Exemple #1
 def mousePressEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
     cursor = QCursor()
     x = QMouseEvent.x()
     y = QMouseEvent.y()
     if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15 and y > 15):
         if self._rubber == None:
             if not self.frozen:
                 self.frozen_before = False
                 self.frozen_before = True
             self.rub_origin = QMouseEvent.pos()
             self._rubber = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self)
             self.crop_stat = IMG
     elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and y < 1010):
         self.rub_origin = QMouseEvent.pos()
         self._rubber = QRubberBand(QRubberBand.Rectangle, self)
         if QMouseEvent.button(
         ) == Qt.RightButton and self.selected_count != 0:
             self.select_status = HIST_DESELECTION
             self.select_status = HIST_SELECTION
         self.crop_stat = HIST
         self.log_info("hist status {}".format("HSV" if self.hist_status ==
                                               HSV else "LAB"))
Exemple #2
 def mouseMoveEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
     cursor = QCursor()
     x = QMouseEvent.x()
     y = QMouseEvent.y()
     # if in coords of image and crop status is image then draw the rect
     if self._rubber is None:
     if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15
                                    and y > 15) and self.crop_stat == IMG:
             QRect(self.rub_origin, QMouseEvent.pos()).normalized())
     # if in coords of hist and crop status is hist then draw the rect
     elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and
                                      y < 1010) and self.crop_stat == HIST:
             QRect(self.rub_origin, QMouseEvent.pos()).normalized())
Exemple #3
    def mouseMoveEvent(self, event):
        Determine if the current movement is a drag.  If it is, convert it into a QDrag.  If the
        drag ends inside the tab bar, emit an move_tab_signal.  If the drag ends outside the tab
        bar, emit an detach_tab_signal.
        # Determine if the current movement is detected as a drag
        if not self.drag_start_pos.isNull() and ((event.pos() - self.drag_start_pos).manhattanLength() > QApplication.startDragDistance()):
            self.drag_initiated = True

        # If the current movement is a drag initiated by the left button
        if ((event.buttons() & Qt.LeftButton)) and self.drag_initiated:

            # Stop the move event
            finishMoveEvent = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseMove, event.pos(), Qt.NoButton, Qt.NoButton, Qt.NoModifier)
            QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, finishMoveEvent)

            # Convert the move event into a drag
            drag = QDrag(self)
            mime_data = QMimeData()
            mime_data.setData('action', b'application/tab-detach')

            # Create the appearance of dragging the tab content
            # tab_index = self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos)
            pixmap = self.parentWidget().grab()
            targetPixmap = QPixmap(pixmap.size())
            painter = QPainter(targetPixmap)
            painter.drawPixmap(0, 0, pixmap)

            # Initiate the drag
            dropAction = drag.exec_(Qt.MoveAction | Qt.CopyAction)

            # If the drag completed outside of the tab bar, detach the tab and move
            # the content to the current cursor position
            if dropAction == Qt.IgnoreAction:
                self.detach_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.mouse_cursor.pos(), False)
            elif dropAction == Qt.MoveAction:
                # else if the drag completed inside the tab bar, move the selected tab to the new position
                if not self.drag_droped_pos.isNull():
                    self.move_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.tabAt(self.drag_droped_pos))
                    # else if the drag completed inside the tab bar new TabBar, move the selected tab to the new TabBar
                    self.detach_tab_signal.emit(self.tabAt(self.drag_start_pos), self.mouse_cursor.pos(), False)
            QTabBar.mouseMoveEvent(self, event)
Exemple #4
    def mouseReleaseEvent(self, QMouseEvent):
        cursor = QCursor()
        x = QMouseEvent.x()
        y = QMouseEvent.y()
        if self._rubber is None:
        if (x < 1280 and y < 720) and (x > 15
                                       and y > 15) and self.crop_stat == IMG:

            if not self.frozen_before:

            a = self.mapToGlobal(self.rub_origin)
            b = QMouseEvent.globalPos()
            a = self.wdg_img.mapFromGlobal(a)
            b = self.wdg_img.mapFromGlobal(b)

            self._rubber = None

            pix = QPixmap(self.wdg_img.pixmap())
            sx = float(self.wdg_img.rect().width())
            sy = float(self.wdg_img.rect().height())

            # h 1080 w 1920
            sx = self.orig_w / sx
            sy = self.orig_h / sy

            a.setX(int(a.x() * sx))
            a.setY(int(a.y() * sy))

            b.setX(int(b.x() * sx))
            b.setY(int(b.y() * sy))
            rect_ = QRect(a, b)

            h_ = rect_.height()
            w_ = rect_.width()

            y1, x1, y2, x2 = rect_.getCoords()
            rospy.loginfo('Img cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2{}'.format(
                x1, y1, x2, y2))
            self.log_info('Img cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2{}'.format(
                x1, y1, x2, y2))
            self.capture_cropped(x1, y1, x2, y2)
        elif (x > 1300 and y > 520) and (x < 1907 and
                                         y < 1010) and self.crop_stat == HIST:

            # h 1080 w 1920

            if self.hist_status == HSV:
                cur_hist = self.inner_hist
            elif self.hist_status == LUV:
                cur_hist = self.inner_luv_hist

        # if not self.frozen_before:
        #     self.freeze()
            a = self.mapToGlobal(self.rub_origin)
            b = QMouseEvent.globalPos()
            a = cur_hist.mapFromGlobal(a)
            b = cur_hist.mapFromGlobal(b)

            self._rubber = None

            pix = QPixmap(cur_hist.pixmap())
            sx = float(cur_hist.rect().width())
            sy = float(cur_hist.rect().height())

            # h 1080 w 1920
            if self.hist_status == HSV:
                sx = self.hist_hsv_orig_w / sx
                sy = self.hist_hsv_orig_h / sy
            elif self.hist_status == LUV:
                sx = self.hist_lab_orig_w / sx
                sy = self.hist_lab_orig_h / sy

            a.setX(int(a.x() * sx))
            a.setY(int(a.y() * sy))

            b.setX(int(b.x() * sx))
            b.setY(int(b.y() * sy))
            rect_ = QRect(a, b)

            h_ = rect_.height()
            w_ = rect_.width()

            # y1,x1,y2,x2 = rect_.getCoords()
            x1, y1, x2, y2 = rect_.getCoords()
            rospy.loginfo('Hist cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2 {}'.format(
                x1, y1, x2, y2))
            self.log_info('Hist cropped x1 {} y1 {} x2 {} y2 {}'.format(
                x1, y1, x2, y2))
            if self.select_status == HIST_SELECTION:
                self.select_hist(x1, y1, x2, y2, h_, w_, self.hist_status)
            elif self.select_status == HIST_DESELECTION:
                self.deselect_hist(x1, y1, x2, y2, self.hist_status)

            if self._rubber is not None:
                self._rubber = None
                self.crop_stat = 0
    def _event(self, e):
        if e.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and e.button() == Qt.LeftButton:
            qDebug('%spress, rel=%s, global=%s, diff=%s' % (
                (' - pseudo ' if self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging
                 else ''), e.pos(), e.globalPos(), e.globalPos() - self.pos()))
        if e.type() == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and e.button(
        ) == Qt.LeftButton:
            qDebug('%srelease, rel=%s, global=%s, diff=%s' % (
                (' - pseudo ' if self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging
                 else ''), e.pos(), e.globalPos(), e.globalPos() - self.pos()))

        # store local position when pressing button before starting the custom drag'n'drop
        # only allow when layout is not frozen
        if self._dragging_parent is None and e.type(
        ) == QEvent.MouseButtonPress and e.button() == Qt.LeftButton and bool(
                self.features() & QDockWidget.DockWidgetMovable):
            self._dragging_local_pos = e.pos()

        if self._dragging_parent is None and self._dragging_local_pos is not None and e.type(
        ) == QEvent.Move and QApplication.mouseButtons() & Qt.LeftButton:
            if self._widget_at(e.pos()) is not None:
                    'DockWidget._event() start drag, dockwidget=%s, parent=%s, floating=%s, pos=%s'
                    % (str(self), str(self.parent()), str(
                        self.isFloating()), str(self._dragging_local_pos)))
                self._dragging_parent = self.parent()
                # ignore further mouse events so that the widget behind this dock widget can be determined

                # collect all main windows (except self.main_window) to re-implement QApplication.widgetAt() in self._widget_at()
                self._main_windows = [
                for container in self._container_manager.get_containers():
                    if container == self:

        # unset local position when releasing button even when custom drag'n'drop has not been started
        if self._dragging_local_pos is not None and e.type(
        ) == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and e.button(
        ) == Qt.LeftButton and not self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging:
            self._dragging_local_pos = None

        if self._dragging_parent is not None and e.type(
        ) == QEvent.MouseButtonRelease and e.button(
        ) == Qt.LeftButton and not self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging:
                'DockWidget._event() stop drag, dockwidget=%s, parent=%s\n' %
                (self, self.parent()))
            self._dragging_parent = None
            self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, False)
            self._main_windows = []

        if self._dragging_parent is not None and e.type(
        ) == QEvent.MouseMove and e.buttons(
        ) & Qt.LeftButton and not self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging:
            widget = self._widget_at(e.globalPos())
            new_parent = self._get_new_parent(widget)
            #print 'new_parent', new_parent, (new_parent.objectName() if new_parent else '')
            if new_parent is not None and new_parent != self.parent():
                self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging = True

                # schedule stop of pseudo drag'n'drop and let it complete
                mouse_release_event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonRelease,
                                                  e.globalPos(), Qt.LeftButton,
                                                  Qt.NoButton, e.modifiers())
                QApplication.instance().postEvent(self, mouse_release_event)

                # schedule reparent to hovered main window and let it complete
                reparent_event = ReparentEvent(self, new_parent)

                # reenable mouse events to be able to receive upcoming pseudo mouse events
                self.setAttribute(Qt.WA_TransparentForMouseEvents, False)

                # schedule restart of pseudo drag'n'drop and let it complete
                mouse_repress_event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseButtonPress,
                                                  e.globalPos(), Qt.LeftButton,
                                                  Qt.LeftButton, e.modifiers())
                QApplication.instance().postEvent(self, mouse_repress_event)

                # schedule move to trigger dock widget drag'n'drop required for snapping and showing rubber band and let it complete
                # move forth...
                mouse_move_event = QMouseEvent(
                    QEvent.MouseMove, self._dragging_local_pos,
                    e.globalPos() +
                    QPoint(QApplication.startDragDistance(), 1), Qt.NoButton,
                    Qt.LeftButton, e.modifiers())
                QApplication.instance().postEvent(self, mouse_move_event)
                # ...and back
                mouse_move_event = QMouseEvent(QEvent.MouseMove,
                                               e.globalPos(), Qt.NoButton,
                                               Qt.LeftButton, e.modifiers())
                QApplication.instance().postEvent(self, mouse_move_event)

                # restore attributes after repressing the button

                self._releasing_and_repressing_while_dragging = False

        return super(DockWidget, self).event(e)