Exemple #1
    def config_poll(layer: int, position: int, keys: list) -> object:
        Construct CFG-VALGET message from an array of
        configuration database keys, which can be in int (keyID)
        or str (keyname) format.

        :param int layer: memory layer (0=RAM, 1=BBR, 2=Flash, 7 = Default)
        :param int position: number of keys to skip before returning result
        :param list keys: array of up to 64 keys as int (keyID) or str (keyname)
        :return: UBXMessage CFG-VALGET
        :rtype: UBXMessage
        :raises: UBXMessageError


        num = len(keys)
        if num > 64:
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                f"Number of configuration keys {num} exceeds maximum of 64")

        version = val2bytes(0, ubt.U1)
        layer = val2bytes(layer, ubt.U1)
        position = val2bytes(position, ubt.U2)
        payload = version + layer + position
        lis = b""

        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(key, str):  # if keyname as a string
                (key, _) = cfgname2key(key)  # lookup keyID
            keyb = val2bytes(key, ubt.U4)
            lis = lis + keyb

        return UBXMessage("CFG", "CFG-VALGET", ubt.POLL, payload=payload + lis)
Exemple #2
    def _set_attribute_single(self, att: object, offset: int, key: str,
                              index: list, **kwargs) -> int:
        Set individual attribute value, applying scaling where appropriate.

        :param str att: attribute type string e.g. 'U002'
        :param list att: if scaled, list of [attribute type string, scaling factor float]
        :param int offset: payload offset in bytes
        :param str key: attribute keyword
        :param list index: repeating group index array
        :param kwargs: optional payload key/value pairs
        :return: offset
        :rtype: int

        # pylint: disable=no-member

        # if attribute is scaled
        scale = 1
        if isinstance(att, list):
            scale = att[1]
            att = att[0]

        # if attribute is part of a (nested) repeating group, suffix name with index
        keyr = key
        for i in index:  # one index for each nested level
            if i > 0:
                keyr += f"_{i:02d}"

        # determine attribute size (bytes)
        if att == ubt.CH:  # variable length string
            atts = len(self._payload)
            atts = attsiz(att)

        # if payload keyword has been provided,
        # use the appropriate offset of the payload
        if "payload" in kwargs:
            valb = self._payload[offset:offset + atts]
            if scale == 1:
                val = bytes2val(valb, att)
                val = round(bytes2val(valb, att) * scale, ubt.SCALROUND)
            # if individual keyword has been provided,
            # set to provided value, else set to
            # nominal value
            val = kwargs.get(keyr, nomval(att))
            if scale == 1:
                valb = val2bytes(val, att)
                valb = val2bytes(int(val / scale), att)
            self._payload += valb

        setattr(self, keyr, val)
        offset += atts

        return offset
Exemple #3
    def config_del(layers: int, transaction: int, keys: list) -> object:
        Construct CFG-VALDEL message from an array of
        configuration database keys, which can be in int (keyID)
        or str (keyname) format.

        :param int layers: memory layer(s) (2=BBR, 4=Flash)
        :param int transaction: 0=no txn, 1=start txn, 2=continue txn, 3=apply txn
        :param list keys: array of up to 64 keys as int (keyID) or string (keyname)
        :return: UBXMessage CFG-VALDEL
        :rtype: UBXMessage
        :raises: UBXMessageError


        num = len(keys)
        if num > 64:
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                f"Number of configuration keys {num} exceeds maximum of 64")

        version = val2bytes(0 if transaction == 0 else 1, ubt.U1)
        layers = val2bytes(layers, ubt.U1)
        transaction = val2bytes(transaction, ubt.U1)
        payload = version + layers + transaction + b"\x00"
        lis = b""

        for key in keys:
            if isinstance(key, str):  # if keyname as a string
                (key, _) = cfgname2key(key)  # lookup keyID
            keyb = val2bytes(key, ubt.U4)
            lis = lis + keyb

        return UBXMessage("CFG", "CFG-VALDEL", ubt.SET, payload=payload + lis)
Exemple #4
    def _do_len_checksum(self):
        Calculate and format payload length and checksum as bytes."""

        if self._payload is None:
            self._length = val2bytes(0, ubt.U2)
            self._checksum = calc_checksum(self._ubxClass + self._ubxID +
            self._length = val2bytes(len(self._payload), ubt.U2)
            self._checksum = calc_checksum(self._ubxClass + self._ubxID +
                                           self._length + self._payload)
Exemple #5
    def _get_relposned_version(self, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Select appropriate NAV-RELPOSNED payload definition by checking
        value of 'version' attribute (1st byte of payload).

        :param kwargs: optional payload key/value pairs
        :return: dictionary representing payload definition
        :rtype: dict
        :raises: UBXMessageError

        # pylint: disable=no-self-use

        if "version" in kwargs:
            ver = val2bytes(kwargs["version"], ubt.U1)
        elif "payload" in kwargs:
            ver = kwargs["payload"][0:1]
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                "NAV-RELPOSNED message definitions must include version or payload keyword"
        if ver == b"\x00":
            pdict = ubg.UBX_PAYLOADS_GET["NAV-RELPOSNED-V0"]
            pdict = ubg.UBX_PAYLOADS_GET["NAV-RELPOSNED"]
        return pdict
Exemple #6
    def _get_rxmrlm_version(self, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Select appropriate RXM-PMP payload definition by checking
        value of 'type' attribute (2nd byte of payload).

        :param kwargs: optional payload key/value pairs
        :return: dictionary representing payload definition
        :rtype: dict
        :raises: UBXMessageError

        # pylint: disable=no-self-use

        if "type" in kwargs:
            typ = val2bytes(kwargs["type"], ubt.U1)
        elif "payload" in kwargs:
            typ = kwargs["payload"][1:2]
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                "RXM-RLM message definitions must include type or payload keyword"
        if typ == b"\x01":
            pdict = ubg.UBX_PAYLOADS_GET["RXM-RLM-S"]  # short
            pdict = ubg.UBX_PAYLOADS_GET["RXM-RLM-L"]  # long
        return pdict
Exemple #7
    def _get_mga_version(self, mode: int, **kwargs) -> dict:
        Select appropriate MGA payload definition by checking
        value of 'type' attribute (1st byte of payload).

        :param str mode: mode (0=GET, 1=SET, 2=POLL)
        :param kwargs: optional payload key/value pairs
        :return: dictionary representing payload definition
        :rtype: dict
        :raises: UBXMessageError


        if "type" in kwargs:
            typ = val2bytes(kwargs["type"], ubt.U1)
        elif "payload" in kwargs:
            typ = kwargs["payload"][0:1]
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                "MGA message definitions must include type or payload keyword")
        identity = ubt.UBX_MSGIDS[self._ubxClass + self._ubxID + typ]
        if mode == ubt.SET:
            pdict = ubs.UBX_PAYLOADS_SET[identity]
            pdict = ubg.UBX_PAYLOADS_GET[identity]
        return pdict
Exemple #8
 def testVal2Bytes(self):  # test conversion of value to bytes
     INPUTS = [
         (2345, ubt.U2),
         (2345, ubt.E2),
         (1, ubt.L),
         (-2346789, ubt.I4),
         (b"\x44\x55", ubt.X2),
         (23.12345678, ubt.R4),
         (-23.12345678912345, ubt.R8),
         ([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], "A005"),
     for i, inp in enumerate(INPUTS):
         (val, att) = inp
         res = val2bytes(val, att)
         self.assertEqual(res, EXPECTED_RESULTS[i])
Exemple #9
    def __str__(self) -> str:
        Human readable representation.

        :return: human readable representation
        :rtype: str


        clsid = None

        umsg_name = self.identity
        if self.payload is None:
            return f"<UBX({umsg_name})>"

        stg = f"<UBX({umsg_name}, "
        for i, att in enumerate(self.__dict__):
            if att[0] != "_":  # only show public attributes
                val = self.__dict__[att]
                if att[0:6] == "gnssId":  # attribute is a GNSS ID
                    val = gnss2str(val)  # get string representation e.g. 'GPS'
                if att == "iTOW":  # attribute is a GPS Time of Week
                    val = itow2utc(val)  # show time in UTC format
                # if it's an ACK-ACK or ACK-NAK, we show what it's acknowledging in plain text
                if self._ubxClass == b"\x05":  # ACK
                    if att == "clsID":
                        clsid = val2bytes(val, ubt.U1)
                        val = ubt.UBX_CLASSES[clsid]
                    if att == "msgID" and clsid:
                        msgid = val2bytes(val, ubt.U1)
                        val = ubt.UBX_MSGIDS[clsid + msgid]
                # if it's a CFG-MSG, we show what message class/id it refers to in plain text
                if self._ubxClass == b"\x06" and self._ubxID == b"\x01":  # CFG-MSG
                    if att == "msgClass":
                        clsid = val2bytes(val, ubt.U1)
                        val = ubt.UBX_CLASSES[clsid]
                    if att == "msgID" and clsid:
                        msgid = val2bytes(val, ubt.U1)
                        val = ubt.UBX_MSGIDS[clsid + msgid]
                stg += att + "=" + str(val)
                if i < len(self.__dict__) - 1:
                    stg += ", "
        stg += ")>"

        return stg
Exemple #10
    def config_set(layers: int, transaction: int, cfgData: list) -> object:
        Construct CFG-VALSET message from an array of
        configuration database (key, value) tuples. Keys
        can be in int (keyID) or str (keyname) format.

        :param int layers: memory layer(s) (1=RAM, 2=BBR, 4=Flash)
        :param int transaction: 0=no txn, 1=start txn, 2=continue txn, 3=apply txn
        :param list cfgData: list of up to 64 tuples (key, value)
        :return: UBXMessage CFG-VALSET
        :rtype: UBXMessage
        :raises: UBXMessageError


        num = len(cfgData)
        if num > 64:
            raise ube.UBXMessageError(
                f"Number of configuration tuples {num} exceeds maximum of 64")

        version = val2bytes(0 if transaction == 0 else 1, ubt.U1)
        layers = val2bytes(layers, ubt.U1)
        transaction = val2bytes(transaction, ubt.U1)
        payload = version + layers + transaction + b"\x00"
        lis = b""

        for cfgItem in cfgData:
            att = ""
            (key, val) = cfgItem
            if isinstance(key, str):  # if key is a string (keyname)
                (key, att) = cfgname2key(key)  # lookup keyID & attribute type
                (_, att) = cfgkey2name(key)  # lookup attribute type
            keyb = val2bytes(key, ubt.U4)
            valb = val2bytes(val, att)
            lis = lis + keyb + valb

        return UBXMessage("CFG", "CFG-VALSET", ubt.SET, payload=payload + lis)
 def testVal2Bytes(self):  # test invalid attribute type
     EXPECTED_ERROR = "Unknown attribute type Z001"
     with self.assertRaisesRegex(UBXTypeError, EXPECTED_ERROR):
         val2bytes(1, "Z001")