def getEmailImap(self, server): ''' getEmail(host_server): This module is a simple interface to check for new emails in the inbox of Gmail or CERN imap servers. This is a simple example of how to use the IMAP protocol to receive emails. As I understand, the IMAP protocol is more involved in the python libraries than the POP3 analogue, with more complicated/obscure modules. It does however offer a mean of accessing unread email, unlike the POP3 protocol for which I had to create a time-stamp support to know when it was the last time I checked my inbox. Nevertheless, at present I prefer POP3. ''' # Import modules here import python_myFunctions as myFunctions import imaplib import email import traceback import sys import getpass import time from datetime import datetime from dateutil import parser import os import pydoc # Declaration here f = myFunctions.CreateObject() newMailFiles = [] myPath = "/Users/administrator/my_work/programming/python/inbox/" + server + "/imap/" # Decide which of the two servers to use if server == "cern": imapHost = "" emailAddress = "" imapUsername = "******" elif server == "gmail": imapHost = "" emailAddress = "" imapUsername = "******" else: self.Cout( 'ERROR! The server argument %s is invalid. Please select between "cern" and "gmail". Exiting python shell.' ) print __doc__ sys.exit(1) # Prompt user to provide his login password self.Cout("Please provide your login password for %s to continue:" % (imapUsername)) imapPassword = getpass.getpass("\tPassword = "******"Attempting to connect to:\n\thost = %s." % (imapHost)) connection = imaplib.IMAP4_SSL(imapHost) connection.login(imapUsername, imapPassword) self.Cout("Connecting to INBOX.") print"INBOX", readonly=True) # connect to inbox. self.Cout(connection.welcome) # Search messages on server "INBOX" [search(self, charset, *criteria)] and get total number of messages in mailbox (both seen and unseen) AllMail = None, "ALL")[1][0].split() # returns a nice list of messages UnseenMail = None, "UNSEEN")[1][0].split() # returns a nice list of messages numAllMail = len(AllMail) numUnseenMail = len(UnseenMail) self.Cout("You have %s messages (%s NEW) in your inbox." % (numAllMail, numUnseenMail)) # Loop over all messages and write them down to files self.Cout('Saving NEW mail to "%s":' % (myPath)) for mailId in UnseenMail: try: fileName = "%s.eml" % (mailId) newMailFiles.append(fileName) saveFile = open(myPath + fileName, "w") mailBody = connection.fetch(mailId, '(RFC822)')[1][0][1] saveFile.write(mailBody) finally: saveFile.close() self.Cout("\t%s" % ([item for item in newMailFiles])) # Before closing program ask user if he wants to open the new emails for the user openMail = self.Cin('To open NEW mail press "y"') if openMail == "y": self.Cout('Paging NEW emails. Press "q" to read the next email.') for mail in newMailFiles: myNewMail = open(myPath + mail, "r") pydoc.pager( ) # similar to | less in shell. Press "q" to move to next email self.Cout('Done. Exiting python shell.') connection.logout()
Usage: ./ Permissions: chmod +x Description: This is an example of a threaded event handler. Basically, we take a delayed thread and mix in an event loop that watched two directories for changes in filames. So, it uses rsync -av --delete to keep 2 directories in sync if they fall out of sync, in a delayed background thread. Obviously, the delay is not strictly necessary. But, it can have some benefits. If you add a delay (say 10 seconds), you could tell the thread to cancel if you discovered another event, such as if your master directory was accidentally deleted. A thread delay is a great mechanism to create conditional future operations that can still be cancelled. ''' # Import my own modules here import python_myFunctions as myFunctions mf = myFunctions.CreateObject() # All other required modules here from threading import Timer import sys import time import copy import os from subprocess import call class EventLoopDelaySpawn(object): ''' An Event loop class that spawns a method in delayed thread. ''' def __init__(self,
[attikis:python]> python -a -l poster.pdf Out[1] Retrieving file in URL: Out[2] Saved file in current directory: poster.pdf Out[3] Script Execution time: 0 days, 0 hours, 0 minutes, 1.0 seconds. ''' import sys import urllib import python_myFunctions as myGFs from optparse import OptionParser # Object declaration here mf = myGFs.CreateObject() mf.StopWatchStart() parser = OptionParser() # Other declarations here myURL = "" # Options: Mandatory parser.add_option("-a", "--url_address", dest="url_address", help="URL ADDRESS", metavar="URL ADDRESS") parser.add_option("-l", "--local_file_name", dest="local_file_name",