Exemple #1
def test_Assembler_data_seg():
    test_string = """
		dc 42
		add r1, r1
		somearray ds 4
		add r2, r2
		somevar dc 4
		add r3, r3
    asm = Assembler("data seg test", test_string)
    binary = asm.build_binary()

    eq_(len(binary.code_seg), 3)
    eq_(binary.data_seg.to_list(), [42, 0, 0, 0, 0, 4])

    eq_(binary.symbol_table, {"somearray": 4, "somevar": 8})
Exemple #2
def test_Assembler_labels():
    test_string = """
		foo equ 42
		load r1, =foo
		testlabel load r1, =42
		load r2, =testlabel
		load r2, =1
    asm = Assembler("label test", test_string)
    binary = asm.build_binary()

    eq_(len(binary.code_seg), 4)

    eq_(binary.code_seg[0], binary.code_seg[1])
    eq_(binary.code_seg[2], binary.code_seg[3])

    eq_(binary.symbol_table, {"foo": 42, "testlabel": 1})
Exemple #3
def test_Assembler_basic_instructions():
    test_string = """
		add r1, 1(r2) ; a basic instruction
		nop ; instruction with no operands
		popr sp ; instruction with only one operand
    asm = Assembler("test file", test_string)
    binary = asm.build_binary()
    eq_(len(asm.code_seg), 3)

    eq_(asm.code_seg[0], Insn(Opcodes.ADD, 1, AddressModes.DIRECT, 2, 1))
    eq_(asm.code_seg[1].opcode, Opcodes.NOP)

    eq_(asm.code_seg[2].opcode, Opcodes.POPR)
    eq_(asm.code_seg[2].rj, Registers.SP)

    eq_(len(binary.code_seg), 3)

    eq_(binary.code_seg[0], 287965185)
    eq_(binary.code_seg[1], 524288)
    eq_(binary.code_seg[2], 919076864)
Exemple #4
def test_Assembler_exceptional_address_modes():
    test_string = """
		; check that address mode is correct for these two
		pop sp, r0
		mul r1, @r2
		store r2, 42
		jump r5, @r4
    asm = Assembler("addr mode test file", test_string)
    binary = asm.build_binary()
    eq_(len(asm.code_seg), 4)

    eq_(asm.code_seg[0], Insn(Opcodes.POP, Registers.SP, AddressModes.IMMEDIATE, Registers.R0, 0))
    eq_(asm.code_seg[1], Insn(Opcodes.MUL, 1, AddressModes.DIRECT, Registers.R2, 0))
    eq_(asm.code_seg[2], Insn(Opcodes.STORE, 2, 0, 0, 42))
    eq_(asm.code_seg[3], Insn(Opcodes.JUMP, 5, 0, 4, 0))

    eq_(len(binary.code_seg), 4)

    eq_(binary.code_seg[0], 884998144)
    eq_(binary.code_seg[1], 321519616)
    eq_(binary.code_seg[2], 20971562)
    eq_(binary.code_seg[3], 547618816)