Exemple #1
def zero_absent(relation, initial_values, modulus):
    initial = [value % modulus for value in initial_values]
    curr = initial[:]

    if 0 in initial:
        return False

    curr = [value % modulus for value in recurrence_next(relation, curr)]
    while curr != initial:
        if 0 in curr:
            return False
        curr = [value % modulus for value in recurrence_next(relation, curr)]
    return True
Exemple #2
def main(verbose=False):
    relation = [1, 2]

    h_values = [1, 3]
    k_values = [1, 2]

    count = 0
    for i in range(2, 1000 + 1):
        h_values = recurrence_next(relation, h_values)
        k_values = recurrence_next(relation, k_values)
        if len(str(h_values[1])) > len(str(k_values[1])):
            count += 1

    return count
Exemple #3
def solutions(limit):
    # We seek x_k^2 - 3y_k^2 = 4
    # Where 3*n - sign = x_k
    x_mult, y_mult, relation = get_recurrence([1, -3])
    starting_points = all_values_on_form([1, -3], 4)
    series = [start_to_series(initial, x_mult, 'x')
              for initial in starting_points]
    result = [pair[0] for pair in series
              if pair[0] % 3 != 0 and pair[0] > 0]
    while max(result) < 2 * limit:
        next = [pair[1] for pair in series
                if pair[1] % 3 != 0 and pair[1] > 0]
        series = [recurrence_next(relation, values) for values in series]
    # We seek perimeters n + n + (n + sign) = 3n + sign
    # We currently have 3n - sign, so if we can determine the sign
    # If value == 1 mod 3, then 3n - sign == 1, hence sign = -1
    # and 3n + sign = 3n - 1 = value - 2
    # If value == -1 mod 3, then 3n - sign == -1, hence sign = 1
    # and 3n + sign = 3n + 1 = value + 2
    result = sorted(((value + 2) if value % 3 == 2 else (value - 2))
                    for value in result)
    # The first two solutions are 1-1-0 and 1-1-2, which are both degenerate
    return [perimeter for perimeter in result
            if perimeter < limit and perimeter not in (2, 4)]
Exemple #4
def main(verbose=False):
    a, b = 0, 2
    running_sum = 0
    while b <= 4000000:
        running_sum += b
        a, b = recurrence_next([1, 4], [a, b])
    return running_sum
Exemple #5
def main(verbose=False):
    # we have h_(-1) = 1, k_(-1) = 0
    # h_0/k_0 = 2
    h_values = [1, 2]
    k_values = [0, 1]

    # The problem wants the 100th convergent which will
    # be h_99/k_99. To get to this, we need the first 99
    # values of a
    a = reduce(operator.add, [[1,2*k,1] for k in range(1, 33 + 1)])
    for a_i in a:
        relation = [1, a_i]
        h_values = recurrence_next(relation, h_values)
        k_values = recurrence_next(relation, k_values)

    h_99 = h_values[1]
    k_99 = k_values[1]
    reduced = h_99/(gcd(h_99, k_99))
    return sum(int(dig) for dig in str(reduced))
Exemple #6
def solutions(limit):
    # We seek 5x_k^2 - y_k^2 = 1
    # Where L = x_k
    x_mult, y_mult, relation = get_recurrence([5, -1])
    starting_points = all_values_on_form([5, -1], 1)
    series = [start_to_series(initial, x_mult, 'x')
              for initial in starting_points]
    result = [pair[0] for pair in series if pair[0] > 1]
    while len(result) < 2*limit:
        next = [pair[1] for pair in series if pair[1] > 1]
        series = [recurrence_next(relation, values) for values in series]
    return sorted(result)[:limit]
Exemple #7
def stable_expansion(digits, n):
    values = continued_fraction_cycle(n)
    h_values = [1, values[0]]  # a_0
    k_values = [0, 1]

    cycle_length = len(values) - 1  # we only cycle over a_1,...,a_{k-1}
    last = expanded_digits(h_values[1], k_values[1], digits)
    index = 1
    relation = [1, values[index]]
    h_values = recurrence_next(relation, h_values)
    k_values = recurrence_next(relation, k_values)
    current = expanded_digits(h_values[1], k_values[1], digits)
    while current != last:
        index += 1
        last = current

        relative_index = ((index - 1) % cycle_length) + 1
        # we want residues 1,..,k-1 instead of the traditional 0,...,k-2
        relation = [1, values[relative_index]]
        h_values = recurrence_next(relation, h_values)
        k_values = recurrence_next(relation, k_values)
        current = expanded_digits(h_values[1], k_values[1], digits)
    return current
Exemple #8
def golden_nuggets(limit):
    # We seek 5x_k^2 - y_k^2 = 4
    # Where 5n + 1 = y_k
    x_mult, y_mult, relation = get_recurrence([5, -1])
    starting_points = all_values_on_form([5, -1], 4)
    series = [start_to_series(initial, y_mult, 'y')
              for initial in starting_points]
    nuggets = [pair[0] for pair in series
               if pair[0] % 5 == 1 and pair[0] > 1]
    while len(nuggets) < 2 * limit:
        next = [pair[1] for pair in series
                if pair[1] % 5 == 1 and pair[1] > 1]
        series = [recurrence_next(relation, values) for values in series]
    return sorted([(value - 1) / 5 for value in nuggets])[:limit]
Exemple #9
def main(verbose=False):
    # y = 2T - 1, T > 10**12 implies the following:
    LOWER_LIMIT = 2 * (10 ** 12) - 1

    # We seek 2x^2 - y^2 = 1
    x_mult, y_mult, relation = get_recurrence([2, -1])
    starting_points = all_values_on_form([2, -1], 1)
    series = [start_to_series(initial, y_mult, 'y')
              for initial in starting_points]
    result = [pair[0] for pair in series]
    while max(result) <= LOWER_LIMIT:
        result.extend([pair[1] for pair in series])
        series = [recurrence_next(relation, values) for values in series]

    min_y = min(y for y in result if y > LOWER_LIMIT)
    min_x = sqrt((1 + min_y ** 2) / 2)
    return int((min_x + 1) / 2)