def snapshot(self, with_group): """Snapshot the state of a player.""" from pysonos.snapshot import Snapshot self._soco_snapshot = Snapshot(self.soco) self._soco_snapshot.snapshot() if with_group: self._snapshot_group = self._sonos_group.copy() else: self._snapshot_group = None
def snapshot(self, with_group=True): """Snapshot the player.""" from pysonos.snapshot import Snapshot self._soco_snapshot = Snapshot(self.soco) self._soco_snapshot.snapshot() if with_group: self._snapshot_group = if self._coordinator: self._coordinator.snapshot(False) else: self._snapshot_group = None
def test_sonos_restore(self, restoreMock, *args): """Ensure pysonos methods called for sonos_restore service.""" from pysonos.snapshot import Snapshot sonos.setup_platform(self.hass, {}, add_entities_factory(self.hass), {'host': ''}) device = list([sonos.DATA_SONOS].devices)[-1] device.hass = self.hass restoreMock.return_value = True device._snapshot_coordinator = mock.MagicMock() device._snapshot_coordinator.soco_device = SoCoMock('') device._soco_snapshot = Snapshot(device._player) device.restore() assert restoreMock.call_count == 1 assert restoreMock.call_args ==
def test_sonos_restore(self, restoreMock, *args): """Ensure pysonos methods called for sonos_restore service.""" from pysonos.snapshot import Snapshot sonos.setup_platform(self.hass, {}, add_entities_factory(self.hass), {'host': ''}) entities =[sonos.DATA_SONOS].entities entity = entities[-1] entity.hass = self.hass restoreMock.return_value = True entity._snapshot_group = mock.MagicMock() entity._snapshot_group.members = [e.soco for e in entities] entity._soco_snapshot = Snapshot(entity.soco) sonos.SonosEntity.restore_multi(entities, True) assert restoreMock.call_count == 1 assert restoreMock.call_args ==
class SonosEntity(MediaPlayerDevice): """Representation of a Sonos entity.""" def __init__(self, player): """Initialize the Sonos entity.""" self._subscriptions = [] self._receives_events = False self._volume_increment = 2 self._unique_id = player.uid self._player = player self._model = None self._player_volume = None self._player_muted = None self._shuffle = None self._name = None self._coordinator = None self._sonos_group = [self] self._status = None self._media_duration = None self._media_position = None self._media_position_updated_at = None self._media_image_url = None self._media_artist = None self._media_album_name = None self._media_title = None self._night_sound = None self._speech_enhance = None self._source_name = None self._available = True self._favorites = None self._soco_snapshot = None self._snapshot_group = None self._set_basic_information() async def async_added_to_hass(self): """Subscribe sonos events."""[DATA_SONOS].entities.append(self) self.hass.async_add_executor_job(self._subscribe_to_player_events) @property def unique_id(self): """Return a unique ID.""" return self._unique_id def __hash__(self): """Return a hash of self.""" return hash(self.unique_id) @property def name(self): """Return the name of the entity.""" return self._name @property def device_info(self): """Return information about the device.""" return { 'identifiers': { (SONOS_DOMAIN, self._unique_id) }, 'name': self._name, 'model': self._model.replace("Sonos ", ""), 'manufacturer': 'Sonos', } @property @soco_coordinator def state(self): """Return the state of the entity.""" if self._status in ('PAUSED_PLAYBACK', 'STOPPED'): return STATE_PAUSED if self._status in ('PLAYING', 'TRANSITIONING'): return STATE_PLAYING if self._status == 'OFF': return STATE_OFF return STATE_IDLE @property def is_coordinator(self): """Return true if player is a coordinator.""" return self._coordinator is None @property def soco(self): """Return soco object.""" return self._player @property def coordinator(self): """Return coordinator of this player.""" return self._coordinator @property def available(self) -> bool: """Return True if entity is available.""" return self._available def _check_available(self): """Check that we can still connect to the player.""" try: sock = socket.create_connection( address=(self.soco.ip_address, 1443), timeout=3) sock.close() return True except socket.error: return False def _set_basic_information(self): """Set initial entity information.""" speaker_info = self.soco.get_speaker_info(True) self._name = speaker_info['zone_name'] self._model = speaker_info['model_name'] self._shuffle = self.soco.shuffle self.update_volume() self._set_favorites() def _set_favorites(self): """Set available favorites.""" # SoCo 0.16 raises a generic Exception on invalid xml in favorites. # Filter those out now so our list is safe to use. try: self._favorites = [] for fav in self.soco.music_library.get_sonos_favorites(): try: if fav.reference.get_uri(): self._favorites.append(fav) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.debug("Ignoring invalid favorite '%s'", fav.title) except Exception: # pylint: disable=broad-except _LOGGER.debug("Ignoring invalid favorite list") def _radio_artwork(self, url): """Return the private URL with artwork for a radio stream.""" if url not in ('', 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', None): if url.find('tts_proxy') > 0: # If the content is a tts don't try to fetch an image from it. return None url = 'http://{host}:{port}/getaa?s=1&u={uri}'.format( host=self.soco.ip_address, port=1400, uri=urllib.parse.quote(url, safe='') ) return url def _subscribe_to_player_events(self): """Add event subscriptions.""" self._receives_events = False # New player available, build the current group topology for entity in[DATA_SONOS].entities: entity.update_groups() player = self.soco def subscribe(service, action): """Add a subscription to a pysonos service.""" queue = _ProcessSonosEventQueue(action) sub = service.subscribe(auto_renew=True, event_queue=queue) self._subscriptions.append(sub) subscribe(player.avTransport, self.update_media) subscribe(player.renderingControl, self.update_volume) subscribe(player.zoneGroupTopology, self.update_groups) subscribe(player.contentDirectory, self.update_content) def update(self): """Retrieve latest state.""" available = self._check_available() if self._available != available: self._available = available if available: self._set_basic_information() self._subscribe_to_player_events() else: for subscription in self._subscriptions: self.hass.async_add_executor_job(subscription.unsubscribe) self._subscriptions = [] self._player_volume = None self._player_muted = None self._status = 'OFF' self._coordinator = None self._media_duration = None self._media_position = None self._media_position_updated_at = None self._media_image_url = None self._media_artist = None self._media_album_name = None self._media_title = None self._source_name = None elif available and not self._receives_events: self.update_groups() self.update_volume() if self.is_coordinator: self.update_media() def update_media(self, event=None): """Update information about currently playing media.""" transport_info = self.soco.get_current_transport_info() new_status = transport_info.get('current_transport_state') # Ignore transitions, we should get the target state soon if new_status == 'TRANSITIONING': return self._shuffle = self.soco.shuffle if self.soco.is_playing_tv: self.update_media_linein(SOURCE_TV) elif self.soco.is_playing_line_in: self.update_media_linein(SOURCE_LINEIN) else: track_info = self.soco.get_current_track_info() if _is_radio_uri(track_info['uri']): variables = event and event.variables self.update_media_radio(variables, track_info) else: update_position = (new_status != self._status) self.update_media_music(update_position, track_info) self._status = new_status self.schedule_update_ha_state() # Also update slaves for entity in[DATA_SONOS].entities: coordinator = entity.coordinator if coordinator and coordinator.unique_id == self.unique_id: entity.schedule_update_ha_state() def update_media_linein(self, source): """Update state when playing from line-in/tv.""" self._media_duration = None self._media_position = None self._media_position_updated_at = None self._media_image_url = None self._media_artist = source self._media_album_name = None self._media_title = None self._source_name = source def update_media_radio(self, variables, track_info): """Update state when streaming radio.""" self._media_duration = None self._media_position = None self._media_position_updated_at = None media_info = self.soco.avTransport.GetMediaInfo([('InstanceID', 0)]) self._media_image_url = self._radio_artwork(media_info['CurrentURI']) self._media_artist = track_info.get('artist') self._media_album_name = None self._media_title = track_info.get('title') if self._media_artist and self._media_title: # artist and album name are in the data, concatenate # that do display as artist. # "Information" field in the sonos pc app self._media_artist = '{artist} - {title}'.format( artist=self._media_artist, title=self._media_title ) elif variables: # "On Now" field in the sonos pc app current_track_metadata = variables.get('current_track_meta_data') if current_track_metadata: self._media_artist = \ current_track_metadata.radio_show.split(',')[0] # For radio streams we set the radio station name as the title. current_uri_metadata = media_info["CurrentURIMetaData"] if current_uri_metadata not in ('', 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', None): # currently soco does not have an API for this import pysonos current_uri_metadata = pysonos.xml.XML.fromstring( pysonos.utils.really_utf8(current_uri_metadata)) md_title = current_uri_metadata.findtext( './/{}title') if md_title not in ('', 'NOT_IMPLEMENTED', None): self._media_title = md_title if self._media_artist and self._media_title: # some radio stations put their name into the artist # name, e.g.: # media_title = "Station" # media_artist = "Station - Artist - Title" # detect this case and trim from the front of # media_artist for cosmetics trim = '{title} - '.format(title=self._media_title) chars = min(len(self._media_artist), len(trim)) if self._media_artist[:chars].upper() == trim[:chars].upper(): self._media_artist = self._media_artist[chars:] # Check if currently playing radio station is in favorites self._source_name = None for fav in self._favorites: if fav.reference.get_uri() == media_info['CurrentURI']: self._source_name = fav.title def update_media_music(self, update_media_position, track_info): """Update state when playing music tracks.""" self._media_duration = _timespan_secs(track_info.get('duration')) position_info = self.soco.avTransport.GetPositionInfo( [('InstanceID', 0), ('Channel', 'Master')] ) rel_time = _timespan_secs(position_info.get("RelTime")) # player no longer reports position? update_media_position |= rel_time is None and \ self._media_position is not None # player started reporting position? update_media_position |= rel_time is not None and \ self._media_position is None # position jumped? if rel_time is not None and self._media_position is not None: time_diff = utcnow() - self._media_position_updated_at time_diff = time_diff.total_seconds() calculated_position = self._media_position + time_diff update_media_position |= abs(calculated_position - rel_time) > 1.5 if update_media_position: self._media_position = rel_time self._media_position_updated_at = utcnow() self._media_image_url = track_info.get('album_art') self._media_artist = track_info.get('artist') self._media_album_name = track_info.get('album') self._media_title = track_info.get('title') self._source_name = None def update_volume(self, event=None): """Update information about currently volume settings.""" if event: variables = event.variables if 'volume' in variables: self._player_volume = int(variables['volume']['Master']) if 'mute' in variables: self._player_muted = (variables['mute']['Master'] == '1') if 'night_mode' in variables: self._night_sound = (variables['night_mode'] == '1') if 'dialog_level' in variables: self._speech_enhance = (variables['dialog_level'] == '1') self.schedule_update_ha_state() else: self._player_volume = self.soco.volume self._player_muted = self.soco.mute self._night_sound = self.soco.night_mode self._speech_enhance = self.soco.dialog_mode def update_groups(self, event=None): """Handle callback for topology change event.""" def _get_soco_group(): """Ask SoCo cache for existing topology.""" coordinator_uid = self.unique_id slave_uids = [] try: if and coordinator_uid = slave_uids = [p.uid for p in if p.uid != coordinator_uid] except requests.exceptions.RequestException: pass return [coordinator_uid] + slave_uids async def _async_extract_group(event): """Extract group layout from a topology event.""" group = event and event.zone_player_uui_ds_in_group if group: return group.split(',') return await self.hass.async_add_executor_job(_get_soco_group) def _async_regroup(group): """Rebuild internal group layout.""" sonos_group = [] for uid in group: entity = _get_entity_from_soco_uid(self.hass, uid) if entity: sonos_group.append(entity) self._coordinator = None self._sonos_group = sonos_group self.async_schedule_update_ha_state() for slave_uid in group[1:]: slave = _get_entity_from_soco_uid(self.hass, slave_uid) if slave: # pylint: disable=protected-access slave._coordinator = self slave._sonos_group = sonos_group slave.async_schedule_update_ha_state() async def _async_handle_group_event(event): """Get async lock and handle event.""" async with[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition: group = await _async_extract_group(event) if self.unique_id == group[0]: _async_regroup(group)[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition.notify_all() if event: self._receives_events = True if not hasattr(event, 'zone_player_uui_ds_in_group'): return self.hass.add_job(_async_handle_group_event(event)) def update_content(self, event=None): """Update information about available content.""" self._set_favorites() self.schedule_update_ha_state() @property def volume_level(self): """Volume level of the media player (0..1).""" return self._player_volume / 100 @property def is_volume_muted(self): """Return true if volume is muted.""" return self._player_muted @property @soco_coordinator def shuffle(self): """Shuffling state.""" return self._shuffle @property def media_content_type(self): """Content type of current playing media.""" return MEDIA_TYPE_MUSIC @property @soco_coordinator def media_duration(self): """Duration of current playing media in seconds.""" return self._media_duration @property @soco_coordinator def media_position(self): """Position of current playing media in seconds.""" return self._media_position @property @soco_coordinator def media_position_updated_at(self): """When was the position of the current playing media valid.""" return self._media_position_updated_at @property @soco_coordinator def media_image_url(self): """Image url of current playing media.""" return self._media_image_url or None @property @soco_coordinator def media_artist(self): """Artist of current playing media, music track only.""" return self._media_artist @property @soco_coordinator def media_album_name(self): """Album name of current playing media, music track only.""" return self._media_album_name @property @soco_coordinator def media_title(self): """Title of current playing media.""" return self._media_title @property @soco_coordinator def source(self): """Name of the current input source.""" return self._source_name @property @soco_coordinator def supported_features(self): """Flag media player features that are supported.""" return SUPPORT_SONOS @soco_error() def volume_up(self): """Volume up media player.""" self._player.volume += self._volume_increment @soco_error() def volume_down(self): """Volume down media player.""" self._player.volume -= self._volume_increment @soco_error() def set_volume_level(self, volume): """Set volume level, range 0..1.""" self.soco.volume = str(int(volume * 100)) @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def set_shuffle(self, shuffle): """Enable/Disable shuffle mode.""" self.soco.shuffle = shuffle @soco_error() def mute_volume(self, mute): """Mute (true) or unmute (false) media player.""" self.soco.mute = mute @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def select_source(self, source): """Select input source.""" if source == SOURCE_LINEIN: self.soco.switch_to_line_in() elif source == SOURCE_TV: self.soco.switch_to_tv() else: fav = [fav for fav in self._favorites if fav.title == source] if len(fav) == 1: src = fav.pop() uri = src.reference.get_uri() if _is_radio_uri(uri): self.soco.play_uri(uri, title=source) else: self.soco.clear_queue() self.soco.add_to_queue(src.reference) self.soco.play_from_queue(0) @property @soco_coordinator def source_list(self): """List of available input sources.""" sources = [fav.title for fav in self._favorites] model = self._model.upper() if 'PLAY:5' in model or 'CONNECT' in model: sources += [SOURCE_LINEIN] elif 'PLAYBAR' in model: sources += [SOURCE_LINEIN, SOURCE_TV] elif 'BEAM' in model: sources += [SOURCE_TV] return sources @soco_error() def turn_on(self): """Turn the media player on.""" self.media_play() @soco_error() def turn_off(self): """Turn off media player.""" self.media_stop() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_play(self): """Send play command.""" @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_stop(self): """Send stop command.""" self.soco.stop() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_pause(self): """Send pause command.""" self.soco.pause() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_next_track(self): """Send next track command.""" @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_previous_track(self): """Send next track command.""" self.soco.previous() @soco_error(UPNP_ERRORS_TO_IGNORE) @soco_coordinator def media_seek(self, position): """Send seek command.""" @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def clear_playlist(self): """Clear players playlist.""" self.soco.clear_queue() @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def play_media(self, media_type, media_id, **kwargs): """ Send the play_media command to the media player. If ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE is True, add `media_id` to the queue. """ if kwargs.get(ATTR_MEDIA_ENQUEUE): from pysonos.exceptions import SoCoUPnPException try: self.soco.add_uri_to_queue(media_id) except SoCoUPnPException: _LOGGER.error('Error parsing media uri "%s", ' "please check it's a valid media resource " 'supported by Sonos', media_id) else: self.soco.play_uri(media_id) @soco_error() def join(self, slaves): """Form a group with other players.""" if self._coordinator: self.unjoin() group = [self] else: group = self._sonos_group.copy() for slave in slaves: if slave.unique_id != self.unique_id: slave.soco.join(self.soco) # pylint: disable=protected-access slave._coordinator = self if slave not in group: group.append(slave) return group @staticmethod async def join_multi(hass, master, entities): """Form a group with other players.""" async with[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition: group = await hass.async_add_executor_job(master.join, entities) await SonosEntity.wait_for_groups(hass, [group]) @soco_error() def unjoin(self): """Unjoin the player from a group.""" self.soco.unjoin() self._coordinator = None @staticmethod async def unjoin_multi(hass, entities): """Unjoin several players from their group.""" def _unjoin_all(entities): """Sync helper.""" # Unjoin slaves first to prevent inheritance of queues coordinators = [e for e in entities if e.is_coordinator] slaves = [e for e in entities if not e.is_coordinator] for entity in slaves + coordinators: entity.unjoin() async with[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition: await hass.async_add_executor_job(_unjoin_all, entities) await SonosEntity.wait_for_groups(hass, [[e] for e in entities]) @soco_error() def snapshot(self, with_group): """Snapshot the state of a player.""" from pysonos.snapshot import Snapshot self._soco_snapshot = Snapshot(self.soco) self._soco_snapshot.snapshot() if with_group: self._snapshot_group = self._sonos_group.copy() else: self._snapshot_group = None @staticmethod async def snapshot_multi(hass, entities, with_group): """Snapshot all the entities and optionally their groups.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access def _snapshot_all(entities): """Sync helper.""" for entity in entities: entity.snapshot(with_group) # Find all affected players entities = set(entities) if with_group: for entity in list(entities): entities.update(entity._sonos_group) async with[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition: await hass.async_add_executor_job(_snapshot_all, entities) @soco_error() def restore(self): """Restore a snapshotted state to a player.""" from pysonos.exceptions import SoCoException try: # pylint: disable=protected-access self._soco_snapshot.restore() except (TypeError, AttributeError, SoCoException) as ex: # Can happen if restoring a coordinator onto a current slave _LOGGER.warning("Error on restore %s: %s", self.entity_id, ex) self._soco_snapshot = None self._snapshot_group = None @staticmethod async def restore_multi(hass, entities, with_group): """Restore snapshots for all the entities.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access def _restore_groups(entities, with_group): """Pause all current coordinators and restore groups.""" for entity in (e for e in entities if e.is_coordinator): if entity.state == STATE_PLAYING: entity.media_pause() groups = [] if with_group: # Unjoin slaves first to prevent inheritance of queues for entity in [e for e in entities if not e.is_coordinator]: if entity._snapshot_group != entity._sonos_group: entity.unjoin() # Bring back the original group topology for entity in (e for e in entities if e._snapshot_group): if entity._snapshot_group[0] == entity: entity.join(entity._snapshot_group) groups.append(entity._snapshot_group.copy()) return groups def _restore_players(entities): """Restore state of all players.""" for entity in (e for e in entities if not e.is_coordinator): entity.restore() for entity in (e for e in entities if e.is_coordinator): entity.restore() # Find all affected players entities = set(e for e in entities if e._soco_snapshot) if with_group: for entity in [e for e in entities if e._snapshot_group]: entities.update(entity._snapshot_group) async with[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition: groups = await hass.async_add_executor_job( _restore_groups, entities, with_group) await SonosEntity.wait_for_groups(hass, groups) await hass.async_add_executor_job(_restore_players, entities) @staticmethod async def wait_for_groups(hass, groups): """Wait until all groups are present, or timeout.""" # pylint: disable=protected-access def _test_groups(groups): """Return whether all groups exist now.""" for group in groups: coordinator = group[0] # Test that coordinator is coordinating current_group = coordinator._sonos_group if coordinator != current_group[0]: return False # Test that slaves match if set(group[1:]) != set(current_group[1:]): return False return True try: with async_timeout.timeout(5): while not _test_groups(groups): await[DATA_SONOS].topology_condition.wait() except asyncio.TimeoutError: _LOGGER.warning("Timeout waiting for target groups %s", groups) for entity in[DATA_SONOS].entities: entity.soco._zgs_cache.clear() @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def set_sleep_timer(self, sleep_time): """Set the timer on the player.""" self.soco.set_sleep_timer(sleep_time) @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def clear_sleep_timer(self): """Clear the timer on the player.""" self.soco.set_sleep_timer(None) @soco_error() @soco_coordinator def set_alarm(self, **data): """Set the alarm clock on the player.""" from pysonos import alarms alarm = None for one_alarm in alarms.get_alarms(self.soco): # pylint: disable=protected-access if one_alarm._alarm_id == str(data[ATTR_ALARM_ID]): alarm = one_alarm if alarm is None: _LOGGER.warning("did not find alarm with id %s", data[ATTR_ALARM_ID]) return if ATTR_TIME in data: alarm.start_time = data[ATTR_TIME] if ATTR_VOLUME in data: alarm.volume = int(data[ATTR_VOLUME] * 100) if ATTR_ENABLED in data: alarm.enabled = data[ATTR_ENABLED] if ATTR_INCLUDE_LINKED_ZONES in data: alarm.include_linked_zones = data[ATTR_INCLUDE_LINKED_ZONES] @soco_error() def set_option(self, **data): """Modify playback options.""" if ATTR_NIGHT_SOUND in data and self._night_sound is not None: self.soco.night_mode = data[ATTR_NIGHT_SOUND] if ATTR_SPEECH_ENHANCE in data and self._speech_enhance is not None: self.soco.dialog_mode = data[ATTR_SPEECH_ENHANCE] @property def device_state_attributes(self): """Return entity specific state attributes.""" attributes = { ATTR_SONOS_GROUP: [e.entity_id for e in self._sonos_group], } if self._night_sound is not None: attributes[ATTR_NIGHT_SOUND] = self._night_sound if self._speech_enhance is not None: attributes[ATTR_SPEECH_ENHANCE] = self._speech_enhance return attributes