Exemple #1
from pytemca.stage.stage import RadishStage
import msvcrt
import time
import os,sys

stage = RadishStage("*", 8000, 8001, "")


while True:
    if msvcrt.kbhit():
        print msvcrt.getch()
        print 'bar'
                    # up arrow
                    stage.set_pos(x, y - delta)
                elif k == 80:
                    # down arrow
                    stage.set_pos(x, y + delta)
                elif k == 77:
                    # right arrow
                    stage.set_pos(x + delta, y)
                elif k == 75:
                    # left arrow
                    stage.set_pos(x - delta, y)
                return None
            return k
        return None

    stage = RadishStage("*", 8000, 8001, "")
    #stage = DummyRadishStage("*", 8000, 8001, "http://localhost:8090")

    # Open the DLL which runs all TEMCA graphs
    temcaGraph = TemcaGraph() 
    temcaGraph.open(dummyCamera = False) 

    showRawImage = False
    showPreviewImage = False

    if showRawImage or showPreviewImage:
        import numpy as np
        if showRawImage:
            imgRaw = temcaGraph.allocate_frame()
        if showPreviewImage:
            imgPreview = temcaGraph.allocate_preview_frame()  # 8bpp and decimated