def calculate_projection(self,
        TODO: documentation

        :param Voi voi: tumortarget, type is Voi
        :param float gantry: angle in degrees
        :param float couch: angle in degrees
        :param int calculate_from: 0 is mass center 1 is the most distant point in the tumor from the beamaxis
        :param float stepsize: relative to pixelsize, 1 is a step of 1 pixel
        # min_structure = 5 TODO why not used ?
        basis = get_basis_from_angles(gantry, couch)
        # Convert angles from degrees to radians
        gantry /= 180.0 / np.pi
        couch /= 180.0 / np.pi
        # calculate surface normal
        step_vec = -stepsize * self.cube.pixel_size * np.array(basis[0])
        step_length = stepsize * self.cube.pixel_size
        center = voi.calculate_center()
        # ~ (b,c) = self.calculate_plane_vectors(gantry,couch)
        b = basis[1]
        c = basis[2]
        min_window, max_window = voi.get_min_max()
        size = np.array(max_window) - np.array(min_window)
        window_size = np.array([((sin(couch) * size[1])**2 +
                                 (cos(couch) * size[2])**2)**0.5,
                                ((sin(gantry) * size[0])**2 +
                                 (cos(gantry) * size[1])**2 +
                                 (sin(couch) * size[2])**2)**0.5]) * 2

        dimension = window_size / self.cube.pixel_size
        dimension = np.int16(dimension)
        start = center - self.cube.pixel_size * 0.5 * np.array(
            dimension[0] * b + dimension[1] * c)
        if calculate_from is 1:
            start = self.calculate_back_start_voi(voi, start, step_vec)
        if calculate_from is 2:
            start = self.calculate_front_start_voi(voi, start, step_vec)

        data = pytriplib.calculate_wepl(
            self.cube.cube, np.array(start),
            np.array(basis) * step_length, dimension,
                self.cube.pixel_size, self.cube.pixel_size,
        data *= step_length
        return data, start, [b, c]
Exemple #2
    def analyse_cube(self):
        keys = self.projectiles.keys()

        p1 = self.projectiles[keys[0]]
        p2 = self.projectiles[keys[1]]

        cube1 = p1["target_dos"]
        cube2 = p2["target_dos"]

        if not self.cube_in_other_cube(cube1, cube2):
            temp = p1
            p1 = p2
            p2 = temp
            cube1 = p1["target_dos"]
            cube2 = p2["target_dos"]
            self.execute_order = [keys[0], keys[1]]
            self.split_proj_key = keys[1]

            self.execute_order = [keys[1], keys[0]]
            self.split_proj_key = keys[0]

        target_cube = copy.deepcopy(cube1)
        shadow_cubes = []
        for i, field in enumerate(p1["fields"]):
            d = DosCube(cube1)

            basis = get_basis_from_angles(field.get_gantry(),
            basis = basis[0]
            basis = np.array([
                basis[0] / cube1.pixel_size, basis[1] / cube1.pixel_size,
                basis[2] / cube1.slice_distance
            basis /= np.max(np.abs(basis))

            d.cube = pytriplib.create_field_shadow(
                cube1.cube, cube2.cube, np.array(basis, dtype=np.double))
            target_cube -= d

        target_cube.cube[target_cube.cube < 0] = 0
        cube2.cube = cube2.cube + target_cube.cube
        # ~ cube2.cube = pytriplib.extend_cube(cube2.cube)
        cube1.cube = cube1.cube - target_cube.cube
        if len(p1["fields"]) == 2:
            a = self.execute_order.pop(1)
            b = self.projectile_dose_level[a]
            self.execute_order.append(a + str(1))
            self.execute_order.append(a + str(2))
            self.projectile_dose_level[a + str(1)] = b
            self.projectile_dose_level[a + str(2)] = b
Exemple #3
    def calculate_projection(self, voi, gantry, couch, calculate_from=0, stepsize=1.0):
        TODO: documentation

        :param Voi voi: tumortarget, type is Voi
        :param float gantry: angle in degrees
        :param float couch: angle in degrees
        :param int calculate_from: 0 is mass center 1 is the most distant point in the tumor from the beamaxis
        :param float stepsize: relative to pixelsize, 1 is a step of 1 pixel
        # min_structure = 5 TODO why not used ?
        basis = get_basis_from_angles(gantry, couch)
        # Convert angles from degrees to radians
        gantry /= 180.0 / np.pi
        couch /= 180.0 / np.pi
        # calculate surface normal
        step_vec = -stepsize * self.cube.pixel_size * np.array(basis[0])
        step_length = stepsize * self.cube.pixel_size
        center = voi.calculate_center()
        # ~ (b,c) = self.calculate_plane_vectors(gantry,couch)
        b = basis[1]
        c = basis[2]
        min_window, max_window = voi.get_min_max()
        size = np.array(max_window) - np.array(min_window)
        window_size = np.array([((sin(couch) * size[1])**2 + (cos(couch) * size[2])**2)**0.5, (
            (sin(gantry) * size[0])**2 + (cos(gantry) * size[1])**2 + (sin(couch) * size[2])**2)**0.5]) * 2

        dimension = window_size / self.cube.pixel_size
        dimension = np.int16(dimension)
        start = center - self.cube.pixel_size * 0.5 * np.array(dimension[0] * b + dimension[1] * c)
        if calculate_from == 1:
            start = self.calculate_back_start_voi(voi, start, step_vec)
        elif calculate_from == 2:
            start = self.calculate_front_start_voi(voi, start, step_vec)

        data = pytriplib.calculate_wepl(
            self.cube.cube, np.array(start), np.array(basis) * step_length, dimension,
            np.array([self.cube.pixel_size, self.cube.pixel_size, self.cube.slice_distance]))
        data *= step_length
        return data, start, [b, c]
Exemple #4
 def get_cube_basis(self):
     return get_basis_from_angles(self.gantry_angle, self.couch_angle)
Exemple #5
 def get_cube_basis(self):
     return get_basis_from_angles(self.gantry_angle, self.couch_angle)
Exemple #6
    def split_fields(self, proj):
        if self.split_proj_key not in self.projectiles.keys():
        name = os.path.join(
            self.path, self.plan_name) + "_" + self.projectiles[proj]["name"]
        path = os.path.join(name + ".phys.dos")
        temp = DosCube()
        temp.version = "2.0"

        self.rest_dose = self.target_dos - temp

        p = self.projectiles[self.split_proj_key]
        p["target_dos"].cube = pytriplib.extend_cube(p["target_dos"].cube)
        if len(p["fields"]) == 2:
            temp.cube = (temp.cube < self.projectiles[proj]["target_dos"].cube) * \
                self.projectiles[proj]["target_dos"].cube + \
                (temp.cube > self.projectiles[proj]["target_dos"].cube) * temp.cube
            dose = self.target_dos - temp
            field1 = p["fields"][0]
            field2 = p["fields"][1]
            d1 = DosCube(temp)
            d2 = DosCube(temp)
            center = pytriplib.calculate_dose_center(p["target_dos"].cube)

            dose.cube[dose.cube < 0] = 0

            temp.cube *= self.target_dos.cube > 0

            basis = get_basis_from_angles(field1.get_gantry(),
            basis = np.array([
                basis[0] / dose.pixel_size, basis[1] / dose.pixel_size,
                basis[2] / dose.slice_distance
            basis = basis / np.max(np.abs(basis)) * .5
            d1.cube = pytriplib.create_field_shadow(
                dose.cube, temp.cube, np.array(basis, dtype=np.double))
            basis = get_basis_from_angles(field2.get_gantry(),
            basis = np.array([
                basis[0] / dose.pixel_size, basis[1] / dose.pixel_size,
                basis[2] / dose.slice_distance
            basis /= np.max(np.abs(basis))
            d2.cube = pytriplib.create_field_shadow(
                dose.cube, temp.cube, np.array(basis, dtype=np.double))
            a = d2.cube > d1.cube
            b = d2.cube < d1.cube
            d2.cube = p["target_dos"].cube * a
            d1.cube = p["target_dos"].cube * b

            rest = p["target_dos"].cube * ((a + b) < 1)

            b = pytriplib.split_by_plane(rest, center, basis)
            d1.cube += b
            d2.cube += rest - b
            self.plan.add_dose(d1, "H1")
            self.plan.add_dose(d2, "H2")

            self.projectiles[field1.get_projectile() + str(1)] = {
                "target_dos": d1,
                "fields": [field1],
                "name": field1.get_projectile() + str(1),
                "projectile": field1.get_projectile()
            self.projectiles[field2.get_projectile() + str(2)] = {
                "target_dos": d2,
                "fields": [field2],
                "name": field2.get_projectile() + str(2),
                "projectile": field2.get_projectile()
            del self.projectiles[self.split_proj_key]