def evaluate_detections(self, all_boxes, output_dir, det_salt = '', eval_salt = '', overlap_thresh = 0.5):
      num_classes = self.num_classes
      num_images = self.num_images
      gt_roidb = self.gt_roidb()
      ap = [[]]; prec = [[]]; rec = [[]]
      ap_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.txt')
      with open(ap_file, 'wt') as f:
          for i in xrange(1, self.num_classes):
              dt = []; gt = [];
              # Prepare the output
              for j in xrange(0,num_images):
                  bs = all_boxes[i][j]
                  if len(bs) == 0:
                    bb = np.zeros((0,4)).astype(np.float32)
                    sc = np.zeros((0,1)).astype(np.float32)
                    bb = bs[:,:4].reshape(bs.shape[0],4)
                    sc = bs[:,4].reshape(bs.shape[0],1)
                  dtI = dict({'sc': sc, 'boxInfo': bb})
              # Prepare the annotations
              for j in xrange(0,num_images):
                  cls_ind = np.where(gt_roidb[j]['gt_classes'] == i)[0]
                  bb = gt_roidb[j]['boxes'][cls_ind,:]
                  diff = np.zeros((len(cls_ind),1)).astype(np.bool)
                  gt.append(dict({'diff': diff, 'boxInfo': bb}))
              bOpts = dict({'minoverlap': overlap_thresh})
              ap_i, rec_i, prec_i = eval.inst_bench(dt, gt, bOpts)[:3]
              ap.append(ap_i[0]); prec.append(prec_i); rec.append(rec_i)
              ap_str = '{:20s}:{:10f}'.format(self.classes[i], ap_i[0]*100)
              f.write(ap_str + '\n')
              print ap_str
          ap_str = '{:20s}:{:10f}'.format('mean', np.mean(ap[1:])*100)
          f.write(ap_str + '\n')
          print ap_str

      eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.pkl')
      g_utils.save_variables(eval_file, [ap, prec, rec, self._classes, self._class_to_ind], \
          ['ap', 'prec', 'rec', 'classes', 'class_to_ind'], overwrite = True)
      eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.mat')
      g_utils.scio.savemat(eval_file, {'ap': ap, 'prec': prec, 'rec': rec, 'classes': self._classes}, do_compression = True);
      return ap, prec, rec, self._classes, self._class_to_ind
Exemple #2
    def evaluate_detections(self, all_boxes, output_dir, det_salt = '', eval_salt = '', overlap_thresh = 0.5):
      num_classes = self.num_classes
      num_images = self.num_images
      gt_roidb = self.gt_roidb()
      ap = [[]]; prec = [[]]; rec = [[]]
      ap_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.txt')
      with open(ap_file, 'wt') as f:
          for i in xrange(1, self.num_classes):
              dt = []; gt = [];
              # Prepare the output
              for j in xrange(0,num_images):
                  bs = all_boxes[i][j]
                  if len(bs) == 0:
                    bb = np.zeros((0,4)).astype(np.float32)
                    sc = np.zeros((0,1)).astype(np.float32)
                    bb = bs[:,:4].reshape(bs.shape[0],4)
                    sc = bs[:,4].reshape(bs.shape[0],1)
                  dtI = dict({'sc': sc, 'boxInfo': bb})
              # Prepare the annotations
              for j in xrange(0,num_images):
                  cls_ind = np.where(gt_roidb[j]['gt_classes'] == i)[0]
                  bb = gt_roidb[j]['boxes'][cls_ind,:]
                  diff = np.zeros((len(cls_ind),1)).astype(np.bool)
                  gt.append(dict({'diff': diff, 'boxInfo': bb}))
              bOpts = dict({'minoverlap': overlap_thresh})
              ap_i, rec_i, prec_i = eval.inst_bench(dt, gt, bOpts)[:3]
              ap.append(ap_i[0]); prec.append(prec_i); rec.append(rec_i)
              ap_str = '{:20s}:{:10f}'.format(self.classes[i], ap_i[0]*100)
              f.write(ap_str + '\n')
              print ap_str
          ap_str = '{:20s}:{:10f}'.format('mean', np.mean(ap[1:])*100)
          f.write(ap_str + '\n')
          print ap_str

      eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.pkl')
      g_utils.save_variables(eval_file, [ap, prec, rec, self._classes, self._class_to_ind], \
          ['ap', 'prec', 'rec', 'classes', 'class_to_ind'], overwrite = True)
      eval_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'eval' + det_salt + eval_salt + '.mat')
      g_utils.scio.savemat(eval_file, {'ap': ap, 'prec': prec, 'rec': rec, 'classes': self._classes}, do_compression = True);
      return ap, prec, rec, self._classes, self._class_to_ind
Exemple #3
def test_net(net, imdb):
    """Test a Fast R-CNN network on an image database."""
    num_images = len(imdb.image_index)
    # heuristic: keep an average of 40 detections per class per images prior
    # to NMS
    max_per_set = cfg.TEST.MAX_PER_SET_F * num_images
    # heuristic: keep at most 100 detection per class per image prior to NMS
    max_per_image = cfg.TEST.MAX_PER_IMAGE
    # detection thresold for each class (this is adaptively set based on the
    # max_per_set constraint)
    thresh = -np.inf * np.ones(imdb.num_classes)
    # top_scores will hold one minheap of scores per class (used to enforce
    # the max_per_set constraint)
    top_scores = [[] for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)]
    # all detections are collected into:
    #    all_boxes[cls][image] = N x 5 array of detections in
    #    (x1, y1, x2, y2, score)
    all_boxes = [[[] for _ in xrange(num_images)]
                 for _ in xrange(imdb.num_classes)]

    output_dir = get_output_dir(imdb, net)
    if not os.path.exists(output_dir):

    # timers
    _t = {'im_detect' : Timer(), 'misc' : Timer()}

    roidb = imdb.roidb
    for i in xrange(num_images):
        image_paths = imdb.image_path_at(i); im = [];
        for image_path in image_paths:
            im1 = cv2.imread(image_path)
            im1 = im1[:, :, ::-1]
        scores, boxes = im_detect(net, im, roidb[i]['boxes'])

        for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
            inds = np.where((scores[:, j] > thresh[j]) &
                            (roidb[i]['gt_classes'] == 0))[0]
            cls_scores = scores[inds, j]
            cls_boxes = boxes[inds, j*4:(j+1)*4]
            top_inds = np.argsort(-cls_scores)[:max_per_image]
            cls_scores = cls_scores[top_inds]
            cls_boxes = cls_boxes[top_inds, :]
            # push new scores onto the minheap
            for val in cls_scores:
                heapq.heappush(top_scores[j], val)
            # if we've collected more than the max number of detection,
            # then pop items off the minheap and update the class threshold
            if len(top_scores[j]) > max_per_set:
                while len(top_scores[j]) > max_per_set:
                thresh[j] = top_scores[j][0]

            all_boxes[j][i] = \
                    np.hstack((cls_boxes, cls_scores[:, np.newaxis])) \
                    .astype(np.float32, copy=False)

            if 0:
                keep = nms(all_boxes[j][i], 0.3)
                vis_detections(im, imdb.classes[j], all_boxes[j][i][keep, :])

        print 'im_detect: {:d}/{:d} {:.3f}s {:.3f}s' \
              .format(i + 1, num_images, _t['im_detect'].average_time,

    for j in xrange(1, imdb.num_classes):
        for i in xrange(num_images):
            inds = np.where(all_boxes[j][i][:, -1] > thresh[j])[0]
            all_boxes[j][i] = all_boxes[j][i][inds, :]
    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections' + cfg.TEST.DET_SALT + '.pkl')
    g_utils.save_variables(det_file, [all_boxes], ['all_boxes'], overwrite = True)
    det_file = os.path.join(output_dir, 'detections' + cfg.TEST.DET_SALT + '.pkl')
    g_utils.scio.savemat(det_file, {'all_boxes': all_boxes}, do_compression = True)

    print 'Applying NMS to all detections'
    nms_dets = apply_nms(all_boxes, cfg.TEST.NMS)

    print 'Evaluating detections'
    ap, prec, rec, classes, class_to_ind = imdb.evaluate_detections(nms_dets, output_dir, cfg.TEST.DET_SALT, cfg.TEST.EVAL_SALT)