Exemple #1
 def build(self,values):
     """ build a treemap from a list of numbers 
         This funciton is for building a fault-tree without a tree-structure.
         It takes 'values' as a list of numbers and builds a single-level
         treemap out of that.
     pos = self.sceneRect().getRect()
     x0,y0,w,h = pos
     self.addOutline( x0,y0,x0+w,y0+h, 1)
     rectangles, _ = layout(values, [x0+1,y0+1,x0+w-1,y0+h-1])
     for el in rectangles:
         if el:
             xa,ya,xb,yb = el
Exemple #2
        def recursive_build(faultList, square, mLevel, parent = None):

            mLevel = len(faultList[0].elements)
            x0,y0,xn,yn = square
            self.addOutline(x0,y0,xn,yn, mLevel)
            square = [x0+1,y0+1,xn-1,yn-1]
            if len(faultList) == 0:
                return None
            #lay out faults
            rectangles, leftovers = layout(([parent.value] if parent is not None else [])+[fault.subValue for fault in faultList], square)
#             rectangles, leftovers = layout(([parent.value()] if parent is not None else [])+[fault.value() for fault in faultList], square)
            if parent is not None:
                parentRect = rectangles.pop(0)
            #rectangle representing elements that were too small
            if len(faultList) < len(rectangles):
                xa,ya,xb,yb = rectangles.pop()
                leftoverRect = Rectangle(self,[xa,ya,xb-xa,yb-ya], fill=Qt.Dense3Pattern);
                leftoverRect.color = randomColor(mLevel)
            #rectangle representing the parent fault
            if parent is not None and parentRect:
                    fault = parent
                    xa,ya,xb,yb = parentRect
                    self.addOutline(xa,ya,xb,yb, mLevel+1)
            if mLevel >= depthLimit:
                #lay out faults and add a rectangle widget to each fault
                for fault,rectangle in zip(faultList,rectangles):
                    if not rectangle: continue
                    xa,ya,xb,yb = rectangle
                    fault.addRectangle(Rectangle(self, [xa,ya,xb-xa,yb-ya]))
    #                 mWindow.addWidget(fault)
                    There should be some limit here as to how small a rectangle
                    gets recursively built.
                for fault, rectangle in zip(faultList, rectangles):
                    if not rectangle: continue
                    xa,ya,xb,yb = rectangle
                    if (xb-xa)*(yb-ya) > 10*10 and fault.connections:
                        randomColor(mLevel-startLimit+1)#prime random colour generator
                        recursive_build(fault.connections, rectangle, mLevel+1, parent  = fault)
#                         print( "{},...".format(rectangle))
                        self.addOutline(xa,ya,xb,yb,mLevel + 1)
                        self.addOutline(xa+1,ya+1, xb-1, yb-1, mLevel+2)