def convert_DMFT_input(self):
        Reads the input files, and stores the data in the HDFfile
        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return # do it only on master:"Reading input from %s..."%self.LDA_file)

        # Read and write only on Master!!!
        # R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file
        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.LDA_file)
            EnergyUnit =                         # read the energy convertion factor
            Nk = int(                            # read the number of k points
            k_dep_projection = 1                          
            SP = int(                            # flag for spin-polarised calculation
            SO = int(                            # flag for spin-orbit calculation
            charge_below =                       # total charge below energy window
            Density_Required =                   # total density required, for setting the chemical potential
            symm_op = 1                                   # Use symmetry groups for the k-sum

            # the information on the non-correlated shells is not important here, maybe skip:
            N_shells = int(                      # number of shells (e.g. Fe d, As p, O p) in the unit cell, 
                                                               # corresponds to index R in formulas
            # now read the information about the shells:
            shells = [ [ int( for i in range(4) ] for icrsh in range(N_shells) ]    # reads iatom, sort, l, dim

            N_corr_shells = int(                 # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell, 
                                                          # corresponds to index R in formulas
            # now read the information about the shells:
            corr_shells = [ [ int( for i in range(6) ] for icrsh in range(N_corr_shells) ]    # reads iatom, sort, l, dim, SO flag, irep

            self.inequiv_shells(corr_shells)              # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells, has to be known for further reading...

            use_rotations = 1
            rotmat = [numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh][3],numpy.complex_) for icrsh in xrange(N_corr_shells)]
            # read the matrices
            rotmat_timeinv = [0 for i in range(N_corr_shells)]

            for icrsh in xrange(N_corr_shells):
                for i in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):    # read real part:
                    for j in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):
                        rotmat[icrsh][i,j] =
                for i in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):    # read imaginary part:
                    for j in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):
                        rotmat[icrsh][i,j] += 1j *

                if (SP==1):             # read time inversion flag:
                    rotmat_timeinv[icrsh] = int(
            # Read here the infos for the transformation of the basis:
            Nreps = [1 for i in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells)]
            dim_reps = [0 for i in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells)]
            T = []
            for icrsh in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells):
                Nreps[icrsh] = int(   # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg
                dim_reps[icrsh] = [int( for i in range(Nreps[icrsh])]   # dimensions of the subsets
            # The transformation matrix:
            # it is of dimension 2l+1, if no SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO!!
            #T = []
            #for ish in xrange(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells):
                ll = 2*corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][2]+1
                lmax = ll * (corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][4] + 1)
                # now read it from file:
                for i in xrange(lmax):
                    for j in xrange(lmax):
                        T[icrsh][i,j] =
                for i in xrange(lmax):
                    for j in xrange(lmax):
                        T[icrsh][i,j] += 1j *

            # Spin blocks to be read:
            Nspinblocs = SP + 1 - SO   # number of spins to read for Norbs and Ham, NOT Projectors
            # read the list of N_Orbitals for all k points
            N_Orbitals = [ [0 for isp in range(Nspinblocs)] for ik in xrange(Nk)]
            for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    N_Orbitals[ik][isp] = int(
            #print N_Orbitals

            # Initialise the projectors:
            Proj_Mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([corr_shells[icrsh][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_) 
                            for icrsh in range (N_corr_shells)] 
                           for isp in range(Nspinblocs)] 
                         for ik in range(Nk) ]

            # Read the projectors from the file:
            for ik in xrange(Nk):
                for icrsh in range(N_corr_shells):
                    no = corr_shells[icrsh][3]
                    # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj:
                    for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] =
                    # now Imag part:
                    for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] += 1j *
            # now define the arrays for weights and hopping ...
            BZ_weights = numpy.ones([Nk],numpy.float_)/ float(Nk)  # w(k_index),  default normalisation 
            Hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([N_Orbitals[ik][isp],N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_) 
                         for isp in range(Nspinblocs)] for ik in xrange(Nk) ]

            # weights in the file
            for ik in xrange(Nk) : BZ_weights[ik] =         
            # if the sum over spins is in the weights, take it out again!!
            sm = sum(BZ_weights)
            BZ_weights[:] /= sm 
            # Grab the H
            # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!!
            for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk) :
                    no = N_Orbitals[ik][isp]
                    for i in xrange(no):
                        Hopping[ik][isp][i,i] = * EnergyUnit
            #keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
            self.N_shells = N_shells
            self.shells = shells
            self.N_corr_shells = N_corr_shells
            self.corr_shells = corr_shells
            self.Nspinblocs = Nspinblocs
            self.N_Orbitals = N_Orbitals
            self.Nk = Nk
            self.SO = SO
            self.SP = SP
            self.EnergyUnit = EnergyUnit
        except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
            raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"

        #print Proj_Mat[0]

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile,'a')
        if not (self.LDASubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.LDASubGrp) 
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['EnergyUnit'] = EnergyUnit
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Nk'] = Nk
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['k_dep_projection'] = k_dep_projection
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['SP'] = SP
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['SO'] = SO
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['charge_below'] = charge_below
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Density_Required'] = Density_Required
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['symm_op'] = symm_op
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_shells'] = N_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['shells'] = shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_corr_shells'] = N_corr_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['corr_shells'] = corr_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['use_rotations'] = use_rotations
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['rotmat'] = rotmat
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['rotmat_timeinv'] = rotmat_timeinv
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Nreps'] = Nreps
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['dim_reps'] = dim_reps
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['T'] = T
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_Orbitals'] = N_Orbitals
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Proj_Mat'] = Proj_Mat
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['BZ_weights'] = BZ_weights
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Hopping'] = Hopping
        del ar
        # Symmetries are used, 
        # Now do the symmetries for correlated orbitals:
    def convert_bands_input(self,BandsSubGrp = 'SumK_LDA_Bands'):
        Converts the input for momentum resolved spectral functions, and stores it in BandsSubGrp in the

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return

        self.BandsSubGrp = BandsSubGrp"Reading bands input from %s..."%self.Band_file)

        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.Band_file)
            Nk = int(

            # read the list of N_Orbitals for all k points
            N_Orbitals = [ [0 for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)] for ik in xrange(Nk)]
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    N_Orbitals[ik][isp] = int(

            # Initialise the projectors:
            Proj_Mat = [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.corr_shells[icrsh][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_) 
                            for icrsh in range (self.N_corr_shells)] 
                           for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)] 
                         for ik in range(Nk) ]

            # Read the projectors from the file:
            for ik in xrange(Nk):
                for icrsh in range(self.N_corr_shells):
                    no = self.corr_shells[icrsh][3]
                    # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj:
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] =
                    # now Imag part:
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i,j] += 1j *

            Hopping = [ [numpy.zeros([N_Orbitals[ik][isp],N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],numpy.complex_) 
                         for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)] for ik in xrange(Nk) ]
            # Grab the H
            # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!!
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk) :
                    no = N_Orbitals[ik][isp]
                    for i in xrange(no):
                        Hopping[ik][isp][i,i] = * self.EnergyUnit

            # now read the partial projectors:
            N_parproj = [int( for i in range(self.N_shells)]
            # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
            Proj_Mat_pc = [ [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_) 
                                 for ir in range(N_parproj[ish])]
                                for ish in range (self.N_shells) ]
                              for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs) ]
                            for ik in range(Nk) ]

            for ish in range(self.N_shells):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    for ir in range(N_parproj[ish]):
                        for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read real part:
                                for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                    Proj_Mat_pc[ik][isp][ish][ir][i,j] =
                            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read imaginary part:
                                for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                    Proj_Mat_pc[ik][isp][ish][ir][i,j] += 1j *

        except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
            raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"

        # reading done!

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile,'a')
        if not (self.BandsSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.BandsSubGrp) 
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
        thingstowrite = ['Nk','N_Orbitals','Proj_Mat','Hopping','N_parproj','Proj_Mat_pc']
        for it in thingstowrite: exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s"%(self.BandsSubGrp,it,it)

        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['Nk'] = Nk
        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['N_Orbitals'] = N_Orbitals
        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['Proj_Mat'] = Proj_Mat
        #self.Proj_Mat = Proj_Mat
        #self.N_Orbitals = N_Orbitals
        #self.Nk = Nk
        #self.Hopping = Hopping
        del ar
    def read_Symmetry_input(self,orbits,symmfile,SymmSubGrp,SO,SP):
        Reads input for the symmetrisations from symmfile, which is case.sympar or case.symqmc.

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return"Reading symmetry input from %s..."%symmfile)

        N_orbits = len(orbits)

            Ns = int(           # Number of symmetry operations
            Natoms = int(       # number of atoms involved
            perm = [ [int( for i in xrange(Natoms)] for j in xrange(Ns) ]    # list of permutations of the atoms
            if SP: 
                timeinv = [ int( for j in xrange(Ns) ]           # timeinversion for SO xoupling
                timeinv = [ 0 for j in xrange(Ns) ] 

            # Now read matrices:
            mat = []  
            for iNs in xrange(Ns):
                mat.append( [ numpy.zeros([orbits[orb][3], orbits[orb][3]],numpy.complex_) for orb in xrange(N_orbits) ] )
                for orb in range(N_orbits):
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat[iNs][orb][i,j] =            # real part
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat[iNs][orb][i,j] += 1j *      # imaginary part

            # determine the inequivalent shells:
            mat_tinv = [numpy.identity(orbits[orb][3],numpy.complex_)
                        for orb in range(N_orbits)]

            if ((SO==0) and (SP==0)):
                # here we need an additional time inversion operation, so read it:
                for orb in range(N_orbits):
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat_tinv[orb][i,j] =            # real part
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat_tinv[orb][i,j] += 1j *      # imaginary part

        except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
	    raise "Symmetry : reading file failed!"

        # Save it to the HDF:
        if not (SymmSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(SymmSubGrp)
        thingstowrite = ['Ns','Natoms','perm','orbits','SO','SP','timeinv','mat','mat_tinv']
        for it in thingstowrite: exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s"%(SymmSubGrp,it,it)
        del ar
    def convert_Parproj_input(self,ParProjSubGrp='SumK_LDA_ParProj',SymmParSubGrp='SymmPar'):
        Reads the input for the partial charges projectors from case.parproj, and stores it in the SymmParSubGrp
        group in the HDF5.

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return

        self.ParProjSubGrp = ParProjSubGrp
        self.SymmParSubGrp = SymmParSubGrp"Reading parproj input from %s..."%self.Parproj_file)

        Dens_Mat_below = [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3],self.shells[ish][3]],numpy.complex_) for ish in range(self.N_shells)] 
                           for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs) ]

        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.Parproj_file)

        N_parproj = [int( for i in range(self.N_shells)]
        # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
        Proj_Mat_pc = [ [ [ [numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]], numpy.complex_) 
                             for ir in range(N_parproj[ish])]
                            for ish in range (self.N_shells) ]
                          for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs) ]
                        for ik in range(self.Nk) ]

        rotmat_all = [numpy.identity(self.shells[ish][3],numpy.complex_) for ish in xrange(self.N_shells)]
        rotmat_all_timeinv = [0 for i in range(self.N_shells)]

        for ish in range(self.N_shells):
            #print ish   
            # read first the projectors for this orbital:
            for ik in xrange(self.Nk):
                for ir in range(N_parproj[ish]):
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read real part:
                            for j in xrange(self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat_pc[ik][isp][ish][ir][i,j] =
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read imaginary part:
                            for j in xrange(self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat_pc[ik][isp][ish][ir][i,j] += 1j *
            # now read the Density Matrix for this orbital below the energy window:
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read real part:
                    for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                        Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish][i,j] =
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read imaginary part:
                    for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                        Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish][i,j] += 1j *
                if (self.SP==0): Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish] /= 2.0

            # Global -> local rotation matrix for this shell:
            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read real part:
                for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                    rotmat_all[ish][i,j] =
            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):    # read imaginary part:
                for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                    rotmat_all[ish][i,j] += 1j *
            #print Dens_Mat_below[0][ish],Dens_Mat_below[1][ish]
            if (self.SP):
                rotmat_all_timeinv[ish] = int(

        #except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
        #    raise "SumK_LDA_Wien2k_input: reading file for Projectors failed!"

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile,'a')
        if not (self.ParProjSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.ParProjSubGrp) 
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
        thingstowrite = ['Dens_Mat_below','N_parproj','Proj_Mat_pc','rotmat_all','rotmat_all_timeinv']
        for it in thingstowrite: exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s"%(self.ParProjSubGrp,it,it)
        del ar

        # Symmetries are used, 
        # Now do the symmetries for all orbitals:
    def convert_DMFT_input(self):
        Reads the input files, and stores the data in the HDFfile

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return  # do it only on master:"Reading input from %s..." % self.LDA_file)

        # Read and write only on Master!!!
        # R is a generator : each R.Next() will return the next number in the file
        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.LDA_file)
            EnergyUnit =  # read the energy convertion factor
            Nk = int(  # read the number of k points
            k_dep_projection = 1
            SP = int(  # flag for spin-polarised calculation
            SO = int(  # flag for spin-orbit calculation
            charge_below =  # total charge below energy window
            Density_Required =
            )  # total density required, for setting the chemical potential
            symm_op = 1  # Use symmetry groups for the k-sum

            # the information on the non-correlated shells is not important here, maybe skip:
            N_shells = int(
            ))  # number of shells (e.g. Fe d, As p, O p) in the unit cell,
            # corresponds to index R in formulas
            # now read the information about the shells:
            shells = [[int( for i in range(4)]
                      for icrsh in range(N_shells)
                      ]  # reads iatom, sort, l, dim

            N_corr_shells = int(
            ))  # number of corr. shells (e.g. Fe d, Ce f) in the unit cell,
            # corresponds to index R in formulas
            # now read the information about the shells:
            corr_shells = [[int( for i in range(6)]
                           for icrsh in range(N_corr_shells)
                           ]  # reads iatom, sort, l, dim, SO flag, irep

            )  # determine the number of inequivalent correlated shells, has to be known for further reading...

            use_rotations = 1
            rotmat = [
                numpy.identity(corr_shells[icrsh][3], numpy.complex_)
                for icrsh in xrange(N_corr_shells)

            # read the matrices
            rotmat_timeinv = [0 for i in range(N_corr_shells)]

            for icrsh in xrange(N_corr_shells):
                for i in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):  # read real part:
                    for j in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):
                        rotmat[icrsh][i, j] =
                for i in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):  # read imaginary part:
                    for j in xrange(corr_shells[icrsh][3]):
                        rotmat[icrsh][i, j] += 1j *

                if (SP == 1):  # read time inversion flag:
                    rotmat_timeinv[icrsh] = int(

            # Read here the infos for the transformation of the basis:
            Nreps = [1 for i in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells)]
            dim_reps = [0 for i in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells)]
            T = []
            for icrsh in range(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells):
                Nreps[icrsh] = int(
                ))  # number of representatives ("subsets"), e.g. t2g and eg
                dim_reps[icrsh] = [int( for i in range(Nreps[icrsh])
                                   ]  # dimensions of the subsets

                # The transformation matrix:
                # it is of dimension 2l+1, if no SO, and 2*(2l+1) with SO!!
                #T = []
                #for ish in xrange(self.N_inequiv_corr_shells):
                ll = 2 * corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][2] + 1
                lmax = ll * (corr_shells[self.invshellmap[icrsh]][4] + 1)
                T.append(numpy.zeros([lmax, lmax], numpy.complex_))

                # now read it from file:
                for i in xrange(lmax):
                    for j in xrange(lmax):
                        T[icrsh][i, j] =
                for i in xrange(lmax):
                    for j in xrange(lmax):
                        T[icrsh][i, j] += 1j *

            # Spin blocks to be read:
            Nspinblocs = SP + 1 - SO  # number of spins to read for Norbs and Ham, NOT Projectors

            # read the list of N_Orbitals for all k points
            N_Orbitals = [[0 for isp in range(Nspinblocs)]
                          for ik in xrange(Nk)]
            for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    N_Orbitals[ik][isp] = int(
            #print N_Orbitals

            # Initialise the projectors:
            Proj_Mat = [[[
                numpy.zeros([corr_shells[icrsh][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                            numpy.complex_) for icrsh in range(N_corr_shells)
            ] for isp in range(Nspinblocs)] for ik in range(Nk)]

            # Read the projectors from the file:
            for ik in xrange(Nk):
                for icrsh in range(N_corr_shells):
                    no = corr_shells[icrsh][3]
                    # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj:
                    for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i, j] =
                    # now Imag part:
                    for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i, j] += 1j *

            # now define the arrays for weights and hopping ...
            BZ_weights = numpy.ones([Nk], numpy.float_) / float(
                Nk)  # w(k_index),  default normalisation
            Hopping = [[
                numpy.zeros([N_Orbitals[ik][isp], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                            numpy.complex_) for isp in range(Nspinblocs)
            ] for ik in xrange(Nk)]

            # weights in the file
            for ik in xrange(Nk):
                BZ_weights[ik] =

            # if the sum over spins is in the weights, take it out again!!
            sm = sum(BZ_weights)
            BZ_weights[:] /= sm

            # Grab the H
            # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!!
            for isp in range(Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    no = N_Orbitals[ik][isp]
                    for i in xrange(no):
                        Hopping[ik][isp][i, i] = * EnergyUnit

            #keep some things that we need for reading parproj:
            self.N_shells = N_shells
            self.shells = shells
            self.N_corr_shells = N_corr_shells
            self.corr_shells = corr_shells
            self.Nspinblocs = Nspinblocs
            self.N_Orbitals = N_Orbitals
            self.Nk = Nk
            self.SO = SO
            self.SP = SP
            self.EnergyUnit = EnergyUnit
        except StopIteration:  # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
            raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"


        #print Proj_Mat[0]

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile, 'a')
        if not (self.LDASubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.LDASubGrp)
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!

        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['EnergyUnit'] = EnergyUnit
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Nk'] = Nk
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['k_dep_projection'] = k_dep_projection
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['SP'] = SP
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['SO'] = SO
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['charge_below'] = charge_below
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Density_Required'] = Density_Required
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['symm_op'] = symm_op
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_shells'] = N_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['shells'] = shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_corr_shells'] = N_corr_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['corr_shells'] = corr_shells
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['use_rotations'] = use_rotations
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['rotmat'] = rotmat
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['rotmat_timeinv'] = rotmat_timeinv
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Nreps'] = Nreps
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['dim_reps'] = dim_reps
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['T'] = T
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['N_Orbitals'] = N_Orbitals
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Proj_Mat'] = Proj_Mat
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['BZ_weights'] = BZ_weights
        ar[self.LDASubGrp]['Hopping'] = Hopping

        del ar

        # Symmetries are used,
        # Now do the symmetries for correlated orbitals:
    def read_Symmetry_input(self, orbits, symmfile, SymmSubGrp, SO, SP):
        Reads input for the symmetrisations from symmfile, which is case.sympar or case.symqmc.

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return"Reading symmetry input from %s..." % symmfile)

        N_orbits = len(orbits)
        R = Read_Fortran_File(symmfile)

            Ns = int(  # Number of symmetry operations
            Natoms = int(  # number of atoms involved
            perm = [[int( for i in xrange(Natoms)]
                    for j in xrange(Ns)]  # list of permutations of the atoms
            if SP:
                timeinv = [int( for j in xrange(Ns)
                           ]  # timeinversion for SO xoupling
                timeinv = [0 for j in xrange(Ns)]

            # Now read matrices:
            mat = []
            for iNs in xrange(Ns):

                    numpy.zeros([orbits[orb][3], orbits[orb][3]],
                                numpy.complex_) for orb in xrange(N_orbits)
                for orb in range(N_orbits):
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat[iNs][orb][i, j] =  # real part
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                                          j] += 1j *  # imaginary part

            # determine the inequivalent shells:
            mat_tinv = [
                numpy.identity(orbits[orb][3], numpy.complex_)
                for orb in range(N_orbits)

            if ((SO == 0) and (SP == 0)):
                # here we need an additional time inversion operation, so read it:
                for orb in range(N_orbits):
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                            mat_tinv[orb][i, j] =  # real part
                    for i in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                        for j in xrange(orbits[orb][3]):
                                          j] += 1j *  # imaginary part

        except StopIteration:  # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
            raise "Symmetry : reading file failed!"


        # Save it to the HDF:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile, 'a')
        if not (SymmSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(SymmSubGrp)
        thingstowrite = [
            'Ns', 'Natoms', 'perm', 'orbits', 'SO', 'SP', 'timeinv', 'mat',
        for it in thingstowrite:
            exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s" % (SymmSubGrp, it, it)
        del ar
    def convert_bands_input(self, BandsSubGrp='SumK_LDA_Bands'):
        Converts the input for momentum resolved spectral functions, and stores it in BandsSubGrp in the

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return

        self.BandsSubGrp = BandsSubGrp"Reading bands input from %s..." % self.Band_file)

        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.Band_file)
            Nk = int(

            # read the list of N_Orbitals for all k points
            N_Orbitals = [[0 for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)]
                          for ik in xrange(Nk)]
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    N_Orbitals[ik][isp] = int(

            # Initialise the projectors:
            Proj_Mat = [[[
                numpy.zeros([self.corr_shells[icrsh][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                for icrsh in range(self.N_corr_shells)
            ] for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)] for ik in range(Nk)]

            # Read the projectors from the file:
            for ik in xrange(Nk):
                for icrsh in range(self.N_corr_shells):
                    no = self.corr_shells[icrsh][3]
                    # first Real part for BOTH spins, due to conventions in dmftproj:
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i, j] =
                    # now Imag part:
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(no):
                            for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat[ik][isp][icrsh][i, j] += 1j *

            Hopping = [[
                numpy.zeros([N_Orbitals[ik][isp], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                            numpy.complex_) for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)
            ] for ik in xrange(Nk)]

            # Grab the H
            # we use now the convention of a DIAGONAL Hamiltonian!!!!
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    no = N_Orbitals[ik][isp]
                    for i in xrange(no):
                        Hopping[ik][isp][i, i] = * self.EnergyUnit

            # now read the partial projectors:
            N_parproj = [int( for i in range(self.N_shells)]
            # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
            Proj_Mat_pc = [[[[
                numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                            numpy.complex_) for ir in range(N_parproj[ish])
            ] for ish in range(self.N_shells)]
                            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)]
                           for ik in range(Nk)]

            for ish in range(self.N_shells):

                for ik in xrange(Nk):
                    for ir in range(N_parproj[ish]):
                        for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):

                            for i in xrange(
                                    self.shells[ish][3]):  # read real part:
                                for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                        i, j] =

                            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish]
                                            [3]):  # read imaginary part:
                                for j in xrange(N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                        i, j] += 1j *

        except StopIteration:  # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
            raise "SumK_LDA : reading file HMLT_file failed!"

        # reading done!

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile, 'a')
        if not (self.BandsSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.BandsSubGrp)
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
        thingstowrite = [
            'Nk', 'N_Orbitals', 'Proj_Mat', 'Hopping', 'N_parproj',
        for it in thingstowrite:
            exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s" % (self.BandsSubGrp, it, it)

        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['Nk'] = Nk
        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['N_Orbitals'] = N_Orbitals
        #ar[self.BandsSubGrp]['Proj_Mat'] = Proj_Mat
        #self.Proj_Mat = Proj_Mat
        #self.N_Orbitals = N_Orbitals
        #self.Nk = Nk
        #self.Hopping = Hopping
        del ar
    def convert_Parproj_input(self,
        Reads the input for the partial charges projectors from case.parproj, and stores it in the SymmParSubGrp
        group in the HDF5.

        if not (MPI.IS_MASTER_NODE()): return

        self.ParProjSubGrp = ParProjSubGrp
        self.SymmParSubGrp = SymmParSubGrp"Reading parproj input from %s..." % self.Parproj_file)

        Dens_Mat_below = [[
            numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], self.shells[ish][3]],
                        numpy.complex_) for ish in range(self.N_shells)
        ] for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)]

        R = Read_Fortran_File(self.Parproj_file)

        N_parproj = [int( for i in range(self.N_shells)]

        # Initialise P, here a double list of matrices:
        Proj_Mat_pc = [[[[
            numpy.zeros([self.shells[ish][3], self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]],
                        numpy.complex_) for ir in range(N_parproj[ish])
        ] for ish in range(self.N_shells)] for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs)]
                       for ik in range(self.Nk)]

        rotmat_all = [
            numpy.identity(self.shells[ish][3], numpy.complex_)
            for ish in xrange(self.N_shells)
        rotmat_all_timeinv = [0 for i in range(self.N_shells)]

        for ish in range(self.N_shells):
            #print ish
            # read first the projectors for this orbital:
            for ik in xrange(self.Nk):
                for ir in range(N_parproj[ish]):
                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):

                        for i in xrange(
                                self.shells[ish][3]):  # read real part:
                            for j in xrange(self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                Proj_Mat_pc[ik][isp][ish][ir][i, j] =

                    for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                        for i in xrange(
                                self.shells[ish][3]):  # read imaginary part:
                            for j in xrange(self.N_Orbitals[ik][isp]):
                                    i, j] += 1j *

            # now read the Density Matrix for this orbital below the energy window:
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):  # read real part:
                    for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                        Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish][i, j] =
            for isp in range(self.Nspinblocs):
                for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):  # read imaginary part:
                    for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                        Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish][i, j] += 1j *
                if (self.SP == 0): Dens_Mat_below[isp][ish] /= 2.0

            # Global -> local rotation matrix for this shell:
            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):  # read real part:
                for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                    rotmat_all[ish][i, j] =
            for i in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):  # read imaginary part:
                for j in xrange(self.shells[ish][3]):
                    rotmat_all[ish][i, j] += 1j *

            #print Dens_Mat_below[0][ish],Dens_Mat_below[1][ish]

            if (self.SP):
                rotmat_all_timeinv[ish] = int(

        #except StopIteration : # a more explicit error if the file is corrupted.
        #    raise "SumK_LDA_Wien2k_input: reading file for Projectors failed!"

        # Store the input into HDF5:
        ar = HDF_Archive(self.HDFfile, 'a')
        if not (self.ParProjSubGrp in ar): ar.create_group(self.ParProjSubGrp)
        # The subgroup containing the data. If it does not exist, it is created.
        # If it exists, the data is overwritten!!!
        thingstowrite = [
            'Dens_Mat_below', 'N_parproj', 'Proj_Mat_pc', 'rotmat_all',
        for it in thingstowrite:
            exec "ar['%s']['%s'] = %s" % (self.ParProjSubGrp, it, it)
        del ar

        # Symmetries are used,
        # Now do the symmetries for all orbitals: