def uninstall_content(): retrieve_installed() installed = get_gamelist() print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to uninstall: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' options = installed picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False print(" * Starting uninstalling process...") counter = len(selected) for file in selected: process = subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp, "DeleteID", "-ID", file[0]]) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() counter -= 1 print('...................................................') print('STILL ' + str(counter) + ' FILES TO PROCESS') print('...................................................')
def pick_libraries(): from python_pick import Picker title = 'Select libraries to search: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' db = libraries(remote_lib_file) if db == False: return False, False options = [x for x in db.keys()] picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: return False, False # print(selected) paths = list() TDs = list() for entry in selected: paths.append((db[entry[0]])['path']) try: TDs.append((db[entry[0]])['TD_name']) except: TDs.append(None) # for p in range(len(paths)): # print(paths[p]) # print(TDs[p]) return paths, TDs
def dump_content(): retrieve_installed() installed = get_gamelist() print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to dump_content: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' options = installed picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False outfolder = pick_download_folder() if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) print(" * Starting dumping process...") counter = len(selected) for file in selected: outputfile = os.path.join(outfolder, file[0]) process = subprocess.Popen( [nscb_mtp, "Dump", "-sch", file[0], "-dst", outputfile]) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() counter -= 1 print('...................................................') print('STILL ' + str(counter) + ' FILES TO PROCESS') print('...................................................')
def remote_select_from_walker(tfile, types='all'): from workers import concurrent_scrapper from Drive import Private as DrivePrivate ext = [] if types != 'all': items = types.split(' ') for x in items: ext.append(str(x).lower()) folder, TeamDrive = DrivePrivate.folder_walker() if TeamDrive == "" or TeamDrive == False: TeamDrive = None if folder == False: return False filt = remote_interface_filter() order = pick_order() if order == False: return False print(f"- Checking {folder}") print(" * Parsing files from Google Drive. Please Wait...") db = {} db[folder] = {'path': folder, 'TD_name': TeamDrive} files = concurrent_scrapper(filter=filt, order=order, remotelib='all', db=db) if files == False: return False print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to install or transfer: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection' filenames = [] for f in files: if types == 'all': filenames.append(f[0]) else: for x in ext: if (str(f[0]).lower()).endswith(x): filenames.append(f[0]) break if filenames == []: print(" * Request didn't retrieve any files") return False options = filenames picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False with open(tfile, 'a') as textfile: for f in selected: textfile.write((files[f[1]])[2] + '/' + (files[f[1]])[0] + '|' + str(TeamDrive) + '\n')
def pick_folder(folders, previous): Recursive = False title = 'Pick folder:\n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to move to file selection fase (Shows files in current folder) \n + Press R to move to file selection fase (Shows files recursevely including subfolders) \n + Press X to exit selection' options = folders picker = Picker(options, title, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) def end_selection_recursive(picker): return True, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('r'), end_selection_recursive) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('R'), end_selection_recursive) def exit_selection(picker): return "EXIT", -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('x'), exit_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('X'), exit_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: return False, False if selected[0] == "EXIT": return "EXIT", False if selected[0] == True: return False, True folder = os.path.join(previous, selected[0]) return folder, Recursive
def pick_order(): title = 'Select order to list the files: \n + Press enter or intro to select \n + Press E to scape back to menu' options = ['name_ascending','name_descending','size_ascending','size_descending','date_ascending','date_descending'] picker = Picker(options, title, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False,-1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0]==False: return False order=selected[0] return order
def remote_select_from_libraries(tfile): from workers import concurrent_scrapper db = libraries(remote_lib_file) if db == False: sys.exit(f"Missing {remote_lib_file}") paths, TDs = drive_pick_libraries() if paths == False: return False order = pick_order() if order == False: return False filter = remote_interface_filter() print(" * Parsing files from Google Drive. Please Wait...") if isinstance(paths, list): db = {} for i in range(len(paths)): db[paths[i]] = {'path': paths[i], 'TD_name': TDs[i]} files = concurrent_scrapper(filter=filter, order=order, remotelib='all', db=db) else: db = {} db[paths] = {'path': paths, 'TD_name': TDs} files = concurrent_scrapper(filter=filter, order=order, remotelib='all', db=db) print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to install or transfer: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection' filenames = [] for f in files: filenames.append(f[0]) options = filenames picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False with open(tfile, 'a') as textfile: for f in selected: textfile.write((files[f[1]])[2] + '/' + (files[f[1]])[0] + '\n')
def delete_archived(): retrieve_installed() installed = get_gamelist() registered = retrieve_registered() for game in installed: fileid, fileversion, cctag, nG, nU, nD, baseid = listmanager.parsetags( game) try: del registered[fileid] except: pass games = [] # Name [version][title] for k in registered.keys(): games.append( f"{(registered[k])[2]} [{(registered[k])[0]}][{(registered[k])[1]}]" ) print(" * Entering File Picker") if not games: sys.exit("There isn't any archived games or placeholder on the device") title = 'Select registries to delete: \n + Press space or right to select entries \n + Press E to finish selection \n + Press A to select all entries' options = games picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return "ALL", -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False print(" * Starting uninstalling process...") arch2delete = [] if selected[0] == "ALL": for k in registered: g0 = (registered[k])[2] arch2delete.append(g0) else: for game in selected: g = game[0] g0 = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(g) if char == '['] g0 = (g[0:g0[0]]).strip() arch2delete.append(g0) counter = len(arch2delete) for file in arch2delete: process = subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp, "DeleteRegistry", "-ID", file]) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() counter -= 1 print('...................................................') print('STILL ' + str(counter) + ' FILES TO PROCESS') print('...................................................')
def get_disks(): available_drives = ['%s:' % d for d in string.ascii_uppercase if os.path.exists('%s:' % d)] for d in available_drives: dsktotal, dskused, dskfree=disk_usage(str(d)) if int(dsktotal)==0: available_drives.remove(d) title = 'Pick drive: \n + Press enter or intro to select \n + Press E to scape back to menu' options = available_drives picker = Picker(options, title, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False,-1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0]==False: return False drive=selected[0] return drive
def update_console(libraries="all", destiny="SD", exclude_xci=True, prioritize_nsz=True, tfile=None, verification=True, ch_medium=True, ch_other=False, autoupd_aut=True): if tfile == None: tfile = os.path.join(NSCB_dir, 'MTP1.txt') if os.path.exists(tfile): try: os.remove(tfile) except: pass libdict = get_libs("source") pths = {} if libraries == "all": for entry in libdict.keys(): pths[entry] = ((libdict[entry])[0]) else: for entry in libdict.keys(): if (libdict[entry])[1] == True: pths[entry] = ((libdict[entry])[0]) if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) print("1. Parsing games in device. Please Wait...") process = subprocess.Popen([ nscb_mtp, "ShowInstalled", "-tfile", games_installed_cache, "-show", "false" ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() if os.path.exists(games_installed_cache): print(" Success") gamelist = listmanager.read_lines_to_list(games_installed_cache, all=True) installed = {} for g in gamelist: if exclude_xci == True: if g.endswith('xci') or g.endswith('xc0'): continue entry = listmanager.parsetags(g) entry = list(entry) entry.append(g) installed[entry[0]] = entry print("2. Parsing local libraries. Please Wait...") locallist = [] for p in pths.keys(): locallist += listmanager.folder_to_list(pths[p], ['nsp', 'nsz']) print(f' Parsed Library: "{str(p).upper()}"') if prioritize_nsz == True: locallist = sorted(locallist, key=lambda x: x[-1]) locallist.reverse() localgames = {} for g in locallist: entry = listmanager.parsetags(g) entry = list(entry) entry.append(g) if not entry[0] in localgames: localgames[entry[0]] = entry else: v = (localgames[entry[0]])[1] if int(entry[1]) > int(v): localgames[entry[0]] = entry print("3. Searching new updates. Please Wait...") gamestosend = {} for g in installed.keys(): if g.endswith('000') or g.endswith('800'): try: updid = g[:-3] + '800' if updid in localgames: if updid in installed: if ((installed[updid])[1]) < ((localgames[updid])[1]): if not updid in gamestosend: gamestosend[updid] = localgames[updid] else: if ((gamestosend[updid])[1]) < ( (localgames[updid])[1]): gamestosend[updid] = localgames[updid] else: if not updid in gamestosend: gamestosend[updid] = localgames[updid] else: if ((gamestosend[updid])[1]) < ( (localgames[updid])[1]): gamestosend[updid] = localgames[updid] except: pass else: try: if g in localgames: if ((installed[g])[1]) < ((localgames[g])[1]): if not g in gamestosend: gamestosend[g] = localgames[g] else: if ((gamestosend[g])[1]) < ((localgames[g])[1]): gamestosend[g] = localgames[g] except: pass print("4. Searching new dlcs. Please Wait...") for g in installed.keys(): try: if g.endswith('000') or g.endswith('800'): baseid = g[:-3] + '000' else: baseid = (installed[g])[6] for k in localgames.keys(): try: if not (k.endswith('000') or k.endswith('800')) and not k in installed: test = get_dlc_baseid(k) if baseid == test: if not k in gamestosend: gamestosend[k] = localgames[k] else: if ((gamestosend[k])[1]) < ( (localgames[k])[1]): gamestosend[k] = localgames[k] except BaseException as e: # Print.error('Exception: ' + str(e)) pass except BaseException as e: # Print.error('Exception: ' + str(e)) pass print("5. List of content that will get installed...") gamepaths = [] if len(gamestosend.keys()) > 0: if autoupd_aut == True: for i in sorted(gamestosend.keys()): fileid, fileversion, cctag, nG, nU, nD, baseid, path = gamestosend[ i] bname = os.path.basename(path) gamepaths.append(path) g0 = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(bname) if char == '['] g0 = (bname[0:g0[0]]).strip() print( f" * {g0} [{fileid}][{fileversion}] [{cctag}] - {(bname[-3:]).upper()}" ) else: options = [] for i in sorted(gamestosend.keys()): fileid, fileversion, cctag, nG, nU, nD, baseid, path = gamestosend[ i] bname = os.path.basename(path) gamepaths.append(path) g0 = [pos for pos, char in enumerate(bname) if char == '['] g0 = (bname[0:g0[0]]).strip() cstring = f"{g0} [{fileid}][{fileversion}] [{cctag}] - {(bname[-3:]).upper()}" options.append(cstring) if options: title = 'Select content to install: \n + Press space or right to select entries \n + Press E to finish selection \n + Press A to select all entries' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return "ALL", -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False if selected[0] == "ALL": pass else: newgpaths = [] for game in selected: g = game[1] g0 = gamepaths[g] newgpaths.append(g0) gamepaths = newgpaths print("6. Generating text file...") with open(tfile, 'w', encoding='utf8') as textfile: for i in gamepaths: textfile.write((i).strip() + "\n") print("7. Triggering installer on loop mode.") print( " Note:If you interrupt the list use normal install mode to continue list" ) loop_install(tfile, destiny=destiny, verification=verification, ch_medium=ch_medium, ch_other=ch_other, checked=True) else: print("\n --- DEVICE IS UP TO DATE ---")
def select_from_local_libraries(tfile, mode='installer'): if not os.path.exists(mtp_source_lib): sys.exit("mtp_source_libraries.txt") db = get_libs() title = 'Select libraries to search: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection \n + Press A to select all libraries' folder_paths = [] options = [] for k in db: options.append(k) picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return True, options picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print("User didn't select any libraries") return False, False if selected[0] == True: for k in db.keys(): folder_paths.append((db[k])[0]) else: for entry in selected: folder_paths.append((db[entry[0]])[0]) order = pick_order() if order == False: return False filepaths = search_with_filter(folder_paths, mode) filedata = {} for file in filepaths: try: fname = os.path.basename(file) fsize = os.path.getsize(file) fdate = os.path.getctime(file) entry = { 'filepath': file, 'filename': fname, 'size': fsize, 'date': fdate } if not fname in filedata: filedata[fname] = entry except: pass options = [] if order == 'name_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) elif order == 'name_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) options.reverse() elif order == 'size_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) elif order == 'size_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) options.reverse() elif order == 'date_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) elif order == 'date_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) options.reverse() print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to install or transfer: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False with open(tfile, 'a') as textfile: for f in selected: fpath = (filedata[f[0]])['filepath'] textfile.write(fpath + '\n')
def back_up_saves(backup_all=False, inline=False, tidandver=True, romaji=True, outfolder=None): import zipfile from datetime import datetime try: for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) except: pass if outfolder == None: outfolder = pick_download_folder() if not os.path.exists(outfolder): os.makedirs(outfolder) process = subprocess.Popen([ nscb_mtp, "ShowSaveGames", "-saves", valid_saves_cache, "-show", "False" ]) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() if not os.path.exists(valid_saves_cache): sys.exit("Savegames couldn't be retrieved") valid_saves = [] with open(valid_saves_cache, 'rt', encoding='utf8') as tfile: for line in tfile: valid_saves.append(line.strip()) if backup_all == False: title = 'Select saves to backup: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' options = valid_saves picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any games") return False else: selected = [] for i in range(len(valid_saves)): selected.append([valid_saves[i], i]) print("- Retrieving registered to get TitleIDs...") dbicsv = os.path.join(cachefolder, "registered.csv") process = subprocess.Popen([ nscb_mtp, "Download", "-ori", "4: Installed games\\InstalledApplications.csv", "-dst", dbicsv ], stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() if os.path.exists(dbicsv): print(" Success") if tidandver == True: dbi_dict = {} with open(dbicsv, 'rt', encoding='utf8') as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') id = 0 ver = 1 tname = 2 for row in readCSV: version = 0 try: tid = (str(row[id]).upper())[2:] tid = tid[:-3] + '000' version = int(row[ver]) name = str(row[tname]) if name in dbi_dict: if version < ((dbi_dict[name])['version']): continue dbi_dict[name] = { 'tid': tid, 'version': version, 'name': name } except: pass counter = len(selected) for file in selected: if tidandver == True: print(f'- Searching "{file[0]}" in registered data') titleid = "" version = "" name = file[0] try: titleid = ((dbi_dict[file[0]])['tid']) titleid = f'[{titleid}]' version = str((dbi_dict[file[0]])['version']) version = f'[v{version}]' except: pass game = f"{name} {titleid}{version}" else: game = f"{name}" game = sanitize(game, romaji) if inline == False: dmpfolder = os.path.join(outfolder, game) else: dmpfolder = outfolder tmpfolder = os.path.join(dmpfolder, 'tmp') if not os.path.exists(dmpfolder): os.makedirs(dmpfolder) if not os.path.exists(tmpfolder): os.makedirs(tmpfolder) process = subprocess.Popen( [nscb_mtp, "BackSaves", "-sch", file[0], "-dst", tmpfolder]) while process.poll() == None: if process.poll() != None: process.terminate() counter -= 1 subfolders = [f.path for f in os.scandir(tmpfolder) if f.is_dir()] for folder in subfolders: dname = os.path.basename(folder) timedate = timedate = timedate.strftime("[%Y.%m.%d @ %H.%M.%S]") zipname = f"{game}{timedate}[{dname}].zip" output = os.path.join(dmpfolder, zipname) print(f"- Zipping {folder} to {output}") file_list = listmanager.folder_to_list(folder, extlist='all') if not file_list: continue z = zipfile.ZipFile(output, "w", zipfile.ZIP_DEFLATED) basedir = os.path.dirname(folder) for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(folder): for filename in filenames: filePath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename) dirname = filePath.replace(folder, '') dirname = dirname[0:] if os.path.isfile(filePath): z.write(filePath, dirname) z.close() try: shutil.rmtree(tmpfolder, ignore_errors=True) except: pass print('...................................................') print('STILL ' + str(counter) + ' FILES TO PROCESS') print('...................................................')
def search_folder(path, TD=None, ext=None, filter=None, order=None, mime='files', Pick=True, Print=True, pickmode='multi'): file_list = list() userfilter = filter isroot = False TDlist = False file_listv2 = list() if isinstance(path, list): paths = path else: paths = path.split('.+') if isinstance(TD, list): TDlist = TD index = 0 for path in paths: # print(path) try: if userfilter == None or filter == "": filter = "" else: filter = " and name contains '{}'".format(userfilter) if TDlist != False: TD = TDlist[index] index += 1 if TD == "pick": TD = TD_picker(path) if TD != None: remote = location(route=path, TD_Name=TD) else: remote = location(route=path) drive_service = remote.drive_service if drive_service == None: if remote.token_name == None: auth = auth() else: auth = auth(token=token_name) drive_service = auth.drive_service tk, fl = get_path_parameters(path) if not fl and TD == None: root = 'root' remote.root = root remote.ID = root elif not fl: root = remote.ID remote.root = root remote.ID = root else: root = remote.root # print(remote.ID) if mime == 'files': page_token = None pagesize = 1000 while True: if root != 'root': results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType!='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields= "nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime)", includeItemsFromAllDrives=True, supportsAllDrives=True).execute() else: results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType!='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields= "nextPageToken, files(id, name, size, createdTime)" ).execute() items = results.get('files', []) try: page_token = results.get('nextPageToken', None) except: pass for file in items: try: file_list.append([ file['name'], file['size'], path, file['createdTime'] ]) except: pass if Print == True: print(f'- {path}: Total Retrieved ' + str(len(file_list))) if page_token == None: break elif mime == 'folders': page_token = None pagesize = 100 while True: if root != 'root': results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)", includeItemsFromAllDrives=True, supportsAllDrives=True).execute() else: results = drive_service.files().list( q="mimeType='application/' and '{}' in parents{}" .format(remote.ID, filter), pageSize=pagesize, pageToken=page_token, fields="nextPageToken, files(id, name)").execute() items = results.get('files', []) try: page_token = results.get('nextPageToken', None) except: pass for file in items: try: file_list.append([file['name'], path]) except: pass if Print == True: print(f'- {path}: Total Retrieved ' + str(len(file_list))) if page_token == None: break except: print(f'- {path}: Retrieved 0') return False if not file_list: return False file_list.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) if Pick == True: if pickmode != 'single': title = 'Select results (press SPACE\RIGHT to mark\\unmark, ENTER to continue): ' elif mime == "files": title = 'Select result:' else: title = 'Select result:\n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press E to finish selection' oplist = list() cleanlist = list() if mime == 'folders': for item in file_list: oplist.append(item[0]) cleanlist.append(clean_name(item[0])) else: for item in file_list: sz = str(sq_tools.getSize(int(item[1]))) oplist.append(item[0] + ' | ' + sz) cleanlist.append(clean_name(item[0]) + ' | ' + sz) options = cleanlist if pickmode != 'single': selected = pick(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=0) elif mime == "files": selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) if selected[0] == False: return False else: picker = Picker(options, title, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: return False # print (selected) oplist = file_list file_list = list() if pickmode == 'single': if mime == 'folders': basepath = oplist[selected[1]][1] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[selected[1]][0] else: basepath = oplist[selected[1]][2] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[selected[1]][0] return pth if mime == 'folders': for file in selected: basepath = oplist[file[1]][1] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[file[1]][0] file_list.append(pth) else: for file in selected: basepath = oplist[file[1]][2] if basepath[-1] != "/" and basepath[-1] != "\\": basepath = basepath + '/' pth = basepath + oplist[file[1]][0] file_list.append(pth) if not file_list: return False if Print == True: print("\n- User selected the following results: ") for file in file_list: print(file) else: print("- User selected {} files".format(str(len(file_list)))) if TDlist != False and file_list: file_listv2.append([file_list, TD]) if TDlist != False: return file_listv2 return file_list
def get_files_from_walk(tfile=None, extlist=['nsp', 'nsz', 'xci', 'xcz'], filter=False, recursive=False, doPrint=False): if not isinstance(extlist, list): if str(extlist).lower() != 'all': ext = extlist.split() extlist = [] for x in ext: extlist.append(x) folder, rec = folder_walker() if folder == False: return False if rec == True: recursive = True print("Parsing files. Please wait...") title = 'Add a search filter?: ' options = ['Yes', 'No'] selected = pick(options, title, min_selection_count=1) response = selected[0] if response == 'No': pass else: clear_Screen() About() filter = input('INPUT SEARCH FILTER: ') if recursive == False: files = listmanager.nextfolder_to_list(folder, extlist=extlist, filter=filter) else: files = listmanager.folder_to_list(folder, extlist=extlist, filter=filter) if not files: sys.exit("Query didn't return any files") order = pick_order() if order == False: return False filedata = {} for file in files: try: fname = os.path.basename(file) fsize = os.path.getsize(file) fdate = os.path.getctime(file) entry = { 'filepath': file, 'filename': fname, 'size': fsize, 'date': fdate } if not fname in filedata: filedata[fname] = entry except: pass options = [] if order == 'name_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) elif order == 'name_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['filename']) options.reverse() elif order == 'size_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) elif order == 'size_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['size']) options.reverse() elif order == 'date_ascending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) elif order == 'date_descending': options = sorted(filedata, key=lambda x: filedata[x]['date']) options.reverse() title = 'Select content: \n + Press space or right to select entries \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection \n + Press A to select all entries' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return "ALL", -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print("User didn't select any files") return False newgpaths = [] if selected[0] == "ALL": for game in options: newgpaths.append(os.path.join(folder, game)) else: for game in selected: newgpaths.append(os.path.join(folder, game[0])) if tfile != None: with open(tfile, 'w', encoding='utf8') as textfile: for i in newgpaths: textfile.write((i).strip() + "\n") if doPrint != False: for i in newgpaths: print(i) return newgpaths
def update_console_from_gd(libraries="all",destiny="SD",exclude_xci=True,prioritize_nsz=True,tfile=None,verification=True,ch_medium=True,ch_other=False,autoupd_aut=True,use_archived=False): check_connection() if use_archived==True: autoupd_aut=False if tfile==None: tfile=os.path.join(NSCB_dir, 'MTP1.txt') if os.path.exists(tfile): try: os.remove(tfile) except: pass libdict=get_libs_remote_source(remote_lib_file); if libdict==False: sys.exit("No libraries set up") pths={};TDs={}; if libraries=="all": for entry in libdict.keys(): pths[entry]=((libdict[entry])[0]) TDs[entry]=((libdict[entry])[1]) else: for entry in libdict.keys(): if (libdict[entry])[2]==True: pths[entry]=((libdict[entry])[0]) TDs[entry]=((libdict[entry])[1]) # print(pths);print(TDs); if not os.path.exists(cachefolder): os.makedirs(cachefolder) for f in os.listdir(cachefolder): fp = os.path.join(cachefolder, f) try: shutil.rmtree(fp) except OSError: os.remove(fp) if use_archived!=True: print("1. Parsing games in device. Please Wait...") if exclude_xci==True: process=subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp,"ShowInstalled","-tfile",games_installed_cache,"-show","false","-exci","true"],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) else: process=subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp,"ShowInstalled","-tfile",games_installed_cache,"-show","false","-exci","false","-xci_lc",xci_locations],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll()==None: if process.poll()!=None: process.terminate(); if os.path.exists(games_installed_cache): print(" Success") gamelist=listmanager.read_lines_to_list(games_installed_cache,all=True) installed={} for g in gamelist: try: if exclude_xci==True: if g.endswith('xci') or g.endswith('xc0'): continue entry=listmanager.parsetags(g) entry=list(entry) entry.append(g) installed[entry[0]]=entry except:pass # for i in pths: # print(i) else: print("1. Retrieving registered...") dbicsv=os.path.join(cachefolder,"registered.csv") process=subprocess.Popen([nscb_mtp,"Download","-ori","4: Installed games\\InstalledApplications.csv","-dst",dbicsv],stdout=subprocess.PIPE,stderr=subprocess.PIPE) while process.poll()==None: if process.poll()!=None: process.terminate(); if os.path.exists(dbicsv): print(" Success") installed={} with open(dbicsv,'rt',encoding='utf8') as csvfile: readCSV = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter=',') id=0;ver=1;tname=2; for row in readCSV: try: tid=(str(row[id]).upper())[2:] version=int(row[ver]) if version>0 and tid.endswith('000'): tid=tid[:-3]+'800' name=str(row[tname]) g=f"{name} [{tid}][v{version}].nsp" entry=listmanager.parsetags(g) entry=list(entry) entry.append(g) if entry[0] in installed.keys(): if int((intalled[entry[0]])[1])<version: installed[entry[0]]=entry else: installed[entry[0]]=entry except:pass print("2. Parsing files from Google Drive. Please Wait...") # print(pths) if isinstance(pths, dict): db={} for i in pths.keys(): db[i]={'path':pths[i],'TD_name':TDs[i]} files=concurrent_scrapper(filter='',order='name_ascending',remotelib='all',db=db) else: db={} db[pths]={'path':pths,'TD_name':TDs} files=concurrent_scrapper(filter=filter,order='name_ascending',remotelib='all',db=db) remotelist=[] for f in files: remotelist.append(f[0]) if prioritize_nsz==True: remotelist=sorted(remotelist, key=lambda x: x[-1]) remotelist.reverse() else: remotelist.reverse() # for f in remotelist: # print(f) remotegames={} for g in remotelist: try: entry=listmanager.parsetags(g) entry=list(entry) entry.append(g) if not entry[0] in remotegames: remotegames[entry[0]]=entry else: v=(remotegames[entry[0]])[1] if int(entry[1])>int(v): remotegames[entry[0]]=entry except:pass print("3. Searching new updates. Please Wait...") gamestosend={} for g in installed.keys(): if g.endswith('000') or g.endswith('800'): try: updid=g[:-3]+'800' if updid in remotegames: if updid in installed: if ((installed[updid])[1])<((remotegames[updid])[1]): if not updid in gamestosend: gamestosend[updid]=remotegames[updid] else: if ((gamestosend[updid])[1])<((remotegames[updid])[1]): gamestosend[updid]=remotegames[updid] else: if not updid in gamestosend: gamestosend[updid]=remotegames[updid] else: if ((gamestosend[updid])[1])<((remotegames[updid])[1]): gamestosend[updid]=remotegames[updid] except:pass else: try: if g in remotegames: if ((installed[g])[1])<((remotegames[g])[1]): if not g in gamestosend: gamestosend[g]=remotegames[g] else: if ((gamestosend[g])[1])<((remotegames[g])[1]): gamestosend[g]=remotegames[g] except:pass print("4. Searching new dlcs. Please Wait...") for g in installed.keys(): try: if g.endswith('000') or g.endswith('800'): baseid=g[:-3]+'000' else: baseid=(installed[g])[6] for k in remotegames.keys(): try: if not (k.endswith('000') or k.endswith('800')) and not k in installed: test=get_dlc_baseid(k) if baseid ==test: if not k in gamestosend: gamestosend[k]=remotegames[k] else: if ((gamestosend[k])[1])<((remotegames[k])[1]): gamestosend[k]=remotegames[k] except BaseException as e: # Print.error('Exception: ' + str(e)) pass except BaseException as e: # Print.error('Exception: ' + str(e)) pass print("5. List of content that will get installed...") gamepaths=[] if len(gamestosend.keys())>0: if autoupd_aut==True: for i in sorted(gamestosend.keys()): fileid,fileversion,cctag,nG,nU,nD,baseid,path=gamestosend[i] bname=os.path.basename(path) gamepaths.append(path) g0=[pos for pos, char in enumerate(bname) if char == '['] g0=(bname[0:g0[0]]).strip() print(f" * {g0} [{fileid}][{fileversion}] [{cctag}] - {(bname[-3:]).upper()}") else: options=[] for i in sorted(gamestosend.keys()): fileid,fileversion,cctag,nG,nU,nD,baseid,path=gamestosend[i] bname=os.path.basename(path) gamepaths.append(path) g0=[pos for pos, char in enumerate(bname) if char == '['] g0=(bname[0:g0[0]]).strip() cstring=f"{g0} [{fileid}][{fileversion}] [{cctag}] - {(bname[-3:]).upper()}" options.append(cstring) if options: from python_pick import Picker title = 'Select content to install: \n + Press space or right to select entries \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection \n + Press A to select all entries' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False,-1 def select_all(picker): return "ALL",-1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected=picker.start() if selected[0]==False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False if selected[0]=="ALL": pass else: newgpaths=[] for game in selected: g=game[1] g0=gamepaths[g] newgpaths.append(g0) gamepaths=newgpaths print("6. Generating text file...") with open(tfile,'w', encoding='utf8') as textfile: wpath='' for i in gamepaths: location=None for f in files: TD=None;ID=None if f[0]==i: location=f[2] try: ID=f[4] except:pass break if location==None: print(f"Can't find location for {i}") continue wpath=f"{location}/{i}" lib,TD,libpath=get_library_from_path(filename=wpath) if ID==None: textfile.write(f"{(wpath).strip()}|{TD}\n") else: textfile.write(f"{(wpath).strip()}|{TD}|{ID}\n") print("7. Triggering installer on loop mode.") print(" Note:If you interrupt the list use normal install mode to continue list") loop_install(tfile,destiny=destiny,outfolder=None,ch_medium=ch_medium,check_fw=True,patch_keygen=False,ch_base=False,ch_other=False,checked=True) else: print("\n --- DEVICE IS UP TO DATE ---")
def remote_select_from_cache(tfile): from workers import concurrent_scrapper cache_is_setup = False if not os.path.exists(remote_lib_cache): os.makedirs(remote_lib_cache) jsonlist = listmanager.folder_to_list(remote_lib_cache, extlist=['json']) if not jsonlist: print("Cache wasn't found. Generating cache up...") from workers import concurrent_cache concurrent_cache() jsonlist = listmanager.folder_to_list(remote_lib_cache, extlist=['json']) if not jsonlist: sys.exit("Can't setup remote cache. Are libraries set up?") libnames = [] for j in jsonlist: bname = os.path.basename(j) bname = bname.replace('.json', '') libnames.append(bname) title = 'Select libraries to search: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection \n + Press A to select all libraries' db = libraries(remote_lib_file) options = libnames picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 def select_all(picker): return True, libnames picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('a'), select_all) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('A'), select_all) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print("User didn't select any libraries") return False, False if selected[0] == True: cachefiles = jsonlist else: cachefiles = [] for entry in selected: fname = entry[0] + '.json' fpath = os.path.join(remote_lib_cache, fname) cachefiles.append(fpath) cachedict = {} for cach in cachefiles: with open(cach) as json_file: data = json.load(json_file) for entry in data: if not entry in cachedict: cachedict[entry] = data[entry] # for k in cachedict.keys(): # print(k) order = pick_order() if order == False: return False options = [] if order == 'name_ascending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['filepath']) elif order == 'name_descending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['filepath']) options.reverse() elif order == 'size_ascending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['size']) elif order == 'size_descending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['size']) options.reverse() elif order == 'date_ascending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['date']) elif order == 'date_descending': options = sorted(cachedict, key=lambda x: cachedict[x]['date']) options.reverse() options = remote_interface_filter_local(options) print(" * Entering File Picker") title = 'Select content to install or transfer: \n + Press space or right to select content \n + Press Enter to confirm selection \n + Press E to exit selection' picker = Picker(options, title, multi_select=True, min_selection_count=1) def end_selection(picker): return False, -1 picker.register_custom_handler(ord('e'), end_selection) picker.register_custom_handler(ord('E'), end_selection) selected = picker.start() if selected[0] == False: print(" User didn't select any files") return False with open(tfile, 'a') as textfile: for f in selected: fpath = (cachedict[f[0]])['filepath'] textfile.write(fpath + '\n')