axis_line_style='{draw=none}', legend_cell_align='{left}', legend_style='{font=\\footnotesize, draw=none, fill=none}', ylabel_style='{yshift=-3.5mm}', bar_width='4mm', ybar='0mm', xticklabel_style='{font=\\footnotesize}', xtick_style='{draw=none}', ytick_style='{draw=none}', ) plot.axis.options += ( 'nodes near coords', 'every node near coord/.append style={font=\\scriptsize}', ) plot.add_plot(x, y1, 'fill', draw='none', legend='Modèle 1') plot.add_plot(x, y2, 'fill', draw='none', legend='Modèle 2') plot.legend_position = 'north west' plot.y_min = 0 plot.y_max = 79 plot.x_min = 0.5 plot.x_ticks = x plot.x_ticks_labels = labels plot.x_label = 'Datasets' plot.y_label = "Précision (\%)" doc = Document('bar_chart_example', filepath='./examples/',
def plot_all_to_latex(self, sec, mean_metrics, std_metrics, caption, file_path, file_name): plot = Plot(plot_name=file_name, plot_path=file_path, position='th!', width=r'.27\textwidth', height=r'.25\textwidth', label=file_name, name='plot0', xshift=r'-.115\textwidth')) plot.caption = caption kwargs_per_plot = { 1: { 'as_float_env': False, 'at': '(plot0.south east)', 'anchor': 'south west', 'xshift': r'-.04\textwidth', 'name': 'plot1' }, 2: { 'as_float_env': False, 'at': '(plot1.south east)', 'anchor': 'south west', 'xshift': r'0.035\textwidth', 'name': 'plot2' }, 3: { 'as_float_env': False, 'at': '(plot2.south east)', 'anchor': 'south west', 'xshift': r'.11\textwidth', 'name': 'plot3' } } titles = { 'de': 'English-Deutsch', 'it': 'English-Italian', 'fi': 'English-Finnish', 'es': 'English-Spanish' } for i, language in enumerate(sorted(mean_metrics['accuracies'])): if i == 0: current_plot = plot else: current_plot = Plot(plot_name=file_name, plot_path=file_path, width=r'.27\textwidth', height=r'.25\textwidth', **kwargs_per_plot[i]) current_plot.tikzpicture.head = '' current_plot.tikzpicture.tail = '' x, y, std = np.array( list(mean_metrics['accuracies'][language].keys())).astype( int), np.array( list(mean_metrics['accuracies'] [language].values())).astype(float), np.array( list(std_metrics['accuracies'] [language].values())).astype(float) sorting = x.argsort() x, y, std = x[sorting], y[sorting], std[sorting] current_plot.add_plot(x, y, 'blue', 'ylabel near ticks', mark='*', line_width='1.2pt', mark_size='.9pt') current_plot.add_plot(x, y + 1.96 * std, name_path='upper', draw='none') current_plot.add_plot(x, y - 1.96 * std, name_path='lower', draw='none') current_plot.axis.append( '\\addplot[fill=blue!10] fill between[of=upper and lower];') current_plot.axis.kwoptions[ 'y tick label style'] = '{/pgf/number format/fixed zerofill, /pgf/number format/precision=1}' current_plot.x_min = np.floor(x.min()) current_plot.x_max = np.ceil(x.max()) y_max, y_min = (y + 1.96 * std).max(), (y - 1.96 * std).min() delta = y.max() - y.min() current_plot.y_min = y_min - delta / 2 current_plot.y_max = y_max + delta / 2 current_plot.title = titles[language] current_plot.plot_name += '_en_{}'.format(language) if i > 0: plot.tikzpicture += current_plot
y2 = f(x, .8, 2) y3 = f(x, .65, 2.5) y4 = f(x, .55, 3) y5 = f(x, .5, 3.5) plot = Plot( plot_path='./examples/', plot_name='lineplot_example', as_float_env=False, grid_style=('gray!35', 'ultra thin'), width='7cm', height='6cm', ylabel_style='{yshift=-3.5mm}', ) plot.add_plot(x * 1000, y1, label='\\scriptsize$p=10$') plot.add_plot(x * 1000, y2, label='\\scriptsize$p=30$') plot.add_plot(x * 1000, y3, label='\\scriptsize$p=50$') plot.add_plot(x * 1000, y4, label='\\scriptsize$p=75$') plot.add_plot(x * 1000, y5, label='\\scriptsize$p=100$') plot.y_min = 0 plot.y_max = 6.2 plot.x_min = 0 plot.x_max = 900 plot.x_label = 'Abscisse (unité)' plot.y_label = 'Ordonnée (unité)' doc = Document('lineplot_example', filepath='./examples/',
plot = Plot( plot_path='./examples/', plot_name='scatterplot', as_float_env=False, marks=True, lines=False, grid_style=('gray!35', 'ultra thin'), width='7cm', height='6cm', legend_cell_align='{left}', legend_style='{font=\\footnotesize,draw=gray!50}', ylabel_style='{yshift=-3.5mm}', ) plot.add_plot(x1, y1+2, legend='Cercle indigo', fill_opacity=.5) plot.add_plot(x2, y2+2, mark='triangle*', mark_size='2.5pt', legend='Triangle orange', fill_opacity=.5) plot.legend_position = 'south east' plot.y_min = 0 plot.x_min = 0 plot.x_ticks = (0,2,4,6,8) plot.y_ticks = np.linspace(0,10,5) plot.x_label = 'Abscisse (unité)' plot.y_label = 'Ordonnée (unité)' doc = Document('scatterplot_example', filepath='./examples/', doc_type='standalone') doc += plot
palette = holi(4) for i, feature in enumerate(features): x, y = ax.collections[2 * i]._paths[ 0]._vertices.T # Hacking into matplotlib objects to find the data defining the envelope q25, q50, q75 = np.percentile(data[i], [25, 50, 75]) extrema = (i, i), (np.min(data[i]), np.max(data[i])) quartiles = (i, i), (q25, q75) median = (i, ), (q50, ) plot.add_plot(x, y, 'fill', line_cap='round', line_join='round', fill_opacity=.5, color=palette[i]) plot.add_plot(*median, 'only marks', mark_size='.4pt', color=f'{palette[i]}!25') plot.add_plot( *extrema, color=f'{palette[i]}!50!black', line_cap='round', line_width='1pt', ) plot.add_plot( *quartiles,
from python2latex import Template, Table, Plot filepath = './examples/templating an existing file' template = Template(filename='already_existing_file', filepath=filepath) table = Table((4, 3)) table[1:, 0:] = [[i for _ in range(3)] for i in range(3)] table[0] = 'Title' table[0].add_rule() table.caption = 'Here is a table caption.' template.anchors['some_table'] = table plot = Plot(plot_name='some_plot', plot_path=filepath) plot.add_plot(list(range(10)), list(range(10)), 'red') plot.caption = 'Here is a figure caption.' template.anchors['some_figure'] = plot template.render()