def gen_spec(model_params): """ Generate a synthetic spectrum model_params = [Tkin, Tex, Ntot, width] """ xarr11 = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-40, 40, 1000) * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['oneone']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr22 = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-40, 40, 1000) * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['twotwo']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr = SpectroscopicAxes([xarr11, xarr22]) tkin = model_params[0] tex = model_params[1] ntot = model_params[2] width = model_params[3] fortho = 0.0 synthspec = pyspeckit.spectrum.models.ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr, tkin=tkin, tex=tex, ntot=ntot, width=width, fortho=fortho) spectrum = pyspeckit.Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=synthspec) return spectrum
def toy_observation(snr=2, debug=False, seed=0, v1=10, v2=70, nchan=1000, truth_narrow=[4, 40, 1.0], truth_wide=[2, 41, 3.0]): np.random.seed(seed) if debug: # <CheatMode> log.setLevel('DEBUG') # initialize the spectral axis xunit, bunit = 'km/s', 'K' refX = 120 * u.GHz log.debug("Genarating a spactral axis instance from {}" " to {} {}".format(v1, v2, xunit)) xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(v1, v2, nchan) * u.Unit(xunit), refX=refX, velocity_convention='radio') # generate a spectrum approximated by a gaussian log.debug("Gaussian parameters for the" " narrow component: {}".format(truth_narrow)) log.debug("Gaussian parameters for the" " wide component: {}".format(truth_wide)) true_data_narrow = gaussian(xarr, *truth_narrow) true_data_wide = gaussian(xarr, *truth_wide) true_total = true_data_narrow + true_data_wide signal_peak = true_total.max() log.debug("For a signal-to-noise ratio of {} the square root of noise" " variance is {:.2f} {}.".format(snr, signal_peak / snr, bunit)) noise = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=signal_peak / snr, size=xarr.size) observed = true_total + noise log.setLevel('INFO') # <\CheatMode> # make a spectrum class instance in Tmb units xarr._make_header() sp = Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=observed, unit=u.Unit(bunit), header={}) sp.header['NPEAKS'] = 2 sp.header['NOISERMS'] = round(signal_peak / snr, 4) for comp, name in zip([truth_narrow, truth_wide], ['1', '2']): sp.header['AMP_' + name] = comp[0] sp.header['XOFF_' + name] = comp[1] sp.header['SIG_' + name] = comp[2] return sp
def highres_xarr(xarr, N_res, refX): # make sure the 11 and 22 cubes are in GHz xarr.convert_to_unit(u.GHz) xnparr = np.linspace(xarr.min(), xarr.max(), N_res) xarr_hires = SpectroscopicAxis(xarr=xnparr, refX=refX, velocity_convention="radio") return xarr_hires
def get_singv_tau11(singv_para): ''' Take a GAS DR1 parameter maps and return optical depth of the 1-1 line. Parameters ---------- sigv_para : str or ndarray The GAS DR1 parameter cube (i.e., maps), either as a file name or as a 3D ndarray cube. Returns ------- tau11 : ndarray A map of model optical depths for ammonia (1-1) ''' # Note: the efficiency could benifit from multi-core processing if type(singv_para) == str: parcube = fits.getdata(singv_para) else: parcube = singv_para # Create a dummy spectral-axis in km/s as a place holder to acquire tau xarr = np.linspace(0.0, 10.0, 10, endpoint=True) xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(xarr * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['oneone'] * u.Hz).as_unit(u.GHz) # set ntot elements with zero values to NaN parcube[:, parcube[2] == 0.0] = np.nan yy, xx = np.indices(parcube.shape[1:]) nanvals = np.any(~np.isfinite(parcube), axis=0) isvalid = np.any(parcube, axis=0) & ~nanvals valid_pixels = zip(xx[isvalid], yy[isvalid]) tau11 = np.zeros(parcube.shape[1:]) def model_a_pixel(xy): x, y = int(xy[0]), int(xy[1]) kwargs = { 'tkin': parcube[0, y, x], 'tex': parcube[1, y, x], 'ntot': parcube[2, y, x], 'width': parcube[3, y, x], 'xoff_v': parcube[4, y, x], 'fortho': parcube[5, y, x], 'return_tau': True, } tau = ammonia.cold_ammonia(xarr, **kwargs) tau11[y, x] = tau['oneone'] for xy in ProgressBar(list(valid_pixels)): model_a_pixel(xy) return tau11
def test_convert_to_unit(run_with_assert=False): for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_optical(1 * u.Hz): sp = SpectroscopicAxis( np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention="optical" ) sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if run_with_assert: assert sp.unit == to_unit for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_radio(1 * u.eV): sp = SpectroscopicAxis( np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention="optical" ) sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if run_with_assert: assert sp.unit == to_unit for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_relativistic(1 * u.Angstrom): sp = SpectroscopicAxis( np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention="relativistic" ) sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if run_with_assert: assert sp.unit == to_unit
def test_moments(): xvals = np.linspace(-100, 100, 200) * / u.s # Some models will fail without a center frequency and a velocity convention xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(xvals, velocity_convention='radio', center_frequency=100 * u.GHz) # creating the random data rawdata = np.random.randn(xarr.size) # creating a sample Spectrum from a .fits file sp = Spectrum('test.fits') for model_name in sp.specfit.Registry.multifitters.keys(): print('testing:', model_name) model = sp.specfit.Registry.multifitters[model_name] params = model.moments(xarr, rawdata, vheight=False) print('params from moments:', params) assert len(params) == model.npars # if this call does not raise an Exception then moments() produced # the correct number of parameters model.n_modelfunc(pars=params)(xarr)
def load_spectrum(j=6, object='w51e2-tot', npix=1, headerfile='../', fntemplate='spec-{object}-{j}{j2}-pb.txt',): # convert 6 -> 'six' for use below linename = ammonia_constants.num_to_name[j] * 2 # the beam size is important for determining the brighntess conversion bm = radio_beam.Beam.from_fits_header(headerfile) # read in the file (dumped to text) xx,yy=np.loadtxt(fntemplate.format(object=object, j=j, j2=j if j < 10 else ""), comments="#").T # we want MEAN flux, not SUM yy = yy / npix # x units are in km/s, reference is in Hz xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(xx*, refX=ammonia.freq_dict[linename]*u.Hz, velocity_convention='radio') sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=yy) sp.unit = 'Jy' # compute the typical noise over the -10 to 10 km/s region mean_error = sp.stats((-10,10))['std'] sp.error[:] = mean_error sp.specname = '{0} {1}'.format(object, linename) # Copy the spectrum so we can convert it to Kelvins spK = sp.copy() jytok = ((1*u.Jy).to(u.K, u.brightness_temperature(bm, sp.xarr.refX)).value) sp.header['JYTOK'] = jytok spK.unit = 'K' = * jytok spK.error = sp.error * jytok mean_error_k = mean_error * jytok return sp, spK, mean_error, mean_error_k
import numpy as np import pyspeckit from astropy import units as u from pyspeckit.spectrum.models import ammonia_constants, ammonia, ammonia_hf from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.ammonia_constants import freq_dict from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis, SpectroscopicAxes # Step 1. Generate a synthetic spectrum. Already have a real spectrum? Skip # to step 2! # Generate a synthetic spectrum based off of 3 NH3 lines # Note that they are converted to GHz first xarr11 = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-30, 30, 100) * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['oneone']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr22 = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-40, 40, 100) * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['twotwo']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr33 = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-50, 50, 100) * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['threethree']).as_unit(u.GHz) # Merge the three X-axes into a single axis xarr = SpectroscopicAxes([xarr11, xarr22, xarr33]) # Compute a synthetic model that is made of two temperature components with # identical velocities synthspec = ( ammonia.ammonia(xarr, tkin=20, ntot=15, fortho=0.5, xoff_v=0.0, width=1.0) + ammonia.ammonia(xarr, tkin=50, ntot=14, fortho=0.5, xoff_v=0.0, width=1.0)) # Create the Spectrum object
def hmm1_cubefit(vmin=3.4, vmax=5.0, tk_ave=10., do_plot=False, snr_min=5.0, multicore=1, do_thin=False): """ Fit NH3(1,1) and (2,2) cubes for H-MM1. It fits all pixels with SNR larger than requested. Initial guess is based on moment maps and neighboring pixels. The fitting can be done in parallel mode using several cores, however, this is dangerous for large regions, where using a good initial guess is important. It stores the result in a FITS cube. TODO: -convert FITS cube into several FITS files -Improve initial guess Parameters ---------- vmin : numpy.float Minimum centroid velocity to plot, in km/s. vmax : numpy.float Maximum centroid velocity to plot, in km/s. tk_ave : numpy.float Mean kinetic temperature of the region, in K. do_plot : bool If True, then a map of the region to map is shown. snr_min : numpy.float Minimum signal to noise ratio of the spectrum to be fitted. multicore : int Numbers of cores to use for parallel processing. """ cube11sc = cube22sc = cube11_v = cube11sc.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', rest_value=freq11) cube22_v = cube22sc.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', rest_value=freq22) from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis spec11 = SpectroscopicAxis(cube11_v.spectral_axis, refX=freq11, velocity_convention='radio') spec22 = SpectroscopicAxis(cube22_v.spectral_axis, refX=freq22, velocity_convention='radio') errmap11 = fits.getdata(RMSFile_11) errmap22 = fits.getdata(RMSFile_22) errmap_K = errmap11 #[errmap11, errmap22] Tpeak11 = fits.getdata(OneOnePeak) moment1 = fits.getdata(OneOneMom1) moment2 = (fits.getdata(OneOneMom2))**0.5 snr = cube11sc.filled_data[:].value / errmap11 peaksnr = Tpeak11 / errmap11 planemask = (peaksnr > snr_min) # *(errmap11 < 0.15) planemask = remove_small_objects(planemask, min_size=40) planemask = opening(planemask, disk(1)) #planemask = (peaksnr>20) * (errmap11 < 0.2) mask = (snr > 3) * planemask maskcube = cube11sc.with_mask(mask.astype(bool)) maskcube = maskcube.with_spectral_unit( / u.s, velocity_convention='radio') slab = maskcube.spectral_slab(vmax * / u.s, vmin * / u.s) w11 = slab.moment(order=0, axis=0).value peakloc = np.nanargmax(w11) ymax, xmax = np.unravel_index(peakloc, w11.shape) moment2[np.isnan(moment2)] = 0.2 moment2[moment2 < 0.2] = 0.2 ## Load FITS files cube11 = pyspeckit.Cube(OneOneFile, maskmap=planemask) cube22 = pyspeckit.Cube(TwoTwoFile, maskmap=planemask) # Stack files cubes = pyspeckit.CubeStack([cube11, cube22], maskmap=planemask) cubes.unit = "K" # Define initial guess guesses = np.zeros((6, ) + cubes.cube.shape[1:]) moment1[moment1 < vmin] = vmin + 0.2 moment1[moment1 > vmax] = vmax - 0.2 guesses[0, :, :] = tk_ave # Kinetic temperature guesses[1, :, :] = 7 # Excitation Temp guesses[2, :, :] = 14.5 # log(column) guesses[ 3, :, :] = moment2 # Line width / 5 (the NH3 moment overestimates linewidth) guesses[4, :, :] = moment1 # Line centroid guesses[5, :, :] = 0.5 # F(ortho) - ortho NH3 fraction (fixed) if do_plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.imshow(w11 * planemask, origin='lower') print('start fit') cubes.specfit.Registry.add_fitter('cold_ammonia', ammonia.cold_ammonia_model(), 6) if do_thin: file_out = "{0}H-MM1_cold_parameter_maps_snr{1}_thin_v1.fits".format( fit_dir, snr_min) else: file_out = "{0}H-MM1_cold_parameter_maps_snr{1}_thick_v1.fits".format( fit_dir, snr_min) cubes.fiteach(fittype='cold_ammonia', guesses=guesses, integral=False, verbose_level=3, fixed=[do_thin, False, False, False, False, True], signal_cut=2, limitedmax=[True, False, False, False, True, True], maxpars=[20, 15, 20, 0.4, vmax, 1], limitedmin=[True, True, True, True, True, True], minpars=[5, 2.8, 12.0, 0.05, vmin, 0], start_from_point=(xmax, ymax), use_neighbor_as_guess=True, position_order=1 / peaksnr, errmap=errmap_K, multicore=multicore) # Store fits into FITS cube fitcubefile = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=np.concatenate( [cubes.parcube, cubes.errcube]), header=cubes.header) fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE1', 'TKIN') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE2', 'TEX') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE3', 'COLUMN') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE4', 'SIGMA') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE5', 'VELOCITY') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE6', 'FORTHO') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE7', 'eTKIN') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE8', 'eTEX') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE9', 'eCOLUMN') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE10', 'eSIGMA') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE11', 'eVELOCITY') fitcubefile.header.set('PLANE12', 'eFORTHO') fitcubefile.header.set('CDELT3', 1) fitcubefile.header.set('CTYPE3', 'FITPAR') fitcubefile.header.set('CRVAL3', 0) fitcubefile.header.set('CRPIX3', 1) fitcubefile.writeto(file_out, overwrite=True)
def test_convert_to_unit(run_with_assert=False): for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_optical(1 * u.Hz): sp = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention='optical') sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if (run_with_assert): assert sp.unit == to_unit for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_radio(1 * u.eV): sp = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention='optical') sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if (run_with_assert): assert sp.unit == to_unit for from_unit, to_unit, _, __ in u.doppler_relativistic(1 * u.Angstrom): sp = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-100, 100, 100), unit=from_unit, refX=23.2 * u.Hz, velocity_convention='relativistic') sp.convert_to_unit(to_unit) if (run_with_assert): assert sp.unit == to_unit
def get_SNR(paraname, savename=None, rms=0.15, n_comp=2, linename='oneone'): ''' Take a multiple velocity componet fit and produce a signal to noise ratio of the two velocity components :param paraname: :param savename: :param rms: :param n_comp: :return: ''' para, hdr = fits.getdata(paraname, header=True) n_para = n_comp * 4 # remove the error components para = para[:n_para] assert para.shape[0] == n_para yy, xx = np.indices(para.shape[1:]) nanvals = np.any(~np.isfinite(para), axis=0) isvalid = np.any(para, axis=0) & ~nanvals valid_pixels = zip(xx[isvalid], yy[isvalid]) # Create a synthetic X-dimension in km/s vres = 0.07 vpad = 0.5 vmax, vmin = np.argmax([para[0], para[4]]), np.argmin([para[0], para[4]]) vmax = vmax + vpad vmin = vmin - vpad n_samp = (vmax - vmin) / vres xarr = np.linspace(vmin, vmax, int(n_samp) + 1, endpoint=True) xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(xarr * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict[linename] * u.Hz).as_unit(u.GHz) peakT = np.zeros((n_comp, para.shape[1], para.shape[2])) def model_a_pixel(xy): x, y = int(xy[0]), int(xy[1]) models = [ ammonia._ammonia_spectrum(xarr.as_unit('GHz'), tex=tex, tau_dict={linename: tau}, width=width, xoff_v=vel, fortho=0.0, line_names=[linename]) for vel, width, tex, tau in zip(para[::4, y, x], para[1::4, y, x], para[2::4, y, x], para[3::4, y, x]) ] peakT[:, y, x] = np.nanmax(models, axis=1) for xy in ProgressBar(list(valid_pixels)): print int(xy[0]), int(xy[1]) model_a_pixel(xy) if savename != None: for i in np.arange(n_comp * 8) + 1: key = 'PLANE{0}'.format(i) if key in hdr: hdr.remove(key) newfits = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=peakT / rms, header=hdr) newfits.header.set('CDELT3', 1) newfits.header.set('CTYPE3', 'FITPAR') newfits.header.set('PLANE1', 'SNR_0') newfits.header.set('PLANE2', 'SNR_1') newfits.header.set('NAXIS3', n_comp * 8) newfits.writeto(savename, overwrite=True) return peakT / rms
from astropy.table import Table import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import scipy.interpolate as interp import astropy.units as u from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.h2co_mm import h2co_mm_radex import mmh2co_model as model t ='ph2cogrid.fits.gz',format='fits') bundle = model.H2COModel(t) nu = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(218e9,219e9,1000)*u.Hz) spec = h2co_mm_radex(nu,gridbundle=bundle,verbose=True,Temperature=15,width=1.0) plt.plot(nu.as_unit('GHz'),spec)
def spec_curve_fit(bin_num, map_name=map_column_dens): # following loop has not good style. One should build in some break statements or error messages # if files repeatedly appear in loop. for one_file in files: if 'NH3_11' in one_file: file_name_NH3_11 = one_file if 'NH3_22' in one_file: file_name_NH3_22 = one_file if 'NH3_33' in one_file: file_name_NH3_33 = one_file y, x, med = binning(bin_width, bin_num) s11, _, offset_velocity11, sp_av11 = averaging_over_dopplervel( file_name_NH3_11, y, x) s22, _, offset_velocity22, sp_av22 = averaging_over_dopplervel( file_name_NH3_22, y, x) s33, _, offset_velocity33, sp_av33 = averaging_over_dopplervel( file_name_NH3_33, y, x) xarr11 = SpectroscopicAxis(offset_velocity11 * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['oneone']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr22 = SpectroscopicAxis(offset_velocity22 * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['twotwo']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr33 = SpectroscopicAxis(offset_velocity33 * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['threethree']).as_unit(u.GHz) sp11 = psk.Spectrum(data=s11, xarr=xarr11, xarrkwargs={'unit': 'km/s'}, unit='K') sp22 = psk.Spectrum(data=s22, xarr=xarr22, xarrkwargs={'unit': 'km/s'}, unit='K') sp33 = psk.Spectrum(data=s33, xarr=xarr33, xarrkwargs={'unit': 'km/s'}, unit='K') # This joins all the spectra together into one object. allspec = psk.Spectra([sp11, sp22, sp33]) allspec.xarr.as_unit('Hz', velocity_convention='radio') # This add the cold_ammonia model to the list of things we can use for fitting allspec.specfit.Registry.add_fitter('cold_ammonia', ammonia.cold_ammonia_model(), 6) # This does the fit. The values of the guess are # Kinetic Temperature (usually about 15 to 25 K) # Excitation Temperature (between 2.73 K and the excitation temperature) # Log Column Density of ammonia # Line width (~1 km/s) # Offset velocity (you will usually use 0 instead of 8.5) # Ortho fraction (leave at 0) allspec.specfit(fittype='cold_ammonia', guesses=[23, 5, 13.1, 1, 0, 0]) # You can make a plot here. fig = plt.figure() allspec.plotter() allspec.specfit.plot_fit(lw=1, components=True) plt.xlim((23.692, 23.697)) # plt.xlim((23.72,23.725)) # plt.xlim((23.8692, 23.8708)) # plt.savefig("" %(bin_width, this_bin)) plt.savefig("" % (map_name, bin_num)) # returns the values of the fitted parameters: T_K, T_ex, N, sigma, v, F_0 return allspec.specfit.parinfo, allspec.specfit.parinfo.errors
import pkgutil import os import importlib from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.inherited_gaussfitter import gaussian_fitter from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis import numpy as np import pyspeckit.spectrum.models as models models_path = os.path.dirname(models.__file__) xarr = np.linspace(-100, 100, 200) names = [name for _, name, _ in pkgutil.iter_modules([models_path])] for name in names: try: model_name = 'pyspeckit.spectrum.models.' + name model_module = importlib.import_module(model_name) model = getattr(model_module, name + '_model') model_instance = model() moments = getattr(model, 'moments') rawdata = np.random.randn(xarr.size) params = model_instance.moments(xarr, rawdata) print 'params:', params xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(xarr) # if moments() returns wrong number of parameters this should fail print model_instance.n_modelfunc(pars=params)(xarr) except Exception as e: print e
mg=1, isg1=1, isg2=1) for j in np.arange(nts): T11 = T11_thy + np.random.randn(len(v_axis)) * rms T22 = T22_thy + np.random.randn(len(v_axis)) * rms # ------------ hf Trot --------------- S11_mg = np.sum(T11[i11_m] * cw) S11_isg = np.sum(T11[i11_isg0]) * cw + np.sum(T11[i11_isg1]) * cw S11_osg = np.sum(T11[i11_osg0]) * cw + np.sum(T11[i11_osg1]) * cw S22_mg = np.sum(T22[i22_mg] * cw) S22_isg = np.sum(T22[i22_isg0]) * cw + np.sum(T22[i22_isg1]) * cw Tex_hf = Tex_main(S11_mg, S11_isg, S11_osg, S22_mg, S22_isg, dv=dv) # ----------- speckit Tex ------------ xarr11 = SpectroscopicAxis(v_axis * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['oneone']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr22 = SpectroscopicAxis(v_axis * / u.s, velocity_convention='radio', refX=freq_dict['twotwo']).as_unit(u.GHz) xarr = SpectroscopicAxes([xarr11, xarr22]) synthspec = np.hstack((T11, T22)) nh3_sp = pyspeckit.Spectrum(xarr=xarr, data=synthspec, header={}) # nh3_sp.plotter(axis=nh3_sp.plotter.axis,clear=True) # trot=20, tex=None, ntot=14.8, width=1, xoff_v=0.0, fortho=0.5 # nh3_sp.plotter(axis=ax1, clear=False) # axis=ax1 nh3_sp.specfit( fittype='ammonia_tau', guesses=[Tex_ini, Tex_ini - 10, tau_1 / 2, dv / d2s, 0, 0.5], fixed=[0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1]) Tex_kit = nh3_sp.specfit.parinfo[0]['value']
from __future__ import print_function import numpy as np from pyspeckit import SpectralCube from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis from pyspeckit.spectrum.models.inherited_gaussfitter import gaussian_fitter from astropy import units as u import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import pytest from astropy import log xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-100, 100, 50), unit=u.dimensionless_unscaled) gf = gaussian_fitter() params = [1.0, 2.0, 5.0] parameter_error_amplitude = [50., 5., 5.] assertion_list = [] passes = {'passes': [0, 0, 0], 'avg_difference': [0, 0, 0]} fails = {'fails': [0, 0, 0], 'avg_difference': [0, 0, 0]} @pytest.mark.parametrize(("rawdata", "noise"), [(gf.n_modelfunc(pars=params)( xarr.value), np.random.randn(xarr.value.size) / 100.)]) def test_fiteach(rawdata, noise): for i in range(1): passed = True parameter_noise = [ params[0] + abs(np.random.randn()) * parameter_error_amplitude[0], params[1] + abs(np.random.randn()) * parameter_error_amplitude[1], params[2] + abs(np.random.randn()) * parameter_error_amplitude[2] ] guesses = np.array(params) + parameter_noise
T0 = (const.h * rest_freq / const.k_B).decompose().value def J_nu(T, T_nu): ''' Brightness temperature calculated in the R-J regime ''' return T_nu / (np.exp(T_nu / T) - 1) # # rms_thin = 0.001 rms_thick = 0.3 # xarr = SpectroscopicAxis( np.linspace(93164661398.45563, 93182630148.45563, num=921) * u.Hz, refX=rest_freq) # thin signal_thin = pyspeckit.models.n2hp.n2hp_vtau.hyperfine(xarr, Tex=9.0, tau=0.01, xoff_v=0.0, width=0.3) signal_thin += rms_thin * np.random.randn(len(signal_thin)) signal_thin = np.float32(signal_thin) # thick signal_thick = pyspeckit.models.n2hp.n2hp_vtau.hyperfine(xarr, Tex=9.0, tau=9.0, xoff_v=0.0, width=0.3)
try: import scipy scipyOK = True except ImportError: scipyOK = False if scipyOK: import numpy as np import pyspeckit.spectrum.models.inherited_voigtfitter as IV from pyspeckit.spectrum.units import SpectroscopicAxis xarr = SpectroscopicAxis(np.linspace(-100, 100, 1000)) dx = np.diff(xarr).mean() V1 = IV.voigt(xarr, 1, 0, 1, 1, normalized=False) V2 = IV.voigt(xarr, 1, 0, 1, 1, normalized=True) assert np.sqrt(2 * np.pi) - 0.05 < V1.sum() * dx.value < np.sqrt( 2 * np.pi) + 0.05 assert 0.99 < V2.sum() * dx.value < 1.01 else: print("Skipped Voigt test because scipy could not be imported")