Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,N_Matsubara_Frequencies=1025,**param):
        :param Beta: The inverse temperature
        :param GFstruct: The structure of the Green's functions. It must be a list of tuples,
                         each representing a block of the Green's function. The tuples have two
                         elements, the name of the block and a list of indices. For example:
                         [ ('up', [1,2,3]),  ('down', [1,2,3]) ].
        :param N_Matsubara_Frequencies: (Optional, default = 1025) How many Matsubara frequencies
                                        are used for the Green's functions.
        :param param: A list of extra parameters, described below.

        # For backward compatibility

        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts(param, self.Required, self.Optional)
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        self.Verbosity = 1 if MPI.rank ==0 else 0

        # Green function in frequencies
        a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara=N_Matsubara_Frequencies) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G0 = GF(NameList = a_list, BlockList = glist, Copy=False, Name="G0")
        self.G = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="G")
        self.F = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="F")
        self.Sigma = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma")
        self.Sigma_Old = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma_Old")
        self.Name = 'Hybridization Expansion'

         # first check that all indices of the Green Function do correspond to a C operator.
        for a,alpha_list in self.GFStruct :
          for alpha in alpha_list :
            if (a,alpha) not in Operators.ClistNames() :
              raise "Error : Some indices (%s,%s) of the Green function do not correspond to existing operator"%(a,alpha)
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,N_Matsubara_Frequencies=1025,**param):
        :param Beta: The inverse temperature
        :param GFstruct: The structure of the Green's functions. It must be a list of tuples,
                         each representing a block of the Green's function. The tuples have two
                         elements, the name of the block and a list of indices. For example:
                         [ ('up', [1,2,3]),  ('down', [1,2,3]) ].
        :param N_Matsubara_Frequencies: (Optional, default = 1025) How many Matsubara frequencies
                                        are used for the Green's functions.
        :param param: A list of extra parameters, described below.

        # For backward compatibility

        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts(param, self.Required, self.Optional)
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        self.Verbosity = 2 if MPI.rank ==0 else 0

        # Green function in frequencies
        a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara=N_Matsubara_Frequencies) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G0 = GF(NameList = a_list, BlockList = glist, Copy=False, Name="G0")
        self.G = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="G")
        self.F = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="F")
        self.Sigma = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma")
        self.Sigma_Old = GF(Name_Block_Generator = self.G0, Copy=True, Name="Sigma_Old")
        self.Name = 'Hybridization Expansion'

         # first check that all indices of the Green Function do correspond to a C operator.
        for a,alpha_list in self.GFStruct :
          for alpha in alpha_list :
            if (a,alpha) not in Operators.ClistNames() :
              raise "Error : Some indices (%s,%s) of the Green function do not correspond to existing operator"%(a,alpha)
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self,Beta,GFstruct,**param):
        self.Beta = float(Beta)
        Parameters.check_no_parameters_not_in_union_of_dicts (param,self.Required, self.Optional)
        if 'Nmsb' not in param : param['Nmsb'] = 1025
        if 'Nspin' not in param : param['Nspin'] = 2


        # construct Greens functions:
        self.a_list = [a for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        glist = lambda : [ GFBloc_ImFreq(Indices = al, Beta = self.Beta, NFreqMatsubara = self.Nmsb) for a,al in self.GFStruct]
        self.G = GF(NameList = self.a_list, BlockList = glist(),Copy=False)
        self.G_Old = self.G.copy()
        self.G0 = self.G.copy()
        self.Sigma = self.G.copy()
        self.Sigma_Old = self.G.copy()
        M = [x for x in self.G.mesh]
        self.zmsb = numpy.array([x for x in M],numpy.complex_)
        # for the tails:
        for sig,g in self.G: 
            self.tailtempl[sig] = copy.deepcopy(g._tail)
            for i in range(11): self.tailtempl[sig][i].array[:] *= 0.0

        # effective atomic levels:
        if self.UseSpinOrbit: self.NSpin=2

        self.ealmat = numpy.zeros([self.Nlm*self.Nspin,self.Nlm*self.Nspin],numpy.complex_)