Exemple #1
def read(name, end=None, start=0, dtype=np.float64, return_format=False) :
    """read samples from arbitrary sound files.
    return data, samplerate and encoding string

    returns subset of samples as specified by start and end arguments (Def all samples)
    normalizes samples to [-1,1] if the datatype is a floating point type
    sf  = PySndfile(name)
    enc = sf.encoding_str()

    nf = sf.seek(start, 0)
    if not nf == start:
        raise IOError("sndio.read::error:: while seeking at starting position")
    if end == None:
        ff = sf.read_frames(dtype=dtype)
        ff = sf.read_frames(end-start, dtype=dtype)
    # if norm and (enc not in ["float32" , "float64"]) :
    #     if enc in enc_norm_map :
    #         ff = ff / enc_norm_map[sf.encoding_str()]
    #     else :
    #         raise IOError("sndio.read::error::normalization of compressed pcm data is not supported")

    if return_format:
        return ff, sf.samplerate(), enc, sf.major_format_str()
    return ff, sf.samplerate(), enc
Exemple #2
def synthesize_trial(wavFileMatrix, indexes):
    Using the matrix of alternative words and the selected words for each
    column, generate samples from audio files
    Returns an array of samples generated by concatenating the selected audio
    columnNames = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
    indexes = np.pad(indexes, ((0, 1)), 'constant', constant_values=0)
    indexes = rolling_window_lastaxis(indexes, 2)
    offset = 10
    y = np.array([])
    filenames = []
    for name, ind in zip(columnNames, indexes):
        if name == 'e':
            offset = 1
        wavFilename, wavFilepath = wavFileMatrix[name][(ind[0] * offset) +
        wav = PySndfile(wavFilepath)
        fs = wav.samplerate()
        x = wav.read_frames()
        y = np.append(y, x)
    return (y, {
        'rate': fs,
        'format': wav.major_format_str(),
        'enc': wav.encoding_str()
    }, filenames)
Exemple #3
def get_info(name) :
    retrieve samplerate, encoding (str) and format informationfor sndfile name
    sf  = PySndfile(name)
    return sf.samplerate(), sf.encoding_str(), sf.major_format_str()