def setupAIObject(self, sessionId):
			This is used to retrieve all of the information from the datstore about the AI object and set the class variables
			equal to the values of the entitites retrieved in this way. This should be called whenever a new instance of 
			HAL is created. 
				sessionId, the sessionId which identifies the HAL entity we are working with. 
		newModel = DatastoreInteraction(sessionId)
		valueDict = newModel.getHAL()

		self.pkSessionID = valueDict['pkSessionID']
		self.estAIScore = valueDict['estAIScore']
		self.estOppScore = valueDict['estOppScore']
		self.opCardsMem = valueDict['opCardsMem']
		self.aiCardsMem = valueDict['aiCardsMem']
		tmpOP = valueDict['opCards'].encode('utf-8').replace("u","")
		tmpAI = valueDict['aiCards'].encode('utf-8').replace("u","")
		#Welcome to hack central. where python has type issues!
		self.realOpCards = eval(str(tmpOP))
		self.realAiCards = eval(str(tmpAI))
		self.opCards = tmpOP
		self.aiCards = tmpAI
		self.discardTopValue = valueDict['discardTopValue']
		self.decayRate = valueDict['decayRate']