Exemple #1
 def get_intrinsic_path(modules, attr):
     """ Get function path and intrinsic from an ast.Attribute.  """
     if isinstance(attr, ast.Name):
         return modules[demangle(attr.id)], (demangle(attr.id),)
     elif isinstance(attr, ast.Attribute):
         module, path = get_intrinsic_path(modules, attr.value)
         return module[attr.attr], path + (attr.attr,)
Exemple #2
 def get_intrinsic_path(modules, attr):
     """ Get function path and intrinsic from an ast.Attribute.  """
     if isinstance(attr, ast.Name):
         return modules[demangle(attr.id)], (demangle(attr.id), )
     elif isinstance(attr, ast.Attribute):
         module, path = get_intrinsic_path(modules, attr.value)
         return module[attr.attr], path + (attr.attr, )
Exemple #3
 def access_path(node):
     if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
         return MODULES.get(demangle(node.id), node.id)
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
         return Aliases.access_path(node.value)[demangle(node.attr)]
     elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
         return node.name
         return node
Exemple #4
 def rec(w, n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return w.get(demangle(n.id), n.id)
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(w, n.value)[demangle(n.attr)]
     elif isinstance(n, ast.FunctionDef):
         return node.name
         return node
Exemple #5
 def rec(w, n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return w.get(demangle(n.id), n.id)
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(w, n.value)[demangle(n.attr)]
     elif isinstance(n, ast.FunctionDef):
         return node.name
         return node
Exemple #6
 def access_path(node):
     if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
         return MODULES.get(demangle(node.id), node.id)
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
         return Aliases.access_path(node.value)[demangle(node.attr)]
     elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
         return node.name
         return node
Exemple #7
 def access_path(node):
     if isinstance(node, ast.Name):
         return MODULES.get(demangle(node.id), node.id)
     elif isinstance(node, ast.Attribute):
         attr_key = demangle(node.attr)
         value_dict = Aliases.access_path(node.value)
         if attr_key not in value_dict:
             raise PythranSyntaxError(
                 "Unsupported attribute '{}' for this object".format(
                     attr_key), node.value)
         return value_dict[attr_key]
     elif isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef):
         return node.name
         return node
    def visit_Attribute(self, node):
        node = self.generic_visit(node)
        # method name -> not a getattr
        if node.attr in methods:

            # Make sure parent is'nt a call, it's already handled in visit_Call
            for parent in reversed(self.ancestors.get(node, ())):
                if isinstance(parent, ast.Attribute):
                if isinstance(parent, ast.Call):
                    return node

            # we have a bound method which is not a call
            obj = self.baseobj(node)
            if obj is not None:
                self.update = True
                mod = methods[node.attr][0]
                func = self.attr_to_func(node)
                z = ast.Call(
                        ast.Name(mangle('functools'), ast.Load(), None, None),
                        "partial", ast.Load()), [func, obj], [])
                return z
                return node
        # imported module -> not a getattr
        elif (isinstance(node.value, ast.Name)
              and node.value.id in self.imports):
            module_id = self.imports[node.value.id]
            if node.attr not in MODULES[self.renamer(module_id, MODULES)[1]]:
                msg = ("`" + node.attr + "' is not a member of " +
                       demangle(module_id) + " or Pythran does not support it")
                raise PythranSyntaxError(msg, node)
            node.value.id = module_id  # patch module aliasing
            self.update = True
            return node
        # not listed as attributed -> not a getattr
        elif node.attr not in attributes:
            return node
        # A getattr !
            self.update = True
            call = ast.Call(
                ast.Attribute(ast.Name('builtins', ast.Load(), None, None),
                              'getattr', ast.Load()),
                [node.value, ast.Constant(node.attr, None)], [])
            if isinstance(node.ctx, ast.Store):
                # the only situation where this arises is for real/imag of
                # a ndarray. As a call is not valid for a store, add a slice
                # to ends up with a valid lhs
                assert node.attr in ('real', 'imag'), "only store to imag/real"
                return ast.Subscript(call, ast.Slice(None, None, None),
                return call
    def renamer(v, cur_module):
        Rename function path to fit Pythonic naming.
        mname = demangle(v)

        name = v + '_'
        if name in cur_module:
            return name, mname
            return v, mname
    def renamer(v, cur_module):
        Rename function path to fit Pythonic naming.
        mname = demangle(v)

        name = v + '_'
        if name in cur_module:
            return name, mname
            return v, mname
Exemple #11
 def rec(n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return demangle(n.id),
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(n.value) + (n.attr, )
 def renamer(v, cur_module):
     Rename function path to fit Pythonic naming.
     mname = demangle(v)
     return v, mname
 def rec(n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return demangle(n.id),
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(n.value) + (n.attr,)
Exemple #14
 def rec(w, n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return w[demangle(n.id)]
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(w, n.value)[n.attr]
Exemple #15
 def rec(w, n):
     if isinstance(n, ast.Name):
         return w[demangle(n.id)]
     elif isinstance(n, ast.Attribute):
         return rec(w, n.value)[n.attr]