def __init__(self):

        self.logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__)

        self.imageRotation = 0
        GamePiece.__init__(self, filename=Enterprise.FILENAME)
        SmoothMotion.__init__(self, imageRotation=125)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,
                 filename: str,
                 coordinates: Coordinates,
                 moveInterval: int = NEVER_MOVE_INTERVAL,
                 scale: float = 1.0,
                 imageRotation: int = SmoothMotion.IMAGE_ROTATION):

            filename:       The image file name
            coordinates:    The game sector coordinates within the quadrant
            moveInterval:   How often this enemy moves
            scale:          How to scale the image
            imageRotation:  How much to rotate image when the enemy is shooting at Captain Kirk.

        GamePiece.__init__(self, filename=filename, scale=scale)
        SmoothMotion.__init__(self, imageRotation=imageRotation)

        self.gameCoordinates = coordinates

        self._moveInterval: int = moveInterval

        self._id: EnemyId = EnemyId('IdNotSet')
        self._power: float = cast(float, None)
        self._firingInterval: int = BaseEnemy.NEVER_FIRE_INTERVAL
        self._lastTimeCheck: int = 0
        self._timeSinceMovement: float = 0.0
    def __init__(self, speed: float = 3.0):

        GamePiece.__init__(self, filename=PhotonTorpedo.FILENAME, speed=speed)
        SmoothMotion.__init__(self, imageRotation=0)

        self.logger: Logger = getLogger(__name__)

        self._id: PhotonTorpedoId = PhotonTorpedoId(
        self._firedAt: EnemyId = cast(EnemyId, None)

        PhotonTorpedo.nextId += 1
Exemple #4
    def __init__(self,
                 filename: str,
                 torpedoId: EnemyTorpedoId,
                 speed: float = 3,
                 scale: float = 1.0):

        GamePiece.__init__(self, filename=filename, speed=speed, scale=scale)

        self._baseEnemyTorpedoLogger: Logger = getLogger(__name__)

        self._id: EnemyTorpedoId = torpedoId

        self._firedBy: EnemyId = cast(EnemyId, None)
        self._firedFromPosition: Coordinates = cast(Coordinates, None)
        self._followers: SpriteList = cast(SpriteList, None)

        self._computer: Computer = Computer()