def _parseClassAndConfigDict(self, node, defaultClass): """Parses a dictionary of arbitrary options and a python class out of the specified XML node. The node may optionally contain classname and module (if not specified as a separate attribute, module will be extracted from the first part of classname); any other attributes will be returned in the optionsDict, as will <option name=""></option> child elements. @param node: The node, may be None @param defaultClass: a string specifying the default fully-qualified class @return: a tuple of (pythonclass, propertiesdict) """ optionsDict = {} if node: for att in range(node.attributes.length): value = self.expandFromEnvironent( node.attributes.item(att).value, None) optionsDict[node.attributes.item( att).name] = self.expandFromProperty(value, None) for tag in node.getElementsByTagName('property'): assert tag.getAttribute('name') value = self.expandFromEnvironent(tag.getAttribute("value"), tag.getAttribute("default")) optionsDict[tag.getAttribute( 'name')] = self.expandFromProperty( value, tag.getAttribute("default")) classname = optionsDict.pop('classname', defaultClass) mod = optionsDict.pop('module', '.'.join(classname.split('.')[:-1])) classname = classname.split('.')[-1] module = import_module(mod, sys.path) cls = getattr(module, classname) return cls, optionsDict
def makeTest(args): Project.findAndLoadProject() cls = Project.getInstance().makerClassname.split('.') module = import_module('.'.join(cls[:-1]), sys.path) maker = getattr(module, cls[-1])("make") maker.parseArgs(args) maker.makeTest()
def runTest(args): try: launcher = ConsoleLaunchHelper(os.getcwd(), "run") args = launcher.parseArgs(args) module = import_module(PROJECT.runnerModule, sys.path) runner = getattr(module, PROJECT.runnerClassname)(*args) runner.start() for cycledict in runner.results.values(): for outcome in FAILS: if cycledict.get(outcome, None): sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\nWARN: %s\n' % e) sys.exit(-1)
def runTest(args): try: launcher = ConsoleLaunchHelper(os.getcwd(), "run") args = launcher.parseArgs(args) cls = Project.getInstance().runnerClassname.split('.') module = import_module('.'.join(cls[:-1]), sys.path) runner = getattr(module, cls[-1])(*args) runner.start() for cycledict in runner.results.values(): for outcome in OUTCOMES: if outcome.isFailure() and cycledict.get(outcome, None): sys.exit(2) sys.exit(0) except Exception as e: sys.stderr.write('\nPYSYS FATAL ERROR: %s\n' % e) if not isinstance(e, UserError): traceback.print_exc() sys.exit(10)
def classConstructor(*args, **kwargs): module = import_module(mod, sys.path) cls = getattr(module, classname) return cls(*args, **kwargs) # invoke the constructor for this class
def makeTest(args): module = import_module(PROJECT.makerModule, sys.path) maker = getattr(module, PROJECT.makerClassname)("make") maker.parseArgs(args) maker.makeTest()
def __init__(self, record, purge, cycle, mode, threads, outsubdir, descriptors, xargs): """Create an instance of the BaseRunner class. @param record: Indicates if the test results should be recorded @param purge: Indicates if the output subdirectory should be purged on C{PASSED} result @param cycle: The number of times to execute the set of requested testcases @param mode: The user defined mode to run the testcases in @param threads: The number of worker threads to execute the requested testcases @param outsubdir: The name of the output subdirectory @param descriptors: List of XML descriptor containers detailing the set of testcases to be run @param xargs: The dictionary of additional arguments to be set as data attributes to the class """ ProcessUser.__init__(self) self.record = record self.purge = purge self.cycle = cycle self.mode = mode self.threads = threads self.outsubdir = outsubdir self.descriptors = descriptors self.xargs = xargs self.validateOnly = False self.setKeywordArgs(xargs) if self.threads == 0: self.threads = N_CPUS self.writers = [] summarywriters = [] progresswriters = [] for classname, module, filename, properties in PROJECT.writers: module = import_module(module, sys.path) writer = getattr(module, classname)(filename) for key in list(properties.keys()): setattr(writer, key, properties[key]) if isinstance(writer, BaseSummaryResultsWriter): summarywriters.append(writer) elif isinstance(writer, BaseProgressResultsWriter): progresswriters.append(writer) elif self.record: # assume everything else is a record result writer (for compatibility reasons) self.writers.append(writer) # summary writers are always enabled regardless of record mode. # allow user to provide their own summary writer in the config, or if not, supply our own if summarywriters: self.writers.extend(summarywriters) else: self.writers.append(ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter()) if xargs.get('__progressWritersEnabled', False): if progresswriters: self.writers.extend(progresswriters) else: self.writers.append(ConsoleProgressResultsWriter()) # duration and results used to be used for printing summary info, now (in 1.3.0) replaced by # more extensible ConsoleSummaryResultsWriter implementation. Keeping these around for # a bit to allow overlap before removal self.duration = 0 # no longer needed self.results = {} self.__remainingTests = self.cycle * len(self.descriptors) self.performanceReporters = PROJECT._createPerformanceReporters( self.outsubdir)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Over-ridden call builtin to allow the class instance to be called directly. Invoked by thread pool when using multiple worker threads. """ exc_info = [] self.testStart = time.time() try: # stdout - set this up right at the very beginning to ensure we can see the log output in case any later step fails self.testFileHandlerStdout = ThreadedStreamHandler(StringIO()) self.testFileHandlerStdout.setFormatter(PROJECT.formatters.stdout) self.testFileHandlerStdout.setLevel(stdoutHandler.level) log.addHandler(self.testFileHandlerStdout) # set the output subdirectory and purge contents if os.path.isabs(self.runner.outsubdir): self.outsubdir = os.path.join(self.runner.outsubdir, else: self.outsubdir = os.path.join(self.descriptor.output, self.runner.outsubdir) mkdir(self.outsubdir) if self.cycle == 0 and not self.runner.validateOnly: self.purgeDirectory(self.outsubdir) if self.runner.cycle > 1: self.outsubdir = os.path.join(self.outsubdir, 'cycle%d' % (self.cycle + 1)) mkdir(self.outsubdir) # run.log handler self.testFileHandlerRunLog = ThreadedFileHandler( os.path.join(self.outsubdir, 'run.log')) self.testFileHandlerRunLog.setFormatter(PROJECT.formatters.runlog) self.testFileHandlerRunLog.setLevel(logging.INFO) if stdoutHandler.level == logging.DEBUG: self.testFileHandlerRunLog.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) log.addHandler(self.testFileHandlerRunLog) * "=") title = textwrap.wrap( self.descriptor.title.replace('\n', '').strip(), 56)"Id : %s",, extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_DETAILS, 0)) if len(title) > 0:"Title: %s", str(title[0]), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_DETAILS, 0)) for l in title[1:]:" %s", str(l), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_DETAILS, 0)) if self.runner.cycle > 1:"Cycle: %s", str(self.cycle + 1), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_DETAILS, 0)) * "=") except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kbrdInt = True except Exception: exc_info.append(sys.exc_info()) # import the test class with global_lock: try: module = import_module( os.path.basename(self.descriptor.module), [os.path.dirname(self.descriptor.module)], True) self.testObj = getattr(module, self.descriptor.classname)( self.descriptor, self.outsubdir, self.runner) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kbrdInt = True except Exception: exc_info.append(sys.exc_info()) self.testObj = BaseTest(self.descriptor, self.outsubdir, self.runner) for writer in self.runner.writers: try: if hasattr(writer, 'processTestStarting'): writer.processTestStarting(testObj=self.testObj, cycle=self.cycle) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s calling processTestStarting on %s: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], writer.__class__.__name__, sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) # execute the test if we can try: if self.descriptor.state != 'runnable': self.testObj.addOutcome(SKIPPED, 'Not runnable', abortOnError=False) elif self.runner.mode and self.runner.mode not in self.descriptor.modes: self.testObj.addOutcome(SKIPPED, "Unable to run test in %s mode" % self.runner.mode, abortOnError=False) elif len(exc_info) > 0: self.testObj.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Failed to set up test: %s' % exc_info[0][1], abortOnError=False) for info in exc_info: log.warn("caught %s while setting up test %s: %s", info[0],, info[1], exc_info=info) elif self.kbrdInt: log.warn("test interrupt from keyboard") self.testObj.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Test interrupt from keyboard', abortOnError=False) else: try: if not self.runner.validateOnly: self.testObj.setup() self.testObj.execute() self.testObj.validate() except AbortExecution as e: del self.testObj.outcome[:] self.testObj.addOutcome(e.outcome, e.value, abortOnError=False, callRecord=e.callRecord) log.warn('Aborted test due to abortOnError set to true') if self.detectCore(self.outsubdir): self.testObj.addOutcome( DUMPEDCORE, 'Core detected in output subdirectory', abortOnError=False) except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kbrdInt = True self.testObj.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Test interrupt from keyboard', abortOnError=False) except Exception: log.warn("caught %s while running test: %s", sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1], exc_info=1) self.testObj.addOutcome(BLOCKED, '%s (%s)' % (sys.exc_info()[1], sys.exc_info()[0]), abortOnError=False) # call the cleanup method to tear down the test try: self.testObj.cleanup() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.kbrdInt = True self.testObj.addOutcome(BLOCKED, 'Test interrupt from keyboard', abortOnError=False) # print summary and close file handles try: self.testTime = math.floor(100 * (time.time() - self.testStart)) / 100.0"")"Test duration: %s", ('%.2f secs' % self.testTime), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_DEBUG, 0))"Test final outcome: %s", LOOKUP[self.testObj.getOutcome()], extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag( LOOKUP[self.testObj.getOutcome()].lower(), 0)) if self.testObj.getOutcomeReason( ) and self.testObj.getOutcome() != PASSED:"Test failure reason: %s", self.testObj.getOutcomeReason(), extra=BaseLogFormatter.tag(LOG_TEST_OUTCOMES, 0))"") self.testFileHandlerRunLog.close() log.removeHandler(self.testFileHandlerRunLog) log.removeHandler(self.testFileHandlerStdout) except Exception: pass # return a reference to self return self