def __init__(self, *args, **kw): self._init_schema_data() for arg in args: if not isinstance(arg, Mapping): raise ValueError('Expected dictionary argument, got %s' % repr(arg)) self._update_schema_data(**arg) self._update_schema_data(**copy.copy(kw)) Object.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, *args): """ Construct a map. Input: sequence of tuples _or_ a dictionary """ if len(args) == 1 and isinstance(args[0], Mapping): self._map = self._coerce_map(copy.copy(args[0])) elif all(isinstance(arg, Iterable) and len(arg) == 2 for arg in args): self._map = self._coerce_tuple(args) else: raise ValueError("Unexpected input to MapContainer: %s" % repr(args)) Object.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, vals): self._values = self._coerce_values(copy.copy(vals)) Object.__init__(self)
def __init__(self, value): self._value = value Object.__init__(self)