Exemple #1
def rollmap(connection, mapname=None, value=None):
    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = 0, 0, 512, 512
    if value is not None:
        start_x, start_y = coordinates(value)
        end_x, end_y = start_x + 64, start_y + 64
    return connection.protocol.start_rollback(connection, mapname, start_x,
                                              start_y, end_x, end_y)
Exemple #2
 def move(connection, player, value, silent=False):
     Go to a specified sector
     /move <player> <sector>
     player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)
     x, y = coordinates(value)
     x += 32
     y += 32
         (x, y, connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2))
     if connection is player:
         message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') +
                    'teleported to '
                    'location %s')
         message = message % (player.name, value.upper())
         message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') +
                    'teleported %s '
                    'to location %s')
         message = message % (connection.name, player.name, value.upper())
     if silent:
         connection.protocol.irc_say('* ' + message)
         connection.protocol.send_chat(message, irc=True)
def rollmap(connection, mapname = None, value = None):
    start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y = 0, 0, 512, 512
    if value is not None:
        start_x, start_y = coordinates(value)
        end_x, end_y = start_x + 64, start_y + 64
    return connection.protocol.start_rollback(connection, mapname,
        start_x, start_y, end_x, end_y)
def buildpw(connection, password=None, area=None):
    Quick way of giving a player a password for a protected area
    /buildpw <password> <area>
    if password is None and area is None:
        pws_str = ""
        for pw in connection.protocol.password_areas:
            pws_str += pw + " "
        if pws_str == "":
            pws_str = "none"
        return "Passwords: " + pws_str
    elif area is None:
        areas_str = ""
        for pw_coord in connection.protocol.password_areas.get(password):
            areas_str += to_coordinates(pw_coord[0], pw_coord[1]) + " "
        if areas_str == "":
            areas_str = "none"
        return "Areas for " + password + ": " + areas_str
        if connection.protocol.password_areas.get(password) is None:
            connection.protocol.password_areas[password] = set()
        areas = connection.protocol.password_areas[password]
        area_coord = coordinates(area)
        message = ("%s now %s with %s" %
                   (area.upper(), "allowed"
                    if area_coord in areas else "disallowed", password))
        if len(areas) < 1:
            connection.protocol.password_areas.pop(password, None)
        return message
 def protect_all(self):
     self.protected = set()
     for letter in 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h':
         for num in range(8):
             grid = letter + str(num + 1)
             if grid not in DONT_PROTECT:
                 pos = coordinates(grid)
Exemple #6
def do_move(connection, args, silent=False):
    position = None
    player = None
    arg_count = len(args)

    initial_index = 1 if arg_count == 2 or arg_count == 4 else 0

    # the target position is a <sector>
    if arg_count == 1 or arg_count == 2:
        x, y = coordinates(args[initial_index])
        x += 32
        y += 32
        z = connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2
        position = args[initial_index].upper()
    # the target position is <x> <y> <z>
    elif arg_count == 3 or arg_count == 4:
        x = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index])), 511)
        y = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index + 1])), 511)
        z = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index + 2])),
                connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2)
        position = '%d %d %d' % (x, y, z)
        raise ValueError('Wrong number of parameters!')

    # no player specified
    if arg_count == 1 or arg_count == 3:
        # must be run by a player in this case because moving self
        if connection not in connection.protocol.players.values():
            raise ValueError("Both player and target player are required")
        player = connection.name
    # player specified
    elif arg_count == 2 or arg_count == 4:
        if not (connection.rights.admin or connection.rights.move_others):
            raise PermissionDenied(
                "moving other players requires the move_others right")
        player = args[0]

    player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)

    silent = connection.invisible or silent

    player.set_location((x, y, z))
    if connection is player:
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported to '
                   'location %s')
        message = message % (player.name, position)
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported %s '
                   'to location %s')
        message = message % (connection.name, player.name, position)
    if silent:
        connection.protocol.irc_say('* ' + message)
        connection.protocol.send_chat(message, irc=True)
 def on_map_change(self, map):
     info = self.map_info.info
         self.unbreak = True
         ubrk = getattr(info, 'unbreak', True)
         if ubrk is True or ubrk is False:
             self.unbreak = ubrk
             self.unbreak = set(coordinates(s) for s in ubrk)
     self.player_blocks = {}
     return protocol.on_map_change(self, map)
Exemple #8
def protect(connection, value=None):
    protocol = connection.protocol
    if value is None:
        protocol.protected = None
        protocol.send_chat('All areas unprotected', irc=True)
        if protocol.protected is None:
            protocol.protected = set()
        pos = coordinates(value)
        message = 'The area at %s is now %s' % (value.upper(
        ), 'protected' if pos in protocol.protected else 'unprotected')
        protocol.send_chat(message, irc=True)
Exemple #9
def protect(connection, value = None):
    protocol = connection.protocol
    if value is None:
        protocol.protected = None
        protocol.send_chat('All areas unprotected', irc = True)
        if protocol.protected is None:
            protocol.protected = set()
        pos = coordinates(value)
        message = 'The area at %s is now %s' % (value.upper(),
            'protected' if pos in protocol.protected else 'unprotected')
        protocol.send_chat(message, irc = True)
Exemple #10
def do_move(connection, args, silent=False):
    position = None
    player = None
    arg_count = len(args)

    initial_index = 1 if arg_count == 2 or arg_count == 4 else 0

    # the target position is a <sector>
    if arg_count == 1 or arg_count == 2:
        x, y = coordinates(args[initial_index])
        x += 32
        y += 32
        z = connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2
        position = args[initial_index].upper()
    # the target position is <x> <y> <z>
    elif arg_count == 3 or arg_count == 4:
        x = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index])), 511)
        y = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index + 1])), 511)
        z = min(max(0, int(args[initial_index + 2])),
                connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2)
        position = '%d %d %d' % (x, y, z)
        raise ValueError('Wrong number of parameters!')

    # no player specified
    if arg_count == 1 or arg_count == 3:
        if connection not in connection.protocol.players:
            raise ValueError()
        player = connection.name
    # player specified
    elif arg_count == 2 or arg_count == 4:
        player = args[0]

    player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)

    silent = connection.invisible or silent

    player.set_location((x, y, z))
    if connection is player:
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported to '
                   'location %s')
        message = message % (player.name, position)
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported %s '
                   'to location %s')
        message = message % (connection.name, player.name, position)
    if silent:
        connection.protocol.irc_say('* ' + message)
        connection.protocol.send_chat(message, irc=True)
Exemple #11
def move(connection, player, value, silent = False):
    player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)
    x, y = coordinates(value)
    x += 32
    y += 32
    player.set_location((x, y, connection.protocol.map.get_height(x, y) - 2))
    if connection is player:
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported to '
            'location %s')
        message = message % (player.name, value.upper())
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported %s '
            'to location %s')
        message = message % (connection.name, player.name, value.upper())
    if silent:
        connection.protocol.irc_say('* ' + message)
        connection.protocol.send_chat(message, irc = True)    
Exemple #12
def move_helper(connection, player, value, silent=False):
    player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)
    x, y = coordinates(value)
    x += 32
    y += 32
    player.set_location((x, y, -2))
    if connection is player:
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported to '
                   'location %s')
        message = message % (player.name, value.upper())
        message = ('%s ' + ('silently ' if silent else '') + 'teleported %s '
                   'to location %s')
        message = message % (connection.name, player.name, value.upper())
    if silent:
        connection.protocol.irc_say('* ' + message)
        connection.protocol.send_chat(message, irc=True)
Exemple #13
def protect(connection, area=None):
    Protect an area inside the public build region
    /protect <area>
    if area is None:
        areas_str = ""
        for protected_coord in connection.protocol.protected_areas:
            areas_str += to_coordinates(protected_coord[0],
                                        protected_coord[1]) + " "
        if areas_str == "":
            areas_str = "none"
        return "Protected areas: " + areas_str
        area_coord = coordinates(area)
        message = ("The area at %s is now %s" %
                   (area.upper(), "protected" if area_coord
                    in connection.protocol.protected_areas else "unprotected"))
Exemple #14
def airstrike(connection, coords = None):
    protocol = connection.protocol
    if connection not in protocol.players:
        raise ValueError()
    player = connection
    if not coords and player.airstrike:
        return S_READY
    if player.kills < SCORE_REQUIREMENT:
        return S_NO_SCORE.format(score = SCORE_REQUIREMENT)
    elif not player.airstrike:
        kills_left = STREAK_REQUIREMENT - (player.streak % STREAK_REQUIREMENT)
        return S_NO_STREAK.format(streak = STREAK_REQUIREMENT,
            remaining = kills_left)
        coord_x, coord_y = coordinates(coords)
    except (ValueError):
        return S_BAD_COORDS
    last_airstrike = getattr(player.team, 'last_airstrike', None)
    if last_airstrike and seconds() - last_airstrike < TEAM_COOLDOWN:
        remaining = TEAM_COOLDOWN - (seconds() - last_airstrike)
        return S_COOLDOWN.format(seconds = int(ceil(remaining)))
    player.start_airstrike(coord_x, coord_y)
Exemple #15
def airstrike(connection, coords = None):
    protocol = connection.protocol
    if connection not in protocol.players:
        raise ValueError()
    player = connection
    if not coords and player.airstrike:
        return S_READY
    if player.kills < SCORE_REQUIREMENT:
        return S_NO_SCORE.format(score = SCORE_REQUIREMENT)
    elif not player.airstrike:
        kills_left = STREAK_REQUIREMENT - (player.streak % STREAK_REQUIREMENT)
        return S_NO_STREAK.format(streak = STREAK_REQUIREMENT,
            remaining = kills_left)
        coord_x, coord_y = coordinates(coords)
    except (ValueError):
        return S_BAD_COORDS
    last_airstrike = getattr(player.team, 'last_airstrike', None)
    if last_airstrike and seconds() - last_airstrike < TEAM_COOLDOWN:
        remaining = TEAM_COOLDOWN - (seconds() - last_airstrike)
        return S_COOLDOWN.format(seconds = int(ceil(remaining)))
    player.start_airstrike(coord_x, coord_y)
Exemple #16
def build(connection, player, area=None):
    Give temporary build permission to a player
    /build <#id> <area>
    if player is None:
        raise ValueError()
    player = get_player(connection.protocol, player)
    if area is None:
        if len(player.allowed_areas) < 1:
            raise ValueError()
                player.name + " can no longer build at protected areas")
        area_coord = coordinates(area)
        message = ("%s can %s build at %s" %
                   (player.name, "temporary" if area_coord
                    in player.allowed_areas else "no longer", area.upper()))
Exemple #17
 def on_map_change(self, map):
     self.protected = set(
         for s in getattr(self.map_info.info, 'protected', []))
     protocol.on_map_change(self, map)
Exemple #18
 def test_from_coords(self):
     self.assertEqual(coordinates("H8"), (448, 448))
Exemple #19
 def on_map_change(self, map):
     self.protected = set(coordinates(s) for s in
         getattr(self.map_info.info, 'protected', []))
     protocol.on_map_change(self, map)