# if 'up' or 'down' is pressed increase or decrese size of pen if pythonGraph.key_pressed('up'): radius += 3 if pythonGraph.key_pressed('down') and radius >= 3: radius -= 3 # configure graphics config() # animiation loop while pythonGraph.window_not_closed(): # draw the pallet draw_pallet() # get the coordinates of the mouse mouse_x = pythonGraph.get_mouse_x() mouse_y = pythonGraph.get_mouse_y() # draw circle or image on the canvas draw_on() # handle all key presses proc_keys() # check for click on color and change it pallet_click() # update window pythonGraph.update_window()
# Setup tasks for window pythonGraph.open_window(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT) pythonGraph.set_window_title(SCREEN_TITLE) # Animation Loop while pythonGraph.window_not_closed(): pythonGraph.clear_window(pythonGraph.colors.WHITE) for i in range(0, len(ball_x)): pythonGraph.draw_circle(ball_x[i], ball_y[i], ball_radius[i], ball_color[i], True) ball_x[i] += ball_x_velocity[i] ball_y[i] += ball_y_velocity[i] if ball_x[i] < 0 or ball_x[i] > SCREEN_WIDTH: ball_x_velocity[i] *= -1 if ball_y[i] < 0 or ball_y[i] > SCREEN_HEIGHT: ball_y_velocity[i] *= -1 if pythonGraph.mouse_button_pressed(pythonGraph.mouse_buttons.LEFT): ball_x.append(pythonGraph.get_mouse_x()) ball_y.append(pythonGraph.get_mouse_y()) ball_x_velocity.append(random.randint(1, 10)) ball_y_velocity.append(random.randint(1, 10)) ball_radius.append(random.randint(10, 30)) ball_color.append(pythonGraph.create_random_color()) print("clicked") pythonGraph.update_window()