def test_version(tmpdir):
    """Verify versions of loggers are concatenated properly."""
    logger1 = CSVLogger(tmpdir, version=0)
    logger2 = CSVLogger(tmpdir, version=2)
    logger3 = CSVLogger(tmpdir, version=1)
    logger4 = CSVLogger(tmpdir, version=0)
    loggers = [logger1, logger2, logger3, logger4]
    version = _version([])
    assert version == ""
    version = _version([logger3])
    assert version == 1
    version = _version(loggers)
    assert version == "0_2_1"
    version = _version(loggers, "-")
    assert version == "0-2-1"
Exemple #2
    def __resolve_ckpt_dir(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> None:
        """Determines model checkpoint save directory at runtime. Reference attributes from the trainer's logger to
        determine where to save checkpoints. The path for saving weights is set in this priority:

        1.  The ``ModelCheckpoint``'s ``dirpath`` if passed in
        2.  The ``Trainer``'s ``weights_saved_path`` if passed in (deprecated)
        3.  The ``Logger``'s ``log_dir`` if the trainer has loggers
        4.  The ``Trainer``'s ``default_root_dir`` if the trainer has no loggers

        The path gets extended with subdirectory "checkpoints".
        if self.dirpath is not None:
            # short circuit if dirpath was passed to ModelCheckpoint

        # TODO: Remove weights_save_path logic here in v1.8
        if trainer._weights_save_path_internal != trainer.default_root_dir:
            # the user has changed weights_save_path
            ckpt_path = os.path.join(trainer._weights_save_path_internal,
        elif trainer.loggers:
            if len(trainer.loggers) == 1:
                assert trainer.logger is not None
                save_dir = trainer.logger.save_dir or trainer.default_root_dir
                save_dir = trainer.default_root_dir

            name = _name(trainer.loggers)
            version = _version(trainer.loggers)
            version = version if isinstance(version,
                                            str) else f"version_{version}"

            ckpt_path = os.path.join(save_dir, str(name), version,
            # if no loggers, use default_root_dir
            ckpt_path = os.path.join(trainer.default_root_dir, "checkpoints")

        ckpt_path = trainer.strategy.broadcast(ckpt_path)

        self.dirpath = ckpt_path
Exemple #3
    def __resolve_ckpt_dir(self, trainer: "pl.Trainer") -> None:
        """Determines model checkpoint save directory at runtime. References attributes from the trainer's logger
        to determine where to save checkpoints. The base path for saving weights is set in this priority:

        1.  Checkpoint callback's path (if passed in)
        2.  The default_root_dir from trainer if trainer has no logger
        3.  The weights_save_path from trainer, if user provides it (deprecated)
        4.  User provided weights_saved_path

        The base path gets extended with logger name and version (if these are available)
        and subfolder "checkpoints".
        if self.dirpath is not None:
            return  # short circuit

        # TODO: Remove weights_save_path logic here in v1.8
        if trainer.loggers:
            if trainer._weights_save_path_internal != trainer.default_root_dir:
                # the user has changed weights_save_path, it overrides anything
                save_dir = trainer._weights_save_path_internal
            elif len(trainer.loggers) == 1:
                save_dir = trainer.logger.save_dir or trainer.default_root_dir
                save_dir = trainer.default_root_dir

            name = _name(trainer.loggers)
            version = _version(trainer.loggers)
            version = version if isinstance(version,
                                            str) else f"version_{version}"

            ckpt_path = os.path.join(save_dir, str(name), version,
            ckpt_path = os.path.join(trainer._weights_save_path_internal,

        ckpt_path = trainer.strategy.broadcast(ckpt_path)

        self.dirpath = ckpt_path
Exemple #4
def get_standard_metrics(
        trainer: "pl.Trainer",
        pl_module: "pl.LightningModule") -> Dict[str, Union[int, str]]:
    Returns several standard metrics displayed in the progress bar, including the average loss value,
    split index of BPTT (if used) and the version of the experiment when using a logger.

    .. code-block::

        Epoch 1:   4%|▎         | 40/1095 [00:03<01:37, 10.84it/s, loss=4.501, v_num=10]

        Dictionary with the standard metrics to be displayed in the progress bar.
    # call .item() only once but store elements without graphs
    running_train_loss = trainer.fit_loop.running_loss.mean()
    avg_training_loss = None
    if running_train_loss is not None:
        avg_training_loss = running_train_loss.cpu().item()
    elif pl_module.automatic_optimization:
        avg_training_loss = float("NaN")

    items_dict: Dict[str, Union[int, str]] = {}
    if avg_training_loss is not None:
        items_dict["loss"] = f"{avg_training_loss:.3g}"

    if pl_module.truncated_bptt_steps > 0:
        items_dict["split_idx"] = trainer.fit_loop.split_idx

    if trainer.loggers:
        version = _version(trainer.loggers)
        if version is not None:
            if isinstance(version, str):
                # show last 4 places of long version strings
                version = version[-4:]
            items_dict["v_num"] = version

    return items_dict