Exemple #1
def get_smoothed_fieldmap(fm, fmmag, epi_qform, epi_shape):
    import pytave
    # FIXME: how do I automatically get the correct directory here?

    xform = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(fm.get_qform()), epi_qform)
    fm_pixdim = np.array(fm.get_header().get_zooms()[0:3])
    fm_mag_data = fm_mag.get_data().mean(3).squeeze()
    # clean up with a little median filter and some greyscale open/close.
    # We'll use a structure element that is about 5mm (rounded up to the nearest pixdim)
    filter_size = 5.0/fm_pixdim
    fm_mag_data = ndimage.median_filter(fm_mag_data, filter_size.round().astype(int))
    fm_mag_data = ndimage.morphology.grey_opening(fm_mag_data, filter_size.round().astype(int))
    fm_mag_data = ndimage.morphology.grey_closing(fm_mag_data, filter_size.round().astype(int))

    # Total image volume, in cc:
    fm_volume = np.prod(fm_pixdim) * np.prod(fm.get_shape()) / 1000
    # typical human cranial volume is up to 1800cc. There's also some scalp and maybe neck,
    # so we'll say 2500cc of expected tissue volume.
    mag_thresh = np.percentile(fm_mag_data, max(0.0,100.0*(1.0-2500.0/fm_volume)))
    mask = ndimage.binary_opening(fm_mag_data>mag_thresh, iterations=2)

    # Now delete all the small objects, just keeping the largest (which should be the brain!)
    label_im,num_objects = ndimage.measurements.label(mask)
    h,b = np.histogram(label_im,num_objects)
    mask = label_im==b[h==max(h[1:-1])]
    mask_volume = np.prod(fm_pixdim) * max(h[1:-1]) / 1000.0
    mask_sm = ndimage.gaussian_filter(mask.astype(np.float), filter_size)

    fm_Hz = fm.get_data().astype(np.float).squeeze()

    fm_Hz_sm = ndimage.gaussian_filter(fm_Hz * mask_sm, filter_size/2)

    fm_final = np.empty(epi_shape[0:3])
    ndimage.affine_transform(fm_Hz_sm, xform[0:3,0:3], offset=xform[0:3,3], output_shape=epi_shape[0:3], output=fm_final)

    [xxBc,yyBc,zzBc] = np.mgrid[0:epi_shape[0],0:epi_shape[1],0:epi_shape[2]] # grid the epi, get location of each sampled voxel
    # Now apply the transform. The following is equivalent to dot(xform,coords), where "coords" is the
    # list of all the (homogeneous) coords. Writing out the dot product like this is just faster and easier.
    xxB = xxBc*xform[0,0] + yyBc*xform[0,1] + zzBc*xform[0,2] + xform[0,3]
    yyB = xxBc*xform[1,0] + yyBc*xform[1,1] + zzBc*xform[1,2] + xform[1,3]
    zzB = xxBc*xform[2,0] + yyBc*xform[2,1] + zzBc*xform[2,2] + xform[2,3]
    # use local linear regression to smooth and interpolate the fieldmaps.
    fm_smooth_param = 7.5/np.array(fm.get_header().get_zooms()[0:3])  # Want 7.5mm in voxels, so =7.5/mm_per_vox
    fm_smooth = pytave.feval(1,'localregression3d',fm.get_data(),xxB+1,yyB+1,zzB+1,np.array([]),np.array([]),fm_smooth_param,fm_mag.get_data())[0]
    return fm_smooth
import sys
import csv

import numpy
import numpy.linalg
import pylab

# my library
import reg

# because i need pytave
import pytave

# because i use regtools

N = 200
rel_err = 1e-2

def example(name,N,rel_err,eta=1):
    # select the problem
    if name in [ 'phillips','shaw' ]:
        (A,b,x) = pytave.feval(3,name,N)
    elif name=='ilaplace':
        (A,b,x,tLAP) = pytave.feval(4,'i_laplace',N,1)
        raise Exception("I don't know problem "+name)
    # 1 dimension arrays are 2dim in octave. Let's flat them!
    b = b.flatten()
Exemple #3
""" Problem Set 4 specific code"""
import os
from os import path

import pytave
import scipy as sp
from scipy import io
from scipy import linalg as la
from  rpy2 import robjects
import rpy2.robjects.numpy2ri
from rpy2.robjects.packages import importr

_MFILES = path.abspath(path.join(path.dirname(__file__), "..", "octave"))

def _pp(i, a):
    """Column in Pp for ai"""
    return (i * 2) + a

def _logit(y, x, offset):
    """ Wrapper for logit used in FinalModel.argmax_theta """
    ## Uses R for the glm function. 
    stats = importr("stats")
    fmla = robjects.Formula('y ~ x - 1')
    env = fmla.environment
    env['y'] = robjects.IntVector(y)
    env['x'] =  robjects.r.matrix(robjects.FloatVector(x.flatten('F')),
    results = stats.glm(fmla, family="binomial",
    return sp.asarray(results.rx2('coefficients'))