Exemple #1
    def wait(self, ms):
        .. versionadded:: 1.9

        Waits for ``ms`` milliseconds.

        While waiting, events will be processed and your test will stay
        responsive to user interface events or network communication.
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=ms, raising=False)
Exemple #2
    def wait(self, ms):
        .. versionadded:: 1.9

        Waits for ``ms`` milliseconds.

        While waiting, events will be processed and your test will stay
        responsive to user interface events or network communication.
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=ms)
Exemple #3
    def waitSignals(self, signals=None, timeout=1000, raising=None):
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        Stops current test until all given signals are triggered.

        Used to stop the control flow of a test until all (and only
        all) signals are emitted or the number of milliseconds specified by
        ``timeout`` has elapsed.

        Best used as a context manager::

           with qtbot.waitSignals([signal1, signal2], timeout=1000):

        Also, you can use the :class:`MultiSignalBlocker` directly if the
        context manager form is not convenient::

           blocker = qtbot.waitSignals(signals, timeout=1000)

        :param list signals:
            A list of :class:`Signal` objects to wait for. Set to ``None`` to
            just use timeout.
        :param int timeout:
            How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow.
        :param bool raising:
            If :class:`QtBot.SignalTimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.SignalTimeoutError>`
            should be raised if a timeout occurred.
            This defaults to ``True`` unless ``qt_wait_signal_raising = false``
            is set in the config.
            ``MultiSignalBlocker`` object. Call ``MultiSignalBlocker.wait()``
            to wait.

        .. note::
           Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or
           else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs.

        .. note:: This method is also available as ``wait_signals`` (pep-8 alias)
        if raising is None:
            raising = self._request.config.getini('qt_wait_signal_raising')
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=timeout, raising=raising)
        if signals is not None:
            for signal in signals:
        return blocker
Exemple #4
    def waitSignals(self, signals=None, timeout=1000, raising=None):
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        Stops current test until all given signals are triggered.

        Used to stop the control flow of a test until all (and only
        all) signals are emitted or the number of milliseconds specified by
        ``timeout`` has elapsed.

        Best used as a context manager::

           with qtbot.waitSignals([signal1, signal2], timeout=1000):

        Also, you can use the :class:`MultiSignalBlocker` directly if the
        context manager form is not convenient::

           blocker = qtbot.waitSignals(signals, timeout=1000)

        :param list signals:
            A list of :class:`Signal`s to wait for. Set to ``None`` to just use
        :param int timeout:
            How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow.
        :param bool raising:
            If :class:`QtBot.SignalTimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.SignalTimeoutError>`
            should be raised if a timeout occurred.
            ``MultiSignalBlocker`` object. Call ``MultiSignalBlocker.wait()``
            to wait.

        .. note::
           Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or
           else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs.
        if raising is None:
            raising = self._request.config.getini('qt_wait_signal_raising')
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=timeout, raising=raising)
        if signals is not None:
            for signal in signals:
        return blocker
Exemple #5
    def waitSignals(
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        Stops current test until all given signals are triggered.

        Used to stop the control flow of a test until all (and only
        all) signals are emitted or the number of milliseconds specified by
        ``timeout`` has elapsed.

        Best used as a context manager::

           with qtbot.waitSignals([signal1, signal2], timeout=1000):

        Also, you can use the :class:`MultiSignalBlocker` directly if the
        context manager form is not convenient::

           blocker = qtbot.waitSignals(signals, timeout=1000)

        :param list signals:
            A list of :class:`Signal` objects to wait for. Alternatively: a list of (``Signal, str``) tuples of the form
            ``(signal, signal_name_as_str)`` to improve the error message that is part of ``TimeoutError``.
            Set to ``None`` to just use timeout.
        :param int timeout:
            How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow.
        :param bool raising:
            If :class:`QtBot.TimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.TimeoutError>`
            should be raised if a timeout occurred.
            This defaults to ``True`` unless ``qt_default_raising = false``
            is set in the config.
        :param list check_params_cbs:
            optional list of callables that compare the provided signal parameters to some expected parameters.
            Each callable has to match the signature of the corresponding signal in ``signals`` (just like a slot
            function would) and return ``True`` if parameters match, ``False`` otherwise.
            Instead of a specific callable, ``None`` can be provided, to disable parameter checking for the
            corresponding signal.
            If the number of callbacks doesn't match the number of signals ``ValueError`` will be raised.
        :param str order:
            Determines the order in which to expect signals:

            - ``"none"``: no order is enforced
            - ``"strict"``: signals have to be emitted strictly in the provided order
              (e.g. fails when expecting signals [a, b] and [a, a, b] is emitted)
            - ``"simple"``: like "strict", but signals may be emitted in-between the provided ones, e.g. expected
              ``signals == [a, b, c]`` and actually emitted ``signals = [a, a, b, a, c]`` works
              (would fail with ``"strict"``).

            ``MultiSignalBlocker`` object. Call ``MultiSignalBlocker.wait()``
            to wait.

        .. note::
           Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or
           else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs.

        .. note:: This method is also available as ``wait_signals`` (pep-8 alias)
        if order not in ["none", "simple", "strict"]:
            raise ValueError(
                "order has to be set to 'none', 'simple' or 'strict'")

        raising = self._should_raise(raising)

        if check_params_cbs:
            if len(check_params_cbs) != len(signals):
                raise ValueError("Number of callbacks ({}) does not "
                                 "match number of signals ({})!".format(
                                     len(check_params_cbs), len(signals)))
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(
        if signals is not None:
        return blocker
Exemple #6
    def waitSignals(self, signals=None, timeout=1000, raising=None, check_params_cbs=None, order="none"):
        .. versionadded:: 1.4

        Stops current test until all given signals are triggered.

        Used to stop the control flow of a test until all (and only
        all) signals are emitted or the number of milliseconds specified by
        ``timeout`` has elapsed.

        Best used as a context manager::

           with qtbot.waitSignals([signal1, signal2], timeout=1000):

        Also, you can use the :class:`MultiSignalBlocker` directly if the
        context manager form is not convenient::

           blocker = qtbot.waitSignals(signals, timeout=1000)

        :param list signals:
            A list of :class:`Signal` objects to wait for. Alternatively: a list of (``Signal, str``) tuples of the form
            ``(signal, signal_name_as_str)`` to improve the error message that is part of ``TimeoutError``.
            Set to ``None`` to just use timeout.
        :param int timeout:
            How many milliseconds to wait before resuming control flow.
        :param bool raising:
            If :class:`QtBot.TimeoutError <pytestqt.plugin.TimeoutError>`
            should be raised if a timeout occurred.
            This defaults to ``True`` unless ``qt_wait_signal_raising = false``
            is set in the config.
        :param list check_params_cbs:
            optional list of callables that compare the provided signal parameters to some expected parameters.
            Each callable has to match the signature of the corresponding signal in ``signals`` (just like a slot
            function would) and return ``True`` if parameters match, ``False`` otherwise.
            Instead of a specific callable, ``None`` can be provided, to disable parameter checking for the
            corresponding signal.
            If the number of callbacks doesn't match the number of signals ``ValueError`` will be raised.
        :param str order:
            Determines the order in which to expect signals:

            - ``"none"``: no order is enforced
            - ``"strict"``: signals have to be emitted strictly in the provided order
              (e.g. fails when expecting signals [a, b] and [a, a, b] is emitted)
            - ``"simple"``: like "strict", but signals may be emitted in-between the provided ones, e.g. expected
              ``signals == [a, b, c]`` and actually emitted ``signals = [a, a, b, a, c]`` works
              (would fail with ``"strict"``).

            ``MultiSignalBlocker`` object. Call ``MultiSignalBlocker.wait()``
            to wait.

        .. note::
           Cannot have both ``signals`` and ``timeout`` equal ``None``, or
           else you will block indefinitely. We throw an error if this occurs.

        .. note:: This method is also available as ``wait_signals`` (pep-8 alias)
        if order not in ["none", "simple", "strict"]:
            raise ValueError("order has to be set to 'none', 'simple' or 'strict'")

        if raising is None:
            raising = self._request.config.getini('qt_wait_signal_raising')

        if check_params_cbs:
            if len(check_params_cbs) != len(signals):
                raise ValueError("Number of callbacks ({}) does not "
                                 "match number of signals ({})!".format(len(check_params_cbs), len(signals)))
        blocker = MultiSignalBlocker(timeout=timeout, raising=raising, order=order, check_params_cbs=check_params_cbs)
        if signals is not None:
        return blocker