Exemple #1
def read_curves_kurtenkov(path=sn_path):
    jd = 2457000
    lc_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, 'lrn_aa26564-15_p5.csv'), skiprows=2, usecols=(0, 1, 2, 3),
                         dtype=[('JD', '<f4'), ('b', '|S1'), ('mag', '<f4'), ('err', '<f4')])

    # mshift = 24.43  # Distance Module to M31
    curves = SetLightCurve('Red Nova')

    bnames = np.unique(lc_data['b'])
    for i, n in enumerate(bnames):
        b = band.band_by_name(n.decode("utf-8"))
        d = lc_data[lc_data['b'] == n, ]
        time = d['JD'] + jd
        mags = d['mag']
        errs = d['err']

        # filter bad values
        # is_good = mags < 30.
        # t = time[is_good]
        # mags = mags[is_good]
        # errs = errs[is_good]
        # add
        lc = LightCurve(b, time, mags, errs=errs)
        # lc.tshift = -tshift
        # lc.mshift = -mshift

    return curves
Exemple #2
    def fit_lc(lc, times=None, Ntime=None, is_RBF=False):
        Compute gaussian process for the light curve and return new  LC with approximated magnitudes
        :param lc: Initial light curve
        :param times: new time points  [optional, None]
        :param Ntime: number point for linspace(min(t), max(t), Ntime) [optional, None]
        :param is_RBF: use RationalQuadratic in the kernel
        if is_RBF:
            gp = FitGP.lc2gpRBF(lc)
            gp = FitGP.lc2gp(lc)

        if times is None:  # new time points
            times = lc.Time

        if Ntime is not None:
            times = np.linspace(min(times), max(times), Ntime)

        if type(times) is not np.ndarray:
            times = np.array(times)

        if times.ndim == 2:
            X_samples = times
            X_samples = times.reshape(-1, 1)  # 2D array

        # Make the prediction on the meshed x-axis (ask for MSE as well)
        y_pred, sigma = gp.predict(X_samples, return_std=True)
        return LightCurve(lc.Band, times, y_pred, sigma), gp
Exemple #3
def load(dic=None):
    Load points from dat-files.
    :return SetLightCurves:
    from pystella.util.math import is_number

    fname = None
    tshift = 0.
    mshift = 0.
    mag_lim = 99.
    arg = []
    is_debug = False
    comments = '#'

    if dic is not None:
        is_debug = dic.get('is_debug', False)
        mag_lim = dic.get('mag_lim', mag_lim)
        if 'args' in dic:
            arg = dic['args']

    if len(arg) > 0:
        fname = arg.pop(0)
        fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
    if len(arg) > 0:
        s = arg.pop(0)
        if is_number(s):
            tshift = float(s)
        elif len(arg) > 0:
            tshift = float(arg.pop(0))
    if len(arg) > 0:
        mshift = float(arg.pop(0))

    print("Load {0} tshift={1}  mshift={2}".format(fname, tshift, mshift))

    # read data
    # tbl = read_table_header_float(fname)
    tbl, cols_data = read_obs_table_header(
    curves = table2curves(os.path.basename(fname), tbl)

    # remove bad data
    res_curves = SetLightCurve(curves.Name)
    for lc_orig in curves:
        is_good = lc_orig.Mag < mag_lim
        t = lc_orig.Time[is_good]
        m = lc_orig.Mag[is_good]
        e = None
        if lc_orig.IsErr:
            e = lc_orig.Err[is_good]
        lc = LightCurve(lc_orig.Band, t, m, e)

    return res_curves
Exemple #4
    def LCBol(self, time):  # todo check this code
        from pystella.rf import band
        from pystella.rf.lc import LightCurve

        b = band.BandUni()
        mags = self.MagBol(time)
        lc = LightCurve(b, time, mags)
        return lc
Exemple #5
def table2curves(name,
                 colt=('time', 'JD', 'MJD'),
    # time = None
    for nm in colt:
        if nm in tbl.dtype.names:
            time = tbl[nm]
        raise ValueError(
            "THe table should contain a column with name in [{0}]".format(
                ', '.join(colt)))

    curves = SetLightCurve(name)

    if bands is None:
        bands = [n for n in tbl.dtype.names if band.is_exist(n)]

    for bname in bands:
        b = band.band_by_name(bname)
        mag = tbl[bname]
        mask = ~np.isnan(mag)
        # filter
        if is_filter_zero:
            mask = np.logical_and(mask,
                                  mag != 0)  # filter out values not equal 0
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, mag < 99)

        t = time[mask]
        m = mag[mask]
        for err_name in (prefix + bname for prefix in err_prefix):
            if err_name in tbl.dtype.names:
                err = tbl[err_name]
                e = err[mask]
                lc = LightCurve(b, t, m, e)
            lc = LightCurve(b, t, m)
    return curves
Exemple #6
 def read_curves(self):
     block = self.load()
     header = 'Mbol MU MB MV MI MR'.split()
     curves = SetLightCurve(self.name)
     time = block['time']
     for col in header:
         b = band.band_by_name(col.replace('M', ''))
         mag = block[col]
         lc = LightCurve(b, time, mag)
     return curves
Exemple #7
    def to_curves(self):
        ph = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(self.photometry)

        def add(d, k, v):
            if k in d:
                d[k] = [v]

        times = {}
        mags = {}
        err = {}
        # {'magnitude': '6.36', 'u_time': 'MJD', 'time': '46849.44', 'band': 'V', 'source': '44,62'}
        if 'e_magnitude' in ph.keys():
            for b, t, m, e in zip(ph.band, ph.time, ph.magnitude,
                add(times, b, t)
                add(mags, b, m)
                add(err, b, e)
            for b, t, m in zip(ph.band, ph.time, ph.magnitude):
                add(times, b, t)
                add(mags, b, m)

        bands = list(times.keys())

        curves = SetLightCurve(self.Name)
        for bname in bands:
            if band.is_exist(bname):
                tt = list(map(float, times[bname]))
                mm = list(map(float, mags[bname]))
                if len(err) > 0:
                    ee = list(map(float, err[bname]))
                    lc = LightCurve(bname, tt, mm, ee)
                    lc = LightCurve(bname, tt, mm)

        return curves
Exemple #8
def read_curves_master(path=sn_path):
    header = 'V  I  R'
    bnames = map(str.strip, header.split())
    curves = SetLightCurve('Red Nova')
    for i, n in enumerate(bnames):
        b = band.band_by_name(n)
        d = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, n + '.txt'),
                       dtype=[('JD', '<f4'), ('mag', '<f4'), ('err', '<f4')])
        time = d['JD']
        mags = d['mag']
        errs = d['err']
        lc = LightCurve(b, time, mags, errs=errs)

    return curves
Exemple #9
 def read_curves_gri(self):
     block = self.load(ext='gri', line_header=1)
     # header = 'L_bol    Mu        MB    Mg         Mr         Mi'.split()
     # header = 'MB    MV'.split()
     header = 'L_bol    Mu        MB   MV    Mg    Mr Mi  J  H  K '.split()
     # header = 'MB        MV '.split()
     # header = 'L_bol   L_ubvgri      Mu        MB        MV       Mg         Mr         Mi'.split()
     curves = SetLightCurve(self.name)
     time = block['time']
     for col in header:
         b = band.band_by_name(col.replace('M', '').replace('L_', ''))
         mag = block[col]
         lc = LightCurve(b, time, mag)
     return curves
Exemple #10
def read_curves(path=sn_path):
    header = 'U B  V  R I'
    cols = map(str.strip, header.split())
    lc_data = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, '1999emubvir.dat'), skiprows=1, usecols=range(1, 12))
    time = lc_data[:, 0]
    curves = SetLightCurve('Sn99em')
    for i, n in enumerate(cols):
        b = band.band_by_name(n)
        mags = lc_data[:, 2*i+1]
        errs = lc_data[:, 2*i+2]
        # filter bad values
        is_good = mags < 30.
        t = time[is_good]
        mags = mags[is_good]
        errs = errs[is_good]
        # add
        lc = LightCurve(b, t, mags, errs=errs)

    return curves
Exemple #11
    def flux_to_curve(self, b, z=0., d=0., magnification=1.):
        from pystella.rf.lc import LightCurve
        if b is None:
            raise ValueError("Band must be defined.")
        if not self.is_time:
            return ValueError("No spectral time points.")

        times, mags = self.to_mags(b, z, d, magnification)

        times = (1. + z) * np.array(times)
        lc = LightCurve(b, times, mags)
        lc.attrs('d', d)
        lc.attrs('z', z)
        lc.attrs('magnification', magnification)
        return lc
Exemple #12
def read_curves_master_abs_mag(path=sn_path):
    jd = 2457036
    header = 'V  I  R'
    bnames = map(str.strip, header.split())
    curves = SetLightCurve('Red Nova')
    for i, n in enumerate(bnames):
        b = band.band_by_name(n)
        time = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, n + '_jd.txt')) + jd
        mags = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, n + '_mag.txt'))
        errs = np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, n + '_err.txt'))

        # filter bad values
        # is_good = mags < 30.
        # t = time[is_good]
        # mags = mags[is_good]
        # errs = errs[is_good]
        # add
        lc = LightCurve(b, time, mags, errs=errs)

    return curves
Exemple #13
def load(dic=None):
    Load points from dat-files.
    Reader data-file with mix bname data, like:
    >>% head photometry.txt
    jd filter mag mage
    2457059.6228778586 V 17.493766309999998 0.0592200135089
    2457059.6244578934 V 17.539956019999998
    0.0542402986717 2457059.6261980557 g 17.782871193345898
    0.0454000142503 2457059.6287036575 g 17.7782469177482 0.0395424488201

    :return SetLightCurves:
    fname = None
    tshift = 0.
    mshift = 0.
    mag_lim = 30.
    skiprows = 1.
    arg = []

    if dic is not None:
        mag_lim = dic.get('mag_lim', 30.)
        skiprows = dic.get('skiprows', 1)
        if 'args' in dic:
            arg = dic['args']

    if len(arg) > 0:
        fname = arg.pop(0)
        fname = os.path.expanduser(fname)
    if len(arg) > 0:
        s = arg.pop(0)
        if s.isnumeric():
            tshift = float(s)
        elif len(arg) > 0:
            tshift = float(arg.pop(0))
    if len(arg) > 0:
        mshift = float(arg.pop(0))

    print("Load {0} tshift={1}  mshift={2}".format(fname, tshift, mshift))

    # read data
    dtype = [('time', '<f4'), ('b', 'str'), ('mag', '<f4'), ('err', '<f4')]
    # lc_data = np.loadtxt(fname, skiprows=skiprows, dtype=dtype, comments='#')  # jd filter mag mage
    # lc_data = np.genfromtxt(fname, skip_header=skiprows, dtype=dtype, comments='#')  # jd filter mag mage
    lc_data = np.genfromtxt(fname,
                            names=[v[0] for v in dtype],
    b_tot = lc_data['b']
    bnames = np.unique(b_tot)

    curves = SetLightCurve()
    for bname in bnames:
        if band.is_exist(bname.decode()):
            # filter of the current band
            d = lc_data[np.where(lc_data['b'] == bname)]
            # is_good = list(map(lambda x: x == bname, b_tot))
            # t = (lc_data['time'])[is_good]
            # m = lc_data['mag'][is_good]
            # e = lc_data['err'][is_good]
            # add light curve
            b = band.band_by_name(bname.decode())
            lc = LightCurve(b, d['time'], d['mag'], d['err'])
            # lc = LightCurve(b, t, m, e)
            print('Could read the light curve. There is no band: {}. '
                  'You may try to add it to dir data/bands'.format(bname))

    # remove bad data
    res_curves = SetLightCurve(curves.Name)
    for lc_orig in curves:
        is_good = lc_orig.Mag < mag_lim
        t = lc_orig.Time[is_good]
        m = lc_orig.Mag[is_good]
        e = None
        if lc_orig.IsErr:
            e = lc_orig.Err[is_good]
        lc = LightCurve(lc_orig.Band, t, m, e)

    return res_curves
Exemple #14
def lc_create(bname, m=-19, dt=0.):
    n = 10
    time = np.linspace(0.+dt, 200.+dt, n)
    mags = m * np.ones(n)
    return LightCurve(bname, time, mags)