def ssim_loss(X, Y): # # X: (N,3,H,W) a batch of non-negative RGB images (0~255) # # Y: (N,3,H,W) # # # calculate ssim & ms-ssim for each image # ssim_val = ssim(X, Y, data_range=255, size_average=False) # return (N,) # ms_ssim_val = ms_ssim(X, Y, data_range=255, size_average=False) # (N,) # # # set 'size_average=True' to get a scalar value as loss. # ssim_loss = 1 - ssim(X, Y, data_range=255, size_average=True) # return a scalar # ms_ssim_loss = 1 - ms_ssim(X, Y, data_range=255, size_average=True) # reuse the gaussian kernel with SSIM & MS_SSIM. ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=1, nonnegative_ssim=False) ms_ssim_module = MS_SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=1, nonnegative_ssim=False) ssim_loss = 1 - ssim_module(X, Y) ms_ssim_loss = 1 - ms_ssim_module(X, Y) return ms_ssim_loss
def __init__(self, device, model, lr=2e-4, rendering_loss_type='l1', ssim_loss_weight=0.05): self.device = device self.model = model = lr self.rendering_loss_type = rendering_loss_type self.ssim_loss_weight = ssim_loss_weight self.use_ssim = self.ssim_loss_weight != 0 # If False doesn't save losses in loss history self.register_losses = True # Check if model is multi-gpu self.multi_gpu = isinstance(self.model, nn.DataParallel) # Initialize optimizer self.optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(self.model.parameters(), lr=lr) # Initialize loss functions # For rendered images if self.rendering_loss_type == 'l1': self.loss_func = nn.L1Loss() elif self.rendering_loss_type == 'l2': self.loss_func = nn.MSELoss() # For SSIM if self.use_ssim: self.ssim_loss_func = SSIM(data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=3, nonnegative_ssim=False) # Loss histories self.recorded_losses = ["total", "regression", "ssim"] self.loss_history = {loss_type: [] for loss_type in self.recorded_losses} self.epoch_loss_history = {loss_type: [] for loss_type in self.recorded_losses} self.val_loss_history = {loss_type: [] for loss_type in self.recorded_losses}
def __init__(self): super(Loss, self).__init__() self.l1 = nn.L1Loss() self.criterion_ssim = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=3).cuda()
def __init__(self, to_cuda): self.vgg = VGG19().to(to_cuda).eval() self.criterion = nn.L1Loss(size_average=True) self.criterionMSE = nn.MSELoss() self.ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=1, size_average=True, channel=3, nonnegative_ssim=False) self.weights = [1.0 / 32, 1.0 / 16, 1.0 / 8, 1.0 / 4, 1.0] self.flownet = spynet.Network().to(to_cuda).eval() self.alpha = 50
def __init__(self, opt): self.ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) self.cuda = opt.cuda self.fid_module = get_inception_model().eval() if self.cuda: print("Using CUDA") self.fid_module = self.fid_module.cuda() self.lpips_module = PerceptualLoss(use_gpu=self.cuda) self.fid_features_real = list() self.fid_features_fake = list()
def __init__(self, hparams): super(ProbaModel, self).__init__() self.hparams = hparams self.batch_size = hparams.batch_size self.gen = MSRResNet( + 2, out_nc=1, nf=48, nb=16, upscale=3) self.dis = Discriminator() self.loss_MSE = torch.nn.MSELoss() self.loss_ssim = SSIM(win_size=12, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1., size_average=True, channel=1) path = os.path.join('/local/pajot/data/proba_v', "norm.csv") self.baseline_cpsnrs = pd.read_csv( path, ' ', names=['name', 'score']).set_index('name').to_dict()['score']
def main(self): dataset_class = self.datasets[self.args.dataset]( root=self.args.root, add_labeled=self.args.add_labeled, advanced_transforms=True, merged=self.args.merged, remove_classes=self.args.remove_classes, oversampling=self.args.oversampling, unlabeled_subset_ratio=self.args.unlabeled_subset, seed=self.args.seed, start_labeled=self.args.start_labeled) _, labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, labeled_indices, unlabeled_indices, test_dataset = \ dataset_class.get_dataset() labeled_loader, unlabeled_loader, val_loader = create_loaders( self.args, labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, test_dataset, labeled_indices, unlabeled_indices, self.kwargs, dataset_class.unlabeled_subset_num) base_dataset = dataset_class.get_base_dataset_autoencoder() base_loader = create_base_loader(base_dataset, self.kwargs, self.args.batch_size) reconstruction_loss_log = [] bce_loss = nn.BCELoss().cuda() l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() ssim_loss = SSIM(size_average=True, data_range=1.0, nonnegative_ssim=True) criterions_reconstruction = { 'bce': bce_loss, 'l1': l1_loss, 'l2': l2_loss, 'ssim': ssim_loss } criterion_cl = get_loss(self.args, dataset_class.labeled_class_samples, reduction='none') model, optimizer, self.args = create_model_optimizer_autoencoder( self.args, dataset_class) best_loss = np.inf metrics_per_cycle = pd.DataFrame([]) metrics_per_epoch = pd.DataFrame([]) num_class_per_cycle = pd.DataFrame([]) best_recall, best_report, last_best_epochs = 0, None, 0 best_model = deepcopy(model) self.args.start_epoch = 0 self.args.weak_supervision_strategy = "random_sampling" current_labeled = dataset_class.start_labeled for epoch in range(self.args.start_epoch, self.args.epochs): cl_train_loss, losses_avg_reconstruction, losses_reconstruction = \ self.train(labeled_loader, model, criterion_cl, optimizer, last_best_epochs, epoch, criterions_reconstruction, base_loader) val_loss, val_report = self.validate(val_loader, model, last_best_epochs, criterion_cl) reconstruction_loss_log.append(losses_avg_reconstruction.tolist()) best_loss = min(best_loss, losses_reconstruction.avg) is_best = val_report['macro avg']['recall'] > best_recall last_best_epochs = 0 if is_best else last_best_epochs + 1 val_report = pd.concat([val_report, cl_train_loss, val_loss], axis=1) metrics_per_epoch = pd.concat([metrics_per_epoch, val_report]) if epoch > self.args.labeled_warmup_epochs and last_best_epochs > self.args.add_labeled_epochs: metrics_per_cycle = pd.concat([metrics_per_cycle, best_report]) labeled_loader, unlabeled_loader, val_loader, labeled_indices, unlabeled_indices = \ perform_sampling(self.args, None, None, epoch, model, labeled_loader, unlabeled_loader, dataset_class, labeled_indices, unlabeled_indices, labeled_dataset, unlabeled_dataset, test_dataset, self.kwargs, current_labeled, model) current_labeled += self.args.add_labeled last_best_epochs = 0 if self.args.reset_model: model, optimizer, self.args = create_model_optimizer_autoencoder( self.args, dataset_class) if self.args.novel_class_detection: num_classes = [ np.sum( np.array(base_dataset.targets)[labeled_indices] == i) for i in range(len(base_dataset.classes)) ] num_class_per_cycle = pd.concat([ num_class_per_cycle, pd.DataFrame.from_dict( { cls: num_classes[i] for i, cls in enumerate(base_dataset.classes) }, orient='index').T ]) criterion_cl = get_loss(self.args, dataset_class.labeled_class_samples, reduction='none') else: best_recall = val_report['macro avg'][ 'recall'] if is_best else best_recall best_report = val_report if is_best else best_report best_model = deepcopy(model) if is_best else best_model if current_labeled > self.args.stop_labeled: break save_checkpoint( self.args, { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'best_prec1': best_recall, }, is_best) if self.args.store_logs: store_logs(self.args, pd.DataFrame(reconstruction_loss_log, columns=['bce', 'l1', 'l2', 'ssim']), log_type='ae_loss') store_logs(self.args, metrics_per_cycle) store_logs(self.args, metrics_per_epoch, log_type='epoch_wise') store_logs(self.args, num_class_per_cycle, log_type='novel_class') self.model = model return model
def __init__(self , max_value = 1.0): super(SSIMLoss, self).__init__() self.max_value = max_value self.ssim_fn = SSIM(data_range=max_value, size_average = False, channel = 3)
def __init__(self, weight): super(DepthLoss, self).__init__() self.weight = weight self.l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() self.SSIM = SSIM() self.gradient_loss = GradientLoss()
def __init__(self, args, ckp): super(Loss, self).__init__() print('Preparing loss function:') self.n_GPUs = args.n_GPUs self.loss = [] self.loss_module = nn.ModuleList() for loss in args.loss.split('+'): weight, loss_type = loss.split('*') if loss_type == 'MSE': # L2 loss loss_function = nn.MSELoss() elif loss_type == 'L1': loss_function = nn.L1Loss() elif loss_type.find('VGG') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.vgg') loss_function = getattr(module, 'VGG')(loss_type[3:], rgb_range=args.rgb_range) elif loss_type.find('TextureL') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.vgg') loss_function = getattr(module, 'VGG')(loss_type[3:], rgb_range=args.rgb_range, texture_loss=True) elif loss_type.find('GAN') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.adversarial') loss_function = getattr(module, 'Adversarial')(args, loss_type) elif loss_type.find('TVLoss') >= 0: module = import_module('loss.tvloss') loss_function = getattr(module, 'TVLoss')() elif loss_type.find('SSIM') >= 0: from pytorch_msssim import SSIM loss_function = SSIM(win_size=7, win_sigma=1, data_range=args.rgb_range, size_average=True, channel=3) elif loss_type.find('MS-SSIM') >= 0: from pytorch_msssim import MS_SSIM loss_function = MS_SSIM(win_sigma=1, data_range=args.rgb_range, size_average=True, channel=3) self.loss.append({ 'type': loss_type, 'weight': float(weight), 'function': loss_function }) if loss_type.find('GAN') >= 0: self.loss.append({ 'type': 'DIS', 'weight': 1, 'function': None }) if len(self.loss) > 1: self.loss.append({'type': 'Total', 'weight': 0, 'function': None}) for l in self.loss: if l['function'] is not None: print('{:.6f} * {}'.format(l['weight'], l['type'])) self.loss_module.append(l['function']) self.log = torch.Tensor() device = torch.device('cpu' if args.cpu else 'cuda') if args.precision == 'half': self.loss_module.half() if not args.cpu and args.n_GPUs > 1: self.loss_module = nn.DataParallel(self.loss_module, range(args.n_GPUs)) if args.load != '': self.load(ckp.dir, cpu=args.cpu)
def ssim_fn_val(sr , hr , max_value = 255): return SSIM(data_range = max_value, size_average= False, channel = 3)(sr,hr)
def __init__(self, primary_loss="mse", weights=[1.0, 1.0], asImages=True): self.main_loss = MSE_LOSS(reduction="mean") if "bce" in primary_loss: self.main_loss = BCE_LOSS(reduction="mean") self.ssim_loss = SSIM(data_range=1.0, nonnegative_ssim=True) self.weights = weights self.asImages = asImages
import csv import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import torch from torch.autograd import Variable from torchvision.utils import save_image import torch.nn.functional as F from pytorch_msssim import ssim, ms_ssim, SSIM, MS_SSIM device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.Tensor ssim_fn_vgg = SSIM(data_range=1.0, size_average=False, channel=512) def write_to_csv_file(filename, content): with open(filename, 'a+') as f: file_writer = csv.writer(f) file_writer.writerow(content) def get_image(input_tensor): return input_tensor.clamp(0, 1).permute(1, 2, 0).cpu().numpy() @torch.no_grad() def test(epoch, generator, dataloader): psnr_val = 0
def __init__(self, **kwargs): super().__init__() self.save_hyperparameters() device = torch.device( "cuda:0" if torch.cuda.is_available() and self.hparams.cuda else "cpu") if self.hparams.modelID == 0: = ResNet(in_channels=self.hparams.in_channels, out_channels=self.hparams.out_channels, res_blocks=self.hparams.model_res_blocks, starting_nfeatures=self.hparams.model_starting_nfeatures, updown_blocks=self.hparams.model_updown_blocks, is_relu_leaky=self.hparams.model_relu_leaky, do_batchnorm=self.hparams.model_do_batchnorm, res_drop_prob=self.hparams.model_drop_prob, is_replicatepad=self.hparams.model_is_replicatepad, out_act=self.hparams.model_out_act, forwardV=self.hparams.model_forwardV, upinterp_algo=self.hparams.model_upinterp_algo, post_interp_convtrans=self.hparams.model_post_interp_convtrans, is3D=self.hparams.is3D) # TODO think of 2D # = nn.Conv3d(in_channels=1, out_channels=1, kernel_size=3, stride=1, padding=1) elif self.hparams.modelID == 2: = DualSpaceResNet(in_channels=self.hparams.in_channels, out_channels=self.hparams.out_channels, res_blocks=self.hparams.model_res_blocks, starting_nfeatures=self.hparams.model_starting_nfeatures, updown_blocks=self.hparams.model_updown_blocks, is_relu_leaky=self.hparams.model_relu_leaky, do_batchnorm=self.hparams.model_do_batchnorm, res_drop_prob=self.hparams.model_drop_prob, is_replicatepad=self.hparams.model_is_replicatepad, out_act=self.hparams.model_out_act, forwardV=self.hparams.model_forwardV, upinterp_algo=self.hparams.model_upinterp_algo, post_interp_convtrans=self.hparams.model_post_interp_convtrans, is3D=self.hparams.is3D, connect_mode=self.hparams.model_dspace_connect_mode, inner_norm_ksp=self.hparams.model_inner_norm_ksp) elif self.hparams.modelID == 3: #Primal-Dual Network, complex Primal = PrimalDualNetwork(n_primary=5, n_dual=5, n_iterations=10, use_original_block = True, use_original_init = True, use_complex_primal = True, g_normtype = "magmax", transform = "Fourier", return_abs = True) elif self.hparams.modelID == 4: #Primal-Dual Network, absolute Primal = PrimalDualNetwork(n_primary=5, n_dual=5, n_iterations=10, use_original_block = True, use_original_init = True, use_complex_primal = False, g_normtype = "magmax", transform = "Fourier") elif self.hparams.modelID == 5: #Primal-Dual UNet Network, absolute Primal = PrimalDualNetwork(n_primary=4, n_dual=5, n_iterations=2, use_original_block = False, use_original_init = False, use_complex_primal = False, g_normtype = "magmax", transform = "Fourier") elif self.hparams.modelID == 6: #Primal-Dual Network v2 (no residual), complex Primal = PrimalDualNetworkNoResidue(n_primary=5, n_dual=5, n_iterations=10, use_original_block = True, use_original_init = True, use_complex_primal = True, residuals=False, g_normtype = "magmax", transform = "Fourier", return_abs = True) else: # TODO: other models sys.exit("Only ReconResNet and DualSpaceResNet have been implemented so far in ReconEngine") if bool(self.hparams.preweights_path): print("Pre-weights found, loding...") chk = torch.load(self.hparams.preweights_path, map_location='cpu')['state_dict']) if self.hparams.lossID == 0: if self.hparams.in_channels != 1 or self.hparams.out_channels != 1: sys.exit( "Perceptual Loss used here only works for 1 channel input and output") self.loss = PerceptualLoss(device=device, loss_model="unet3Dds", resize=None, loss_type=self.hparams.ploss_type, n_level=self.hparams.ploss_level) # TODO thinkof 2D elif self.hparams.lossID == 1: self.loss = nn.L1Loss(reduction='mean') elif self.hparams.lossID == 2: self.loss = MS_SSIM(channel=self.hparams.out_channels, data_range=1, spatial_dims=3 if self.hparams.is3D else 2, nonnegative_ssim=False).to(device) elif self.hparams.lossID == 3: self.loss = SSIM(channel=self.hparams.out_channels, data_range=1, spatial_dims=3 if self.hparams.is3D else 2, nonnegative_ssim=False).to(device) else: sys.exit("Invalid Loss ID") self.dataspace = DataSpaceHandler(**self.hparams) if self.hparams.ds_mode == 0: trans = tioTransforms augs = tioAugmentations elif self.hparams.ds_mode == 1: trans = pytTransforms augs = pytAugmentations # TODO parameterised everything self.init_transforms = [] self.aug_transforms = [] self.transforms = [] if self.hparams.ds_mode == 0 and self.hparams.cannonicalResample: # Only applicable for TorchIO self.init_transforms += [tio.ToCanonical(), tio.Resample('gt')] if self.hparams.ds_mode == 0 and self.hparams.forceNormAffine: # Only applicable for TorchIO self.init_transforms += [trans.ForceAffine()] if self.hparams.croppad and self.hparams.ds_mode == 1: self.init_transforms += [ trans.CropOrPad(size=self.hparams.input_shape)] self.init_transforms += [trans.IntensityNorm(type=self.hparams.norm_type, return_meta=self.hparams.motion_return_meta)] # dataspace_transforms = self.dataspace.getTransforms() #TODO: dataspace transforms are not in use # self.init_transforms += dataspace_transforms if bool(self.hparams.random_crop) and self.hparams.ds_mode == 1: self.aug_transforms += [augs.RandomCrop( size=self.hparams.random_crop, p=self.hparams.p_random_crop)] if self.hparams.p_contrast_augment > 0: self.aug_transforms += [augs.getContrastAugs( p=self.hparams.p_contrast_augment)] # if the task if MoCo and pre-corrupted vols are not supplied if self.hparams.taskID == 1 and not bool(self.hparams.train_path_inp): if self.hparams.motion_mode == 0 and self.hparams.ds_mode == 0: motion_params = {k.split('motionmg_')[ 1]: v for k, v in self.hparams.items() if k.startswith('motionmg')} self.transforms += [tioMotion.RandomMotionGhostingFast( **motion_params), trans.IntensityNorm()] elif self.hparams.motion_mode == 1 and self.hparams.ds_mode == 1 and not self.hparams.is3D: self.transforms += [pytMotion.Motion2Dv0( sigma_range=self.hparams.motion_sigma_range, n_threads=self.hparams.motion_n_threads, p=self.hparams.motion_p, return_meta=self.hparams.motion_return_meta)] elif self.hparams.motion_mode == 2 and self.hparams.ds_mode == 1 and not self.hparams.is3D: self.transforms += [pytMotion.Motion2Dv1(sigma_range=self.hparams.motion_sigma_range, n_threads=self.hparams.motion_n_threads, restore_original=self.hparams.motion_restore_original, p=self.hparams.motion_p, return_meta=self.hparams.motion_return_meta)] else: sys.exit( "Error: invalid motion_mode, ds_mode, is3D combo. Please double check!") self.static_metamat = sio.loadmat(self.hparams.static_metamat_file) if bool( self.hparams.static_metamat_file) else None if self.hparams.taskID == 0 and self.hparams.use_datacon: self.datacon = DataConsistency( isRadial=self.hparams.is_radial, metadict=self.static_metamat) else: self.datacon = None input_shape = self.hparams.input_shape if self.hparams.is3D else self.hparams.input_shape[ :-1] self.example_input_array = torch.empty( self.hparams.batch_size, self.hparams.in_channels, *input_shape).float() self.saver = ResSaver( self.hparams.res_path, save_inp=self.hparams.save_inp, do_norm=self.hparams.do_savenorm)
def ssim(self): """ @return ssim function on normalized image with 3 channels """ return SSIM(data_range=1, size_average=True, channel=3)
def l1loss(x, y): return torch.nn.functional.l1_loss(x, y, reduction='mean') def l2loss(x, y): return torch.pow(x - y, 2).mean() def psnr(x: torch.Tensor, y: torch.Tensor) -> torch.Tensor: return (10 * torch.log10(x.shape[-2] * x.shape[-1] / (x - y).pow(2).sum(dim=(2, 3)))).mean(dim=1) ssim = SSIM(data_range=1.0) msssim = MSSSIM(data_range=1.0) def gaussian(x, sigma=1.0): return np.exp(-(x**2) / (2 * (sigma**2))) def build_gauss_kernel(size=5, sigma=1.0, n_channels=1, device=None): """Construct the convolution kernel for a gaussian blur See for a definition. Overall I first generate a NxNx2 matrix of indices, and then use those to calculate the gaussian function on each element. The two dimensional Gaussian function is then the product along axis=2. Also, in_channels == out_channels == n_channels """
'normal', 0.02, gpu_id=device) # VGG for perceptual loss if opt.lamb_content > 0: vgg = Vgg16() init_vgg16(root_path) vgg.load_state_dict(torch.load(os.path.join(root_path, "vgg16.weight"))) # define loss criterionL1 = nn.L1Loss().to(device) criterionL2 = nn.MSELoss().to(device) criterionMSE = nn.MSELoss().to(device) criterionSSIM = SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) criterionMSSSIM1 = MS_SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=1) criterionMSSSIM3 = MS_SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) # setup optimizer optimizer_i = optim.Adam(net_i.parameters(),, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) optimizer_r = optim.Adam(net_r.parameters(),, betas=(opt.beta1, 0.999)) net_i_scheduler = get_scheduler(optimizer_i, opt) net_r_scheduler = get_scheduler(optimizer_r, opt) loss_i_list = [] loss_r_list = []
# Identity loss idt_B = decoder(encoder(real_B)) loss_idt = criterion_l1(idt_B,real_B)*5 # GAN feature matching loss # loss_feat = 0 # for j in range(len(pred_fake[0])-1): # loss_feat += criterion_feat(pred_fake[0][j], pred_real[0][j].detach())*1 # VGG feature matching loss loss_VGG = criterion_VGG(fake_B,real_A)*10 ##ssimloss ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=1, size_average=True, channel=3) X1 = (real_A + 1)*0.5 # [-1, 1] => [0, 1] Y1 = (fake_B + 1)*0.5 ssim_A = (1 - ssim_module(X1, Y1)) # Total loss loss = loss_G + loss_feature + loss_idt + ssim_A loss.backward() optimizer_encoder.step() optimizer_decoder.step() ###################################
def __init__(self, alpha=0.84, kernel_w=3, sigma=1.5, channels=1): super.__init__() self.alpha = alpha self.kernel_w = kernel_w self.ssim_d = SSIM(win_size=kernel_w, win_sigma=sigma, data_range=1.0, size_average=False, channel=channels) self.config = {'Distance' : 'L1 + SSIM', 'alpha': alpha, 'win_size': kernel_w, 'win_sigma': sigma}
] } }) to_tensor = ToTensor() def to_pilimagelab(pic): pic = pic.mul(255).byte() nppic = np.transpose(pic.numpy(), (1, 2, 0)) return PIL.Image.fromarray(nppic, mode='LAB') invcielab = InvCIELABTransform() ssim = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) cur_time = time.time() log_time = cur_time checkpoint_time = cur_time backup_time = cur_time print('Training') eval_iter = iter(eval_loader) while True: epoch_start = time.time() torch.manual_seed(epoch_start)
# hbao = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(hbao, 0), axis=0) # nnao = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(nnao, 0), axis=0) # deepshading = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(deepshading, 0), axis=0) vao = np.expand_dims(np.expand_dims(vao, 0), axis=0) gt = torch.from_numpy(gt).cuda() ours = torch.from_numpy(ours).cuda() # hbao = torch.from_numpy(hbao).cuda() # nnao = torch.from_numpy(nnao).cuda() # deepshading = torch.from_numpy(deepshading).cuda() vao = torch.from_numpy(vao).cuda() # ssim_hbao = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1)(gt, hbao).item() ssim_ours = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1)(gt, ours).item() # ssim_nnao = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1)(gt, nnao).item() # ssim_deepshading = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1)(gt, deepshading).item() ssim_vao = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=1)(gt, vao).item() print(ssim_ours, ssim_vao) # mse_hbao = torch.nn.L1Loss()(gt, hbao).item() mse_ours = torch.nn.L1Loss()(gt, ours).item() # mse_nnao = torch.nn.L1Loss()(gt, nnao).item() # mse_deepshading = torch.nn.L1Loss()(gt, deepshading).item()
im_a=trans(io.imread(str1+s+'.png')) im_f=trans(io.imread(str2+s+'.png')) g_a = trans(io.imread(str3 + s + '.png')) g_f = trans(io.imread(str4 + s + '.png')) G_f = trans(io.imread(str5 + s + '.png')) return im_a,im_f,g_a,g_f,G_f net = SDNet() net2=IFNet() net=torch.nn.DataParallel(net) net2=torch.nn.DataParallel(net2) net.cuda() net2.cuda() net.load_state_dict(torch.load(net_dict)) net2.load_state_dict(torch.load(net2_dict)) ssim = SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) S_a=0 S_f=0 S_c=0 for i in range(0, np.shape(lis)[1]): im_a,im_f,g_a,g_f,G_f = read_image(lis[0,i]) im_a,im_f,g_a,g_f,G_f=torch.tensor(im_a,dtype=torch.float32),torch.tensor(im_f),torch.tensor(g_a),torch.tensor(g_f),torch.tensor(G_f) im_a, im_f, g_a, g_f, G_f = im_a.cuda(), im_f.cuda(), g_a.cuda(), g_f.cuda(), G_f.cuda() net.eval() net2.eval() out_a, out_f = net(im_a - 90.5, im_f - 120.5) output = net2(out_a, out_f) output=torch.clamp(output,0,255) s1=torch.mean(ssim(out_a , g_a)) s2=torch.mean(ssim(out_f , g_f)) s3=torch.mean(ssim(output, G_f))
from pytorch_msssim import ssim, ms_ssim, SSIM, MS_SSIM from torch.autograd import Variable device = torch.device("cuda" if torch.cuda.is_available() else "cpu") Tensor = torch.cuda.FloatTensor if torch.cuda.is_available() else torch.Tensor def psnr_fn(sr , hr , max_value = 1.): mse = torch.mean((sr - hr)**2 , axis = (1,2,3)) return 20 * torch.log10(max_value / torch.sqrt(mse)) def mse_fn(sr , hr): return torch.mean((sr-hr)**2 , axis = (1,2,3)) ssim_fn = SSIM(data_range = 1.0, size_average= False, channel = 3) def ssim_fn_val(sr , hr , max_value = 255): return SSIM(data_range = max_value, size_average= False, channel = 3)(sr,hr) # def get_loss_fn(loss_type , args = None): # if loss_type == 'L1': # return nn.L1Loss() # if loss_type == 'MSE': # return nn.MSELoss() # if loss_type == 'PSNR': # return psnr.PSNR() # if loss_type == 'SSIM': # return SSIM(data_range=1.0, size_average = False, channel = 3) # if loss_type == 'GAN': # return GAN.GAN(args)
params = sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) # Normalization statistics stats = {'norm_type':args.norm_type, 'norm_type_img':args.norm_type, 'mean_imgs':mean_imgs, 'std_images':std_images, 'max_images':max_images, 'mean_vols':mean_vols, 'std_vols':std_vols, 'max_vols':max_volumes} # Create loss function and optimizer loss = nn.MSELoss() if args.use_img_loss>0: loss_img = nn.MSELoss() # reuse the gaussian kernel with SSIM & MS_SSIM. ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=1, size_average=True, channel=n_lenslets).to(device_repro) optimizer = torch.optim.Adam(trainable_params, lr=args.learning_rate) # timers start = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) end = torch.cuda.Event(enable_timing=True) # create gradient scaler for mixed precision training scaler = GradScaler() start_epoch = 0 if len(args.checkpoint_XLFMNet)>0: net.load_state_dict(checkpoint_XLFMNet['model_state_dict'], strict=False) optimizer.load_state_dict(checkpoint_XLFMNet['optimizer_state_dict']) start_epoch = checkpoint_XLFMNet['epoch']-1
def __init__(self, primary_loss="mse", weights=[1.0, 1.0]): self.main_loss = MSE_LOSS(reduction="mean") if "bce" in primary_loss: self.main_loss = BCE_LOSS(reduction="mean") self.ssim_loss = SSIM() self.weights = weights
def tensor_ssim_module(): # reuse the gaussian kernel with SSIM & MS_SSIM. ssim_module = SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3) ms_ssim_module = MS_SSIM(data_range=255, size_average=True, channel=3)
def __init__(self): super(MSSSIM, self).__init__() self.ssim = SSIM(data_range=1, size_average=True, channel=3)
img1 = torch.from_numpy(npImg1).float().unsqueeze(0).unsqueeze(0) / 255.0 img2 = torch.rand(img1.size()) if torch.cuda.is_available(): img1 = img1.cuda() img2 = img2.cuda() img1 = Variable(img1, requires_grad=False) img2 = Variable(img2, requires_grad=True) ssim_value = ssim(img1, img2).item() print("Initial ssim:", ssim_value) ssim_loss = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1, size_average=True, channels=1) optimizer = optim.Adam([img2], lr=0.01) while ssim_value < 0.9999: optimizer.zero_grad() _ssim_loss = 1 - ssim_loss(img1, img2) _ssim_loss.backward() optimizer.step() ssim_value = ssim(img1, img2).item() print(ssim_value) img2_ = (img2 * 255.0).squeeze()
import torch # X: (N,3,H,W) a batch of RGB images (0~255) # Y: (N,3,H,W) X = torch.rand(4, 3, 512, 512) Y = torch.rand(4, 3, 512, 512) #Y = X # ssim_val = ssim( X, Y, data_range=1.0, size_average=False) # return (N,) # ms_ssim_val = ms_ssim( X, Y, data_range=1.0, size_average=False ) #(N,) # # or set 'size_average=True' to get a scalar value as loss. # ssim_loss = ssim( X, Y, data_range=1.0, size_average=True) # return a scalar # ms_ssim_loss = ms_ssim( X, Y, data_range=1.0, size_average=True ) # or reuse windows with SSIM & MS_SSIM. ssim_module = SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=3) ms_ssim_module = MS_SSIM(win_size=11, win_sigma=1.5, data_range=1.0, size_average=True, channel=3) ssim_loss = 1 - ssim_module(X, Y) ms_ssim_loss = 1 - ms_ssim_module(X, Y) X = torch.rand(4, 3, 512, 512) Y = torch.rand(4, 3, 512, 512)
def train(self): dataset_class = self.datasets[self.args.dataset]( root=self.args.root, add_labeled=self.args.add_labeled, advanced_transforms=False, merged=self.args.merged, remove_classes=self.args.remove_classes, oversampling=self.args.oversampling, unlabeled_subset_ratio=self.args.unlabeled_subset, seed=self.args.seed, start_labeled=self.args.start_labeled) base_dataset = dataset_class.get_base_dataset_autoencoder() train_loader = create_base_loader(base_dataset, self.kwargs, self.args.batch_size) training_loss_log = [] l1_loss = nn.L1Loss() l2_loss = nn.MSELoss() ssim_loss = SSIM(size_average=True, data_range=1.0, nonnegative_ssim=True) criterions = {'l1': l1_loss, 'l2': l2_loss, 'ssim': ssim_loss} model, optimizer, self.args = create_model_optimizer_autoencoder( self.args, dataset_class) best_loss = np.inf for epoch in range(self.args.start_epoch, self.args.autoencoder_train_epochs): model.train() batch_time = AverageMeter() losses = AverageMeter() losses_sum = np.zeros(len(criterions.keys())) end = time.time() for i, (data_x, data_y) in enumerate(train_loader): data_x = data_x.cuda(non_blocking=True) output = model(data_x) losses_alt = np.array([ v(output, data_x).cpu().detach().data.item() for v in criterions.values() ]) losses_alt[-1] = 1 - losses_alt[-1] losses_sum = losses_sum + losses_alt loss = criterions['l2']( output, data_x) + (1 - criterions['ssim'](output, data_x)) losses.update(, data_x.size(0)) optimizer.zero_grad() loss.backward() optimizer.step() batch_time.update(time.time() - end) end = time.time() if i % self.args.print_freq == 0: print('Epoch: [{0}][{1}/{2}]\t' 'Time {batch_time.val:.3f} ({batch_time.avg:.3f})\t' 'Loss {loss.val:.4f} ({loss.avg:.4f})\t'.format( epoch, i, len(train_loader), batch_time=batch_time, loss=losses)) losses_avg = losses_sum / len(train_loader) training_loss_log.append(losses_avg.tolist()) is_best = best_loss > losses.avg best_loss = min(best_loss, losses.avg) save_checkpoint( self.args, { 'epoch': epoch + 1, 'state_dict': model.state_dict(), 'best_prec1': best_loss, }, is_best) if self.args.store_logs and not self.args.resume: store_logs(self.args, pd.DataFrame(training_loss_log, columns=['l1', 'l2', 'ssim']), log_type='ae_loss') self.model = model return model