def test(): with torch.no_grad(): for i in trange(len(perspectives)): R, T = perspectives[i] cameras = OpenGLPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T) if isinstance(bsdf, ComposeSpatialVarying): got, _ = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=BasisBRDF(bsdf), cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, background=0, ) f, axes = plt.subplots(r, c) f.set_figheight(10) f.set_figwidth(10) got = got.unsqueeze(-1).expand(got.shape + (3, )) for k, img in enumerate(got.split(1, dim=-2)): img = img.squeeze(-2).cpu().numpy() axes[unroll(k, c)].imshow(img) axes[unroll(k, c)].axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.savefig(f"outputs/weights_{i:04}.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.close(f) #normals, _ = pt.pathtrace( # shape, # size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=Debug(), # cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, # background=0, #) #save_image(f"outputs/normals_{i:04}.png", normals) #illum, _ = pt.pathtrace( # shape, # size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=Illumination(), # cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, #) #save_image(f"outputs/illum_{i:04}.png", illum) if (integrator is not None) and False: got, _ = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, background=0, ) save_image(f"outputs/got_{i:04}.png", got)
def test(): with torch.no_grad(): for i, (c2w, lp) in enumerate(zip(tqdm(cam_to_worlds), light_locs)): exp = exp_imgs[i].clamp(min=0, max=1) cameras = NeRFCamera(cam_to_world=c2w.unsqueeze(0), focal=focal, device=device) lights = PointLights(intensity=[1,1,1], location=lp[None,...], scale=100, device=device) if isinstance(bsdf, ComposeSpatialVarying): got = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=BasisBRDF(bsdf), cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, )[0].clamp(min=0, max=1) f, axes = plt.subplots(r, c) f.set_figheight(10) f.set_figwidth(10) got = got.unsqueeze(-1).expand(got.shape + (3,)) wm_0 = None wm_1 = None for k, img in enumerate(got.split(1, dim=-2)): img = img.squeeze(-2).cpu().numpy() axes[unroll(k, c)].imshow(img) axes[unroll(k, c)].axis('off') if k == 0: wm_0 = img if k == 1: wm_1 = img plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.savefig(f"outputs/nerv_weights_{i:04}.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.close(f) # render first two and normalize for easy figure f, axes = plt.subplots(2) f.set_figheight(10) f.set_figwidth(10) total = wm_0 + wm_1 wm_0 = wm_0/total wm_1 = wm_1/total axes[0].imshow(wm_0) axes[0].axis('off') axes[1].imshow(wm_1) axes[1].axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.savefig(f"outputs/nerv_wm01_{i:04}.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.close(f) normals = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=Debug(), cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, )[0] save_image(f"outputs/nerv_normals_{i:04}.png", normals) if (integrator is not None) and False: got = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, )[0].clamp(min=0, max=1) save_image(f"outputs/got_{i:04}.png", got)
def sphere_examples(bsdf, device="cuda", size=256, chunk_size=128, scale=100): from pytorch3d.pathtracer.shapes import Sphere from pytorch3d.pathtracer.bsdf import Diffuse from pytorch3d.pathtracer import pathtrace from pytorch3d.renderer import ( look_at_view_transform, OpenGLPerspectiveCameras, PointLights, ) import pytorch3d.pathtracer.integrators as integrators sphere = Sphere([0, 0, 0], 1, device=device) R, T = look_at_view_transform(dist=2., elev=0, azim=0) cameras = OpenGLPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T) lights = PointLights(device=device, location=[[0., 1., 4.]], scale=scale) out = [] for basis in bsdf.bsdfs: expected = pathtrace( sphere, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, chunk_size=chunk_size, size=size, bsdf=basis, integrator=integrators.Direct(), device=device, silent=True, )[0] out.append(expected) return out
def sphere_render_bsdf(bsdf, integrator=None, device="cuda", size=256, chunk_size=128, scale=100): from pytorch3d.pathtracer.shapes import Sphere from pytorch3d.pathtracer.bsdf import Diffuse from pytorch3d.pathtracer import pathtrace from pytorch3d.renderer import ( look_at_view_transform, OpenGLPerspectiveCameras, PointLights, ) import pytorch3d.pathtracer.integrators as integrators sphere = Sphere([0, 0, 0], 1, device=device) R, T = look_at_view_transform(dist=2., elev=0, azim=0) cameras = OpenGLPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T) lights = PointLights(device=device, location=[[0., 1., 4.]], scale=scale) if integrator is None: integrator = integrators.Direct() return pathtrace( sphere, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, chunk_size=chunk_size, size=size, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, device=device, silent=True, )[0]
def run_tests( num_samples=32, ): l1_losses = [] l2_losses = [] psnr_losses = [] gots = [] num=100 with torch.no_grad(): for i, (c2w, lp) in enumerate(zip(tqdm(cam_to_worlds[:num]), light_locs)): exp = exp_imgs[i].clamp(min=0, max=1) cameras = NeRFCamera(cam_to_world=c2w.unsqueeze(0), focal=focal, device=device) lights = PointLights(intensity=[1,1,1], location=lp[None,...], scale=300, device=device) got = None for _ in range(num_samples): sample = pt.pathtrace( density_field, size=SIZE, chunk_size=min(SIZE, 100), bundle_size=1, bsdf=learned_bsdf, integrator=integrator, # 0 is for comparison, 1 is for display background=0, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, w_isect=True, )[0] if got is None: got = sample else: got += sample got /= num_samples got = got.clamp(min=0, max=1) save_plot( exp ** (1/2.2), got ** (1/2.2), f"outputs/path_nerv_armadillo_{i:03}.png", ) l1_losses.append(F.l1_loss(exp,got).item()) mse = F.mse_loss(exp,got) l2_losses.append(mse.item()) psnr = mse2psnr(mse).item() psnr_losses.append(psnr) gots.append(got) print("Avg l1 loss", np.mean(l1_losses)) print("Avg l2 loss", np.mean(l2_losses)) print("Avg PSNR loss", np.mean(psnr_losses)) with torch.no_grad(): gots = torch.stack(gots, dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) exps = torch.stack(exp_imgs[:num], dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) # takes a lot of memory torch.cuda.empty_cache() ssim_loss = ms_ssim(gots, exps, data_range=1, size_average=True).item() print("MS-SSIM loss", ssim_loss) ssim_loss = ssim(gots, exps, data_range=1, size_average=True).item() print("SSIM loss", ssim_loss) return
def test(): with torch.no_grad(): for i, (pose, intrinsic) in enumerate(zip(tqdm(poses), intrinsics)): cameras = DTUCamera(pose=pose[None, ...], intrinsic=intrinsic[None, ...], device=device) if isinstance(bsdf, ComposeSpatialVarying): got, _ = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=BasisBRDF(bsdf), cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, ) f, axes = plt.subplots(r, c) f.set_figheight(10) f.set_figwidth(10) got = got.unsqueeze(-1).expand(got.shape + (3, )) for k, img in enumerate(got.split(1, dim=-2)): img = img.squeeze(-2).cpu().numpy() axes[unroll(k, c)].imshow(img) axes[unroll(k, c)].axis('off') plt.subplots_adjust(wspace=0, hspace=0) plt.savefig(f"outputs/weights_{i:04}.png", bbox_inches="tight") plt.clf() plt.close(f) normals, _ = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=Debug(), cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, background=1, ) save_image(f"outputs/normals_{i:04}.png", normals) if (integrator is not None): got = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=SIZE, chunk_size=SIZE, bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, background=1, )[0].clamp(min=0, max=1) save_image(f"outputs/got_{i:04}.png", got)
opt.step() loss = loss.detach().item() losses.append(loss) update(loss, i) #if ((i % ckpt_freq) == 0) and (i != 0): save_fn(i) if (i % valid_freq) == 0: with torch.no_grad(): R = R[0].unsqueeze(0) T = T[0].unsqueeze(0) cameras = OpenGLPerspectiveCameras(device=device, R=R, T=T) light_update(cameras, lights) validate, _ = pt.pathtrace( shape, size=size, chunk_size=min(size, max_valid_size), bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, ) save_image(valid_name_fn(i), validate) return losses losses = train_sample( nerfle, integrator=integrator, lights=lights, Rs=Rs, Ts=Ts, exp_imgs=exp_imgs, opt=opt, size=SIZE, crop_size=16, save_freq=20000,
def train_gan( nerf, nerf_optim, disc, disc_optim, dataloader, batch_size=3, iters=80, device="cuda", valid_freq=250, ): integrator = NeRFReproduce() with trange(iters * len(dataloader)) as t: for j in range(iters): for i, (data, _tgt) in enumerate(dataloader): if data.shape[0] != batch_size: t.update() continue data = # train discriminator # real data: disc.zero_grad() pred = disc(data) label = torch.ones(batch_size, device=device) real_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, label) real_loss.backward() real_loss = real_loss.item() # fake data: nerf.assign_latent( torch.randn(batch_size, latent_size, device=device)) v = random.sample(range(Rs.shape[0]), batch_size) R, T = Rs[v], Ts[v] cameras = OpenGLPerspectiveCameras(R=R, T=T, device=device) fake = pt.pathtrace(nerf, size=64, chunk_size=8, bundle_size=1, integrator=integrator, cameras=cameras, background=1, bsdf=None, lights=None, silent=True, with_noise=False, device=device)[0].permute(0, 3, 1, 2) pred = disc(fake.detach().clone()) label = torch.zeros(batch_size, device=device) fake_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(pred, label) fake_loss.backward() fake_loss = fake_loss.item() disc_optim.step() # train generator/nerf nerf.zero_grad() pred = disc(fake) gen_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits( pred, torch.ones_like(label)) gen_loss = gen_loss gen_loss.backward() gen_loss = gen_loss.item() nerf_optim.step() t.set_postfix(Dreal=f"{real_loss:.05}", Dfake=f"{fake_loss:.05}", G=f"{gen_loss:.05}") t.update() ij = i + j * len(dataloader) if ij % valid_freq == 0: save_image(f"outputs/gan_valid_{ij:05}.png", fake[0].permute(1, 2, 0)) #save_image(f"outputs/ref_{ij:05}.png", data[0].permute(1,2,0)) ... ... ... ...
def test_nerv_ptl( density_field, bsdf, integrator, light_locs, cam_to_worlds, focal, light_weights, exp_imgs, size, name_fn=lambda i: f"outputs/test_{i:03}.png", w_isect=True, ): device = exp_imgs[0].device l1_losses = [] l2_losses = [] psnr_losses = [] gots = [] with torch.no_grad(): for i, (c2w, lp) in enumerate(zip(tqdm(cam_to_worlds), light_locs)): exp = exp_imgs[i].clamp(min=0, max=1) cameras = NeRFCamera(cam_to_world=c2w.unsqueeze(0), focal=focal, device=device) got = None for j, lw in enumerate(light_weights[i]): scale = 100 if j == 0 else o_i lights = PointLights(intensity=lw[:3], location=lp[j].unsqueeze(0), scale=scale, device=device) sample = pt.pathtrace( density_field, size=size, chunk_size=min(size, 100), bundle_size=1, bsdf=bsdf, integrator=integrator, # 0 is for comparison, 1 is for display background=0, cameras=cameras, lights=lights, device=device, silent=True, w_isect=w_isect, )[0].clamp(min=0, max=1) if got is None: got = sample else: got = got + sample got = got.clip(min=0, max=1) save_plot(exp**(1 / 2.2), got**(1 / 2.2), name_fn(i)) l1_losses.append(F.l1_loss(exp, got).item()) mse = F.mse_loss(exp, got) l2_losses.append(mse.item()) psnr = mse2psnr(mse).item() psnr_losses.append(psnr) gots.append(got) print("Avg l1 loss", np.mean(l1_losses)) print("Avg l2 loss", np.mean(l2_losses)) print("Avg PSNR loss", np.mean(psnr_losses)) with torch.no_grad(): # takes a lot of memory gots = torch.stack(gots, dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) tm_gots = gots / (1 + gots) exps = torch.stack(exp_imgs, dim=0).permute(0, 3, 1, 2) tm_exps = exps / (1 + exps) torch.cuda.empty_cache() ssim_loss = ms_ssim(tm_gots, tm_exps, data_range=1, size_average=True).item() print("MS-SSIM loss", ssim_loss) ssim_loss = ssim(tm_gots, tm_exps, data_range=1, size_average=True).item() print("SSIM loss", ssim_loss) return