1), out)
                if not in1B:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(bop(in0, BV2B(in1)), out)
                if not outB:
                    invar = EqualsOrIff(B2BV(bop(in0, in1)), out)

        ts = TS(comment)
        ts.vars, ts.invar = set(vars_), invar
        return ts
Exemple #18
    def test_ite(self):
        x = Symbol("x")
        p, q = Symbol("p", INT), Symbol("q", INT)

        f = Ite(x, p, q)
        f_string = self.print_to_string(f)

        self.assertEqual(f_string, "(ite x p q)")
Exemple #19
 def min_K(tau):
     return Min([Int(K_MAX)] + [
             Ite(Equals(delta_chi_eq_i[e][i], Int(1)), Int(LAMBDA(i)[1]),
                     Equals(delta_chi_eq_i[len(logical_edges) +
                                           r][i], Int(1)),
                     Ite(Equals(delta_e_in_r[e][r], Int(1)),
                         Int(LAMBDA(i)[1]), Int(K_MAX)), Int(K_MAX))
                 for r in range(len(logical_edges))
             ])) for i in range(JUMPTABLE_MAX)
         for r in range(len(logical_edges))
         for e in range(len(logical_edges))
         if logical_edges[e].source() in tc.get_in_neighbors(tau)
def solveDecisionProblem(filename):
	global robots_info
	global task_info
	global task_utilities
	global k
	robots_info = {}
	task_info = {}
	task_utilities = {}

	file = open(filename, "r")
	mode = 0
	for line in file:
		if line=='\n':
		elif mode==0:
			k = int(line.strip())
		elif mode==1:
			task_line = line.split()
			task_info[task_line[0]] = [int(resource) for resource in task_line[2:]]
			task_utilities[task_line[0]] = int(task_line[1])
		elif mode == 2:
			robot_line = line.split()
			robots_info[robot_line[0]] = [int(resource) for resource in robot_line[1:]]

	# Each robot may be assigned to at most one task
	# runs in time |Robots||Tasks||Tasks|
	oneTask = And([Symbol(robot+taskAssigned).Implies(Not(Symbol(robot+task))) for robot in robots_info.keys() for taskAssigned in task_info.keys() for task in task_info.keys() if (taskAssigned != task)])

	# A task is satisfied if and only if all of its resource requirements are met
	# runs in time |Robots||Tasks||ResourceTypes|
	tasksSatisfied = And([Iff(Symbol(task +"Sat"), And([GE(Plus([Times(Ite(Symbol(robot+task),Int(1), Int(0)), Int(robots_info[robot][i])) for robot in robots_info.keys()]), Int(task_info[task][i])) for i in range(len(task_info[task]))])) for task in task_info.keys()])

	# Is the decision problem satisfied
	# runs in time |Tasks|
	decisionProb = GE(Plus([Times(Ite(Symbol(task+"Sat"), Int(1), Int(0)), Int(task_utilities[task])) for task in task_info.keys()]), Int(k))

	prob = And(oneTask, tasksSatisfied, decisionProb)
	model = get_model(prob)
	return model
Exemple #21
    def to_weight_function(self):
        if self.is_leaf():
            return Real(self.weight)
            if self.split_variable.symbol_type() == BOOL:
                condition = self.split_variable
                condition = LE(self.split_variable, Real(self.split_value))

            return Ite(condition, self.pos.to_weight_function(),
def test_partial_0b_2r_branch_weight():
    domain = Domain.make([], ["x", "y"], real_bounds=(0, 1))
    x, y = domain.get_symbols(domain.variables)
    support = (x >= 0.1) & (x <= 0.9) & (y >= 0.3) & (y <= 0.7)
    weight = Ite(x <= y, x, y * 3.17)

    engine = FactorizedXsddEngine(domain, support, weight)
    computed_volume = engine.compute_volume()

    should_be = PyXaddEngine(domain, support, weight).compute_volume()
    # print(computed_volume, should_be)
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(should_be, rel=ERROR)
def hist_to_piecewise_constant(var, breaks, ys):
    assert (len(breaks) == len(ys)), "dimensions mismatch"
    assert(all(breaks[i-1] < breaks[i] for i in range(1,len(breaks)))),\
        "bin bounds should be sorted"

    else_branch = Real(0)
    for i in range(1, len(breaks)):
        assert (breaks[i - 1] < breaks[i])
        interval = And(LE(Real(breaks[i - 1]), var), LE(var, Real(breaks[i])))
        else_branch = Ite(interval, Real(ys[i], else_branch))

    return else_branch
def test_volume():
    # Support:  (a | b) & (~a | ~b) & (x >= 0) & (x <= y) & (y <= 10)
    # Weight:   {
    #                a  b  (x>=0.5): 0.6*0.8*(0.5x+0.1y)  0.5 <= x <= y, x <= y <= 10
    #                a  b !(x>=0.5): 0.6*0.8*(0.1x+0.7y)  0 <= x <= [y, 0.5], x <= y <= 10
    #                a !b  (x>=0.5): 0.6*0.2*(0.5x+0.1y)  0.5 <= x <= y, x <= y <= 10
    #                a !b !(x>=0.5): 0.6*0.2*(0.1x+0.7y)  0 <= x <= [y, 0.5], x <= y <= 10
    #               !a  b  (x>=0.5): 0.4*0.8*(0.5x+0.1y)  0.5 <= x <= y, x <= y <= 10
    #               !a  b !(x>=0.5): 0.4*0.8*(0.1x+0.7y)  0 <= x <= [y, 0.5], x <= y <= 10
    #               !a !b  (x>=0.5): 0.4*0.2*(0.5x+0.1y)  0.5 <= x <= y, x <= y <= 10
    #               !a !b !(x>=0.5): 0.4*0.2*(0.1x+0.7y)  0 <= x <= [y, 0.5], x <= y <= 10
    # }

    # TODO What if we don't expand the Weight Function, only compile the support?
    # TODO => Can we reuse the SDD? It doesn't seem so... => Need multiple SDDs to use caching

    domain = Domain.make(["a", "b"], ["x", "y"], [(0, 1), (0, 1)])
    a, b, x, y = domain.get_symbols(domain.variables)
    support = (a | b) & (~a | ~b) & (x >= 0.0) & (x <= y) & (y <= 1.0)
    weight = (Ite(a, Real(0.6), Real(0.4)) * Ite(b, Real(0.8), Real(0.2)) *
                  x >= Real(0.5),
                  Real(0.5) * x + Real(0.1) * y,
                  Real(0.1) * x + Real(0.7) * y,
    computed_volume = XsddEngine(
    correction_volume_rej = RejectionEngine(domain, support, weight,
    correction_volume_xadd = PyXaddEngine(domain, support,
    # print(correction_volume_rej, correction_volume_xadd, computed_volume)
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(correction_volume_rej, rel=ERROR)
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(correction_volume_xadd, rel=ERROR)
def ISE(model1, model2, seed, sample_count, engine='pa'):

    assert(set(model1.get_vars()) == set(model2.get_vars())),\
        "M1 vars: {}\n M2 vars: {}".format(model1.get_vars(),model2.get_vars())
    support1, weightfun1 =, model1.weightfun
    support2, weightfun2 =, model2.weightfun

    support_d = Or(support1, support2)

    weight_d = Ite(And(support1, support2),
                   Times(Minus(weightfun1, weightfun2),
                         Minus(weightfun1, weightfun2)),
                   Ite(support1, Times(weightfun1, weightfun1),
                       Times(weightfun2, weightfun2)))

    domain, _ = merged_domain(model1, model2)

    if engine == 'pa':
        engine = PredicateAbstractionEngine(domain, support_d, weight_d)
        result = solver.compute_volume()

    elif engine == 'rej':
        result = None
        solver = RejectionEngine(domain, support_d, weight_d,
                                 sample_count=sample_count, seed=seed)        
        while result is None:
            #logger.debug("Attempting with sample_count {}".format(
            result = solver.compute_volume()
            solver.sample_count *= 2
        raise NotImplementedError()    

    return result
Exemple #26
    def compile_ftrans(self):
        if self.ftrans is None:
            return None

        ret_trans = TRUE()
        ret_invar = TRUE()

        use_ites = False

        if use_ites:
            for var, cond_assign_list in self.ftrans.items():
                if TS.has_next(var):
                    ite_list = TS.to_prev(var)
                    ite_list = var
                for (condition, value) in reversed(cond_assign_list):
                    if condition == TRUE():
                        ite_list = value
                        ite_list = Ite(condition, value, ite_list)

                if TS.has_next(ite_list):
                    ret_trans = And(ret_trans, EqualsOrIff(var, ite_list))
                    ret_invar = And(ret_invar, EqualsOrIff(var, ite_list))
            for var, cond_assign_list in self.ftrans.items():
                effects = []
                all_neg_cond = []
                for (condition, value) in cond_assign_list:
                        simplify(Implies(condition, EqualsOrIff(var, value))))

                if not TS.has_next(var) and not TS.has_next(condition):
                    ret_invar = And(ret_invar, And(effects))
                    ret_trans = And(ret_trans, And(effects))

                if TS.has_next(var):
                    no_change = EqualsOrIff(var, TS.to_prev(var))
                    ret_trans = And(
                        simplify(Implies(And(all_neg_cond), no_change)))

        return (ret_invar, ret_trans)
def datapoints_to_piecewise_linear(var, xs, ys):

    assert (len(xs) == len(ys)), "dimensions mismatch"
    assert(all(xs[i-1] < xs[i] for i in range(1,len(xs)))),\
        "x values should be sorted"

    else_branch = Real(0)
    for i in range(1, len(xs)):
        assert (xs[i - 1] < xs[i])
        interval = And(LE(Real(float(xs[i - 1])), var),
                       LE(var, Real(float(xs[i]))))
        a = float((ys[i] - ys[i - 1]) / (xs[i] - xs[i - 1]))
        b = float(ys[i] - a * xs[i])
        poly = Plus(Times(Real(a), var), Real(b))

        else_branch = Ite(interval, poly, else_branch)

    return else_branch
def test_adaptive_weighted_real():
    domain = Domain.make([], ["x", "y"], [(-5, 10), (-5, 10)])
    x, y = domain.get_symbols(domain.variables)
    support = (x >= -4) & (x <= y) & (y <= 9) & ((y <= -1) | (y >= 6))
    weight = Ite(x <= 2.5, x + y, y * 2)
    engine = AdaptiveRejection(domain, support, weight, SAMPLE_COUNT,
                               SAMPLE_COUNT / 10)
    computed_volume = engine.compute_volume()
    rejection_engine = RejectionEngine(domain, support, weight, SAMPLE_COUNT)
    correction_volume_rej = rejection_engine.compute_volume()
    print(computed_volume, correction_volume_rej,
          APPROX_ERROR * correction_volume_rej)
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(correction_volume_rej,

    query = x <= y / 2
    prob_adaptive = engine.compute_probability(query)
    prob_rej = rejection_engine.compute_probability(query)
    assert prob_adaptive == pytest.approx(prob_rej, rel=APPROX_ERROR)
def printOutput(model, outfile):
	# format and print output
	file = open(outfile, "w")
	if model == None:
	total = model.get_py_value(Plus([Times(Ite(Symbol(task+"Sat"), Int(1), Int(0)), Int(task_utilities[task])) for task in task_info.keys()]))
	for task in task_info.keys():
		if (model.get_py_value(Symbol(task+"Sat"))):
			ret = task + " " + str(task_utilities[task])
			for robot in robots_info.keys():
				if (model.get_py_value(Symbol(robot+task))):
					ret+= " " + robot
			file.write(task +" 0\n")
def inspect_manual(engine_or_factory: Union[Engine, Callable], rel_error):
    if isinstance(engine_or_factory, Engine):
        engine_factory = lambda d, s, w: engine_or_factory.copy(d, s, w)
        engine_factory = engine_or_factory

    domain = Domain.make(["a"], ["x"], [(0, 1)])
    a, x, = domain.get_symbols()
    support = ((a & (x <= 0.5)) | (x >= 0.2)) & domain.get_bounds()
    weight = Ite(a, Real(0.3), Real(0.7)) * x
    # worlds:    a, x <= 0.5, x >= 0.2  integrate 0.3 * x, 0.2 <= x <= 0.5 = 0.0315
    #            a, x <= 0.5, x <= 0.2  integrate 0.3 * x, 0.0 <= x <= 0.2 = 0.006
    #            a, x >= 0.5, x <= 0.2
    #            a, x >= 0.5, x >= 0.2  integrate 0.3 * x, 0.5 <= x <= 1.0 = 0.1125
    #           ~a, x <= 0.5, x >= 0.2  integrate 0.7 * x, 0.2 <= x <= 0.5 = 0.0735
    #           ~a, x <= 0.5, x <= 0.2
    #           ~a, x >= 0.5, x <= 0.2
    #           ~a, x >= 0.5, x >= 0.2  integrate 0.7 * x, 0.5 <= x <= 1.0 = 0.2625
    volume = 0.0315 + 0.006 + 0.1125 + 0.0735 + 0.2625

    engine = engine_factory(domain, support, weight)
    computed_volume = engine.compute_volume()
    print(computed_volume, volume)
    assert computed_volume == pytest.approx(volume, rel=rel_error)

    boolean_query = a
    boolean_result = 0.0315 + 0.006 + 0.1125

    assert engine.compute_probability(boolean_query) == pytest.approx(
        boolean_result / volume, rel=rel_error)

    real_query = (x <= 0.3)
    # worlds:    a, x <= 0.5, x >= 0.2, x <= 0.3  integrate 0.3 * x, 0.2 <= x <= 0.3 = 0.0075
    #            a, x <= 0.5, x <= 0.2, x <= 0.3  integrate 0.3 * x, 0.0 <= x <= 0.2 = 0.006
    #            a, x >= 0.5, x >= 0.2, x <= 0.3
    #           ~a, x <= 0.5, x >= 0.2, x <= 0.3  integrate 0.7 * x, 0.2 <= x <= 0.3 = 0.0175
    #           ~a, x >= 0.5, x >= 0.2, x <= 0.3
    real_result = 0.0075 + 0.006 + 0.0175

    assert engine.compute_probability(real_query) == pytest.approx(
        real_result / volume, rel=rel_error)
Exemple #31
    def generate_weights_cond(self, n_real_cond, n_bool_cond):

        # TODO: what about overlapping?
        lra_conditions = [
            self._random_inequality() for _ in range(n_real_cond)
        bool_conditions = [
            self._random_boolean_formula(1) for _ in range(n_bool_cond)

        conditions = lra_conditions + bool_conditions
        n_cond = n_real_cond + n_bool_cond
        n_leaves = n_cond + 1
        leaves = [self._random_polynomial() for _ in range(n_leaves)]

        nodes = conditions + leaves
        i = n_cond - 1
        while i >= 0:
            nodes[i] = Ite(nodes[i], nodes[2 * i + 1], nodes[2 * i + 2])
            i -= 1

        return nodes[0]