Exemple #1
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_with_freq_uniform_sq_vs_polygons_translation(depends_on=('../config/sq_vs_polygon_task_translation.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False)
def ext_eval_ht_l1_gabor_top5_renderman_mixedup_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_mixedup_alltasks.py',
    10 way control all: 34.400000 31.800000 33.146667 0.869636 
    10 way control trans: 68.400000 64.533333 66.453333 1.501051 
    10 way control inrot: 41.133333 38.666667 39.533333 0.840106 
    10 way mixedup all: 16.133333 12.600000 14.960000 1.306803 
    10 way mixedup trans: 40.800000 33.866667 37.653333 2.927084 
    10 way mixedup inrot: 20.133333 17.600000 18.853333 0.890842 
    carpln control all: 73.666667 68.666667 71.133333 1.808621 
    carpln control trans: 89.000000 84.000000 85.800000 1.916014 
    carpln control inrot: 78.000000 74.000000 75.933333 1.583246 
    carpln mixedup all: 57.666667 50.000000 53.866667 3.138294 
    carpln mixedup trans: 71.333333 65.666667 68.933333 2.164358 
    carpln mixedup inrot: 62.000000 56.333333 59.333333 2.086997 
    fav control all: 47.777778 43.333333 45.333333 1.709812 
    fav control trans: 68.666667 63.777778 65.866667 1.753163 
    fav control inrot: 52.444444 48.222222 49.955556 1.641439 
    fav mixedup all: 38.888889 33.111111 36.444444 2.140728 
    fav mixedup trans: 57.111111 50.888889 53.377778 2.183666 
    fav mixedup inrot: 42.666667 39.333333 41.155556 1.328881 
    a,b,c = depends_on
    protocols.extract_and_evaluate_protocol(a,b,c,convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')    
def ext_eval_lt_l2_gabor_gabor_models4_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    a,b,c = depends_on
    protocols.extract_and_evaluate_protocol(a,b,c,convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')        
def ext_eval_ht_l2_random_random_o2_polygon(depends_on=('../config/parallel_polygon_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    85.20, 62.50, 76.38, 80.62, 5.04
    level 1, filter, num_filters
    value: [16, 30, 48]
    max: 83.90, 84.10, 85.20
    mean: 76.15, 76.35, 76.64
    quartiles 77.45, 77.45, 76.80
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 84.10, 84.10, 85.20, 83.10, 82.90, 80.00
    mean: 77.36, 77.59, 77.97, 76.57, 75.86, 72.92
    quartiles 78.40, 80.05, 79.40, 77.85, 76.05, 74.00
    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5]
    max: 85.20, 83.50
    mean: 77.07, 75.69
    quartiles 78.25, 76.60
    level 2, filter, num_filters
    value: [128, 256, 384]
    max: 75.40, 82.90, 85.20
    mean: 70.50, 78.03, 80.61
    quartiles 70.55, 78.00, 81.00

                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
def ext_eval_ht_l2_gabor_random_activation_ranges_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    49.33, 30.93, 40.81, 43.10, 3.32
    level 1, filter, norients
    value: [4, 6, 8]
    max: 48.13, 47.27, 49.33
    mean: 40.18, 41.13, 41.11
    quartiles 40.13, 41.13, 41.00
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 49.33, 48.13, 46.73, 45.73, 44.00, 41.87
    mean: 43.16, 42.39, 41.68, 40.96, 39.32, 37.32
    quartiles 42.97, 42.60, 41.37, 41.17, 39.83, 37.77
    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5]
    max: 47.00, 49.33
    mean: 40.42, 41.20
    quartiles 40.37, 41.10
    level 2, filter, num_filters
    value: [128, 256, 384]
    max: 43.40, 46.33, 49.33
    mean: 38.12, 41.06, 43.24
    quartiles 38.23, 41.27, 43.90
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
Exemple #6
def extract_and_evaluate_polygons_3(depends_on=('../config/low_throughput_polygon.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)
def ext_eval_ht_l2_gabor_random_o2_polygon(depends_on=('../config/parallel_polygon_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    level 1, filter, norients
    value: [4, 6, 8]
    max: 94.20, 93.80, 93.90
    mean: 85.73, 83.69, 82.48
    quartiles 86.35, 84.40, 82.65
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 84.00, 88.10, 91.70, 93.10, 93.80, 94.20
    mean: 76.68, 81.03, 83.62, 86.01, 87.70, 88.78
    quartiles 77.25, 82.60, 84.55, 86.65, 88.35, 89.95
    level 2, filter, num_filters
    value: [128, 256, 384]
    max: 88.30, 93.50, 94.20
    mean: 78.89, 85.27, 87.74
    quartiles 79.00, 86.05, 88.45
    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5]
    max: 93.90, 94.20
    mean: 84.72, 83.22
    quartiles 85.40, 83.35

                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
Exemple #8
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_mod4a_fourier2(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task2.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #9
def extract_and_evaluate_small_gabor_with_multiplication2(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task4.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #10
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_fourier_old_norm(depends_on=('../config/hex_vs_polygon_task_fourier.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #11
def extract_and_evaluate_very_large_gabor_fourier(depends_on=('../config/hex_vs_polygon_task_fourier.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #12
def extract_and_evaluate_small_gabor_hex_vs_polygons_small_no_rotation(depends_on=('../config/hex_vs_polygon_task_small_no_rotation.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #13
def extract_and_evaluate_more_orients_gabor_hex_vs_polygons_fourier(depends_on=('../config/hex_vs_polygon_task_small_fourier.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)
Exemple #14
def extract_and_evaluate_large_gabor_then_multiplication_all_hex_vs_polygons(depends_on=('../config/hex_vs_polygon_task_small.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)
Exemple #15
def ext_eval_medium_gabor_mod4_mult_ten_categories(depends_on=('../config/ten_categories_renderman_task3.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #16
def extract_and_evaluate_small_gabor_with_uniform(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task5.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False) 
Exemple #17
def extract_and_evaluate_polygons_cpu_no_rotation2(depends_on=('../config/low_throughput_polygon_no_rotation.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False)
Exemple #18
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_mod4_with_freq_uniform_sumup(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task6.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False)
def ext_eval_ht_l2_random_random_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_tasks_for_ht2.py',
    overall: 42.67, 24.53, 33.35, 36.70, 4.38              
    level 1, lnorm, inker_shape
    value: [3, 5, 9]
    max: 41.73, 42.13, 42.67
    mean: 33.49, 33.17, 33.40
    level 1, lpool, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5, 9]
    max: 36.13, 42.67, 42.13
    mean: 29.23, 33.22, 37.61
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 42.67, 41.47, 40.40, 41.73, 40.40, 37.33
    mean: 36.19, 34.93, 33.64, 32.99, 32.04, 30.33
    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5, 7, 9]
    max: 41.20, 41.20, 42.13, 42.67
    mean: 32.26, 33.49, 33.37, 34.29
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=True)
Exemple #20
def ext_eval_best_l3_ten_categories(depends_on=('../config/ten_categories_renderman_task2.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False)
def ext_eval_ht_l2_gabor_random_squared_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_tasks_for_ht2.py',
    47.60, 34.00, 40.86, 42.67, 2.40     overall
    about a 2% improvement over direct comparison, e.g. 
        44.27, 38.27, 42.15, 43.30, 1.74  (this run with l0 norm shape = 9 and ker_size < 21 -- this is a small sample)
        47.60, 34.00, 41.23, 42.97, 2.34  (this run with just with l1 ker_shape < 21 restriction)
        47.47, 32.27, 39.89, 41.47, 2.67  (gabor/random l2 with 384 l2 filters with ker_shape > 5)
    clearly increases performance -- esp. seen in quartile -- on various combinations:
        l1 filter ker in [7,13]:
            47.60, 38.40, 42.40, 44.20, 2.36    for 7 & 13
            46.27, 39.60, 43.08, 44.40, 1.65    for 7 & 9
            46.27, 39.47, 42.69, 43.73, 1.81    for 7 & 11
            46.27, 36.80, 41.20, 43.13, 2.38    for 7 & 17
            46.27, 34.93, 40.49, 42.67, 2.98    for 7 & 21
            44.40, 38.13, 41.07, 41.87, 1.73    for just 7
            44.13, 38.00, 41.49, 42.70, 1.69    for just 9
            44.13, 37.87, 40.36, 41.63, 1.96    for just 11
            47.47, 37.33, 39.82, 41.03, 2.67    for just 13
            44.40, 38.13, 41.07, 41.87, 1.73    for just 17
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=True)
Exemple #22
def ext_eval_bigger_best_l3_polygon(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task0.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True,parallel=False)
def ext_eval_ht_l2_gabor_freq_polygon(depends_on=('../config/parallel_polygon_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    92.40, 70.90, 83.64, 88.83, 6.24
    level 1, filter, norients
    value: [4, 6, 8]  =  [16/40 , 30/105, 48/216  L1/L2 filters]
    max: 83.40, 90.20, 92.40
    mean: 78.12, 85.73, 87.07
    quartiles 78.45, 87.35, 89.00
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 80.50, 90.00, 92.40, 91.50, 91.10, 91.30
    mean: 74.31, 83.09, 85.85, 86.32, 85.96, 86.33
    quartiles 73.40, 83.95, 88.25, 87.20, 86.70, 88.65

    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5]
    max: 92.40, 90.80
    mean: 85.01, 82.27
    quartiles 86.85, 83.70

                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
Exemple #24
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_l1_random(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task8.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)                                        
def ext_eval_ht_l2_random_random_o2_top5_renderman_mixedup_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_mixedup_alltasks.py',
    10 way control all: 41.266667 39.266667 39.786667 0.759415 
    10 way control trans: 89.000000 86.466667 88.066667 0.884433 
    10 way control inrot: 50.666667 46.933333 49.213333 1.729432 
    10 way mixedup all: 22.000000 19.066667 20.933333 1.056619 
    10 way mixedup trans: 74.800000 68.866667 71.120000 2.018316 
    10 way mixedup inrot: 31.066667 26.733333 29.026667 1.750987 
    carpln control all: 80.333333 71.000000 76.533333 3.159465 
    carpln control trans: 97.000000 92.000000 94.666667 1.873796 
    carpln control inrot: 89.000000 83.000000 86.400000 2.004440 
    carpln mixedup all: 60.333333 55.666667 58.333333 1.520234 
    carpln mixedup trans: 88.333333 83.666667 86.466667 1.939072 
    carpln mixedup inrot: 69.000000 66.000000 67.533333 1.127436 
    fav control all: 61.333333 59.111111 59.644444 0.850272 
    fav control trans: 91.555556 89.111111 90.222222 0.888889 
    fav control inrot: 57.333333 53.777778 55.600000 1.516331 
    fav mixedup all: 43.777778 34.666667 39.600000 2.898786 
    fav mixedup trans: 67.555556 62.666667 64.355556 1.857118 
    fav mixedup inrot: 47.777778 36.444444 41.111111 3.887301 
    a,b,c = depends_on
    protocols.extract_and_evaluate_protocol(a,b,c,convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
Exemple #26
def extract_and_evaluate_random_multiply_max(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task7.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)    
def ext_eval_ht_l1_random_top5_polygon_mixedup_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_mixedup_alltasks.py',
    10 way control all: 30.466667 26.666667 28.866667 1.257157 
    10 way control trans: 66.733333 59.000000 63.533333 2.594010 
    10 way control inrot: 36.266667 34.133333 35.266667 0.747143 
    10 way mixedup all: 16.066667 13.733333 15.226667 0.866769 
    10 way mixedup trans: 40.066667 32.733333 36.520000 3.046718 
    10 way mixedup inrot: 20.466667 15.866667 18.053333 1.665013 
    carpln control all: 71.333333 65.000000 67.866667 2.526306 
    carpln control trans: 91.333333 85.333333 88.866667 2.166410 
    carpln control inrot: 76.333333 67.666667 72.733333 2.961981 
    carpln mixedup all: 53.666667 48.000000 51.400000 1.959592 
    carpln mixedup trans: 86.333333 64.333333 74.866667 7.476184 
    carpln mixedup inrot: 64.666667 53.000000 58.000000 3.983298 
    fav control all: 53.777778 46.666667 50.444444 2.330686 
    fav control trans: 79.111111 65.333333 73.333333 4.464400 
    fav control inrot: 44.666667 38.666667 42.844444 2.128699 
    fav mixedup all: 40.888889 32.888889 37.688889 3.249615 
    fav mixedup trans: 50.666667 44.000000 47.377778 2.201683 
    fav mixedup inrot: 42.888889 35.333333 38.977778 2.889231 
    a,b,c = depends_on
    protocols.extract_and_evaluate_protocol(a,b,c,convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')  
Exemple #28
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_mod4_with_multiplication_no_sum(depends_on=('../config/various_vs_polygon_task7.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False) 
def ext_eval_ht_l2_gabor_random_o2_renderman(depends_on=('../config/renderman_tasks_for_ht_overlap.py',
    46.87, 29.40, 40.39, 42.60, 3.15
    level 1, filter, norients
    value: [4, 6, 8]
    max: 45.20, 46.73, 46.87
    mean: 39.75, 40.35, 41.06
    quartiles 40.07, 40.60, 41.43
    level 1, filter, ker_shape
    value: [5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 17]
    max: 44.67, 46.73, 46.87, 45.47, 45.93, 42.53
    mean: 40.93, 41.11, 41.87, 40.90, 40.20, 37.30
    quartiles 41.80, 41.63, 42.23, 41.47, 40.40, 37.77
    level 2, filter, ker_shape
    value: [3, 5]
    max: 45.13, 46.87
    mean: 39.54, 41.23
    quartiles 39.87, 41.57
    level 2, filter, num_filters
    value: [128, 256, 384]
    max: 42.67, 46.87, 46.73
    mean: 37.40, 40.99, 42.77
    quartiles 37.37, 41.33, 43.03
                                            convolve_func_name='numpy', write=True, parallel='semi')
Exemple #30
def extract_and_evaluate_medium_gabor_then_multiplication_sq_vs_polygons(depends_on=('../config/sq_vs_polygon_task.py',
                                            convolve_func_name='cufft', write=True,parallel=False)