Exemple #1
    def get_counts(self, circuit, shots, fit_to_constraints=True):
        Run the circuit on the backend and accumulate the results into a summary of counts

        :param circuit: The circuit to run
        :param shots: Number of shots (repeats) to run
        :param fit_to_constraints: Compile the circuit to meet the constraints of the backend, defaults to True
        :param seed: Random seed to for simulator
        :return: Dictionary mapping bitvectors of results to number of times that result was observed (zero counts are omitted)
        if fit_to_constraints:
            qc = _routed_ibmq_circuit(circuit, self.architecture)
            dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(circuit)
            qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)
        valid, measures = _qiskit_circ_valid(qc, self.coupling)
        if not valid:
            raise RuntimeWarning(
                "QuantumCircuit does not pass validity test, will likely fail on remote backend."
        if not measures:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Measure gates are required for output.")
        qobj = assemble(qc, shots=shots)
        job = self._backend.run(qobj)
        counts = job.result().get_counts(qc)
        return {tuple(_convert_bin_str(b)): c for b, c in counts.items()}
Exemple #2
    def run(self,
            circuit: Circuit,
            shots: int,
            fit_to_constraints: bool = True) -> np.ndarray:
        if fit_to_constraints:
            qc = _routed_ibmq_circuit(circuit, self.architecture)
            dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(circuit)
            qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)
        valid, measures = _qiskit_circ_valid(qc, self.coupling)
        if not valid:
            raise RuntimeWarning(
                "QuantumCircuit does not pass validity test, will likely fail on remote backend."
        if not measures:
            raise RuntimeWarning("Measure gates are required for output.")

        qobj = assemble(qc, shots=shots, memory=self.config.memory)
        job = self._backend.run(qobj)
        if self._monitor:

        shot_list = []
        if self.config.memory:
            shot_list = job.result().get_memory(qc)
            for string, count in job.result().get_counts().items():
                shot_list += [string] * count
        return np.asarray([_convert_bin_str(shot) for shot in shot_list])
Exemple #3
 def run(self,
         circuit: Circuit,
         shots: int,
         seed: int = None) -> np.ndarray:
     """Run a circuit on Qiskit Aer Qasm simulator.
     :param circuit: The circuit to run
     :type circuit: Circuit
     :param shots: Number of shots (repeats) to run
     :type shots: int
     :param fit_to_constraints: Compile the circuit to meet the constraints of the backend, defaults to True
     :type fit_to_constraints: bool, optional
     :param seed: random seed to for simulator
     :type seed: int
     :return: Table of shot results, each row is a shot, columns are ordered by qubit ordering. Values are 0 or 1, corresponding to qubit basis states.
     :rtype: numpy.ndarray
     c = circuit.copy()
     if fit_to_constraints:
     dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(c)
     qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)
     qobj = assemble(qc, shots=shots, seed_simulator=seed, memory=True)
     job = self._backend.run(qobj, noise_model=self.noise_model)
     shot_list = job.result().get_memory(qc)
     return np.asarray([_convert_bin_str(shot) for shot in shot_list])
Exemple #4
def routed_ibmq_circuit(circuit: Circuit, arc: Architecture) -> QuantumCircuit:
    physical_c = route(circuit, arc)

    dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(physical_c)
    qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)

    return qc
Exemple #5
    def get_state(self, circuit, fit_to_constraints=True) :
        Calculate the statevector for a circuit.

        :param circuit: circuit to calculate
        :return: complex numpy array of statevector
        c = circuit.copy()
        if fit_to_constraints :
        dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(c)
        qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)
        qobj = assemble(qc)
        job = self._backend.run(qobj)
        return np.asarray(job.result().get_statevector(qc, decimals=16))
Exemple #6
    def run(self, dag:DAGCircuit) -> DAGCircuit:
           Run one pass of optimisation on the circuit and route for the given backend.

        :param dag: The circuit to optimise and route

        :return: The modified circuit

        circ = dagcircuit_to_tk(dag, _DROP_CONDS=self.DROP_CONDS,_BOX_UNKNOWN=self.BOX_UNKNOWN)
        circ, circlay = self.process_circ(circ)
        newdag = tk_to_dagcircuit(circ)
        newdag.name = dag.name 
        finlay = dict()
        for i, qi in enumerate(circlay):
            finlay[('q', i)] = ('q', qi)
        newdag.final_layout = finlay
        return newdag
Exemple #7
    def get_counts(self, circuit, shots, fit_to_constraints=True, seed=None) :
        Run the circuit on the backend and accumulate the results into a summary of counts

        :param circuit: The circuit to run
        :param shots: Number of shots (repeats) to run
        :param fit_to_constraints: Compile the circuit to meet the constraints of the backend, defaults to True
        :param seed: Random seed to for simulator
        :return: Dictionary mapping bitvectors of results to number of times that result was observed (zero counts are omitted)
        c = circuit.copy()
        if fit_to_constraints :
        dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(c)
        qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)
        qobj = assemble(qc, shots=shots, seed_simulator=seed)
        job = self._backend.run(qobj, noise_model=self.noise_model)
        counts = job.result().get_counts(qc)
        return {tuple(_convert_bin_str(b)) : c for b, c in counts.items()}
    n_qubits = int(math.log(dim, 2))
    converter.n_qubits = n_qubits
    n_cnots = (n_layers // 2) * (n_qubits // 2) + ((n_qubits - 1) // 2) * (
        (n_layers + 1) // 2)
    r = RewriteTket(Circuit(n_qubits), [], [])
    skips = []
    circuit, distance = approximate_scipy(unitary, n_layers, r, [])
    for k in range(10):
        new_skip = random.choice([i for i in range(n_cnots) if i not in skips])
        print("maybe I will skip", new_skip)
        new_circ, new_d = approximate_scipy(unitary, n_layers, r,
                                            skips + [new_skip])
        if new_d <= distance:  # or random.random() < (1 - new_d + distance) / (5 * k + 1):
            print("skipping", new_skip)
            circuit, distance, skips = new_circ, new_d, skips + [new_skip]
            print("not skipping", new_skip)
        print(circuit.n_gates, circuit.n_gates_of_type(OpType.CX))
        if distance < 0.01:
            print("returning early", distance)
            return circuit, r.fidelity(circuit)
    return circuit, r.fidelity(circuit)

circuit, fid = approximate_scipy(unitary, n_layers, r)
print("final fidelity", fid)
print(circuit.n_gates, circuit.n_gates_of_type(OpType.CX))
alpha_electrons = 1
beta_electrons = 1

#qubit_generator = uccd_general_evolution(packed_amplitudes, alpha_electrons, beta_electrons, n_qubits)

circ = Circuit(n_qubits)

hf_wavefunction(circ, n_electrons, multiplicity)

print (qubit_generator)

for pauli, coeff in qubit_generator.terms.items():
    pauli_evolution(pauli, coeff, circ)

print("Pre-Opt Qasm Circuit")        
dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(circ)

qc = dag_to_circuit(dag)


print("Post-Opt Qasm Circuit")        
dag = tk_to_dagcircuit(circ)
