Exemple #1
 def _prox(self, x, T):
     # Gamma is T in the matlab UNLocBox implementation.
     gamma = self.lambda_ * T
     if self.tight:
         # Nati: I've checked this code the use of 'y' seems correct
         sol = self.A(x) - self.y()
         sol[:] = functions._soft_threshold(sol,
                                            gamma * self.nu * self.w) - sol
         sol[:] = x + self.At(sol) / self.nu
         sol[sol < 0] = 0
         raise NotImplementedError('Not implemented for non-tight frame.')
     return sol
Exemple #2
    def test_soft_thresholding(self):
        Test the soft thresholding helper function.

        x = np.arange(-4, 5, 1)
        # Test integer division for complex method.
        Ts = [2]
        y_gold = [[-2, -1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 2]]
        # Test division by 0 for complex method.
        Ts.append([.4, .3, .2, .1, 0, .1, .2, .3, .4])
        y_gold.append([-3.6, -2.7, -1.8, -.9, 0, .9, 1.8, 2.7, 3.6])
        for k, T in enumerate(Ts):
            for cmplx in [False, True]:
                y_test = functions._soft_threshold(x, T, cmplx)
                nptest.assert_array_equal(y_test, y_gold[k])
Exemple #3
    def graph_pnorm_interpolation(self, gradient, P, w, labels_bin, x0=None, p=1., **kwargs):
        Solve an interpolation problem via gradient p-norm minimization.

        A signal :math:`x` is estimated from its measurements :math:`y = A(x)` by solving
        :math:`\text{arg}\underset{z \in \mathbb{R}^n}{\min}
        \| \nabla_G z \|_p^p \text{ subject to } Az = y` 
        via a primal-dual, forward-backward-forward algorithm.

        gradient : array_like
            A matrix representing the graph gradient operator
        P : callable
            Orthogonal projection operator mapping points in :math:`z \in \mathbb{R}^n` 
            onto the set satisfying :math:`A P(z) = A z`.
        x0 : array_like, optional
            Initial point of the iteration. Must be of dimension n.
            (Default is `numpy.random.randn(n)`)
        p : {1., 2.}
        labels_bin : array_like
            A vector that holds the binary labels.
        kwargs :
            Additional solver parameters, such as maximum number of iterations
            (maxit), relative tolerance on the objective (rtol), and verbosity
            level (verbosity). See :func:`pyunlocbox.solvers.solve` for the full
            list of options.

        x : array_like
            The solution to the optimization problem.


        grad = lambda z: gradient.dot(z)
        div = lambda z: gradient.transpose().dot(z)

        # Indicator function of the set satisfying :math:`y = A(z)`
        f = functions.func()
        f._eval = lambda z: 0
        f._prox = lambda z, gamma: P(z, w, labels_bin)

        # :math:`\ell_1` norm of the dual variable :math:`d = \nabla_G z`
        g = functions.func()
        g._eval = lambda z: np.sum(np.abs(grad(z)))
        g._prox = lambda d, gamma: functions._soft_threshold(d, gamma)

        # :math:`\ell_2` norm of the gradient (for the smooth case)
        h = functions.norm_l2(A=grad, At=div)

        stepsize = (0.9 / (1. + scipy.sparse.linalg.norm(gradient, ord='fro'))) ** p

        solver = solvers.mlfbf(L=grad, Lt=div, step=stepsize)

        if p == 1.:
            problem = solvers.solve([f, g, functions.dummy()], x0=x0, solver=solver, **kwargs)
            return problem['sol']
        if p == 2.:
            problem = solvers.solve([f, functions.dummy(), h], x0=x0, solver=solver, **kwargs)
            return problem['sol']
            return x0