def test_local_cache(tmpdir): print(tmpdir) local_cache = LocalCache(str(tmpdir)) local_cache.add('benchmark', {'name': 'bench1'}) local_cache.add( 'benchmark', {'name': 'bench1'}) # Ignore this one (don't add duplicate data) local_cache.add('benchmark', {'name': 'bench2'}) data_found = [] with local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: for handle in benchmark_data: assert not handle.has_rest_data() data_found.append( handle.set_rest_data('something') assert handle.has_rest_data() assert data_found == [{'name': 'bench1'}, {'name': 'bench2'}] data_found = [] rest_data_found = [] with local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: for handle in benchmark_data: assert handle.has_rest_data() data_found.append( rest_data_found.append(handle.rest_data) assert data_found == [{'name': 'bench1'}, {'name': 'bench2'}] assert rest_data_found == ['something', 'something'] data_found = [] with local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: for i, handle in enumerate(benchmark_data): if i == 0: handle.remove() data_found.append( assert data_found == [{'name': 'bench1'}, {'name': 'bench2'}] data_found = [] with local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: for i, handle in enumerate(benchmark_data): data_found.append( assert data_found == [{'name': 'bench2'}]
class PySpeedTinApi(object): ''' This API caches things locally as much as possible and provides a way to create measurements based on the benchmark name (and not only the benchmark id, which is required by the REST API). It creates a local dict in the user settings dir to act as a local cache so that it doesn't need to query the server to get the benchmark id from the benchmark name. ''' def __init__(self, authorization_key=None, project_id=None, clear_previous=False): ''' :param str project_id: This is the id of the project (available in the Dashboard/Projects, next to the project name). :param str authorization_key: The key which is used to authorize with the backend (available in the Dashboard/User Settings). ''' if authorization_key is None: try: authorization_key = os.environ['SPEEDTIN_AUTHORIZATION_KEY'] except KeyError: raise AssertionError( 'The authorization key to commit the data was not passed nor is available in the SPEEDTIN_AUTHORIZATION_KEY environment variable.' ) if project_id is None: try: project_id = os.environ['SPEEDTIN_PROJECT_ID'] except KeyError: raise AssertionError( 'The project_id to commit the data was not passed nor is available in the SPEEDTIN_PROJECT_ID environment variable.' ) self.authorization_key = authorization_key self.project_id = project_id self.base_url = '' = self.get = requests.get self._local_cache = LocalCache( os.path.join(self._data_dir(), str(project_id))) if clear_previous: self._local_cache.clear('measurement') else: # Print that we have remaining data from a previous call found = [] with self._local_cache.load('measurement') as measurement_data: for handle in measurement_data: found.append( if found: sys.stderr.write( 'Warning: PySpeedTinApi:\nIn a previous call the following measurements where not properly saved:\n' ) for data in found: sys.stderr.write(str(data)) sys.stderr.write('\n') sys.stderr.write( '\nWhen committing, those values will also be saved...\n') sys.stderr.write( 'To prevent this from happening, pass "clear_previous=True" in the \n' 'PySpeedTinApi constructor or manually erase the contents at:\n%s\n\n' % (self._data_dir())) def date_to_str(self, date): return date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') def str_to_date(self, s): return datetime.datetime.strptime(s, '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S.%f') def curr_date(self): return datetime.datetime.utcnow() def _data_dir(self): return os.path.join(os.path.expanduser('~'), '.speedtin') def commit(self): sys.stdout.write('Commit results...\n') assert not self.base_url.endswith( '/'), 'The base url must not end with a slash.' self._commit_benchmarks() self._commit_measurements() def _commit_benchmarks(self): project_id = self.project_id authorization_key = self.authorization_key with self._local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: for handle in benchmark_data: if not handle.has_rest_data(): data = as_json = self.post_and_check_resut( '%s/api/projects/%s/benchmarks' % (self.base_url, project_id), json=data, headers={'X-AuthToken': authorization_key}, msg='It was not possible to create the benchmark', expected_status=201, ) handle.set_rest_data(as_json) sys.stdout.write('Saved benchmark: %s\n' % (as_json, )) def _commit_measurements(self): project_id = self.project_id authorization_key = self.authorization_key with self._local_cache.load('benchmark') as benchmark_data: benchmark_name_to_id = {} for handle in benchmark_data: benchmark_name_to_id[int( handle.rest_data['id'])] =['name'] with self._local_cache.load('measurement') as measurement_data: for handle in measurement_data: benchmark_id, json = try: int(benchmark_id) except ValueError: # The benchmark_id is actually the name of the benchmark, so, we have # to get its id from the name. try: benchmark_id = benchmark_name_to_id[benchmark_id] except KeyError: # Ok, it's not there, try to get it from the REST API (and take the # chance to update our local cache). benchmarks_request = self.get( '%s/api/projects/%s/benchmarks' % (self.base_url, project_id), headers={'X-AuthToken': authorization_key}) as_json = self.check_request_result( benchmarks_request, 'Unable to get the benchmarks from the server', expected_status=200, ) for benchmark in as_json: if benchmark['name'] not in benchmark_name_to_id: benchmark_name_to_id[benchmark['name']] = int( benchmark['id']) self._local_cache.add( 'benchmark', {'name': benchmark['name']}, benchmark) try: benchmark_id = benchmark_name_to_id[benchmark_id] except KeyError: raise ValueError( 'Unable to find benchmark with the name: %s' % (benchmark_id)) as_json = self.post_and_check_resut( '%s/api/projects/%s/benchmarks/%s/measurements' % (self.base_url, project_id, benchmark_id), json=json, headers={'X-AuthToken': authorization_key}, msg='It was not possible to create the measurement', expected_status=201, ) sys.stdout.write('Saved measurement: %s\n' % (as_json, )) handle.remove() def post_and_check_resut(self, url, json, headers, msg, expected_status): r =, json=json, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False) as_json = self.check_request_result( r, msg + ' Url: %s, Json: %s' % (url, json), expected_status) return as_json def check_request_result(self, r, msg, expected_status=201): if r.status_code != expected_status: raise RuntimeError('%s. Expected status: %s != %s Msg: %s' % ( msg, expected_status, r.status_code, r.text, )) as_json = r.json() if 'error' in as_json: raise RuntimeError('%s. Msg: %s' % ( msg, r.text, )) return as_json def add_benchmark( self, name, ): ''' Creates a benchmark with the given name. :param str name: The name of the benchmark to be created. ''' if len(name) > 50: raise ValueError( 'The maximum benchmark name size is 50 chars. The one passed has: %s chars' % (len(name), )) self._local_cache.add('benchmark', {'name': name}) def add_measurement( self, benchmark_id, value, version='dev', released=False, branch='', os=sys.platform, commit_id='', commit_date='', machine_name='', tag1='', tag2='', ): ''' :param str benchmark_id: This is the id of the benchmark. :param float value: The value of the measurement. The actual meaning depends on the unit which is set in the Benchmark (i.e.: it could be seconds, count, etc.) :param str version: A string which identifies the version. i.e.: 0.7.1, 2.7.9 :param bool released: A boolean that identifies if this is a version which was released to your users. Automated regression reports from SpeedTin may give warnings for slower measurements considering the run against the latest released version. :param branch: This is the branch of the code used to do the measurement. i.e.: master, development, ... :param str os: The os in which the benchmark was run (Windows, Linux, MacOs) :param commit_id: A hash for the commit for which this measurement was created. :param str commit_date: The date of the commit for this measurement. The date format is an utc date as: 2015-10-11 15:30:39.000 :param str machine_name: The name of the machine in which this measurement was run. :param str tag1: Any value you feel it's important to tag this measurement. :param tag2: Any value you feel it's important to tag this measurement. ''' if not machine_name: import socket machine_name = socket.gethostname() if not machine_name: raise RuntimeError('Please specify machine name.') json = { 'value': value, 'version': version, 'released': released, 'branch': branch, 'os': os, 'commit_id': commit_id, 'commit_date': commit_date, 'machine_name': machine_name, 'tag1': tag1, 'tag2': tag2, } self._local_cache.add('measurement', (benchmark_id, json)) def run_and_get_output(self, *popenargs, **kwargs): ''' Run command with arguments and return its output. ''' process = subprocess.Popen(*popenargs, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, **kwargs) try: output, unused_err = process.communicate() except: process.kill() process.wait() raise retcode = process.poll() if retcode: raise Exception( 'Process exited with value: %s. Args: %s. Output: %s' % (retcode, process.args, output)) return output def git_commit_id_branch_and_date_from_path(self, repo_path): ''' :param repo_path: :return tuple(str, str): Returns a tuple with the commit_id and the commit_date obtained from the given path (the repo_path must the one containing the .git folder or a sub-directory). ''' if not os.path.exists(repo_path): raise OSError('The path: %s does not exist.' % (repo_path, )) while not os.path.exists(os.path.join(repo_path, '.git')): initial = repo_path repo_path = os.path.dirname(repo_path) if initial == repo_path or not repo_path: raise OSError( 'The path: %s does not seem to be a git-managed path.' % (repo_path, )) commit_id = self.run_and_get_output( 'git rev-parse HEAD'.split()).strip().decode('utf-8') branch = self.run_and_get_output( 'git rev-parse --abbrev-ref HEAD'.split()).strip().decode('utf-8') commit_date = self.run_and_get_output( ['git', 'show', '-s', '--format=%ct', commit_id]).strip().decode('utf-8') commit_date = datetime.datetime.utcfromtimestamp(int(commit_date)) return commit_id, branch, commit_date