Exemple #1
def bollinger_bands(dataframe, period=21, stdv=2, field='close', colum_prefix="bb") -> DataFrame:
    from pyti.bollinger_bands import lower_bollinger_band, middle_bollinger_band, upper_bollinger_band
    dataframe["{}_lower".format(colum_prefix)] = lower_bollinger_band(dataframe[field], period, stdv)
    dataframe["{}_middle".format(colum_prefix)] = middle_bollinger_band(dataframe[field], period, stdv)
    dataframe["{}_upper".format(colum_prefix)] = upper_bollinger_band(dataframe[field], period, stdv)

    return dataframe
 def get_analysis(self, data, bollinger_function):
     if bollinger_function == 'upper':
         return bollinger_bands.upper_bollinger_band(
             data, self.params['period'])
     if bollinger_function == 'middle':
         return bollinger_bands.middle_bollinger_band(
             data, self.params['period'])
     if bollinger_function == 'lower':
         return bollinger_bands.lower_bollinger_band(
             data, self.params['period'])
     if bollinger_function == 'bandwidth':
         return bollinger_bands.bandwidth(data, self.params['period'])
     if bollinger_function == 'range':
         return bollinger_bands.bb_range(data, self.params['period'])
     if bollinger_function == 'percent_bandwidth':
         return bollinger_bands.percent_bandwidth(data,
     if bollinger_function == 'percent_b':
         return bollinger_bands.percent_b(data, self.params['period'])
def Update():
	print(str(dt.datetime.now()) + "	 " + timeframe + " Bar Closed - Running Update Function...")

	# Calculate Indicators
	iBBUpper = bb.upper_bollinger_band(pricedata['bidclose'], bb_periods, bb_standard_deviations)
	iBBMiddle = bb.middle_bollinger_band(pricedata['bidclose'], bb_periods, bb_standard_deviations)
	iBBLower = bb.lower_bollinger_band(pricedata['bidclose'], bb_periods, bb_standard_deviations)
	iADX = adx(pricedata['bidclose'], pricedata['bidhigh'], pricedata['bidlow'], adx_periods)
	# Declare simplified variable names for most recent close candle
	close_price = pricedata['bidclose'][len(pricedata)-1]
	BBUpper = iBBUpper[len(iBBUpper)-1]
	BBMiddle = iBBMiddle[len(iBBMiddle)-1]
	BBLower = iBBLower[len(iBBLower)-1]
	ADX = iADX[len(iADX)-1]
	# Print Price/Indicators
	print("Close Price: " + str(close_price))
	print("Upper BB: " + str(BBUpper))
	print("Middle BB: " + str(BBMiddle))
	print("Lower BB: " + str(BBLower))
	print("ADX: " + str(ADX))
	# Change Any Existing Trades' Limits to Middle Bollinger Band
	if countOpenTrades()>0:
		openpositions = con.get_open_positions(kind='list')
		for position in openpositions:
			if position['currency'] == symbol:
				print("Changing Limit for tradeID: " + position['tradeId'])
					editlimit = con.change_trade_stop_limit(trade_id=position['tradeId'], is_stop=False, rate=BBMiddle, is_in_pips=False)
					print("	  Error Changing Limit.")
					print("	  Limit Changed Successfully.")
	# Entry Logic
	if ADX < adx_trade_below:
		if countOpenTrades("B") == 0 and close_price < BBLower:
			print("	  BUY SIGNAL!")
			print("	  Opening Buy Trade...")
			stop = pricedata['askclose'][len(pricedata)-1] - (BBMiddle - pricedata['askclose'][len(pricedata)-1])
			limit = BBMiddle
			enter("B", stop, limit)

		if countOpenTrades("S") == 0 and close_price > BBUpper:
			print("	  SELL SIGNAL!")
			print("	  Opening Sell Trade...")
			stop = pricedata['bidclose'][len(pricedata)-1] + (pricedata['bidclose'][len(pricedata)-1] - BBMiddle)
			limit = BBMiddle
			enter("S", stop, limit)

	# Exit Logic
	if countOpenTrades("B") > 0 and close_price > BBMiddle:
		print("	  Closing Buy Trade(s)...")
	if countOpenTrades("S") > 0 and close_price < BBMiddle:
		print("	  Closing Sell Trade(s)...")

	print(str(dt.datetime.now()) + "	 " + timeframe + " Update Function Completed.\n")
Exemple #4
 def test_middle_bollinger_bands_invalid_period(self):
     period = 128
     with self.assertRaises(Exception) as cm:
         bollinger_bands.middle_bollinger_band(self.data, period)
     expected = "Error: data_len < period"
     self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), expected)
Exemple #5
 def test_middle_bollinger_bands_period_6(self):
     period = 6
     middle_bb = bollinger_bands.middle_bollinger_band(self.data, period)
Exemple #6
def calc_feature(data, feature, args):

    #helper function for creating logs
    def replace_zero_with_min(series):
        return series.replace(0, series.loc[series > 0].min())

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    from pyti import bollinger_bands as bbands

    if feature == "SMA":
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise ValueError("SMA requires 2 args; period and column name")

        return data[args[1]].rolling(int(args[0])).mean()

    elif feature == "BBANDS":
        if len(args) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                "BBANDS requires 4 args; period, std dev, data_type (1=upper, 2=lower, 3=middle, 4=range) and column name"
        if (int(args[2]) == 1):
            return bbands.upper_bollinger_band(data[args[3]], int(args[0]),
        elif (int(args[2]) == 2):
            return bbands.lower_bollinger_band(data[args[3]], int(args[0]),
        elif (int(args[2]) == 3):
            return bbands.middle_bollinger_band(data[args[3]], int(args[0]),
        elif (int(args[2]) == 4):
            return bbands.bb_range(data[args[3]], int(args[0]), float(args[1]))
            raise ValueError(
                "BBANDS data_type must be one of (1=upper, 2=lower, 3=middle, 4=range)"

    elif feature == "ATR":
        if len(args) != 4:
            raise ValueError(
                "ATR requires 4 args; period and close column, high column, low column"

        range_table = pd.DataFrame()
        range_table["A"] = data[args[2]] - data[args[3]]
        range_table["B"] = abs(data[args[2]] - data[args[1]].shift(1))
        range_table["C"] = abs(data[args[3]] - data[args[1]].shift(1))
        range_table["max"] = range_table[['A', 'B', 'C']].max(axis=1)

        return range_table["max"].rolling(int(args[0])).mean()

    elif feature == "VOLATILITY_LOG_MA":
        #calculates relative volatility of 12 periods compared to 200 the
        #smooths with a moving average
        if len(args) != 3:
            raise ValueError(
                "ATR requires 3 args; period, high column name, low column name"
        data["volatility_12"] = (data[args[1]] -
        data["volatility_200"] = (data[args[1]] -
        data["volatility"] = data["volatility_12"] / data["volatility_200"]
        data["volatility_log"] = np.log(
        return data["volatility_log"].rolling(int(args[0])).mean()

    elif feature == "VOLUME_LOG_MA":
        if len(args) != 2:
            raise ValueError(
                "VOLUME_LOG_MA requires 2 args; period, column name")
        data["volume_log"] = np.log(replace_zero_with_min(
            data[args[1]])) / np.log(
        return data["volume_log"].rolling(int(args[0])).mean()