def get(self, moduleID = None): if (moduleID is None): full = request.args.get('full', False) if (full): cursor = LibraryModule._get_collection().find(sort = [('name', 1)]) else: cursor = LibraryModule._get_collection().find({}, {'name': True, 'description': True}, sort = [('name', 1)]) return makeJsonResponse(list(cursor)) else: module = LibraryModule._get_collection().find_one({'_id': moduleID}) if (module is None): raise APIException("No module exists with ID {}".format(moduleID)) return makeJsonResponse(module)
def post(self): """ Create a new quantity """ quantity = Quantity() return makeJsonResponse({'_id':}, 'Quantity created')
def put(self, quantityID): quantityData = parseJsonResponse( del quantityData['_id'] quantity = Quantity.objects.get(id = quantityID) quantity.modify(**quantityData) return makeJsonResponse(None, 'Quantity saved')
def changePassword(self): requestData = parseJsonResponse( username = requestData['username'] oldPassword = requestData['oldPassword'] newPassword = requestData['newPassword'] try: user = User.objects.get(username = username) except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError("User not found") permission = UserAdminPermission(user) if not permission.can(): raise APIException('You have no permission to change the user password') passwordValid = bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, oldPassword) if (not passwordValid): raise APIException('Invalid old password') if (len(newPassword) < 6): raise APIException('Your new password has to be at least 6 characters long') user.modify(password = unicode(bcrypt.generate_password_hash(newPassword))) return makeJsonResponse(None, 'Password changed')
def delete(self, modelID, username): model = Models.Model.objects.get(id = modelID) self.checkPermissions(model) user = Users.User.objects.get(username = username) accessEntry = ModelUserAccess.objects.get(model = model, user = user) accessEntry.delete() return makeJsonResponse(None, 'Success')
def get(self, quantityID = None): """ Returns a model or a list of models """ if (quantityID is None): full = request.args.get('full', False) if (full): cursor = Quantity._get_collection().find(sort = [('name', 1)]) else: cursor = Quantity._get_collection().find({}, {'name': True}, sort = [('name', 1)]) return makeJsonResponse(list(cursor)) else: quantity = Quantity._get_collection().find_one({'_id': quantityID}) if (quantity is None): raise APIException("No quantity exists with ID {}".format(quantityID)) return makeJsonResponse(quantity)
def get(self, modelID = None): model = Models.Model.objects.get(id = modelID) self.checkPermissions(model) acl = ModelUserAccess.objects(model = model) accessList = [] for accessEntry in acl: accessList.append({'username': accessEntry.user.username, 'access': dict(ModelUserAccess.ACCESS)[accessEntry.access]}) return makeJsonResponse(accessList)
def delete(self, modelID): """ Delete a model""" model = Model.objects.get(id=modelID) permission = MP.ModelFullPermission(model) if permission.can(): model.delete() return makeJsonResponse(None, "Model deleted") else: raise UnauthorizedError("You have no permissions to delete this model")
def post(self, moduleID = None): with AdminPermission.require(): if (moduleID == None): newModule = LibraryModule() return makeJsonResponse({'_id':}) else: params = request.args action = params.get('action') raise APIException("Unknown POST action {}".format(action))
def loadModel(self, modelID): # Get a single model try: model = Model.objects.get(id=modelID) except DoesNotExist: raise APIException("No model exists with ID {}".format(modelID)) permission = MP.ModelViewPermission(model) if not permission.can(): raise UnauthorizedError("You have no permissions to view this model") model = model.to_mongo() return makeJsonResponse(model)
def logout(self): logout_user() # Remove session keys set by Flask-Principal for key in ('', 'identity.auth_type'): session.pop(key, None) # Tell Flask-Principal the user is anonymous identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity = AnonymousIdentity()) response = makeJsonResponse({'msg': 'You have sucessfully logged out'}) response.set_cookie('user.username', '') response.set_cookie('user.roles', '') return response
def post(self, modelID, username): model = Models.Model.objects.get(id = modelID) self.checkPermissions(model) user = Users.User.objects.get(username = username) access = request.args['access'] access = ModelUserAccess.ACCESS_DCT[access] try: accessEntry = ModelUserAccess.objects.get(model = model, user = user) accessEntry.modify(access = access) except DoesNotExist: accessEntry = ModelUserAccess(model = model, user = user, access = access) return makeJsonResponse(None, 'Success')
def copy(self, modelID, user): # Duplicate existing model model = Model.objects.get(id=modelID) permission = MP.ModelViewPermission(model) if permission.can(): = None = "Copy of " + model.created = datetime.datetime.utcnow() model.owner = user return makeJsonResponse({"_id":}) else: raise UnauthorizedError("You have no permissions to copy this model")
def find(self): """"Finds a user""" identifier = request.args.get('identifier') try: if (identifier is not None): if ('@' in identifier): user = User.objects.get(email = identifier) else: user = User.objects.get(username = identifier) else: raise APIException("Parameter 'identifier' must be given") except DoesNotExist: raise NotFoundError("User not found") result = dict(username = user.username) return makeJsonResponse(result)
def login(self): userData = parseJsonResponse( if current_user.is_authenticated(): return makeJsonResponse({'msg': 'You are already logged in'}) else: try: user = User.objects.get(email = userData['id']) except DoesNotExist: raise APIException('User does not exist') if (not raise APIException('User has not been activated or has been deactivated. Please contact the administrator!') if (not user.confirmed): raise APIException('Your registration has not been confirmed. Please visit the link found in yout email!') passwordValid = bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, userData['password']) if (passwordValid): login_user(user) identity_changed.send(current_app._get_current_object(), identity = Identity(user.get_id())) response = makeJsonResponse({'msg': 'You have sucessfully logged in'}) response.set_cookie('user.username', user.username) response.set_cookie('user.roles', '-'.join([ for role in user.roles])) return response else: raise APIException('Incorrect password')
def put(self, modelID): """Updates a model definition""" model = Model.objects.get(id=modelID) permission = MP.ModelEditPermission(model) if permission.can(): modelData = parseJsonResponse( model.modify( name=modelData["name"], description=modelData["description"], board=Board(**modelData["board"]), background=modelData.get("background"), publicAccess=modelData.get("publicAccess"), ) return makeJsonResponse(None, "Model saved") else: raise UnauthorizedError("You have no permissions to save changes to this model")
def listModels(self): responseFields = {"name": True, "description": True, "created": True, "owner": True} userCollection = User._get_collection() models = None if current_user.is_authenticated(): user = current_user._get_current_object() # modelUserRelation = [own, shared, public, all] modelUserRelation = request.args.get("modelUserRelation", "own") if modelUserRelation == "own": searchFilter = {"owner":} elif modelUserRelation == "shared": models = [] sharedModelAccess = MP.ModelUserAccess.objects( user=user, access__gte=MP.ModelUserAccess.ACCESS_DCT["list"] ) for modelAccess in sharedModelAccess: model = modelAccess.model models.append( { "_id":, "name":, "description": model.description, "created": model.created, "owner": model.owner.username, "access": modelAccess.access, } ) elif modelUserRelation == "public": searchFilter = {"publicAccess": {"$gte": Model.PUBLIC_ACCESS_DCT["list"]}} responseFields["publicAccess"] = True elif modelUserRelation == "all": if AdminPermission.can(): searchFilter = {} else: raise UnauthorizedError("Only administrators can list all models in the database") else: raise APIException("Invalid value for modelUserRelation, must be one of [own, shared, public, all]") else: searchFilter = {"publicAccess": {"$gte": Model.PUBLIC_ACCESS_DCT["list"]}} responseFields["publicAccess"] = True if models is None: models = list(Model._get_collection().find(searchFilter, responseFields, sort=[("name", 1)])) for model in models: model["owner"] = userCollection.find_one({"_id": model["owner"]})["username"] return makeJsonResponse(models)
def create(self): # If no users exist, init the user DB if (User.objects.count() == 0): self.initUsersDB(); userData = parseJsonResponse( if (len(userData[u'password']) < 6): raise APIException('Your password has to be at least 6 characters long') if (User.objects(username = userData['username']).count() > 0): raise APIException('User with this username already exists') if (User.objects(email = userData['email']).count() > 0): raise APIException('User with this email already exists') roleUser = Role.objects.get(name='user') user = User( username = userData['username'], email = userData['email'], firstName = userData['firstName'], lastName = userData['lastName'], country = userData['country'], organization = userData.get('organization', ''), password = unicode(bcrypt.generate_password_hash(userData[u'password'])), roles = [roleUser] ) # If no users exist, init the user DB if (User.objects.count() == 0): user.roles.append(Role.objects.get(name='admin')) try: # Send email to the user msg = Message("Welcome to STEM", recipients = []) msg.body = """\ Please click on the link to activate your profile{}&activationCode={}""".format(user.username, str( mail.send(msg) # Send email to admin msg = Message("New user registration", recipients = ["*****@*****.**"]) msg.body = "username: {}\n email: {}\n".format(user.username, mail.send(msg) except NotUniqueError: raise APIException('Registration failed. Please contact the administrator [email protected]') return makeJsonResponse({ 'msg': 'Successfully created user {}'.format(user.username) })
def delete(self, quantityID): Quantity.objects.get(id = quantityID).delete() return makeJsonResponse(None, 'Quantity deleted')
def create(self, user): """"Create new model""" model = Model(owner=user) return makeJsonResponse({"_id":})
def compute(self): modelData = parseJsonResponse( ex = ModelCalculator(modelData) ex.compute() return makeJsonResponse(modelData, "Model computed")