def test_wrong_inputs(interp_method):
    coord = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    input_array = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    interp = get_method(interp_method)

    # nan in the input values
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        input_with_nans = input_array.copy()
        input_with_nans[0, 0] = np.nan
        interp(coord, input_with_nans, xgrid, ygrid)

    # nan in the input coordinates
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        coord_with_nans = coord.copy()
        coord_with_nans[0, 0] = np.nan
        interp(coord_with_nans, input_array, xgrid, ygrid)

    # too many dimensions in the input values
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interp(coord, np.random.rand(10, 2, 1), xgrid, ygrid)

    # wrong dimension size in the input coordinates
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interp(np.random.rand(10, 1), input_array, xgrid, ygrid)

    # wrong number of dimensions in the input coordinates
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interp(np.random.rand(10, 2, 1), input_array, xgrid, ygrid)

    # wrong number of coordinates
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        interp(np.random.rand(9, 2), input_array, xgrid, ygrid)
def test_uniform_input(interp_method):
    coord = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    interp = get_method(interp_method)

    # same value across all variables
    input_array = np.ones((10, 2))
    output = interp(coord, input_array, xgrid, ygrid)
    assert np.isfinite(output).all()
    assert output.max() == output.min() == input_array.ravel()[0]
def test_one_sample_input(interp_method):
    coord = np.random.rand(1, 2)
    input_array = np.array([1, 2])[None, :]
    xgrid, ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    interp = get_method(interp_method)

    # one sample returns uniform grids
    output = interp(coord, input_array, xgrid, ygrid)
    assert np.isfinite(output).all()
    assert output[0, ...].max() == output[0, ...].min() == 1
    assert output[1, ...].max() == output[1, ...].min() == 2
def test_interp_univariate(interp_method):
    coord = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    input_array = np.random.rand(10)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    interp = get_method(interp_method)
    output = interp(coord, input_array, xgrid, ygrid)

    assert isinstance(output, np.ndarray)
    assert output.ndim == 2
    assert output.shape == (ygrid.size, xgrid.size)
    assert np.isfinite(output).all()
def test_idwinterp2d_kNone():
    coord = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    input_array = np.random.rand(10, 2)
    xgrid, ygrid = np.linspace(0, 1, 10), np.linspace(0, 1, 10)

    interp = get_method("idwinterp2d")
    output = interp(coord, input_array, xgrid, ygrid, k=None)

    assert isinstance(output, np.ndarray)
    assert output.ndim == 3
    assert output.shape[0] == 2
    assert output.shape[1:] == (ygrid.size, xgrid.size)
    assert np.isfinite(output).all()
Exemple #6
def forecast(
    """Generate a nowcast by using the autoregressive nowcasting using VIL
    (ANVIL) method. ANVIL is built on top of an extrapolation-based nowcast.
    The key features are:

    1) Growth and decay: implemented by using a cascade decomposition and
       a multiscale autoregressive integrated ARI(p,1) model. Instead of the
       original time series, the ARI model is applied to the differenced one
       corresponding to time derivatives.
    2) Originally designed for using integrated liquid (VIL) as the input data.
       In this case, the rain rate (R) is obtained from VIL via an empirical
       relation. This implementation is more general so that the input can be
       any two-dimensional precipitation field.
    3) The parameters of the ARI model and the R(VIL) relation are allowed to
       be spatially variable. The estimation is done using a moving window.

    vil : array_like
        Array of shape (ar_order+2,m,n) containing the input fields ordered by
        timestamp from oldest to newest. The inputs are expected to contain VIL
        or rain rate. The time steps between the inputs are assumed to be regular.
    velocity : array_like
        Array of shape (2,m,n) containing the x- and y-components of the
        advection field. The velocities are assumed to represent one time step
        between the inputs. All values are required to be finite.
    n_timesteps : int
        Number of time steps to forecast.
    rainrate : array_like
        Array of shape (m,n) containing the most recently observed rain rate
        field. If set to None, no R(VIL) conversion is done and the outputs
        are in the same units as the inputs.
    n_cascade_levels : int, optional
        The number of cascade levels to use.
    extrap_method : str, optional
        Name of the extrapolation method to use. See the documentation of
    ar_order : int, optional
        The order of the autoregressive model to use. The recommended values
        are 1 or 2. Using a higher-order model is strongly discouraged because
        the stationarity of the AR process cannot be guaranteed.
    ar_window_radius : int, optional
        The radius of the window to use for determining the parameters of the
        autoregressive model. Set to None to disable localization.
    r_vil_window_radius : int, optional
        The radius of the window to use for determining the R(VIL) relation.
        Applicable if rainrate is not None.
    fft_method : str, optional
        A string defining the FFT method to use (see utils.fft.get_method).
        Defaults to 'numpy' for compatibility reasons. If pyFFTW is installed,
        the recommended method is 'pyfftw'.
    apply_rainrate_mask : bool
        Apply mask to prevent producing precipitation to areas where it was not
        originally observed. Defaults to True. Disabling this may improve some
        verification metrics but increases the number of false alarms. Applicable
        if rainrate is None.
    num_workers : int, optional
        The number of workers to use for parallel computation. Applicable if
        dask is installed or pyFFTW is used for computing the FFT.
        When num_workers>1, it is advisable to disable OpenMP by setting
        the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1.
        This avoids slowdown caused by too many simultaneous threads.
    extrap_kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the extrapolation
        method. See the documentation of pysteps.extrapolation.
    filter_kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the filter method.
        See the documentation of
    measure_time : bool, optional
        If True, measure, print and return the computation time.

    out : ndarray
        A three-dimensional array of shape (n_timesteps,m,n) containing a time
        series of forecast precipitation fields. The time series starts from
        t0+timestep, where timestep is taken from the input VIL/rain rate
        fields. If measure_time is True, the return value is a three-element
        tuple containing the nowcast array, the initialization time of the
        nowcast generator and the time used in the main loop (seconds).

    if len(vil.shape) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "vil.shape = %s, but a three-dimensional array expected" % str(vil.shape)

    if rainrate is not None:
        if len(rainrate.shape) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "rainrate.shape = %s, but a two-dimensional array expected"
                % str(rainrate.shape)

    if vil.shape[0] != ar_order + 2:
        raise ValueError(
            "vil.shape[0] = %d, but vil.shape[0] = ar_order + 2 = %d required"
            % (vil.shape[0], ar_order + 2)

    if len(velocity.shape) != 3:
        raise ValueError(
            "velocity.shape = %s, but a three-dimensional array expected"
            % str(velocity.shape)

    if extrap_kwargs is None:
        extrap_kwargs = dict()

    if filter_kwargs is None:
        filter_kwargs = dict()

    print("Computing ANVIL nowcast:")

    print("input dimensions: %dx%d" % (vil.shape[1], vil.shape[2]))

    print("extrapolation:   %s" % extrap_method)
    print("FFT:             %s" % fft_method)

    print("number of time steps:        %d" % n_timesteps)
    print("parallel threads:            %d" % num_workers)
    print("number of cascade levels:    %d" % n_cascade_levels)
    print("order of the ARI(p,1) model: %d" % ar_order)
    if type(ar_window_radius) == int:
        print("ARI(p,1) window radius:      %d" % ar_window_radius)
        print("ARI(p,1) window radius:      none")

    print("R(VIL) window radius:        %d" % r_vil_window_radius)

    if measure_time:
        starttime_init = time.time()

    m, n = vil.shape[1:]
    vil = vil.copy()

    if rainrate is None and apply_rainrate_mask:
        rainrate_mask = vil[-1, :] < 0.1

    if rainrate is not None:
        # determine the coefficients fields of the relation R=a*VIL+b by
        # localized linear regression
        r_vil_a, r_vil_b = _r_vil_regression(vil[-1, :], rainrate, r_vil_window_radius)

    # transform the input fields to Lagrangian coordinates by extrapolation
    extrapolator = extrapolation.get_method(extrap_method)
    res = list()

    def worker(vil, i):
        return (
                vil[i, :],
                vil.shape[0] - 1 - i,

    for i in range(vil.shape[0] - 1):
        if not DASK_IMPORTED or num_workers == 1:
            vil[i, :, :] = worker(vil, i)[1]
            res.append(dask.delayed(worker)(vil, i))

    if DASK_IMPORTED and num_workers > 1:
        num_workers_ = len(res) if num_workers > len(res) else num_workers
        vil_e = dask.compute(*res, num_workers=num_workers_)
        for i in range(len(vil_e)):
            vil[vil_e[i][0], :] = vil_e[i][1]

    # compute the final mask as the intersection of the masks of the advected
    # fields
    mask = np.isfinite(vil[0, :])
    for i in range(1, vil.shape[0]):
        mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.isfinite(vil[i, :]))

    if rainrate is None and apply_rainrate_mask:
        rainrate_mask = np.logical_and(rainrate_mask, mask)

    # apply cascade decomposition to the advected input fields
    bp_filter_method = cascade.get_method("gaussian")
    bp_filter = bp_filter_method((m, n), n_cascade_levels, **filter_kwargs)

    fft = utils.get_method(fft_method, shape=vil.shape[1:], n_threads=num_workers)

    decomp_method, recomp_method = cascade.get_method("fft")

    vil_dec = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, vil.shape[0], m, n))
    for i in range(vil.shape[0]):
        vil_ = vil[i, :].copy()
        vil_[~np.isfinite(vil_)] = 0.0
        vil_dec_i = decomp_method(vil_, bp_filter, fft_method=fft)
        for j in range(n_cascade_levels):
            vil_dec[j, i, :] = vil_dec_i["cascade_levels"][j, :]

    # compute time-lagged correlation coefficients for the cascade levels of
    # the advected and differenced input fields
    gamma = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, ar_order, m, n))
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        vil_diff = np.diff(vil_dec[i, :], axis=0)
        vil_diff[~np.isfinite(vil_diff)] = 0.0
        for j in range(ar_order):
            gamma[i, j, :] = _moving_window_corrcoef(
                vil_diff[-1, :], vil_diff[-(j + 2), :], ar_window_radius

    if ar_order == 2:
        # if the order of the ARI model is 2, adjust the correlation coefficients
        # so that the resulting process is stationary
        for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
            gamma[i, 1, :] = autoregression.adjust_lag2_corrcoef2(
                gamma[i, 0, :], gamma[i, 1, :]

    # estimate the parameters of the ARI models
    phi = []
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        if ar_order > 2:
            phi_ = autoregression.estimate_ar_params_yw_localized(gamma[i, :], d=1)
        elif ar_order == 2:
            phi_ = _estimate_ar2_params(gamma[i, :])
            phi_ = _estimate_ar1_params(gamma[i, :])

    vil_dec = vil_dec[:, -(ar_order + 1) :, :]

    if measure_time:
        init_time = time.time() - starttime_init

    print("Starting nowcast computation.")

    if measure_time:
        starttime_mainloop = time.time()

    r_f = []
    dp = None
    for t in range(n_timesteps):
        print("Computing nowcast for time step %d... " % (t + 1), end="", flush=True)

        if measure_time:
            starttime = time.time()

        # iterate the ARI models for each cascade level
        for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
            vil_dec[i, :] = autoregression.iterate_ar_model(vil_dec[i, :], phi[i])

        # recompose the cascade to obtain the forecast field
        vil_dec_dict = {}
        vil_dec_dict["cascade_levels"] = vil_dec[:, -1, :]
        vil_dec_dict["domain"] = "spatial"
        vil_dec_dict["normalized"] = False
        vil_f = recomp_method(vil_dec_dict)
        vil_f[~mask] = np.nan

        if rainrate is not None:
            # convert VIL to rain rate
            r_f_ = r_vil_a * vil_f + r_vil_b
            r_f_ = vil_f
            if apply_rainrate_mask:
                r_f_[rainrate_mask] = 0.0

        r_f_[r_f_ < 0.0] = 0.0

        # extrapolate to the current nowcast lead time
                "displacement_prev": dp,
                "return_displacement": True,
                "allow_nonfinite_values": True,
        r_f_, dp = extrapolator(r_f_, velocity, 1, **extrap_kwargs)

        if measure_time:
            print("%.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))


    if measure_time:
        mainloop_time = time.time() - starttime_mainloop

    if measure_time:
        return np.stack(r_f), init_time, mainloop_time
        return np.stack(r_f)
Exemple #7
def dense_lucaskanade(
    """Run the Lucas-Kanade optical flow routine and interpolate the motion

    .. _OpenCV:

    .. _`Lucas-Kanade`:\

    .. _MaskedArray:\

    .. _ndarray:\

    Interface to the OpenCV_ implementation of the local `Lucas-Kanade`_ optical
    flow method applied in combination to a feature detection routine.

    The sparse motion vectors are finally interpolated to return the whole
    motion field.


    input_images : ndarray_ or MaskedArray_
        Array of shape (T, m, n) containing a sequence of *T* two-dimensional
        input images of shape (m, n). The indexing order in **input_images** is
        assumed to be (time, latitude, longitude).

        *T* = 2 is the minimum required number of images.
        With *T* > 2, all the resulting sparse vectors are pooled together for
        the final interpolation on a regular grid.

        In case of ndarray_, invalid values (Nans or infs) are masked,
        otherwise the mask of the MaskedArray_ is used. Such mask defines a
        region where features are not detected for the tracking algorithm.

    lk_kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the `Lucas-Kanade`_
        features tracking algorithm. See the documentation of

    fd_method : {"ShiTomasi", "blob"}, optional
      Name of the feature detection routine. See feature detection methods in

    fd_kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the features
        detection algorithm.
        See the documentation of :py:mod:`pysteps.utils.images`.

    interp_method : {"rbfinterp2d"}, optional
      Name of the interpolation method to use. See interpolation methods in

    interp_kwargs : dict, optional
        Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the interpolation
        algorithm. See the documentation of :py:mod:`pysteps.utils.interpolate`.

    dense : bool, optional
        If True, return the three-dimensional array (2, m, n) containing
        the dense x- and y-components of the motion field.

        If False, return the sparse motion vectors as 2-D **xy** and **uv**
        arrays, where **xy** defines the vector positions, **uv** defines the
        x and y direction components of the vectors.

    nr_std_outlier : int, optional
        Maximum acceptable deviation from the mean in terms of number of
        standard deviations. Any sparse vector with a deviation larger than
        this threshold is flagged as outlier and excluded from the
        See the documentation of

    k_outlier : int or None, optional
        The number of nearest neighbours used to localize the outlier detection.
        If set to None, it employs all the data points (global detection).
        See the documentation of

    size_opening : int, optional
        The size of the structuring element kernel in pixels. This is used to
        perform a binary morphological opening on the input fields in order to
        filter isolated echoes due to clutter. If set to zero, the filtering
        is not perfomed.
        See the documentation of

    decl_scale : int, optional
        The scale declustering parameter in pixels used to reduce the number of
        redundant sparse vectors before the interpolation.
        Sparse vectors within this declustering scale are averaged together.
        If set to less than 2 pixels, the declustering is not perfomed.
        See the documentation of

    verbose : bool, optional
        If set to True, print some information about the program.


    out : ndarray_ or tuple
        If **dense=True** (the default), return the advection field having shape
        (2, m, n), where out[0, :, :] contains the x-components of the motion
        vectors and out[1, :, :] contains the y-components.
        The velocities are in units of pixels / timestep, where timestep is the
        time difference between the two input images.
        Return a zero motion field of shape (2, m, n) when no motion is

        If **dense=False**, it returns a tuple containing the 2-dimensional
        arrays **xy** and **uv**, where x, y define the vector locations,
        u, v define the x and y direction components of the vectors.
        Return two empty arrays when no motion is detected.

    See also



    Bouguet,  J.-Y.:  Pyramidal  implementation  of  the  affine  Lucas Kanade
    feature tracker description of the algorithm, Intel Corp., 5, 4,, 2001

    Lucas, B. D. and Kanade, T.: An iterative image registration technique with
    an application to stereo vision, in: Proceedings of the 1981 DARPA Imaging
    Understanding Workshop, pp. 121–130, 1981.

    input_images = input_images.copy()

    if verbose:
        print("Computing the motion field with the Lucas-Kanade method.")
        t0 = time.time()

    nr_fields = input_images.shape[0]
    domain_size = (input_images.shape[1], input_images.shape[2])

    feature_detection_method = utils.get_method(fd_method)
    interpolation_method = utils.get_method(interp_method)

    if fd_kwargs is None:
        fd_kwargs = dict()

    if lk_kwargs is None:
        lk_kwargs = dict()

    if interp_kwargs is None:
        interp_kwargs = dict()

    xy = np.empty(shape=(0, 2))
    uv = np.empty(shape=(0, 2))
    for n in range(nr_fields - 1):

        # extract consecutive images
        prvs_img = input_images[n, :, :].copy()
        next_img = input_images[n + 1, :, :].copy()

        # Check if a MaskedArray is used. If not, mask the ndarray
        if not isinstance(prvs_img, MaskedArray):
            prvs_img =, prvs_img.min())

        if not isinstance(next_img, MaskedArray):
            next_img =, next_img.min())

        # remove small noise with a morphological operator (opening)
        if size_opening > 0:
            prvs_img = morph_opening(prvs_img, prvs_img.min(), size_opening)
            next_img = morph_opening(next_img, next_img.min(), size_opening)

        # features detection
        points = feature_detection_method(prvs_img, **fd_kwargs).astype(np.float32)

        # skip loop if no features to track
        if points.shape[0] == 0:

        # get sparse u, v vectors with Lucas-Kanade tracking
        xy_, uv_ = track_features(prvs_img, next_img, points, **lk_kwargs)

        # skip loop if no vectors
        if xy_.shape[0] == 0:

        # stack vectors
        xy = np.append(xy, xy_, axis=0)
        uv = np.append(uv, uv_, axis=0)

    # return zero motion field is no sparse vectors are found
    if xy.shape[0] == 0:
        if dense:
            return np.zeros((2, domain_size[0], domain_size[1]))
            return xy, uv

    # detect and remove outliers
    outliers = detect_outliers(uv, nr_std_outlier, xy, k_outlier, verbose)
    xy = xy[~outliers, :]
    uv = uv[~outliers, :]

    if verbose:
        print("--- LK found %i sparse vectors ---" % xy.shape[0])

    # return sparse vectors if required
    if not dense:
        return xy, uv

    # decluster sparse motion vectors
    if decl_scale > 1:
        xy, uv = decluster(xy, uv, decl_scale, 1, verbose)

    # return zero motion field if no sparse vectors are left for interpolation
    if xy.shape[0] == 0:
        return np.zeros((2, domain_size[0], domain_size[1]))

    # interpolation
    xgrid = np.arange(domain_size[1])
    ygrid = np.arange(domain_size[0])
    UV = interpolation_method(xy, uv, xgrid, ygrid, **interp_kwargs)

    if verbose:
        print("--- total time: %.2f seconds ---" % (time.time() - t0))

    return UV
Exemple #8
def decomposition_fft(field, bp_filter, **kwargs):
    """Decompose a two-dimensional input field into multiple spatial scales by
    using the Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) and a set of bandpass filters.

    field : array_like
        Two-dimensional array containing the input field. All values are
        required to be finite.
    bp_filter : dict
        A filter returned by a method implemented in

    Other Parameters
    fft_method : str or tuple
        A string or a (function,kwargs) tuple defining the FFT method to use
        (see :py:func:`pysteps.utils.interface.get_method`).
        Defaults to "numpy". This option is not used if input_domain and
        output_domain are both set to "spectral".
    normalize : bool
        If True, normalize the cascade levels to zero mean and unit variance.
        Requires that compute_stats is True. Implies that compute_stats is True.
        Defaults to False.
    mask : array_like
        Optional mask to use for computing the statistics for the cascade
        levels. Pixels with mask==False are excluded from the computations.
        This option is not used if output domain is "spectral".
    input_domain : {"spatial", "spectral"}
        The domain of the input field. If "spectral", the input is assumed to
        be in the spectral domain. Defaults to "spatial".
    output_domain : {"spatial", "spectral"}
        If "spatial", the output cascade levels are transformed back to the
        spatial domain by using the inverse FFT. If "spectral", the cascade is
        kept in the spectral domain. Defaults to "spatial".
    compute_stats : bool
        If True, the output dictionary contains the keys "means" and "stds"
        for the mean and standard deviation of each output cascade level.
        Defaults to False.
    compact_output : bool
        Applicable if output_domain is "spectral". If set to True, only the
        parts of the Fourier spectrum with non-negligible filter weights are
        stored. Defaults to False.

    out : ndarray
        A dictionary described in the module documentation.
        The number of cascade levels is determined from the filter
        (see :py:mod:`pysteps.cascade.bandpass_filters`).

    fft = kwargs.get("fft_method", "numpy")
    if isinstance(fft, str):
        fft = utils.get_method(fft, shape=field.shape)
    normalize = kwargs.get("normalize", False)
    mask = kwargs.get("mask", None)
    input_domain = kwargs.get("input_domain", "spatial")
    output_domain = kwargs.get("output_domain", "spatial")
    compute_stats = kwargs.get("compute_stats", False)
    compact_output = kwargs.get("compact_output", False)

    if normalize and not compute_stats:
        compute_stats = True

    if len(field.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("The input is not two-dimensional array")

    if mask is not None and mask.shape != field.shape:
        raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between field and mask:" +
                         "field.shape=" + str(field.shape) + ",mask.shape" +

    if field.shape[0] != bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[1]:
        raise ValueError("dimension mismatch between field and bp_filter: " +
                         "field.shape[0]=%d , " % field.shape[0] +
                         "=%d" % bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[1])

    if input_domain == "spatial" and \
       int(field.shape[1] / 2) + 1 != bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between field and bp_filter: "
                         "int(field.shape[1]/2)+1=%d , " %
                         (int(field.shape[1] / 2) + 1) +
                         "=%d" % bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2])

    if input_domain == "spectral" and \
       field.shape[1] != bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2]:
        raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between field and bp_filter: "
                         "field.shape[1]=%d , " % (field.shape[1] + 1) +
                         "=%d" % bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2])

    if output_domain != "spectral":
        compact_output = False

    if np.any(~np.isfinite(field)):
        raise ValueError("field contains non-finite values")

    result = {}
    means = []
    stds = []

    if input_domain == "spatial":
        field_fft = fft.rfft2(field)
        field_fft = field
    if output_domain == "spectral" and compact_output:
        weight_masks = []
    field_decomp = []

    for k in range(len(bp_filter["weights_1d"])):
        field_ = field_fft * bp_filter["weights_2d"][k, :, :]

        if output_domain == "spatial" or (compute_stats and mask is not None):
            field__ = fft.irfft2(field_)
            field__ = field_

        if compute_stats:
            if output_domain == "spatial" or (compute_stats
                                              and mask is not None):
                if mask is not None:
                    masked_field = field__[mask]
                    masked_field = field__
                mean = np.mean(masked_field)
                std = np.std(masked_field)
                mean = utils.spectral.mean(field_, bp_filter["shape"])
                std = utils.spectral.std(field_, bp_filter["shape"])


        if output_domain == "spatial":
            field_ = field__
        if normalize:
            field_ = (field_ - mean) / std
        if output_domain == "spectral" and compact_output:
            weight_mask = bp_filter["weights_2d"][k, :, :] > 1e-12
            field_ = field_[weight_mask]

    result["domain"] = output_domain
    result["normalized"] = normalize
    result["compact_output"] = compact_output

    if output_domain == "spatial" or not compact_output:
        field_decomp = np.stack(field_decomp)

    result["cascade_levels"] = field_decomp
    if output_domain == "spectral" and compact_output:
        result["weight_masks"] = np.stack(weight_masks)

    if compute_stats:
        result["means"] = means
        result["stds"] = stds

    return result
Exemple #9
def forecast(
    """Generate a nowcast by using the Spectral Prognosis (S-PROG) method.

    R : array-like
      Array of shape (ar_order+1,m,n) containing the input precipitation fields
      ordered by timestamp from oldest to newest. The time steps between
      the inputs are assumed to be regular.
    V : array-like
      Array of shape (2,m,n) containing the x- and y-components of the
      advection field.
      The velocities are assumed to represent one time step between the
      inputs. All values are required to be finite.
    n_timesteps : int
      Number of time steps to forecast.
    n_cascade_levels : int, optional
      The number of cascade levels to use.
    R_thr : float
      The threshold value for minimum observable precipitation intensity.
    extrap_method : str, optional
      Name of the extrapolation method to use. See the documentation of
    decomp_method : {'fft'}, optional
      Name of the cascade decomposition method to use. See the documentation
      of pysteps.cascade.interface.
    bandpass_filter_method : {'gaussian', 'uniform'}, optional
      Name of the bandpass filter method to use with the cascade decomposition.
      See the documentation of pysteps.cascade.interface.
    ar_order : int, optional
      The order of the autoregressive model to use. Must be >= 1.
    conditional : bool, optional
      If set to True, compute the statistics of the precipitation field
      conditionally by excluding pixels where the values are
      below the threshold R_thr.
    probmatching_method : {'cdf','mean',None}, optional
      Method for matching the conditional statistics of the forecast field
      (areas with precipitation intensity above the threshold R_thr) with those
      of the most recently observed one. 'cdf'=map the forecast CDF to the
      observed one, 'mean'=adjust only the mean value,
      None=no matching applied.
    num_workers : int, optional
      The number of workers to use for parallel computation. Applicable if dask
      is enabled or pyFFTW is used for computing the FFT.
      When num_workers>1, it is advisable to disable OpenMP by setting
      the environment variable OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1.
      This avoids slowdown caused by too many simultaneous threads.
    fft_method : str, optional
      A string defining the FFT method to use (see utils.fft.get_method).
      Defaults to 'numpy' for compatibility reasons. If pyFFTW is installed,
      the recommended method is 'pyfftw'.
    domain : {"spatial", "spectral"}
      If "spatial", all computations are done in the spatial domain (the
      classical S-PROG model). If "spectral", the AR(2) models are applied
      directly in the spectral domain to reduce memory footprint and improve
      performance :cite:`PCH2019a`.
    extrap_kwargs : dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the extrapolation
      method. See the documentation of pysteps.extrapolation.
    filter_kwargs : dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the filter method.
      See the documentation of
    measure_time : bool
      If set to True, measure, print and return the computation time.

    out : ndarray
      A three-dimensional array of shape (n_timesteps,m,n) containing a time
      series of forecast precipitation fields. The time series starts from
      t0+timestep, where timestep is taken from the input precipitation fields
      R. If measure_time is True, the return value is a three-element tuple
      containing the nowcast array, the initialization time of the nowcast
      generator and the time used in the main loop (seconds).

    See also
    pysteps.extrapolation.interface, pysteps.cascade.interface

    :cite:`Seed2003`, :cite:`PCH2019a`

    _check_inputs(R, V, ar_order)

    if extrap_kwargs is None:
        extrap_kwargs = dict()

    if filter_kwargs is None:
        filter_kwargs = dict()

    if np.any(~np.isfinite(V)):
        raise ValueError("V contains non-finite values")

    print("Computing S-PROG nowcast:")

    print("input dimensions: %dx%d" % (R.shape[1], R.shape[2]))

    print("extrapolation:          %s" % extrap_method)
    print("bandpass filter:        %s" % bandpass_filter_method)
    print("decomposition:          %s" % decomp_method)
    print("conditional statistics: %s" % ("yes" if conditional else "no"))
    print("probability matching:   %s" % probmatching_method)
    print("FFT method:             %s" % fft_method)
    print("domain:                 %s" % domain)

    print("number of time steps:     %d" % n_timesteps)
    print("parallel threads:         %d" % num_workers)
    print("number of cascade levels: %d" % n_cascade_levels)
    print("order of the AR(p) model: %d" % ar_order)
    print("precip. intensity threshold: %g" % R_thr)

    if measure_time:
        starttime_init = time.time()

    fft = utils.get_method(fft_method,

    M, N = R.shape[1:]

    # initialize the band-pass filter
    filter_method = cascade.get_method(bandpass_filter_method)
    filter = filter_method((M, N), n_cascade_levels, **filter_kwargs)

    decomp_method, recomp_method = cascade.get_method(decomp_method)

    extrapolator_method = extrapolation.get_method(extrap_method)

    R = R[-(ar_order + 1):, :, :].copy()
    R_min = np.nanmin(R)

    # determine the domain mask from non-finite values
    domain_mask = np.logical_or.reduce(
        [~np.isfinite(R[i, :]) for i in range(R.shape[0])])

    # determine the precipitation threshold mask
    if conditional:
        MASK_thr = np.logical_and.reduce(
            [R[i, :, :] >= R_thr for i in range(R.shape[0])])
        MASK_thr = None

    # initialize the extrapolator
    x_values, y_values = np.meshgrid(np.arange(R.shape[2]),

    xy_coords = np.stack([x_values, y_values])

    extrap_kwargs = extrap_kwargs.copy()
    extrap_kwargs["xy_coords"] = xy_coords
    extrap_kwargs["allow_nonfinite_values"] = True

    # advect the previous precipitation fields to the same position with the
    # most recent one (i.e. transform them into the Lagrangian coordinates)
    res = list()

    def f(R, i):
        return extrapolator_method(R[i, :], V, ar_order - i, "min",

    for i in range(ar_order):
        if not DASK_IMPORTED:
            R[i, :, :] = f(R, i)
            res.append(dask.delayed(f)(R, i))

        num_workers_ = len(res) if num_workers > len(res) else num_workers
        R = np.stack(
            list(dask.compute(*res, num_workers=num_workers_)) + [R[-1, :, :]])

    # replace non-finite values with the minimum value
    R = R.copy()
    for i in range(R.shape[0]):
        R[i, ~np.isfinite(R[i, :])] = np.nanmin(R[i, :])

    # compute the cascade decompositions of the input precipitation fields
    R_d = []
    for i in range(ar_order + 1):
        R_ = decomp_method(
            R[i, :, :],

    # rearrange the cascade levels into a four-dimensional array of shape
    # (n_cascade_levels,ar_order+1,m,n) for the autoregressive model
    R_c = nowcast_utils.stack_cascades(R_d,

    # compute lag-l temporal autocorrelation coefficients for each cascade level
    GAMMA = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, ar_order))
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        if domain == "spatial":
            GAMMA[i, :] = correlation.temporal_autocorrelation(R_c[i],
            GAMMA[i, :] = correlation.temporal_autocorrelation(
                R_c[i], domain="spectral", x_shape=R.shape[1:])

    R_c = nowcast_utils.stack_cascades(R_d,

    R_d = R_d[-1]


    if ar_order == 2:
        # adjust the lag-2 correlation coefficient to ensure that the AR(p)
        # process is stationary
        for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
            GAMMA[i, 1] = autoregression.adjust_lag2_corrcoef2(
                GAMMA[i, 0], GAMMA[i, 1])

    # estimate the parameters of the AR(p) model from the autocorrelation
    # coefficients
    PHI = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, ar_order + 1))
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        PHI[i, :] = autoregression.estimate_ar_params_yw(GAMMA[i, :])


    # discard all except the p-1 last cascades because they are not needed for
    # the AR(p) model
    R_c = [R_c[i][-ar_order:] for i in range(n_cascade_levels)]

    D = None

    if probmatching_method == "mean":
        mu_0 = np.mean(R[-1, :, :][R[-1, :, :] >= R_thr])

    # compute precipitation mask and wet area ratio
    MASK_p = R[-1, :, :] >= R_thr
    war = 1.0 * np.sum(MASK_p) / (R.shape[1] * R.shape[2])

    if measure_time:
        init_time = time.time() - starttime_init

    R = R[-1, :, :]

    print("Starting nowcast computation.")

    if measure_time:
        starttime_mainloop = time.time()

    R_f = []

    # iterate each time step
    for t in range(n_timesteps):
        print("Computing nowcast for time step %d... " % (t + 1), end="")
        if measure_time:
            starttime = time.time()

        for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
            R_c[i] = autoregression.iterate_ar_model(R_c[i], PHI[i, :])

        R_d["cascade_levels"] = [
            R_c[i][-1, :] for i in range(n_cascade_levels)
        if domain == "spatial":
            R_d["cascade_levels"] = np.stack(R_d["cascade_levels"])
        R_c_ = recomp_method(R_d)

        if domain == "spectral":
            R_c_ = fft.irfft2(R_c_)

        MASK = _compute_sprog_mask(R_c_, war)
        R_c_[~MASK] = R_min

        if probmatching_method == "cdf":
            # adjust the CDF of the forecast to match the most recently
            # observed precipitation field
            R_c_ = probmatching.nonparam_match_empirical_cdf(R_c_, R)
        elif probmatching_method == "mean":
            mu_fct = np.mean(R_c_[MASK])
            R_c_[MASK] = R_c_[MASK] - mu_fct + mu_0

        R_c_[domain_mask] = np.nan

        # advect the recomposed precipitation field to obtain the forecast for
        # time step t
            "displacement_prev": D,
            "return_displacement": True
        R_f_, D_ = extrapolator_method(R_c_, V, 1, **extrap_kwargs)
        D = D_
        R_f_ = R_f_[0]

        if measure_time:
            print("%.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

    if measure_time:
        mainloop_time = time.time() - starttime_mainloop

    R_f = np.stack(R_f)

    if measure_time:
        return R_f, init_time, mainloop_time
        return R_f
Exemple #10
def forecast(
    """Generate a nowcast ensemble by using the Short-Term Ensemble Prediction
    System (STEPS) method.

    R: array-like
      Array of shape (ar_order+1,m,n) containing the input precipitation fields
      ordered by timestamp from oldest to newest. The time steps between the
      inputs are assumed to be regular.
    V: array-like
      Array of shape (2,m,n) containing the x- and y-components of the advection
      field. The velocities are assumed to represent one time step between the
      inputs. All values are required to be finite.
    timesteps: int or list of floats
      Number of time steps to forecast or a list of time steps for which the
      forecasts are computed (relative to the input time step). The elements of
      the list are required to be in ascending order.
    n_ens_members: int, optional
      The number of ensemble members to generate.
    n_cascade_levels: int, optional
      The number of cascade levels to use.
    R_thr: float, optional
      Specifies the threshold value for minimum observable precipitation
      intensity. Required if mask_method is not None or conditional is True.
    kmperpixel: float, optional
      Spatial resolution of the input data (kilometers/pixel). Required if
      vel_pert_method is not None or mask_method is 'incremental'.
    timestep: float, optional
      Time step of the motion vectors (minutes). Required if vel_pert_method is
      not None or mask_method is 'incremental'.
    extrap_method: str, optional
      Name of the extrapolation method to use. See the documentation of
    decomp_method: {'fft'}, optional
      Name of the cascade decomposition method to use. See the documentation
      of pysteps.cascade.interface.
    bandpass_filter_method: {'gaussian', 'uniform'}, optional
      Name of the bandpass filter method to use with the cascade decomposition.
      See the documentation of pysteps.cascade.interface.
    noise_method: {'parametric','nonparametric','ssft','nested',None}, optional
      Name of the noise generator to use for perturbating the precipitation
      field. See the documentation of pysteps.noise.interface. If set to None,
      no noise is generated.
    noise_stddev_adj: {'auto','fixed',None}, optional
      Optional adjustment for the standard deviations of the noise fields added
      to each cascade level. This is done to compensate incorrect std. dev.
      estimates of casace levels due to presence of no-rain areas. 'auto'=use
      the method implemented in pysteps.noise.utils.compute_noise_stddev_adjs.
      'fixed'= use the formula given in :cite:`BPS2006` (eq. 6), None=disable
      noise std. dev adjustment.
    ar_order: int, optional
      The order of the autoregressive model to use. Must be >= 1.
    vel_pert_method: {'bps',None}, optional
      Name of the noise generator to use for perturbing the advection field. See
      the documentation of pysteps.noise.interface. If set to None, the advection
      field is not perturbed.
    conditional: bool, optional
      If set to True, compute the statistics of the precipitation field
      conditionally by excluding pixels where the values are below the threshold
    mask_method: {'obs','sprog','incremental',None}, optional
      The method to use for masking no precipitation areas in the forecast field.
      The masked pixels are set to the minimum value of the observations.
      'obs' = apply R_thr to the most recently observed precipitation intensity
      field, 'sprog' = use the smoothed forecast field from S-PROG, where the
      AR(p) model has been applied, 'incremental' = iteratively buffer the mask
      with a certain rate (currently it is 1 km/min), None=no masking.
    probmatching_method: {'cdf','mean',None}, optional
      Method for matching the statistics of the forecast field with those of
      the most recently observed one. 'cdf'=map the forecast CDF to the observed
      one, 'mean'=adjust only the conditional mean value of the forecast field
      in precipitation areas, None=no matching applied. Using 'mean' requires
      that mask_method is not None.
    callback: function, optional
      Optional function that is called after computation of each time step of
      the nowcast. The function takes one argument: a three-dimensional array
      of shape (n_ens_members,h,w), where h and w are the height and width
      of the input field R, respectively. This can be used, for instance,
      writing the outputs into files.
    return_output: bool, optional
      Set to False to disable returning the outputs as numpy arrays. This can
      save memory if the intermediate results are written to output files using
      the callback function.
    seed: int, optional
      Optional seed number for the random generators.
    num_workers: int, optional
      The number of workers to use for parallel computation. Applicable if dask
      is enabled or pyFFTW is used for computing the FFT. When num_workers>1, it
      is advisable to disable OpenMP by setting the environment variable
      OMP_NUM_THREADS to 1. This avoids slowdown caused by too many simultaneous
    fft_method: str, optional
      A string defining the FFT method to use (see utils.fft.get_method).
      Defaults to 'numpy' for compatibility reasons. If pyFFTW is installed,
      the recommended method is 'pyfftw'.
    domain: {"spatial", "spectral"}
      If "spatial", all computations are done in the spatial domain (the
      classical STEPS model). If "spectral", the AR(2) models and stochastic
      perturbations are applied directly in the spectral domain to reduce
      memory footprint and improve performance :cite:`PCH2019b`.
    extrap_kwargs: dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the extrapolation
      method. See the documentation of pysteps.extrapolation.
    filter_kwargs: dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the filter method.
      See the documentation of
    noise_kwargs: dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments for the initializer of
      the noise generator. See the documentation of pysteps.noise.fftgenerators.
    vel_pert_kwargs: dict, optional
      Optional dictionary containing keyword arguments 'p_par' and 'p_perp' for
      the initializer of the velocity perturbator. The choice of the optimal
      parameters depends on the domain and the used optical flow method.

      Default parameters from :cite:`BPS2006`:
      p_par  = [10.88, 0.23, -7.68]
      p_perp = [5.76, 0.31, -2.72]

      Parameters fitted to the data (optical flow/domain):

      p_par  = [13.71259667, 0.15658963, -16.24368207]
      p_perp = [8.26550355, 0.17820458, -9.54107834]

      p_par  = [24.27562298, 0.11297186, -27.30087471]
      p_perp = [-7.80797846e+01, -3.38641048e-02, 7.56715304e+01]

      p_par  = [16.55447057, 0.14160448, -19.24613059]
      p_perp = [14.75343395, 0.11785398, -16.26151612]

      p_par  = [2.20837526, 0.33887032, -2.48995355]
      p_perp = [2.21722634, 0.32359621, -2.57402761]

      p_par  = [2.56338484, 0.3330941, -2.99714349]
      p_perp = [1.31204508, 0.3578426, -1.02499891]

      p_par  = [2.31970635, 0.33734287, -2.64972861]
      p_perp = [1.90769947, 0.33446594, -2.06603662]

      p_par  = [0.25337388, 0.67542291, 11.04895538]
      p_perp = [0.02432118, 0.99613295, 7.40146505]

      p_par  = [0.5075159, 0.53895212, 7.90331791]
      p_perp = [0.68025501, 0.41761289, 4.73793581]

      p_par  = [0.29495222, 0.62429207, 8.6804131 ]
      p_perp = [0.23127377, 0.59010281, 5.98180004]

      fmi=Finland, mch=Switzerland, fmi+mch=both pooled into the same data set

      The above parameters have been fitten by using
      and located in the scripts directory.

      See pysteps.noise.motion for additional documentation.
    mask_kwargs: dict
      Optional dictionary containing mask keyword arguments 'mask_f' and
      'mask_rim', the factor defining the the mask increment and the rim size,
      The mask increment is defined as mask_f*timestep/kmperpixel.
    measure_time: bool
      If set to True, measure, print and return the computation time.

    out: ndarray
      If return_output is True, a four-dimensional array of shape
      (n_ens_members,num_timesteps,m,n) containing a time series of forecast
      precipitation fields for each ensemble member. Otherwise, a None value
      is returned. The time series starts from t0+timestep, where timestep is
      taken from the input precipitation fields R. If measure_time is True, the
      return value is a three-element tuple containing the nowcast array, the
      initialization time of the nowcast generator and the time used in the
      main loop (seconds).

    See also
    pysteps.extrapolation.interface, pysteps.cascade.interface,
    pysteps.noise.interface, pysteps.noise.utils.compute_noise_stddev_adjs

    :cite:`Seed2003`, :cite:`BPS2006`, :cite:`SPN2013`, :cite:`PCH2019b`

    _check_inputs(R, V, timesteps, ar_order)

    if extrap_kwargs is None:
        extrap_kwargs = dict()

    if filter_kwargs is None:
        filter_kwargs = dict()

    if noise_kwargs is None:
        noise_kwargs = dict()

    if vel_pert_kwargs is None:
        vel_pert_kwargs = dict()

    if mask_kwargs is None:
        mask_kwargs = dict()

    if np.any(~np.isfinite(V)):
        raise ValueError("V contains non-finite values")

    if mask_method not in ["obs", "sprog", "incremental", None]:
        raise ValueError(
            "unknown mask method %s: must be 'obs', 'sprog' or 'incremental' or None"
            % mask_method

    if conditional and R_thr is None:
        raise ValueError("conditional=True but R_thr is not set")

    if mask_method is not None and R_thr is None:
        raise ValueError("mask_method!=None but R_thr=None")

    if noise_stddev_adj not in ["auto", "fixed", None]:
        raise ValueError(
            "unknown noise_std_dev_adj method %s: must be 'auto', 'fixed', or None"
            % noise_stddev_adj

    if kmperpixel is None:
        if vel_pert_method is not None:
            raise ValueError("vel_pert_method is set but kmperpixel=None")
        if mask_method == "incremental":
            raise ValueError("mask_method='incremental' but kmperpixel=None")

    if timestep is None:
        if vel_pert_method is not None:
            raise ValueError("vel_pert_method is set but timestep=None")
        if mask_method == "incremental":
            raise ValueError("mask_method='incremental' but timestep=None")

    print("Computing STEPS nowcast:")

    print("input dimensions: %dx%d" % (R.shape[1], R.shape[2]))
    if kmperpixel is not None:
        print("km/pixel:         %g" % kmperpixel)
    if timestep is not None:
        print("time step:        %d minutes" % timestep)

    print("extrapolation:          %s" % extrap_method)
    print("bandpass filter:        %s" % bandpass_filter_method)
    print("decomposition:          %s" % decomp_method)
    print("noise generator:        %s" % noise_method)
    print("noise adjustment:       %s" % ("yes" if noise_stddev_adj else "no"))
    print("velocity perturbator:   %s" % vel_pert_method)
    print("conditional statistics: %s" % ("yes" if conditional else "no"))
    print("precip. mask method:    %s" % mask_method)
    print("probability matching:   %s" % probmatching_method)
    print("FFT method:             %s" % fft_method)
    print("domain:                 %s" % domain)

    if isinstance(timesteps, int):
        print("number of time steps:     %d" % timesteps)
        print("time steps:               %s" % timesteps)
    print("ensemble size:            %d" % n_ens_members)
    print("parallel threads:         %d" % num_workers)
    print("number of cascade levels: %d" % n_cascade_levels)
    print("order of the AR(p) model: %d" % ar_order)
    if vel_pert_method == "bps":
        vp_par = vel_pert_kwargs.get("p_par", noise.motion.get_default_params_bps_par())
        vp_perp = vel_pert_kwargs.get(
            "p_perp", noise.motion.get_default_params_bps_perp()
            "velocity perturbations, parallel:      %g,%g,%g"
            % (vp_par[0], vp_par[1], vp_par[2])
            "velocity perturbations, perpendicular: %g,%g,%g"
            % (vp_perp[0], vp_perp[1], vp_perp[2])

    if conditional or mask_method is not None:
        print("precip. intensity threshold: %g" % R_thr)

    num_ensemble_workers = n_ens_members if num_workers > n_ens_members else num_workers

    if measure_time:
        starttime_init = time.time()

    fft = utils.get_method(fft_method, shape=R.shape[1:], n_threads=num_workers)

    M, N = R.shape[1:]

    # initialize the band-pass filter
    filter_method = cascade.get_method(bandpass_filter_method)
    filter = filter_method((M, N), n_cascade_levels, **filter_kwargs)

    decomp_method, recomp_method = cascade.get_method(decomp_method)

    extrapolator_method = extrapolation.get_method(extrap_method)

    x_values, y_values = np.meshgrid(np.arange(R.shape[2]), np.arange(R.shape[1]))

    xy_coords = np.stack([x_values, y_values])

    R = R[-(ar_order + 1) :, :, :].copy()

    # determine the domain mask from non-finite values
    domain_mask = np.logical_or.reduce(
        [~np.isfinite(R[i, :]) for i in range(R.shape[0])]

    # determine the precipitation threshold mask
    if conditional:
        MASK_thr = np.logical_and.reduce(
            [R[i, :, :] >= R_thr for i in range(R.shape[0])]
        MASK_thr = None

    # advect the previous precipitation fields to the same position with the
    # most recent one (i.e. transform them into the Lagrangian coordinates)
    extrap_kwargs = extrap_kwargs.copy()
    extrap_kwargs["xy_coords"] = xy_coords
    extrap_kwargs["allow_nonfinite_values"] = True
    res = list()

    def f(R, i):
        return extrapolator_method(R[i, :, :], V, ar_order - i, "min", **extrap_kwargs)[

    for i in range(ar_order):
        if not DASK_IMPORTED:
            R[i, :, :] = f(R, i)
            res.append(dask.delayed(f)(R, i))

        num_workers_ = len(res) if num_workers > len(res) else num_workers
        R = np.stack(list(dask.compute(*res, num_workers=num_workers_)) + [R[-1, :, :]])

    # replace non-finite values with the minimum value
    R = R.copy()
    for i in range(R.shape[0]):
        R[i, ~np.isfinite(R[i, :])] = np.nanmin(R[i, :])

    if noise_method is not None:
        # get methods for perturbations
        init_noise, generate_noise = noise.get_method(noise_method)

        # initialize the perturbation generator for the precipitation field
        pp = init_noise(R, fft_method=fft, **noise_kwargs)

        if noise_stddev_adj == "auto":
            print("Computing noise adjustment coefficients... ", end="", flush=True)
            if measure_time:
                starttime = time.time()

            R_min = np.min(R)
            noise_std_coeffs = noise.utils.compute_noise_stddev_adjs(
                R[-1, :, :],

            if measure_time:
                print("%.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))
        elif noise_stddev_adj == "fixed":
            f = lambda k: 1.0 / (0.75 + 0.09 * k)
            noise_std_coeffs = [f(k) for k in range(1, n_cascade_levels + 1)]
            noise_std_coeffs = np.ones(n_cascade_levels)

        if noise_stddev_adj is not None:
            print("noise std. dev. coeffs:   %s" % str(noise_std_coeffs))

    # compute the cascade decompositions of the input precipitation fields
    R_d = []
    for i in range(ar_order + 1):
        R_ = decomp_method(
            R[i, :, :],

    # normalize the cascades and rearrange them into a four-dimensional array
    # of shape (n_cascade_levels,ar_order+1,m,n) for the autoregressive model
    R_c = nowcast_utils.stack_cascades(R_d, n_cascade_levels)

    R_d = R_d[-1]
    R_d = [R_d.copy() for j in range(n_ens_members)]

    # compute lag-l temporal autocorrelation coefficients for each cascade level
    GAMMA = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, ar_order))
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        GAMMA[i, :] = correlation.temporal_autocorrelation(R_c[i], mask=MASK_thr)


    if ar_order == 2:
        # adjust the lag-2 correlation coefficient to ensure that the AR(p)
        # process is stationary
        for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
            GAMMA[i, 1] = autoregression.adjust_lag2_corrcoef2(GAMMA[i, 0], GAMMA[i, 1])

    # estimate the parameters of the AR(p) model from the autocorrelation
    # coefficients
    PHI = np.empty((n_cascade_levels, ar_order + 1))
    for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
        PHI[i, :] = autoregression.estimate_ar_params_yw(GAMMA[i, :])


    # discard all except the p-1 last cascades because they are not needed for
    # the AR(p) model
    R_c = [R_c[i][-ar_order:] for i in range(n_cascade_levels)]

    # stack the cascades into a list containing all ensemble members
    R_c = [
        [R_c[j].copy() for j in range(n_cascade_levels)] for i in range(n_ens_members)

    # initialize the random generators
    if noise_method is not None:
        randgen_prec = []
        randgen_motion = []
        for j in range(n_ens_members):
            rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
            seed = rs.randint(0, high=1e9)
            rs = np.random.RandomState(seed)
            seed = rs.randint(0, high=1e9)

    if vel_pert_method is not None:
        init_vel_noise, generate_vel_noise = noise.get_method(vel_pert_method)

        # initialize the perturbation generators for the motion field
        vps = []
        for j in range(n_ens_members):
            kwargs = {
                "randstate": randgen_motion[j],
                "p_par": vp_par,
                "p_perp": vp_perp,
            vp_ = init_vel_noise(V, 1.0 / kmperpixel, timestep, **kwargs)

    D = [None for j in range(n_ens_members)]
    R_f = [[] for j in range(n_ens_members)]

    if probmatching_method == "mean":
        mu_0 = np.mean(R[-1, :, :][R[-1, :, :] >= R_thr])

    R_m = None

    if mask_method is not None:
        MASK_prec = R[-1, :, :] >= R_thr

        if mask_method == "obs":
        elif mask_method == "sprog":
            # compute the wet area ratio and the precipitation mask
            war = 1.0 * np.sum(MASK_prec) / (R.shape[1] * R.shape[2])
            R_m = [R_c[0][i].copy() for i in range(n_cascade_levels)]
            R_m_d = R_d[0].copy()
        elif mask_method == "incremental":
            # get mask parameters
            mask_rim = mask_kwargs.get("mask_rim", 10)
            mask_f = mask_kwargs.get("mask_f", 1.0)
            # initialize the structuring element
            struct = scipy.ndimage.generate_binary_structure(2, 1)
            # iterate it to expand it nxn
            n = mask_f * timestep / kmperpixel
            struct = scipy.ndimage.iterate_structure(struct, int((n - 1) / 2.0))
            # initialize precip mask for each member
            MASK_prec = _compute_incremental_mask(MASK_prec, struct, mask_rim)
            MASK_prec = [MASK_prec.copy() for j in range(n_ens_members)]

    if noise_method is None and R_m is None:
        R_m = [R_c[0][i].copy() for i in range(n_cascade_levels)]

    fft_objs = []
    for i in range(n_ens_members):
        fft_objs.append(utils.get_method(fft_method, shape=R.shape[1:]))

    if measure_time:
        init_time = time.time() - starttime_init

    R = R[-1, :, :]

    print("Starting nowcast computation.")

    if measure_time:
        starttime_mainloop = time.time()

    if isinstance(timesteps, int):
        timesteps = range(timesteps + 1)
        timestep_type = "int"
        original_timesteps = [0] + list(timesteps)
        timesteps = nowcast_utils.binned_timesteps(original_timesteps)
        timestep_type = "list"

    extrap_kwargs["return_displacement"] = True
    R_f_prev = [R for i in range(n_ens_members)]
    t_prev = [0.0 for j in range(n_ens_members)]
    t_total = [0.0 for j in range(n_ens_members)]

    # iterate each time step
    for t, subtimestep_idx in enumerate(timesteps):
        if timestep_type == "list":
            subtimesteps = [original_timesteps[t_] for t_ in subtimestep_idx]
            subtimesteps = [t]

        if (timestep_type == "list" and subtimesteps) or (
            timestep_type == "int" and t > 0
            is_nowcast_time_step = True
            is_nowcast_time_step = False

        if is_nowcast_time_step:
                "Computing nowcast for time step %d... " % t,

        if measure_time:
            starttime = time.time()

        if noise_method is None or mask_method == "sprog":
            for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
                # use a separate AR(p) model for the non-perturbed forecast,
                # from which the mask is obtained
                R_m[i] = autoregression.iterate_ar_model(R_m[i], PHI[i, :])

            R_m_d["cascade_levels"] = [R_m[i][-1] for i in range(n_cascade_levels)]
            if domain == "spatial":
                R_m_d["cascade_levels"] = np.stack(R_m_d["cascade_levels"])
            R_m_ = recomp_method(R_m_d)
            if domain == "spectral":
                R_m_ = fft.irfft2(R_m_)

            if mask_method == "sprog":
                MASK_prec = _compute_sprog_mask(R_m_, war)

        # the nowcast iteration for each ensemble member
        def worker(j):
            if noise_method is not None:
                # generate noise field
                EPS = generate_noise(
                    pp, randstate=randgen_prec[j], fft_method=fft_objs[j], domain=domain

                # decompose the noise field into a cascade
                EPS = decomp_method(
                EPS = None

            # iterate the AR(p) model for each cascade level
            for i in range(n_cascade_levels):
                # normalize the noise cascade
                if EPS is not None:
                    EPS_ = EPS["cascade_levels"][i]
                    EPS_ *= noise_std_coeffs[i]
                    EPS_ = None
                # apply AR(p) process to cascade level
                if EPS is not None or vel_pert_method is not None:
                    R_c[j][i] = autoregression.iterate_ar_model(
                        R_c[j][i], PHI[i, :], eps=EPS_
                    # use the deterministic AR(p) model computed above if
                    # perturbations are disabled
                    R_c[j][i] = R_m[i]

            EPS = None
            EPS_ = None

            # compute the recomposed precipitation field(s) from the cascades
            # obtained from the AR(p) model(s)
            R_d[j]["cascade_levels"] = [
                R_c[j][i][-1, :] for i in range(n_cascade_levels)
            if domain == "spatial":
                R_d[j]["cascade_levels"] = np.stack(R_d[j]["cascade_levels"])
            R_f_new = recomp_method(R_d[j])

            if domain == "spectral":
                R_f_new = fft_objs[j].irfft2(R_f_new)

            if mask_method is not None:
                # apply the precipitation mask to prevent generation of new
                # precipitation into areas where it was not originally
                # observed
                R_cmin = R_f_new.min()
                if mask_method == "incremental":
                    R_f_new = R_cmin + (R_f_new - R_cmin) * MASK_prec[j]
                    MASK_prec_ = R_f_new > R_cmin
                    MASK_prec_ = MASK_prec

                # Set to min value outside of mask
                R_f_new[~MASK_prec_] = R_cmin

            if probmatching_method == "cdf":
                # adjust the CDF of the forecast to match the most recently
                # observed precipitation field
                R_f_new = probmatching.nonparam_match_empirical_cdf(R_f_new, R)
            elif probmatching_method == "mean":
                MASK = R_f_new >= R_thr
                mu_fct = np.mean(R_f_new[MASK])
                R_f_new[MASK] = R_f_new[MASK] - mu_fct + mu_0

            if mask_method == "incremental":
                MASK_prec[j] = _compute_incremental_mask(
                    R_f_new >= R_thr, struct, mask_rim

            R_f_new[domain_mask] = np.nan

            R_f_out = []
            extrap_kwargs_ = extrap_kwargs.copy()

            V_pert = V

            # advect the recomposed precipitation field to obtain the forecast for
            # the current time step (or subtimesteps if non-integer time steps are
            # given)
            for t_sub in subtimesteps:
                if t_sub > 0:
                    t_diff_prev_int = t_sub - int(t_sub)
                    if t_diff_prev_int > 0.0:
                        R_f_ip = (1.0 - t_diff_prev_int) * R_f_prev[
                        ] + t_diff_prev_int * R_f_new
                        R_f_ip = R_f_prev[j]

                    t_diff_prev = t_sub - t_prev[j]
                    t_total[j] += t_diff_prev

                    # compute the perturbed motion field
                    if vel_pert_method is not None:
                        V_pert = V + generate_vel_noise(vps[j], t_total[j] * timestep)

                    extrap_kwargs_["displacement_prev"] = D[j]
                    R_f_ep, D[j] = extrapolator_method(
                    t_prev[j] = t_sub

            # advect the forecast field by one time step if no subtimesteps in the
            # current interval were found
            if not subtimesteps:
                t_diff_prev = t + 1 - t_prev[j]
                t_total[j] += t_diff_prev

                # compute the perturbed motion field
                if vel_pert_method is not None:
                    V_pert = V + generate_vel_noise(vps[j], t_total[j] * timestep)

                extrap_kwargs_["displacement_prev"] = D[j]
                _, D[j] = extrapolator_method(
                t_prev[j] = t + 1

            R_f_prev[j] = R_f_new

            return R_f_out

        res = []
        for j in range(n_ens_members):
            if not DASK_IMPORTED or n_ens_members == 1:

        R_f_ = (
            dask.compute(*res, num_workers=num_ensemble_workers)
            if DASK_IMPORTED and n_ens_members > 1
            else res
        res = None

        if is_nowcast_time_step:
            if measure_time:
                print("%.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

        if callback is not None:
            R_f_stacked = np.stack(R_f_)
            if R_f_stacked.shape[1] > 0:

        if return_output:
            for j in range(n_ens_members):

        R_f_ = None

    if measure_time:
        mainloop_time = time.time() - starttime_mainloop

    if return_output:
        outarr = np.stack([np.stack(R_f[j]) for j in range(n_ens_members)])
        if measure_time:
            return outarr, init_time, mainloop_time
            return outarr
        return None
Exemple #11
def decomposition_fft(field, bp_filter, **kwargs):
    """Decompose a 2d input field into multiple spatial scales by using the Fast
    Fourier Transform (FFT) and a bandpass filter.

    field : array_like
        Two-dimensional array containing the input field. All values are
        required to be finite.
    bp_filter : dict
        A filter returned by a method implemented in

    Other Parameters
    fft_method : str or tuple
        A string or a (function,kwargs) tuple defining the FFT method to use
        (see :py:func:`pysteps.utils.interface.get_method`).
        Defaults to "numpy".
    MASK : array_like
        Optional mask to use for computing the statistics for the cascade
        levels. Pixels with MASK==False are excluded from the computations.

    out : ndarray
        A dictionary described in the module documentation.
        The number of cascade levels is determined from the filter
        (see :py:mod:`pysteps.cascade.bandpass_filters`).

    fft = kwargs.get("fft_method", "numpy")
    if type(fft) == str:
        fft = utils.get_method(fft, shape=field.shape)

    mask = kwargs.get("MASK", None)

    if len(field.shape) != 2:
        raise ValueError("The input is not two-dimensional array")

    if mask is not None and mask.shape != field.shape:
        raise ValueError("Dimension mismatch between X and MASK:"
                         + "X.shape=" + str(field.shape)
                         + ",mask.shape" + str(mask.shape))

    if field.shape[0] != bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[1]:
        raise ValueError(
            "dimension mismatch between X and filter: "
            + "X.shape[0]=%d , " % field.shape[0]
            + "filter['weights_2d'].shape[1]"
              "=%d" % bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[1])

    if int(field.shape[1] / 2) + 1 != bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2]:
        raise ValueError(
            "Dimension mismatch between X and filter: "
            "int(X.shape[1]/2)+1=%d , " % (int(field.shape[1] / 2) + 1)
            + "filter['weights_2d'].shape[2]"
              "=%d" % bp_filter["weights_2d"].shape[2])

    if np.any(~np.isfinite(field)):
        raise ValueError("X contains non-finite values")

    result = {}
    means = []
    stds = []

    field_decomp = []

    for k in range(len(bp_filter["weights_1d"])):

        _decomp_field = fft.irfft2(fft.rfft2(field) * bp_filter["weights_2d"][k, :, :])


        if mask is not None:
            _decomp_field = _decomp_field[mask]

    result["cascade_levels"] = np.stack(field_decomp)
    result["means"] = means
    result["stds"] = stds

    return result
Exemple #12
def DARTS(input_images, **kwargs):
    """Compute the advection field from a sequence of input images by using the
    DARTS method. :cite:`RCW2011`

    input_images: array-like
      Array of shape (T,m,n) containing a sequence of T two-dimensional input
      images of shape (m,n).

    Other Parameters
    N_x: int
        Number of DFT coefficients to use for the input images, x-axis (default=50).
    N_y: int
        Number of DFT coefficients to use for the input images, y-axis (default=50).
    N_t: int
        Number of DFT coefficients to use for the input images, time axis (default=4).
        N_t must be strictly smaller than T.
    M_x: int
        Number of DFT coefficients to compute for the output advection field,
        x-axis  (default=2).
    M_y: int
        Number of DFT coefficients to compute for the output advection field,
        y-axis (default=2).
    fft_method: str
        A string defining the FFT method to use, see utils.fft.get_method.
        Defaults to 'numpy'.
    output_type: {"spatial", "spectral"}
        The type of the output: "spatial"=apply the inverse FFT to obtain the
        spatial representation of the advection field, "spectral"=return the
        (truncated) DFT representation.
    n_threads: int
        Number of threads to use for the FFT computation. Applicable if
        fft_method is 'pyfftw'.
    verbose: bool
        If True, print information messages.
    lsq_method: {1, 2}
        The method to use for solving the linear equations in the least squares
        sense: 1=numpy.linalg.lstsq, 2=explicit computation of the Moore-Penrose
        pseudoinverse and SVD.
    verbose: bool
        if set to True, it prints information about the program

    out: ndarray
        Three-dimensional array (2,m,n) containing the dense x- and y-components
        of the motion field in units of pixels / timestep as given by the input
        array R.


    N_x = kwargs.get("N_x", 50)
    N_y = kwargs.get("N_y", 50)
    N_t = kwargs.get("N_t", 4)
    M_x = kwargs.get("M_x", 2)
    M_y = kwargs.get("M_y", 2)
    fft_method = kwargs.get("fft_method", "numpy")
    output_type = kwargs.get("output_type", "spatial")
    lsq_method = kwargs.get("lsq_method", 2)
    verbose = kwargs.get("verbose", True)

    if N_t >= input_images.shape[0] - 1:
        raise ValueError("N_t = %d >= %d = T-1, but N_t < T-1 required" %
                         (N_t, input_images.shape[0] - 1))

    if output_type not in ["spatial", "spectral"]:
        raise ValueError(
            "invalid output_type=%s, must be 'spatial' or 'spectral'" %

    if verbose:
        print("Computing the motion field with the DARTS method.")
        t0 = time.time()

    input_images = np.moveaxis(input_images, (0, 1, 2), (2, 0, 1))

    fft = utils.get_method(

    T_x = input_images.shape[1]
    T_y = input_images.shape[0]
    T_t = input_images.shape[2]

    if verbose:

        print("  Computing the FFT of the reflectivity fields...",
        starttime = time.time()

    input_images = fft.fftn(input_images)

    if verbose:
        print("Done in %.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

        print("  Constructing the y-vector...", end="", flush=True)
        starttime = time.time()

    m = (2 * N_x + 1) * (2 * N_y + 1) * (2 * N_t + 1)
    n = (2 * M_x + 1) * (2 * M_y + 1)

    y = np.zeros(m, dtype=complex)

    k_t, k_y, k_x = np.unravel_index(np.arange(m),
                                     (2 * N_t + 1, 2 * N_y + 1, 2 * N_x + 1))

    for i in range(m):
        k_x_ = k_x[i] - N_x
        k_y_ = k_y[i] - N_y
        k_t_ = k_t[i] - N_t

        y[i] = k_t_ * input_images[k_y_, k_x_, k_t_]

    if verbose:
        print("Done in %.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

    A = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=complex)
    B = np.zeros((m, n), dtype=complex)

    if verbose:
        print("  Constructing the H-matrix...", end="", flush=True)
        starttime = time.time()

    c1 = -1.0 * T_t / (T_x * T_y)

    kp_y, kp_x = np.unravel_index(np.arange(n), (2 * M_y + 1, 2 * M_x + 1))

    for i in range(m):
        k_x_ = k_x[i] - N_x
        k_y_ = k_y[i] - N_y
        k_t_ = k_t[i] - N_t

        kp_x_ = kp_x[:] - M_x
        kp_y_ = kp_y[:] - M_y

        i_ = k_y_ - kp_y_
        j_ = k_x_ - kp_x_

        R_ = input_images[i_, j_, k_t_]

        c2 = c1 / T_y * i_
        A[i, :] = c2 * R_

        c2 = c1 / T_x * j_
        B[i, :] = c2 * R_

    if verbose:
        print("Done in %.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

        print("  Solving the linear systems...", end="", flush=True)
        starttime = time.time()

    if lsq_method == 1:
        x = lstsq(np.hstack([A, B]), y, rcond=0.01)[0]
        x = _leastsq(A, B, y)

    if verbose:
        print("Done in %.2f seconds." % (time.time() - starttime))

    h, w = 2 * M_y + 1, 2 * M_x + 1

    U = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=complex)
    V = np.zeros((h, w), dtype=complex)

    i, j = np.unravel_index(np.arange(h * w), (h, w))

    V[i, j] = x[0:h * w]
    U[i, j] = x[h * w:2 * h * w]

    k_x, k_y = np.meshgrid(np.arange(-M_x, M_x + 1), np.arange(-M_y, M_y + 1))

    if output_type == "spatial":
        U = np.real(
                _fill(U, input_images.shape[0], input_images.shape[1], k_x,
        V = np.real(
                _fill(V, input_images.shape[0], input_images.shape[1], k_x,

    if verbose:
        print("--- %s seconds ---" % (time.time() - t0))

    return np.stack([U, V])
Exemple #13
        obs_fns = (obs_fns[0][1:], obs_fns[1][1:])
        if len(obs_fns[0]) == 0:
            curdate += timedelta(minutes=timestep)
            print("Skipping, no verifying observations found.")

        R_obs, _, metaobs = io.readers.read_timeseries(
            obs_fns, importer, **datasource["importer_kwargs"])
        R_obs, metaobs = conversion.to_rainrate(R_obs, metaobs)
        R_obs[R_obs < R_min] = 0.0
        metaobs["threshold"] = R_min

        # Compute observed accumulations
        metafct = metaobs.copy()
        if v_accu_min > time_res:
            aggregator = utils.get_method("accumulate")
            R_obs, metaobs = aggregator(R_obs, metaobs, v_accu_min)

            R_obs[R_obs < R_min] = 0.0
            metaobs["threshold"] = R_min

        if R_obs is None:
            curdate += timedelta(minutes=timestep)
            print("Skipping, no verifying observations found.")

        for c in cascade_levels:
            if c == 1:
                bandpass_filter = "uniform"