Exemple #1
def DataLoad(trange=['2017-05-01', '2017-05-02/15:30:02'], data_rate='srvy', level='l2'):
    Loads all data needed for calculating magnnetic field curvature from MMS FGM data.  
    Uses pyspedas and pytplot.get_data for accessing the SDC API, file downloading, 
    data file version control, and CDF unpacking.

    trange:     A list with two strings for the date range [tstart, tend]
                e.g. trange=['2017-05-01', '2017-05-02/15:30:02']

    data_rate:  The cadance of data which should be loaded.
                Options are 'srvy', 'brst'

    level:      The data level which will be loaded.  Use 'l2' unless you're sure otherwise.

    logging.info('Start DataLoad.')
    # load data files from SDC/local storage into tplot variables
    pyspedas.mms_load_mec(trange=trange, probe=['1', '2', '3', '4'], data_rate='srvy', level=level, time_clip=True)
    pyspedas.mms_load_fgm(trange=trange, probe=['1', '2', '3', '4'], data_rate=data_rate, level=level, time_clip=True)
    # extract data from tplot variables to numpy arrays.  NOTE: all done in GSM.
    postime1, pos1 = get_data('mms1_mec_r_gsm')
    postime2, pos2 = get_data('mms2_mec_r_gsm')
    postime3, pos3 = get_data('mms3_mec_r_gsm')
    postime4, pos4 = get_data('mms4_mec_r_gsm')
    magtime1, mag1 = get_data('mms1_fgm_b_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2')
    magtime2, mag2 = get_data('mms2_fgm_b_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2')
    magtime3, mag3 = get_data('mms3_fgm_b_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2')
    magtime4, mag4 = get_data('mms4_fgm_b_gsm_'+data_rate+'_l2')
    # return all arrays
    logging.info('Returning from DataLoad.')
    return (postime1, pos1, magtime1, mag1, postime2, pos2, magtime2, mag2, postime3, pos3, magtime3, mag3, postime4, pos4, magtime4, mag4)
Exemple #2
from pyspedas import mms_load_fgm
mms_load_fgm(trange=['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17'], data_rate='srvy')
from pyspedas import mms_load_fpi
mms_load_fpi(probe=['3, 4'], trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'],
             data_rate='brst', datatype='des-moms')

from pyspedas.mms import mms_load_mec
from pyspedas.mms import mms_load_fgm
mms_load_fgm(probe'4', data_rate='brst', trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'],
from pytplot import tplot_names

from pyspedas.mms import mms_load_edp
mms_load_edp(probe='4', data_rate = 'brst', trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'],
Exemple #3
  This crib sheet produces the MMS basic dayside figure


from pyspedas import mms_load_fgm, mms_load_mec, mms_load_edp, mms_load_dsp, mms_load_fpi, mms_load_hpca
from pytplot import tplot, options, get_data, store_data
import numpy as np

probe = '1'
trange = ['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17']

mms_load_fgm(probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', trange=trange)
mms_load_mec(probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', trange=trange)
             datatype=['des-moms', 'dis-moms'],
mms_load_edp(probe=probe, datatype='scpot', trange=trange)
mms_load_edp(probe=probe, data_rate='fast', datatype='dce', trange=trange)
             datatype=['dce', 'hfesp'],
mms_load_dsp(probe=probe, data_rate='fast', datatype='bpsd', trange=trange)
mms_load_hpca(probe=probe, data_rate='srvy', datatype='ion', trange=trange)

times, data = get_data('mms' + probe + '_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2')

store_data('mms' + probe + '_b_gsm_vec', data={
    'x': times,
This crib sheet shows how to calculate plasma beta using FPI and FGM data


from pyspedas import tinterpol, mms_load_fpi, mms_load_fgm
from pytplot import get_data, store_data, tplot
import numpy as np

mu0 = 1256.0  # nT-m/A
Kb = 1.3807 * 10**(-16.)  # cm^2-g-1/s^2-1/K

probe = '1'
trange = ['2015-10-16/11:00', '2015-10-16/14:00']

mms_load_fpi(datatype=['dis-moms', 'des-moms'], trange=trange, probe=probe)
mms_load_fgm(trange=trange, probe=probe)

temp_para_i = 'mms' + probe + '_dis_temppara_fast'
temp_perp_i = 'mms' + probe + '_dis_tempperp_fast'
temp_para_e = 'mms' + probe + '_des_temppara_fast'
temp_perp_e = 'mms' + probe + '_des_tempperp_fast'
number_density_i = 'mms' + probe + '_dis_numberdensity_fast'
number_density_e = 'mms' + probe + '_des_numberdensity_fast'
b_field = 'mms' + probe + '_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2'
b_magnitude = 'mms' + probe + '_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2_mag'

times, data = get_data(b_field)

store_data(b_magnitude, data={'x': times, 'y': data[:, 3]})

ntimes, ndata = get_data(number_density_i)
Exemple #5

This script loads and prints FGM data at several data points.

This is meant to be called from the IDL test suite for comparison with the data loaded via IDL SPEDAS


from pyspedas import mms_load_fgm
from pytplot import get_data


t, d = get_data('mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2')








def mms_feeps_pitch_angles(trange=None,
    Generates a tplot variable containing the FEEPS pitch angles for each telescope from magnetic field data.

        trange : list of str
            time range of interest [starttime, endtime] with the format 
            'YYYY-MM-DD','YYYY-MM-DD'] or to specify more or less than a day 

        probe: str
            probe #, e.g., '4' for MMS4

        level: str
            data level, e.g., 'l2'

        data_rate: str
            instrument data rate, e.g., 'srvy' or 'brst'

        datatype: str
            'electron' or 'ion'

        suffix: str
            suffix of the loaded data

        Tuple: (tplot variable created, hash table used by PAD routine)

    # get the times from the currently loaded FEEPS data
    times, pa_data = get_data('mms' + probe + '_epd_feeps_' + data_rate + '_' +
                              level + '_' + datatype + '_pitch_angle' + suffix)

    if times is not None:
        if trange is None:
            trange = [float(times.min()), float(times.max())]

    eyes = mms_feeps_active_eyes(trange, probe, data_rate, datatype, level)

    # need the B-field data

    btimes, Bbcs = get_data('mms' + probe + '_fgm_b_bcs_' + data_rate + '_l2')

    idx_maps = None

    # Rotation matrices for FEEPS coord system (FCS) into body coordinate system (BCS):
    Ttop = [[1. / np.sqrt(2.), -1. / np.sqrt(2.), 0],
            [1. / np.sqrt(2.), 1. / np.sqrt(2.), 0], [0, 0, 1]]
    Tbot = [[-1. / np.sqrt(2.), -1. / np.sqrt(2.), 0],
            [-1. / np.sqrt(2.), 1. / np.sqrt(2.), 0], [0, 0, -1]]

    # Telescope vectors in FCS:
    V1fcs = [0.347, -0.837, 0.423]
    V2fcs = [0.347, -0.837, -0.423]
    V3fcs = [0.837, -0.347, 0.423]
    V4fcs = [0.837, -0.347, -0.423]
    V5fcs = [-0.087, 0.000, 0.996]
    V6fcs = [0.104, 0.180, 0.978]
    V7fcs = [0.654, -0.377, 0.656]
    V8fcs = [0.654, -0.377, -0.656]
    V9fcs = [0.837, 0.347, 0.423]
    V10fcs = [0.837, 0.347, -0.423]
    V11fcs = [0.347, 0.837, 0.423]
    V12fcs = [0.347, 0.837, -0.423]

    if datatype == 'electron':
        pas = np.empty([len(btimes),
                        18])  # pitch angles for each eye at eaceh time

        # Telescope vectors in Body Coordinate System:
        #   Factors of -1 account for 180 deg shift between particle velocity and telescope normal direction:
        # Top:
        Vt1bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V1fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V1fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V1fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V1fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V1fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V1fcs[2])
        Vt2bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V2fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V2fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V2fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V2fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V2fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V2fcs[2])
        Vt3bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V3fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V3fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V3fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V3fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V3fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V3fcs[2])
        Vt4bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V4fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V4fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V4fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V4fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V4fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V4fcs[2])
        Vt5bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V5fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V5fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V5fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V5fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V5fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V5fcs[2])
        Vt9bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V9fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V9fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V9fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V9fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V9fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V9fcs[2])
        Vt10bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V10fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V10fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V10fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V10fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V10fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V10fcs[2])
        Vt11bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V11fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V11fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V11fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V11fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V11fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V11fcs[2])
        Vt12bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V12fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V12fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V12fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V12fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V12fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V12fcs[2])
        # Bottom:
        Vb1bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V1fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V1fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V1fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V1fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V1fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V1fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V1fcs[2])
        Vb2bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V2fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V2fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V2fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V2fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V2fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V2fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V2fcs[2])
        Vb3bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V3fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V3fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V3fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V3fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V3fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V3fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V3fcs[2])
        Vb4bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V4fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V4fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V4fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V4fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V4fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V4fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V4fcs[2])
        Vb5bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V5fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V5fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V5fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V5fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V5fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V5fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V5fcs[2])
        Vb9bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V9fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V9fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V9fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V9fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V9fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V9fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V9fcs[2])
        Vb10bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V10fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V10fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V10fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V10fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V10fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V10fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V10fcs[2])
        Vb11bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V11fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V11fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V11fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V11fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V11fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V11fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V11fcs[2])
        Vb12bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V12fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V12fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V12fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V12fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V12fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V12fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V12fcs[2])

        for i in range(0, 18):
            if i == 0:
                Vbcs = Vt1bcs
            if i == 1:
                Vbcs = Vt2bcs
            if i == 2:
                Vbcs = Vt3bcs
            if i == 3:
                Vbcs = Vt4bcs
            if i == 4:
                Vbcs = Vt5bcs
            if i == 5:
                Vbcs = Vt9bcs
            if i == 6:
                Vbcs = Vt10bcs
            if i == 7:
                Vbcs = Vt11bcs
            if i == 8:
                Vbcs = Vt12bcs
            if i == 9:
                Vbcs = Vb1bcs
            if i == 10:
                Vbcs = Vb2bcs
            if i == 11:
                Vbcs = Vb3bcs
            if i == 12:
                Vbcs = Vb4bcs
            if i == 13:
                Vbcs = Vb5bcs
            if i == 14:
                Vbcs = Vb9bcs
            if i == 15:
                Vbcs = Vb10bcs
            if i == 16:
                Vbcs = Vb11bcs
            if i == 17:
                Vbcs = Vb12bcs
            pas[:, i] = 180. / math.pi * np.arccos(
                (Vbcs[0] * Bbcs[:, 0] + Vbcs[1] * Bbcs[:, 1] +
                 Vbcs[2] * Bbcs[:, 2]) /
                (np.sqrt(Vbcs[0]**2 + Vbcs[1]**2 + Vbcs[2]**2) *
                 np.sqrt(Bbcs[:, 0]**2 + Bbcs[:, 1]**2 + Bbcs[:, 2]**2)))

            if data_rate == 'srvy':
                # the following 2 hash tables map TOP/BOTTOM telescope #s to index of the PA array created above
                top_tele_idx_map = {}
                bot_tele_idx_map = {}
                top_tele_idx_map[1] = 0
                top_tele_idx_map[2] = 1
                top_tele_idx_map[3] = 2
                top_tele_idx_map[4] = 3
                top_tele_idx_map[5] = 4
                top_tele_idx_map[9] = 5
                top_tele_idx_map[10] = 6
                top_tele_idx_map[11] = 7
                top_tele_idx_map[12] = 8
                bot_tele_idx_map[1] = 9
                bot_tele_idx_map[2] = 10
                bot_tele_idx_map[3] = 11
                bot_tele_idx_map[4] = 12
                bot_tele_idx_map[5] = 13
                bot_tele_idx_map[9] = 14
                bot_tele_idx_map[10] = 15
                bot_tele_idx_map[11] = 16
                bot_tele_idx_map[12] = 17

                top_idxs = []
                bot_idxs = []

                # PAs for only active eyes
                new_pas = np.empty([
                    len(eyes['top']) + len(eyes['bottom'])
                ])  # pitch angles for each eye at eaceh time

                for top_idx, top_eye in enumerate(eyes['top']):
                    new_pas[:, top_idx] = pas[:, top_tele_idx_map[top_eye]]

                for bot_idx, bot_eye in enumerate(eyes['bottom']):
                    new_pas[:, bot_idx +
                            len(eyes['top'])] = pas[:,
                    bot_idxs.append(bot_idx + len(eyes['top']))

                idx_maps = {
                    'electron-top': top_idxs,
                    'electron-bottom': bot_idxs

                new_pas = pas

    elif datatype == 'ion':
        pas = np.empty([len(btimes),
                        6])  # pitch angles for each eye at each time

        # Telescope vectors in Body Coordinate System:
        #   Factors of -1 account for 180 deg shift between particle velocity and telescope normal direction:
        # Top:
        Vt6bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V6fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V6fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V6fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V6fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V6fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V6fcs[2])
        Vt7bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V7fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V7fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V7fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V7fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V7fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V7fcs[2])
        Vt8bcs = [
            -1. * (Ttop[0][0] * V8fcs[0] + Ttop[0][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[0][2] * V8fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[1][0] * V8fcs[0] + Ttop[1][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[1][2] * V8fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Ttop[2][0] * V8fcs[0] + Ttop[2][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Ttop[2][2] * V8fcs[2])
        # Bottom:
        Vb6bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V6fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V6fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V6fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V6fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V6fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V6fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V6fcs[2])
        Vb7bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V7fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V7fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V7fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V7fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V7fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V7fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V7fcs[2])
        Vb8bcs = [
            -1. * (Tbot[0][0] * V8fcs[0] + Tbot[0][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[0][2] * V8fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[1][0] * V8fcs[0] + Tbot[1][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[1][2] * V8fcs[2]),
            -1. * (Tbot[2][0] * V8fcs[0] + Tbot[2][1] * V8fcs[1] +
                   Tbot[2][2] * V8fcs[2])

        for i in range(0, 6):
            if i == 0:
                Vbcs = Vt6bcs
            if i == 1:
                Vbcs = Vt7bcs
            if i == 2:
                Vbcs = Vt8bcs
            if i == 3:
                Vbcs = Vb6bcs
            if i == 4:
                Vbcs = Vb7bcs
            if i == 5:
                Vbcs = Vb8bcs
            pas[:, i] = 180. / math.pi * np.arccos(
                (Vbcs[0] * Bbcs[:, 0] + Vbcs[1] * Bbcs[:, 1] +
                 Vbcs[2] * Bbcs[:, 2]) /
                (np.sqrt(Vbcs[0]**2 + Vbcs[1]**2 + Vbcs[2]**2) *
                 np.sqrt(Bbcs[:, 0]**2 + Bbcs[:, 1]**2 + Bbcs[:, 2]**2)))

        # the following 2 hash tables map TOP/BOTTOM telescope #s to index of the PA array created above
        top_tele_idx_map = {}
        bot_tele_idx_map = {}
        top_tele_idx_map[6] = 0
        top_tele_idx_map[7] = 1
        top_tele_idx_map[8] = 2
        bot_tele_idx_map[6] = 3
        bot_tele_idx_map[7] = 4
        bot_tele_idx_map[8] = 5

        top_idxs = []
        bot_idxs = []

        # PAs for only active eyes
        new_pas = np.empty([
            len(btimes), len(eyes['top']) + len(eyes['bottom'])
        ])  # pitch angles for each eye at eaceh time

        for top_idx, top_eye in enumerate(eyes['top']):
            new_pas[:, top_idx] = pas[:, top_tele_idx_map[top_eye]]

        for bot_idx, bot_eye in enumerate(eyes['bottom']):
            new_pas[:, bot_idx +
                    len(eyes['top'])] = pas[:, bot_tele_idx_map[bot_eye]]
            bot_idxs.append(bot_idx + len(eyes['top']))

        idx_maps = {'ion-top': top_idxs, 'ion-bottom': bot_idxs}

    outvar = 'mms' + probe + '_epd_feeps_' + data_rate + '_' + level + '_' + datatype + '_pa' + suffix

    if data_exists(
            outvar):  # kludge for bug when the PAs were previously calculated
        return (outvar, idx_maps)

    store_data(outvar, data={'x': btimes, 'y': new_pas})

    # interpolate to the PA time stamps
    outdata = get_data(outvar, xarray=True)
    outdata_interpolated = outdata.interp({'time': times})

    store_data(outvar, data={'x': times, 'y': outdata_interpolated.values})

    return (outvar, idx_maps)

This crib sheet shows how to load MMS FGM data


from pyspedas import mms_load_fgm
from pytplot import tplot, get_data, del_data

# by default, 'srvy' mode data for MMS1 are loaded
mms_load_fgm(trange=['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17'])
tplot(['mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2', 'mms1_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2'])


# to load burst mode data, change the data rate to 'brst'
mms_load_fgm(data_rate='brst', trange=['2015-10-16/13:06', '2015-10-16/13:07'])
tplot(['mms1_fgm_b_gse_brst_l2', 'mms1_fgm_b_gsm_brst_l2'])


# to keep the data flagged by the 'flag' variable, use the keep_flagged keyword
mms_load_fgm(keep_flagged=True, trange=['2015-10-16', '2015-10-17'])
tplot(['mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2', 'mms1_fgm_b_gsm_srvy_l2'])

# access the data values with get_data
times, data = get_data('mms1_fgm_b_gse_srvy_l2')

# print the first time